
Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths

Su Ming was reborn as a white wolf. He thought he would live a normal wolf life until he started to realize that the world was changing. The snow leopards’ teethes started to grow longer and sharper, the brown bears could now turn their arms into as hard as stone, the golden eagles could summon lightning and even the goats could now emit poisonous gas. Just as Su Ming had no idea what to do next, a notification appeared. [Known Evolution Paths] 1. Moon Herd Silver-clawed Wolf 2. Frost Bosch Wolf 3. Ancient Battle Mark Wolf

Oak Peter · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
488 Chs

Chapter 60, Morning Training 1

Dịch giả: 549690339

In the morning, in the forest outside the cave.

Three figures were flying through the forest.

The leading white figure was Su Ming, who was still recovering a few days ago.

After a period of recuperation, his body had almost recovered.

Because of this, he was able to lead his two underlings and his younger sister to train together in the morning.

Su Hui and Su Yi were following closely behind. Their injuries were slightly lighter than Su Ming’s, so their movements were no longer a problem.

This morning, the three wolves only had two tasks.

The first was to train, and the second was to bring some white grass back to the cave.

After passing through the forest in front, they officially left the territory of the Wolf Pack and arrived near the waterfall where they had met the silver-white gray wolves earlier.

“Hua Hua.”

Listening to the continuous sound of the waterfall, the wolves came to the corresponding lake downstream.