
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Ch6: Ninja Academy 1


It's been a month since that day Minato, Nonoe and I visited the village, Minato during this time started to do basic training, he said he had asked a retired ninja how he should train.

Nonoe distributed the toys we got to the other children in the orphanage, she could always be seen following the orphanage caretakers around, wanting to learn and help.

As for me, well, I was in a rather interesting situation at the moment.


-Well Yasuke, can you explain to me why you asked to talk to me?

-Well, I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but... I want to be able to access the library.

-And why do you need access to it?

-I want to study.

-Oh, and why a boy your age, who should be interested in toys, or playing ninja is interested in something as boring as studying?

-I want to attend the ninja academy, but I want to have some basic knowledge, so I won't be at a disadvantage with other children from clans or families.

-Wow, it seems that after all, you are a little smart ass after all -Nora said with a smile- however I think I can make a deal with you.

-A deal? - asked the little boy with a fur hat in a strange way.

-Yes - confirmed the old lady - I've seen that although you've been here for more than a month, you haven't made many friends, the closest ones are Minato and Nonoe, considering that they are the ones who always look for you and not you who wants to develop some kind of relationship?

Yasuke didn't like where this conversation was headed.

-... I have decided, that you will give lessons to the other children in the orphanage.

-Classes?" asked Yasuke, praying that he had misheard.

-Yes, I noticed that you have quite a lot of knowledge, which is quite advanced for your age, I guess your parents who were experienced doctors taught you since you were a little boy.

-Yasuke didn't want to show all his knowledge either, since it would be strange for someone around 5 years old to have the knowledge that he has.

-Mmm, well I'll allow you access to the library, but only to the civilian side.

-I understand - Yasuke can only accept this and wait to grow up and become a ninja to get access to the ninja side.

Time Skip 3 years


Today a group of children were in front of the orphanage gate, many of these children were shouting excitedly, among all of them a group of three stood out because of their unusual behavior

The first one, a boy with a serious and emotionless face, was wearing gray shorts with brown spots on the bottom, on top he was wearing a black sweatshirt, with the figure of a yellow heart on the left chest, the most remarkable thing was that he was wearing a fur cap with spots, and finally some black boots

The other boy was a blue-eyed blond who had a calm look and a kind smile, although in his eyes you could see pure emotion, he was still wearing a white jacket with blue stripes, although larger and black pants that matched his sandals

The third was a little girl with light brown hair down to her shoulders, she was wearing a set of leggings at wrist and knee, black sandals and a sleeveless black suit, where she wore on top a green complement that partially covers her arms. She seemed more worried and attentive than excited, even though she was the one who looked the smallest, she could be seen asking the other children if they were not feeling well or nervous, worried about everyone.

A few minutes later, one of the orphanage's responsible appeared together with what seemed to be a chunin, he saw the children and with a kind smile he spoke to them

-Very good little ones, today is the day where you can enter the ninja academy, although not everyone could get it, do not worry there are more ways to help the village, for example the civilian academy where you can then be merchants or officials to help in the village.

This seemed to relieve some of the children, who were worried that they would not be able to enter the ninja academy and that they would be abandoned.

And so with a few more arrangements by the orphanage caretakers the children accompanied by the chunin left for the ninja academy.


Upon arrival the children saw a white building with an orange roof.

As we walked to the entrance, the chunin talked a little about the history of the academy.

-The ninja academy is the school in Konoha where students are trained before becoming genin. It was founded by Tobirama Senju, the Second hokage, fifty years ago.

The group of children listened attentively, one of them's eyes sparkled when he heard the name of the second hokage.

Yasuke who watched as his friend's blue eyes sparkled with excitement could only sigh.

The chunin led the group of children to the courtyard where more children of their age were waiting, some parents were waiting on the side so as not to interrupt this important day for their children.

Among them were civilians and clan members.

After the chunin left us he left, and while the other civilian children got to know each other - the clan children remained serious, Yasuke noticed this and realized that this was not going to be easy.

There was a clear difference between the clan children and the civilians, the clan children had already made relationships and were more relaxed.

When all the children arrived some jounin appeared from the door of the academy, in the center a man of short stature, dark brown skin and dark brown hair with wide receding hairline, his eyes were brown and he wore a small wart on his nose, he wore a black kimono with leggings underneath it


After the appearance of this person the children became more excited, even Minato who during this time started to change to a calmer and not so excited person started to tremble and his eyes glistened

It wasn't until I started to hear whispers that I didn't find out who it was

-It's the hokage....

- It's unbelievable, because someone so strong is here

These and more whispers were heard from the children, but the worst were the parents, they looked at him with adoration, as if their eyes were seeing a god.

Yasuke was also amazed, but not because he was in front of the hokage, but because the Sarutobi Hiruzen of his memories was not like that

"I guess, that's how he looked like when he was young, although in the series he looked just like a kindly old man, now he must be in his full bloom, and the momentum he gives is that of someone strong"- Yasuke thought.


While Yasuke was lost in thought, Hiruzen came to the front and proceeded to give a speech.

As others listened attentively, some like Minato were excited, and others like Yasuke listened to the speech with boredom

"I wonder if Orochimaru had faced this younger Hiruzen, Hiruzen would have died in the same way."- As he made to listen to the speech Yasuke thought of something he did find interesting.

-.... and you are the seeds that have within you the will of fire, that will is the same will that the first hokage had, and that he expected us to inherit, here in the academy those seeds will be nurtured and flourish.

Suddenly a yawn sounded, everyone turned their gaze to the place where it had come from.

In everyone's vision a boy with a fur cap appeared, he raised his hand to cover his mouth, but he was already the center of attention

"Shit, how could this happen to me, I have to come up with an excuse"-Yasuke became nervous.

Just when Yasuke couldn't think of anything a blue-eyed blond appeared to his left and with a smile he apologized

-Sorry, hokage-sama my friend and I stayed up all night talking about how amazing ninja were and how we couldn't wait to get into the ninja academy.

Minato's quickly crafted excuse was effective, as the Hokage smiled and replied.

-Oh, relax, when Tobirama became my sensei, I got so excited that the day before I didn't sleep, which led me to be too tired in his test, and I almost failed it hahaha.

Yasuke could only smile and thank Minato in a low voice.

-Thank you," he whispered

-Nothing, that's what friends are for

Finishing with this awkward situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen finished his speech and with that the entrance exams to the ninja academy began.

To be continued...