
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Du hí
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191 Chs

Chapter 50: The Snow Fairy's Agreement

After a while, Yun Che arrived at the tallest roof of one of the city's buildings and discarded his Ginrei disguise, returning to his original form. No one would believe that the former head of the Kuchiki Family was engaging in acts like destroying the 'little brothers' of various men and even giving someone an Atomic Wedgie.

"You truly are despicable. Fortunately, I was the only one who witnessed that," Jasmine's voice sounded, her tone carrying a mixture of amusement and reproach, as she had witnessed the whole unconventional sequence of events.

"They were asking for it, and yes, I admit, I am," Yun Che replied with a grin. He could feel that his inventory was now filled with purple coins. It was rather surprising that the system had provided him with a Wealth mission, giving him some much-needed spending money. After all, he had already spent a substantial amount at the Floating Cloud City, treating his little aunt and Retsu to a lavish meal. He had to admit, those girls had an insatiable appetite, especially after his little aunt had awakened her new body, causing her hunger to skyrocket.

With funds in hand, Yun Che could now focus on his main mission. He made his way to the Black Merchant Guild, fully aware that the entire city was likely on the lookout for the rumored Master Alchemist, Kuchiki Ginrei. He sensed that many members of the Black Moon Merchant Guild were mobilized, searching the city for him. Unbeknownst to them, quite a few had passed by him without recognizing him. But that didn't bother him much.

In terms of his primary objective, Yun Che was well aware that the Black Moon Merchant Guild dealt in a wide array of items. He could explore its offerings provided he had enough coins to spend. Nonetheless, he had to exercise caution. A powerful guild like this had access to vast amounts of information, and if he didn't cover his tracks effectively, they would be among the first to discover him.

"Let's see what kind of items I can get for those girls. They seem to have a liking for these herbal candies. Perhaps I should buy some rare herbs to make them," he mused. He hadn't used these herbs for cultivation; instead, they were typically employed in creating cultivation pills that his two little Zanpakuto spirits consumed quite liberally. The thought of using these items for such a purpose in this world seemed disheartening.

Yun Che made several herb purchases, including the materials required to craft even more potent or sweeter candies for the girls. He also bought the necessary ingredients for creating Stamina Recovery Potions. The Black Moon Merchant Guild seemed to stock everything he needed. Additionally, he purchased a substantial amount of fabric, primarily for Shirayuki's enjoyment as she took pleasure in crafting clothes for Retsu and Jasmine.

Having indulged himself, he was now ready to focus on his primary objective.

"According to the system, this should be the place," Yun Che noted as he scanned the assortment of items. He quickly located what he was seeking – a blood-red crystal encased in a glass box.

"The Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal," Yun Che articulated aloud. The crystal emanated an eerie radiance, casting a deep crimson glow that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Its facets captured the light in a way that resembled dark flames dancing within, conjuring eerie shadows and suggesting an enigmatic fire smoldering within its core. The crystal was rich in Yang energy, and while it emitted an unsettling warmth, it remained chilling to the touch. It exuded an air of both fascination and danger, as if harboring the secrets of a forbidden realm deep within its mesmerizing depths.

"Yes, dear customer, it's a Yang-attributed crystal abundant in fire-based energy. It's suitable for cultivators who specialize in fire-based arts," the woman behind the counter informed him. If he could acquire this crystal, he might be able to lure his target into following him

"Manager, I'd like to purchase that crystal," Yun Che requested, addressing the manager stationed at the counter. The woman's gaze shifted between him and the crystal, torn between allowing the purchase and hesitating due to her perception of him as a young man with an unusual appearance. She hadn't anticipated his interest in the crystal, particularly considering its high value and the fact that someone of significant status had already placed a booking for it.

"Sir, this crystal has been reserved by a cultivator who placed a booking with a deposit of 5000 Purple Profound Coins. To complete the purchase, you'd need to surpass the booking fee," the female manager explained. It was somewhat irregular for the manager to entertain another purchase despite an existing booking, but as the saying goes, money wields considerable influence.


Yun Che extended his hand, producing 5000 Purple Profound Coins in a form of 3 golden cards that appeared on the counter with a flick of his wrist. Then, he added another thousand coins, exceeding the initial booking fee.

'Spatial Ring!' the woman mentally exclaimed, noting his action. She hadn't realized that this young man, garbed in an odd attire, possessed such a substantial sum of money. While it wasn't truly a spatial ring, it functioned much like an inventory.

Yun Che utilized the system to facilitate the transaction, effectively securing the purchase by outbidding the original reservation. Though he had merely retrieved the coins from his system inventory, the woman assumed that he owned a spatial ring, a status symbol of high regard within the city.

In the end, the purchase of the crystal was made. It's shame he had to spend this much for a bait.

After obtaining the item, he made his way toward the exit, passing by an older woman along the way. The woman possesses a beauty that commands attention with its rare blend of elegance and strength. Her porcelain complexion, smooth and flawless, carries a delicate flush that contrasts against the paleness like a subtle rose's bloom. A cascade of rich ebony hair frames her face and flows with an almost liquid grace, reminiscent of a midnight waterfall, and when caught by the light, it reveals a cascade of soft mahogany highlights despite being veiled herself.

Her eyes, like pools of polished obsidian, hold an unwavering intensity that mirrors her unwavering resolve. They speak of wisdom and experience, reflecting a mind that has traversed both shadows and light. The angles of her features are sculpted with meticulous precision, her cheekbones sweeping gracefully, and her lips poised in a neutral expression that hints at her composed demeanor.

Her aura allure extends beyond mere physicality, radiating from the aura of confidence she carries. Her beauty is a statement of power, a testament to her position as well as her individuality. Graceful yet formidable, her presence leaves an indelible mark, one that resonates with those who are fortunate enough to encounter her, much like the profound stillness that accompanies the fall of night.

This woman was dressed in snowy blue cultivator dress as if she embodies the calm of a winter scene. The fabric drapes gracefully, like new-fallen snow, with delicate frosty patterns along the edges. The collar and long sleeves evoke the tranquility of a cold day, and the sash cinches her waist, creating a serene image that captures the beauty of winter.

Yun Che was indeed captivated for a moment as this beauty passed him. However, the system pops a notification to him.

[Ding…. Inside her body, a rampaging yin energy feels intense and strange. It's like icy veins running through, making muscles tense and shiver. This energy disturbs the balance inside, making everything feel off. It's like a storm trapped within, making the body ache and feel unwell. The body's natural harmony clashes with this chaotic force, creating a battle inside. If she did not solve this issue, it will slowly affect her cultivation.]

Yun Che took a moment to scan her and his eyes widened as he recognized that someone. "Could it be?" he whispered to himself, a smile slowly spreading across his face. He began to make his way towards the exit, knowing that he had found his target. All he had to do now was wait for the opportune moment.

As the snow woman approached the counter, she was greeted by the same woman who had sold the Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal to Yun Che just moments before.

"I'm here for the booked Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal. I heard the price was around 5000 Purple Profound Coins. I'm here to complete the purchase," the woman said with a determined tone.

"I'm sorry, dear customer. The crystal was purchased by a young man just moments ago," the female manager explained, expressing her regret.

"What? I booked the crystal. How could the young man purchase it?" the snow fairy's disbelief was evident.

"We have a booking policy in place where customers must pay a booking fee. However, the man purchased it with 6000 Purple Profound Coins, surpassing the booking fee. We gave him priority. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We've returned the booking fee to you, as the item has been sold," the manager replied, handing over three gold cards containing the refunded amount.

"Do you happen to know where the man went?" the snowy woman inquired, her tone more demanding now.

"The young man passed you just now. He was wearing a white robe with a black outfit underneath. His hair is styled like a raven's feathers, and he has striking red eyes," the female manager answered, a blush coloring her cheeks.

The snowy fairy froze in her tracks, her momentum disrupted by the young man's smile just moments before he exited through the door. Swiftly securing the payment, she headed directly for the exit, extending her gaze to pinpoint the young man who was progressively distancing himself from the guild. With her target identified, she stealthily trailed him from behind.

However, Yun Che, the young man, soon detected her presence, prompting a wry smile. "Hook, Line, and Sinker," he muttered, leaping into the air and landing gracefully on a rooftop. His pace increased as he nimbly navigated from one rooftop to another. The mysterious behavior didn't go unnoticed by the woman, and she too followed suit, ensuring she never lost sight of him. Yun Che eventually reached the city's edge and ascended to the top of the city wall.

Coming to a stop, he turned and faced her. "You know, I don't appreciate being followed. Why are you tailing me? Do you have some business with me?" he questioned, his tone assertive. Suddenly, a figure of snowy beauty floated towards him. The snowy fairy's allure, though potent, left Yun Che unaffected. He stood composed, his unwavering focus a testament to his resilience.

The snowy fairy dispensed with pleasantries as she remained as cold as ice. "I need that crystal from you. I'm prepared to pay double the price." Her approach was direct, devoid of attempts at persuasion. Yun Che remained resolute, refusing outright. "I decline. I also need the crystal. Why should I give it to you?"

"That's none of your concern," the fairy retorted, her words dripping with icy coldness. Firmly stating, "Our business concludes here," Yun Che launched from the city wall, vanishing into the awaiting forest below. The woman found his audacity perplexing; surviving such a leap seemed implausible unless he were an Earth or Sky Profound Realm cultivator. However, an intuition whispered there was more to Yun Che than met the eye. He had orchestrated their encounter, guiding her to this point deliberately. Suppressing her uncertainties, she followed suit, leaping into the forest. His aura lingered nearby, yet its nature eluded her grasp. It was as if he cultivated an aura in a distinct manner that defied categorization.

The main issue was, the man's aura was devoid of cultivation.

The pursuit endured until they reached an open grassland, kilometers away from the city. At last, she spotted Yun Che perched atop a rock, almost as if he'd anticipated her arrival. Examining her surroundings through her extended aura, she ascertained their emptiness before boldly confronting him again.

"Running won't help you anymore. No matter how far you flee, you can't evade me," the snowy woman asserted, her ethereal form implying she had cornered him.

Unperturbed, Yun Che responded as if her presence were anticipated. "Hooo, are you certain? I ran because I wanted you to follow me. You caught me because I allowed it."

"Who are you?" she inquired, her wariness evident as she vigilantly scanned for potential ambushes or traps.

Brushing aside her question, he continued, "Do you feel a sickness in your stomach? As if a cold energy is piercing your profound veins. Does it hurt?"

An unexpected silence followed his words, as if he had struck a chord.

He smirked. "I was right. You're poisoned by Yin-type energy, likely from a previous encounter. You need a crystal infused with Yang energy to counteract the poison."

She remained silent. Suspiciously quiet.

"However, the crystal won't work for purification. In fact, it may worsen the situation, as the clashing energies could harm your cultivation," Yun Che stated the truth, his knowledge evident. Nevertheless, entrusting a stranger was no simple feat. The snowy fairy drew her sword, its blade pointed at him. "I don't know how you know about my condition. Last chance: reveal yourself and hand over that crystal."

Yun Che's response was calm, his demeanor relaxed. "It's good to finally meet you. Frozen Cloud Asgard's Fairy, Chu Yuechan."

The fairy was taken aback, astounded by how well this young man knew her. It suggested that he had deliberately orchestrated her pursuit, leading her directly into a trap. Her senses extended, probing for any sign of potential allies or sect companions lying in wait. If he had reinforcements ready to ambush her, then obtaining the crystal was his ploy. She immediately fortified her defenses.

"How do I know? That's the least of your concerns," Yun Che replied with unwavering confidence.



Name: Chu Yuechan

Age: 46

Level: Grand Perfection Sky Profound Realm

Cultivation Art: Frozen Cloud Art

Occupation: Leader of the Frozen Cloud Asgard's Seven Fairies

Description: Chu Yuechan, an esteemed leader within the Frozen Cloud Asgard, commands mastery in both the Sky Profound and Emperor Profound Realms. Noted for her unwavering resilience, she once endured sect expulsion in a previous timeline due to carrying a child. Her strength extends beyond martial arts, as her distinctive character sets her apart. While history has cast certain paths, the present narrative strives for fresh bonds and directions.

PS: Approach with caution.

Chu Yuechan's Skill Set:

Chu Yuechan is a skilled practitioner of the Frozen Cloud Art, a technique that uses ice and cold. Her mastery is seen in both the Sky Profound and Emperor Profound Realms, with abilities including:

Ice Power: She can freeze enemies, create icy barriers, and use ice for attack and defense. Complete mastery in Frozen Cloud Arts.

Cold Strikes: Her strikes are icy, slowing or freezing foes upon impact.

Graceful Evasion: She moves gracefully, hard to hit in combat.

Fast Healing: She can heal quickly using her art.

Extreme Cold Aura: She emits a freezing aura, affecting opponents nearby.

Element Fusion: She combines ice with other elements for different fights.

Emperor's Frost: At the Emperor Profound Realm, her ice control is more powerful.

Mental Strength: She's mentally resilient, focused even in tough situations.

Chu Yuechan's skills blend ice control, combat finesse, and mental strength, making her strong in the Frozen Cloud Asgard.


Drawing from the system's knowledge, he recognized her as the leader of the Frozen Cloud Asgard's seven fairies, the beauty Chu Yuechan or "Little Fairy" as he had addressed her in the past. The original timeline saw her as his missing lover, gone for years after being banished from her sect for carrying his child. Her strength reached the Grand Perfection of Sky Profound Realm before she entered the Emperor Profound Realm, an achievement that mirrored his own in this new timeline. However, he was determined not to replicate their previous relationship dynamics; he intended to win her affection through different means, ones that didn't involve coercion.

Flashing the crystal he had acquired, Yun Che taunted, "I have a proposal for you. I wish to witness the might of the renowned Chu Yuechan of the Frozen Cloud Asgard firsthand. Let's see if you can seize this crystal from me."

He held a longstanding desire to challenge Chu Yuechan to a genuine contest of strength, seeking to avenge his past defeat. Determined not to be outperformed by a woman, he couldn't let her have the upper hand this time.

"In case I emerge victorious, you will need to agree to several conditions of mine, and I pledge to heal you from the invasive Yin poison. On the other hand, should you win, I'll submit to any of your commands," he declared.

Initially resistant, she contemplated his offer. If he truly possessed knowledge of her condition, he held something crucial that she desperately required. Chu Yuechan regulated her breathing before unleashing her ultimate aura, preparing for an engagement. While the man lacked conventional cultivation, that didn't exclude alternative sources of power. He might have honed a method that eluded standard evaluation.

"Agreed, but considering your lack of cultivation, I'll provide you with a head start to prepare yourself," she consented, her voice carrying a mix of sternness and caution. She couldn't dismiss the possibility that he harbored strength that transcended conventional metrics.

"No need for preparation. I was ready when you confronted me earlier," he calmly stated, activating his Evil Soul and Burning Heart abilities, boosting his strength to roughly the seventh level of the Earth Profound Realm. While he remained below Chu Yuechan's full power, he had his Shinigami powers as a backup, capable of surging two realms higher. Should the need arise, he could also rely on Zangetsu.

"Hmph, if you won't reveal how you know me, then I'll extract the information through force. Be prepared," she responded coldly, shifting into a combat stance and drawing her sword.

"Then, come at me," he taunted, a grin forming on his face.

"Brazen!!!" Without hesitation, she leaped towards him, aiming to execute a swift beheading strike.

Chu Yuechan's smirk widened as she saw his head seemingly separate from his body with her strike. It appeared that the young man was all talk and no substance.

"Humph, that will teach him…" she muttered coldly, but as she turned around, her shock was palpable – he stood intact, no sign of injury.

"Is that all?" Her shock deepened as she found him standing unharmed before her. He stretched casually, seemingly mocking her.

"How? You were decapitated just now. I watched your head fall. How are you alive?" she demanded.

"I'm just that fast. You perceived a hit, but I evaded before your sword landed," he stretched again nonchalantly. He had ensnared her in a fundamental Sharingan illusion while she had her eyes on him. He'd used the distraction to sidestep her strike, leaving her to cleave through air.

It was audacious but entertaining.

Chu Yuechan's eyes widened. The illusion had felt so real as she beheaded it. On high alert once more, she braced herself. This man had more tricks up his sleeve. "He's formidable. I must eliminate him before he employs more tricks," she thought, launching her snow step once more to confront him. Her blade aimed for his body, but upon arrival, she observed his grin as he effortlessly evaded by tilting his frame.

Growing frustrated, she hastened her sword art. She aimed to eliminate any escape routes, ensuring he couldn't dodge this time. Yet, she was taken aback as events unfolded differently. Despite her best efforts, every single strike, slash, and thrust was eluded without a scratch. He didn't evade with mere agility; it was as if he anticipated her attacks and sidestepped them all. Each evasion was punctuated by a knowing smile.

Undeterred, she pressed on, attempting her sword art anew, only to witness him easily sidestepping yet again.


Another attempt.

"Missed again."

"Are you even trying? This doesn't even count as a warm-up," he stretched, his limbs moving effortlessly.

Chu Yuechan's breaths grew ragged as the man before her kept grinning. She was renowned in her sect for her unmatched speed with the sword, and yet, this man effortlessly evaded her strikes. She felt like a novice in his presence. Moreover, he wasn't even armed. Frustration mounted as she directed her profound energy towards her sword. If sword techniques faltered, perhaps profound skills would succeed.

Chu Yuechan unleashed her Profound Arts, poised to switch to her sect's techniques if conventional attacks proved insufficient. "Then, let's see you dodge this. Frozen Cloud Arts First Realm: 'Ice Arrows,'" she declared, slashing diagonally. An onslaught of icicles, each as long as an arm, surged toward Yun Che. A barrage of hundreds rained down on his location. She anticipated that he might employ profound techniques to counter, maintaining her assault to keep him on the defensive and hinder his recovery. But in a sudden turn...


A deafening explosion hurled all the icicles back towards her. Swiftly responding, she erected a Frozen Art Ice Barrier for protection. Despite her mastery of ice energy, the shards could still pierce her. As the barrier dissipated, she saw the young man emerge from the smoke, gripping a wrapped object resembling a Khyber blade.

"Nice move, good form," Yun Che commented, his grip on the wrapped Zangetsu firm. While the bombardment hadn't harmed him, the hail of icicles had clearly been bothersome.

"Have you got anything else up your sleeve?" he jeered.

"You..." His words stung her pride. Finally drawing his sword, he concealed it still.

"He isn't even giving it his all," she contemplated. Had he fought earnestly from the beginning, she would have been at an insurmountable disadvantage. Yet the question remained: What was his intention in this clash?

"So, it's my turn?" Yun Che's figure flash-stepped before her, wielding the wrapped Zangetsu like a makeshift club. Swift as she was, Chu Yuechan summoned her barrier, only to have it shattered by his strike. Infusing his sword with spirit enhancement, Yun Che's Berserk Arts amplified his strength by an entire realm, outmatching her defense. The barrier containing her soared before crumbling upon his strike. As she stood once more, Chu Yuechan's expression was one of shock.

"Impossible?!? Shattered in a single strike?" To break the barrier and propel it away demonstrated astonishing power. Her predicament seemed dire, and escape began to occupy her thoughts.

But her musings were swiftly curtailed as her adversary reappeared.

"Allow me to demonstrate the gap between us," Yun Che proclaimed, hurtling towards her. Realizing her incapacity to counter his speed head-on, Chu Yuechan initiated her second technique, aiming to deter him and buy herself time.

"Frozen Cloud Art, Second Realm: 'Snowball of Eternal Ice.'" Channeling her profound energy, she fashioned a colossal snowball containing concealed icicles. The hidden shards would cause severe harm upon impact. Although the technique demanded a moment's preparation, she had readied it in advance.

Launching the massive snowball, she heard the man utter something cryptic.

"(Way of Bindings #63: Locking Bondage Stripes)" Yun Che projected luminous stripes toward the snowball, simultaneously forming a suspended boom above, using it for support. His aim wasn't to restrain the snowball, but to shape it into a massive wrecking ball.

Wide-eyed, Chu Yuechan watched as the luminous-bound snowball ascended, gradually decelerated by the wrapping. Smirking, Yun Che teleported above it, then perched on its surface. Utilizing the suspended momentum, he steered its descent.

"I came in like a wrecking ball...~~~ I never hit so hard in love...~~~~" He sang unabashedly, swinging the snowball towards her. Unleashing the bindings, he struck the snowball from behind with Zangetsu, amplifying its impact force towards Chu Yuechan at full throttle. Employing her movement art, she narrowly avoided the oncoming snowball.

However, her reaction wasn't swift enough.

Profound energies and icicles filled the air as the snowball erupted upon impact. The destruction was substantial, but the extended preparation time became evident. It seemed the art wasn't a popular choice, likely due to its drawbacks.

Yun Che touched down nearby, his voice a mix of admiration and amusement. "Damn, that's one hell of a powerful snowball. Didn't expect Sajo Sabaku to work as both binding and swinging. Might have to try that again someday." He had contemplated using it as a makeshift baseball, but had hesitated, uncertain if the snowball could withstand his force. In the end, he indulged himself, propelling the snowball towards her with a push.

"Now, where's that lovely lady?" His eyes scanned the area in search of her telltale presence. She had barely evaded the blow, landing several kilometers from the impact zone. Utilizing his flash step, Yun Che closed the gap, arriving a mere few meters away. She panted heavily, the exertion of executing her movement skill evident, as she swiftly conjured her barrier art to ward off the airborne icicles.

"Hey there, pretty lady. You holding up okay? My bad about that, just thought it'd be a fun twist. Your snowball turned out to be quite the powerhouse," Yun Che remarked, his gaze sweeping over the aftermath of the snowball's havoc. Jagged icicles were strewn everywhere, a testament to the destructive potential. If she were to employ this art in a village or city, the consequences could be dire for innocent bystanders.

As she turned her visage towards him, Yun Che's eyes widened, astonished not by her beauty, but by the identity her unveiled face revealed. It wasn't her appearance that caught him off guard, but the familiar features that aligned with someone he knew. Amidst the fusion of her hair color, eyes, braided locks, figure, and fair complexion, there could be only one person in the series with such distinct attributes. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt.

This universe's version of Chu Yuechan bore a striking resemblance to Grayfia Lucifuge. The renowned beauty in her early twenties, with her cascading silver hair and twin braids, accentuated by her crimson eyes. In this world, her face appeared to be the template for Chu Yuechan's visage. Grayfia's age in the series was different, being an adult, yet her features were unmistakable in this version of Chu Yuechan.

"Chu YueChan, or should I say this universe's version of 'Grayfia'?" Yun Che's voice carried an intrigued undertone. The resemblance was uncanny, and the cold, stoic demeanor matched. It seemed fitting, except for the fact that the real Chu Yuechan would be in her forties by now, far from resembling a twenty-something. This face was more befitting of a grandmother but still maintained that original 'Grayfia' look in her twenties. However, it gave him another reason to avoid following in the footsteps of the original Yun Che and accelerating her into motherhood.

"*pant *pant. You shameless bastard, turning my own move against me," the 'Grayfia' look-alike quipped, rising gradually from her distance after his blow. Yun Che had to admit, she was stunning without her veil.

"Well, you do what you gotta do to survive. I just improvised a little," he replied with his characteristic grin.

"You're the first to push me this far. If escape is off the table, then I'll risk it all to eliminate shameless bastards like you. Frozen Cloud Seventh Realm: 'Ice Body Jade Bones,'" she proclaimed, channeling her profound energy into her form. This art metamorphosed her body into ice, causing anyone who touched her to instantly freeze. However, using this profound technique demanded pushing her energy to the absolute brink. Even though it wasn't as potent as Sode No Shirayuki, Yun Che wasn't concerned.

"Hmm, that's an intriguing art." Yun Che's tone shifted. Suddenly, he unwrapped Zangetsu, releasing his aura as he leaped away, then pivoted, pointing his sword in a different direction. His left arm nestled against his right, channeling energy into the blade.


Tremendous energy gathered around him, swirling and coalescing. Yun Che's precise control minimized the power's release during his transformation. Dispelling the energy, he stood transformed once more, his form exuding power.

"Tensa Zangetsu," he declared, presenting his transformed state to Chu YueChan. Despite the fact that he could defeat her without resorting to Bankai, he wanted to etch an enduring image in her mind, showcasing Tensa Zangetsu and leaving an impression that would linger.

"Good. It's been a while since I've faced a challenge." he declared with a confident grin, his Tensa Zangetsu poised in front of him.

But Chu YueChan's focus shattered as she locked onto the young man's aura. An unusual sensation seized her, as if her heart was breaking and remaking itself into something entirely new. Her cheeks flushed with an inexplicable blush, leaving her utterly perplexed.

"No...no...what's going on? Why is my heart racing like this?" Her efforts to prepare the seventh art suddenly crumbled, and she found herself dropping to her knees. The sight of his transformation seemed to unleash a torrent of emotions within her. Yun Che's features invaded her thoughts, causing her concentration to collapse. Her attempt to channel the seventh art faltered, swamped by this unexpected emotional turmoil.

"Hey...hey, are you alright?" Yun Che asked, observing her heavy breathing and flushed countenance. "What's happening? I went through all this trouble to transform, and now you're cancelling everything?"

Struggling to stand, Chu YueChan's internal struggle sabotaged her physical efforts. Her legs gave way, and she collapsed once more. Swiftly, strong arms encircled her, the young man himself providing a sturdy support. His touch, his proximity, it overwhelmed her senses. Her face ended up just centimeters from his.

"Hey...come on, you don't look too good. Do you have a fever?" Yun Che's concern carried through his words.

"You...you...lecher!!!" Her mind spun, her reaction instinctual.


Yun Che was sent flying several meters away, momentarily dazed before regaining his composure.

"Hey, lady!!! I was trying to be friendly here, and this is the thanks I get?" He gingerly rubbed his reddened cheek, a mix of disbelief and amusement on his face.

"You...how dare you bewitch me with your charm? You deserve death!!!" A surge of determination surged through Chu YueChan, overriding her momentary embarrassment. Yet, this time, she decided to take a drastic course of action. Pouring all her power into her dantian, she initiated the seventh art anew.

"That's more like it." Yun Che's smirk returned, only to be met with Chu YueChan's fierce onslaught.

"I'll show you the consequences of challenging the Frozen Cloud Asgard!" Ready to strike, she poised herself, but in the next instant, his black blade was right beneath her chin, their faces mere inches apart.

If he truly wanted her dead, he could have accomplished it already.

"..." Chu YueChan found herself speechless, and Yun Che's smirk deepened. He leaped back, creating a safe distance between them.

"Score one for me. I'm in the lead," the young man grinned.

"Bastard..." A surge of rage and humiliation empowered Chu YueChan's manipulation of the surrounding ice. She directed each shard at Yun Che with precision. Meanwhile, he utilized his flash step to gracefully evade each of her offensive moves. The truth was clear: Yun Che's new form was quicker, more evasive, and this battle had evolved into a test of endurance and strategy.

Amidst her frustration, Chu YueChan sensed something unusual about his newfound energy.

Unperturbed, she continued orchestrating the ice's path to ensnare Yun Che. In a bold maneuver, he suddenly appeared within her field of vision, attempting a swift slash. Her reaction was swift, conjuring an ice spike from the ground to intercept his advance. With a practiced motion, her hand commanded a slashing gesture, and a barrage of countless icicles took aim at him.

Yun Che's dance of evasion persisted, each flash step strategically timed to dodge oncoming attacks. Then, his approach shifted; he multiplied his movements, surrounding her with a mesmerizing flurry of afterimages.

"What's the matter? Can't keep up?" his taunt punctuated the impressive display.

"Think too highly of yourself? You impudent brat!!" Chu YueChan exclaimed, initiating a barrage of icicles, her aim to overwhelm him. But Yun Che halted his performance, hovering mid-air. With renewed determination, Chu YueChan mustered her strength, channeling energy into a single, ultimate attack. The atmosphere transformed into a storm of icicles, an avalanche meant to subdue him. If direct confrontation failed, utter obliteration would be her answer.

Her satisfaction grew as he seemed to fall within the attack's range. Victory appeared within reach, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"Yaaarrrgh!!!" Yun Che countered, expertly slicing through icicle after icicle, dismantling her onslaught with precision.

"Impossible, he's slicing through each one?" Her disbelief was short-lived, for in the next heartbeat, he was beside her, his sword poised under her chin.

"I win..." Yun Che's voice was steady, leaving no room for dispute.

But Chu YueChan refused to accept defeat. If victory wasn't attainable, she was determined to bring him down with her. "Frozen Cloud Forbidden Technique: Zeroth Aurora." She channeled her power, readying herself to unleash the forbidden technique. Yun Che's energy, his raw power, felt oddly familiar. The realization struck her, and a twinge of pain pierced her heart. She was about to end him.

[Ding... The system has detected a massive energy influx into her body. Continuing this process would lead to the loss of her cultivation. It's advisable for the host to cease this action immediately.]

" I guess I don't have much choice," he muttered, activating Absolute Suppression. His action disrupted her energy buildup once again, sparing her profound strength from obliteration.

Amidst a whirlwind of emotions, Chu YueChan persisted, pouring her energy into the forbidden technique. Yet Yun Che countered with a massive black Getsuga. As the impending strike approached, she knew her end was near. In an instant, the terrain shifted, a deep trench now adjacent to her.

"Stop this at once." Dazed, she found Yun Che standing before her. His demeanor had shifted from playful to serious, and her blush returned.

"Are you really so desperate that you'd wager your entire future? Sacrificing your cultivation for a fleeting victory? Have you considered what happens if your opponent retreats, only to return when you're vulnerable? Has that crossed your mind?" Her head bowed, acknowledging her oversight. She hadn't contemplated the repercussions. The Zeroth Aurora was a formidable technique, offering immense power at a grave cost – the annihilation of her cultivation. She could obliterate her opponent with this attack, leaving no trace behind. But it hinged on hitting the mark.

"Your life holds more value than this battle. My intention was solely to test your strength. Sacrificing everything for a mere fight is foolish. Remember those you cherish before making such decisions."

Exhaustion claimed her, and Chu YueChan's consciousness began to fade. She sank to the ground, but Yun Che was there to catch her, his voice a reassuring presence in her fading awareness.

"Who...are...you?" She managed to ask, her consciousness slipping away.

"The hero of your dreams. Yun Che." His words, gentle and comforting, accompanied her as she slipped into unconsciousness.

"Well, talk about convenient. I was all geared up for a good fight after unleashing my Bankai state, but lo and behold, she pulls out the Zeroth Aurora right off the bat. *sigh," Yun Che remarked with a grin, carefully placing the 'Grafia' version of this world onto the grassy plains to allow her to rest. He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing he had intervened just in time. If he had been even slightly late, her cultivation might have been lost, and he might have had to resort to employing the tactics of the old Yun Che.


[Ding… Congratulations on vanquishing ChuYueChan, one of the Seven Fairies of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Experience Points: 300000XP and SP: 5000]

[Achievement Unlocked: The Lone Fairy (Defeat Chu YueChan in battle.)]

XP: 50000XP and SP: 10000

[New Frame Unlocked]

A chibi version of Yun Che holding his Tensa Zangetsu triumphantly in the air, a victorious smile on his face over a fainted Chibi version of Chu YueChan, adorned the frame.

[Host has Leveled Up.]

[Ding… Congratulations, host, on reaching Level 51, First Level of the Earth Profound Realm.]


Yun Che could sense a surge of power coursing through his body. His being was undergoing a transformative process, ascending into the mid-stages of the mortal realm. In this realm, his vitality surged, and his strength amplified. This was the stage where mortals surpassed the foundational realm and stepped into the realms of evolution. The gap between the Spirit Profound Realm and the Earth Profound Realm was immense. However, this rule didn't exactly apply to Retsu and Yun Che, where a mere one-level difference held little significance to them.

"So, this is the Earth Profound Realm? Surprisingly, this realm wields much greater strength than the Spirit Profound Realm. Well, Fairy, I owe you my gratitude for this," Yun Che murmured as he cast a protective shadow over the unconscious fairy.


[Congratulations, host, on attaining the Earth Profound Realm. As a result, the host has earned the 11th Shinigami Gift Package. Would you like to open it now?]

"Well, System, I hope you've got something impressive in store. Let's see what you've got," he said with excitement, rubbing his hands together.

[Ding… Congratulations, host, on receiving…]

[One Wisdom Cube]


"Uh, seriously, System? Is this it?"




"That's it?! This was supposed to be a gift package, not a trick! Is this all I get? What about a Zanpakuto?" He felt a twinge of disappointment. He had been anticipating obtaining another Zanpakuto from the system, especially since the ones in the system's shop weren't to his liking or style. The only Zanpakutos worth his consideration were those at the level of a captain, which he could acquire once he reached a suitable cultivation realm.


[Ding… In response to the host, the Zanpakuto Nodarashi, the Eleventh Division's Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakuto, is deemed unsuitable by the system. Its size is too unwieldy for the host's combat style and not compatible. Furthermore, its bankai shares traits with the Evil God Berserk arts, causing the host to go into uncontrollable frenzy.]


Yun Che let out a sigh. Once again, the system's assessment proved accurate. This Zanpakuto mirrored his berserk arts. Besides, he wasn't particularly keen on wielding a half-blade as his primary weapon. Even if he had it, he'd likely relegate it to the sidelines, deeming it useless. Plus, he had no intention of turning into a bloodthirsty maniac like Zaraki.


[However, there's more…]


This piqued Yun Che's interest…


[The system will unlock two former 11th Division Zanpakutos for you once you attain the Sovereign Profound Realm, as your current strength is inadequate to wield them effectively.]


"And what might these new Zanpakutos be?" Yun Che inquired with curiosity.


[Gagaku Kairō (Corridor of Hungering Music)] and [Urozakuro (Rain and Dew Pomegranate)]

[The system recommends that you reach at least the Sovereign Profound Realm before attempting to use them, as their power could overwhelm you otherwise.]


Yun Che nodded in understanding. He recalled reading about these Zanpakutos in the Bleach mobile game, "Bleach Brave Souls." These were characters not featured in the anime, but rather in a novel titled "Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You," available online. The novel delved into the stories of the former Kenpachis of the 11th Division before Zaraki Kenpachi's time, focusing primarily on Sōya Azashiro and Kenpachi Kuruyashiki, the previous wielders of these Zanpakutos.

Being Zanpakutos of former Kenpachis, he recognized that mastering them would demand a considerable boost in power. Their capabilities were overwhelming and possessed the potential to wreak havoc on a massive scale if mishandled. He decided to bide his time until he reached a level where these Zanpakutos could be safely harnessed. At least he now had three wisdom cubes to his name, just one away from summoning another one.

"Noted. I'll set a reminder to unlock them once I achieve the Sovereign Profound Realm," Yun Che declared, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.


[Ding…. Reminder set.]


Still in his Bankai form, Yun Che stood up and turned his attention to the unconscious Chu Yuechan. Reflecting on her role in the main story, he couldn't help but marvel at how much trouble she had caused the original Yun Che. He recalled the protagonist's relentless pursuit when she disappeared with his child, and he was determined not to repeat the same missteps.


[Ding…. Frozen Cloud Arts acquired. Scan Complete.]


A surprised expression crossed Yun Che's face. He wasn't aware of the system using his Sharingan to scan her. Perhaps it had detected traces of the First and Second Realm arts from his previous experiences, prompting a more thorough analysis. Did this mean he could potentially select any art he desired?

Not that he minded, but the arts in this world hardly seemed worth retaining, given his access to the Bleach compendium. He was primarily interested in obtaining the potent, original arts from the novel.


[Ding… Would you like to cultivate this art?]


With his finger poised over the "Yes" button, another notification emerged.


[Ding…. The system has detected a compatibility issue between the host's current body and this art. Due to the host's current Fire Spirit Evil Body, only half of the art's original strength can be manifested until the host acquires the Evil God Water Spirit Body. This art is a condensed version of the original Frozen End Divine Arts: Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon.]


He was intrigued. "The Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon? A core cultivation art from The Snow Song Realm, back in The Realm of the Gods. As far as I know, the Frozen Cloud Arts were just a creation of convenience. System, can you scan the Frozen End Divine Arts from my memories?"

Based on his recollections, the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon was a Profound Art linked to the Ice Phoenix, one of the Three Supreme Water Attribute Beasts in the Realm of the Gods. The Ice Phoenix's bloodline was a prerequisite for cultivating the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon to its fullest extent. However, this art could only be fully mastered if he possessed the Water Spirit Evil Body or the bloodline of the Ice Phoenix itself, neither of which existed in this world. Such a lineage could only be bestowed by the hidden guardian of the Asgard.


[Ding…. Unable to fully scan due to limitations of host's memories.]

[However, according to the host's memories and the data in the system archives, the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon is documented on a frozen ice tablet within the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Host's best course of action would be to visit the sect and study the Frozen Tablet, thereby enabling successful cultivation and also allowing the system to acquire additional information.]

[Ding… Side mission acquired: Obtain the Water Spirit Evil Body and cultivate the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon. XP: 100000 SP: 50000]

[Achievement Unlocked: The Ice Phoenix Resides Within – Successfully cultivate the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon.]


"Another mission, another source of power," Yun Che commented, his mind already racing towards his next goal. The search for the Evil God's Water Spirit Body would undoubtedly be a significant challenge. However, with this new objective in place, he now had a path to follow.

"Discard it," Yun Che decided firmly.


[Ding…. Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.]


"Yes, considering I already have Sode No Shirayuki, who possesses even greater power, surpassing the Frozen Cloud Arts themselves. Furthermore, her techniques seem to come naturally to her, without requiring cultivation," Yun Che explained to the system. The man moved his finger to dismiss the mission, but his decision was halted by a sweet voice that interrupted him.

"Wait, my Lord," a familiar voice echoed in his ears. It was Sode No Shirayuki, his Ice Zanpakuto.

"Shirayuki?" Yun Che's memory instantly brought up her image.

"This Frozen Cloud Art, my Lord, I could use its fundamentals to enhance my techniques even further. Currently, I have only unlocked three dances. Please consider cultivating this art," Shirayuki implored.

Yun Che found himself in a dilemma. On one hand, the art was essentially useless to him due to his future plans involving the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon. However, he also recognized that Shirayuki was genuinely eager to contribute and be of more help. His thoughts shifted as he contemplated his decision.

"System, I've changed my mind. Let's go ahead and cultivate it," Yun Che declared. While the art itself might not hold value for him, if it could aid Shirayuki's growth, it was worth the effort. After all, he couldn't ignore the bond he shared with his Zanpakuto spirits, especially her.


[Administering permission granted]

[Frozen Cloud Arts acquired]

[Achievement Unlocked: Cold Delights Await! – Cultivate an Ice attribute art.]

XP: 50000 SP: 10000

[New Frame Unlocked]

The frame displayed a Chibi version of Yun Che, cheerfully surrounded by floating ice cubes.


Yun Che chuckled at the amusing frame, finding it unexpectedly fitting.


[Ding… Compatibility assessment between Sode No Shirayuki and the Frozen Cloud Arts in progress.]

[Initiating Fusion Process]

[Fusion Successful]


"Interesting, not bad at all," Yun Che murmured, realizing the potential of this fusion. He wasn't aware that the Frozen Cloud Arts could serve as a foundation for even more potent techniques..

"This art, it's quite impressive, my lord. I now grasp its essence. Thank you, my lord," Sode No Shirayuki said, seated amidst the grassy plains within his inner world. She was delving into the depths of the Frozen Cloud Arts, utilizing its fundamentals to weave together a fusion of her own ice techniques with those of the Frozen Cloud Arts. Soon, Yun Che's mind was inundated with a series of notifications.


[Ding… Fusion of Sode No Shirayuki and the Frozen Cloud Arts successful. As a result, three fusion techniques have been developed.]



Acquired Technique:

Sode No Shirayuki Fourth Dance: Heavenly Aerolite Spear.

Description: This fusion blends Frozen Cloud's First and Second Realms to create the Heavenly Aerolite Spear. Capable of launching explosive ice spears that cause immense damage on impact.]



Acquired Technique:

Sode No Shirayuki Fifth Dance: Heavenly Ice Lotus Invocation.

Description: Through this technique, Shirayuki conjures ice lotuses of extreme cold, capable of sealing opponents upon contact. The lotuses can also absorb the powers of those they seal, enhancing their potency. These flowers can serve as barriers, absorbing enemy attacks to protect the wielder.]



Final Acquired Technique:

Sode No Shirayuki Sixth Dance: Zeroth Aurora Crescent Moon.

This forbidden technique's curse has been removed, granting Shirayuki the ability to enhance her sword using ice. This increases her strength substantially, without any adverse effects. The sword transforms into a blade of energy accompanied by formidable ice-based powers. Additionally, she can unleash an icy version of the Host's Getsuga Tenshou.]


Yun Che was utterly astounded by the power of these techniques. From the mere foundation of the Frozen Cloud Arts, Sode No Shirayuki had crafted three fusion techniques that exceeded his expectations. Their potency far outstripped the original arts themselves. The fact that she now possessed her version of the Getsuga Tenshou left him nearly speechless.

"This is… incredible, Shirayuki," Yun Che marveled, thoroughly impressed by her ingenuity and growth. The camaraderie between them deepened, as he began to appreciate the unique abilities of his Zanpakuto on a whole new level.

"Ehee, I wanted to be useful because my lord relies on me. I hoped to learn as many ice arts as possible to better assist you, my lord," Shirayuki admitted, her cheeks tinted with a bashful blush, her voice emanating from within his inner world.

Observing this interaction were Jasmine and Retsu, who watched as Shirayuki's excitement grew upon hearing about the Frozen Cloud Arts from the system. If outsiders could witness her demeanor now, they would be astounded by her brilliance, a genius that could rival even the most extraordinary beings.

"Shirayuki…" Yun Che's soft words broke the momentary silence. He realized that Shirayuki's enthusiasm stemmed from her desire to be valuable to him. Lately, he had treated his Zanpakuto spirits more as companions or advisors, overlooking their potential contributions. It dawned on him that he needed to acknowledge their presence more fully.

Slowly, he began to recognize them as not just tools but as friends, with Shirayuki's feelings for him becoming increasingly apparent. Although he hesitated to delve deeper into those emotions due to the nature of their relationship, he started contemplating the possibility of giving her a chance. Perhaps, if he let things unfold naturally, a meaningful connection could emerge.

For now, however, Yun Che opted to let fate guide them. A fond smile crept across his face as he addressed her with a tender tone, "Let's forge a path together in the days to come."

"Hai~~~~~….MiLord," Shirayuki responded cheerfully, her happiness evident at receiving his acknowledgment. This newfound attention from their master sparked a twinge of jealousy among the other female spirits. They felt a surge of determination not to be outdone by Shirayuki, prompting a few of them to take the first steps towards building a closer bond with him.

"Hnnn," his contemplation was abruptly broken by a sound that reached his ears, interrupting his conversation with Shirayuki. Yun Che shifted his gaze toward the source of the noise and noticed that Chu YueChan was gradually awakening.

A mischievous smirk played on his lips as he thought, "Time to set the 'Capture The Fairy's Heart' plan in motion."


Chu Yuechan slowly stirred from her slumber, sitting up as her senses returned. As she gathered herself, she heard a voice—a familiar voice that made her heart skip a beat.

"Yo, you finally woke up. I was getting bored waiting," the man known as Yun Che greeted her with a mischievous grin. He sat nearby, still enveloped in his Tensa Zangetsu Bankai form. They had successfully completed a technique fusion cultivation with Shirayuki.

Upon seeing his face, a blush crept across Chu Yuechan's cheeks, her usually composed demeanor unraveling. She instinctively scooted away from him and covered her face, hoping to hide her embarrassed expression. Her Ice Heart, a testament to her mastery of the Frozen Cloud Art and her ability to suppress emotions, should have kept her unfazed. Yet, facing this man, it was as if her very core was melting.

"You… you despicable fiend. What have you done to me?" She managed to sit up straight and face him, her voice a mix of frustration and confusion.

Yun Che maintained his grin, calmly replying, "I didn't do anything. Just waited for you to wake up after you passed out. Although, you were out for nearly thirty minutes, so it wasn't exactly a short nap."

Chu Yuechan remained skeptical, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her own body for any changes. Satisfied that there were no anomalies, she turned her gaze back to Yun Che. "Hmph… You win this round. But this wasn't even a proper battle. To think I'd encounter someone even stronger than me. How do you propose we settle this?"

Yun Che's grin widened as he retrieved Tensa Zangetsu from the ground and stood nearby. "As I said before, if I win, you agree to my conditions. I'll help heal you and guide you to break through to the Emperor Profound Realm. Deal?"

Her heart wavered at his offer. She had been stagnating at the pinnacle of the Sky Profound Realm for so long. Recently, she had discovered a potential path to elevate her cultivation, only to be thwarted by a sudden poisoning. Still, doubts lingered. Could this man truly aid her in breaking through? Who was he, really?

"Who are you?" she inquired, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Me? I'm Yun Che—a genius medical doctor and your average couch potato. I possess genuine skills, and you can trust that if I say I can help you, I mean it," he introduced himself with an air of cheerful confidence.

Yun Che? She recalled hearing that name just before she lost consciousness. A doctor? She had sought out countless physicians in the Blue Wind Empire in her quest for a cure to her ailment. Could this man truly hold the answer? How could she be certain he wasn't another empty promise?

Collecting her thoughts, she pressed on, "What are your conditions?"

"Ah, now we're getting down to business. Well then, let's start by addressing you as 'Little Fairy' from now on. How does that sound?" Yun Che proposed, a playful glint in his eyes as he used the same term the original Yun Che had coined for her.

A mixture of annoyance and embarrassment colored her cheeks as she retorted, "You… changing my name isn't something you can simply decide. I refuse." Even as she protested, she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart at being called beautiful by him. Nonetheless, letting him change her name so casually wasn't something she would easily accept.

Yun Che abruptly flash-stepped in front of her, his grin undeterred. "Hey, my conditions, my rules. Take it or you can kiss that Emperor Profound Realm goodbye."

Chu Yuechan's heart skipped a beat yet again, but before she could react, he had already put a good distance between them. "...You despicable… *sigh. Fine, I agree," she conceded, unable to ignore his assertiveness. She couldn't help but wonder how he moved so fast.

"Then, pleasure to meet you, Little Fairy," he teased, testing her patience.

"Don't push your luck," she retorted, her frustration evident. Yet, her attempt at intimidation seemed to have little effect on him.

"I'm quite sure I have plenty of it. Ahem, secondly... you'll help me train my body," Yun Che continued, seemingly oblivious to the double entendre his words carried when directed at a woman.

At the mention of 'body,' a deep blush crept across Chu Yuechan's cheeks. She could hardly believe he was implying what she thought he was. This man was suggesting that she use her own body to train his. The audacity!

The notion was absolutely despicable.

"You... you... you fiend, despicable, pervert!!!!" she blurted out in outrage, her finger accusingly pointed at him.

"The 'pervert' part was unnecessary!!!... Dammit, do I really give off that vibe?" He slapped his forehead in exasperation, aghast that he was once again being labeled a pervert. First it was Little Aunt, then Jasmine, and now her.

Regaining his composure, Yun Che adopted a serious tone. "Listen, I practice a unique body cultivation technique that involves getting hit by someone with a higher cultivation. I need you to help me train my body by striking me. It's a way for me to strengthen myself. It's not what you're thinking."

Chu Yuechan was taken aback. She had never heard of a cultivation technique that involved getting hit. Did such a method truly exist? Was this man actually sane? While most cultivators sought harsh environments for training, he was asking her to physically strike him?

She was on the verge of refusing when an idea struck her. He had just made a fool of her moments ago; now was her chance for a little payback. She could concoct a plan to get even with him.

"Hmph... I never thought I'd meet a pervert who enjoys being hit. Fine, I'll agree to it. But don't expect me to hold back," she declared, a scheming glint in her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not that kind of man. It's just a practical method. The stronger the hits, the better the training," Yun Che sighed, well aware of the loophole he had just opened. He had given her an open invitation to beat him up legally. With her temperament, she might unleash her full strength from the outset. He could only brace himself and endure.

"Is that all?" Chu Yuechan inquired, having heard only two conditions so far.

"I have one more condition, and it's my final one. You'll accompany me for the next three months—not as my protector, but as my mentor. I can't have you roaming around on your own. Even once I've cultivated my body fully, I'll still need you by my side for three months. After that, you're free to leave as you please."

A moment of silence followed. Three months by his side? Considering his strength, he hardly required protection. But why did he want her to accompany him? Couldn't he just visit her for training? If she agreed to this, she might have to delay her return to the sect.

"These are my terms. What do you say?" Yun Che finalized his conditions, a note of anticipation in his voice.

Chu Yuechan took a moment to reflect. Three months wasn't an eternity, especially if it meant breaking through and being healed. Besides, she could take the opportunity to even the score with this despicable fiend within the boundaries of legality.

Without further hesitation, the solitary fairy nodded. "Agreed. Three months, and then we part ways."

"Three months—neither more nor less," Yun Che affirmed, though a hint of something more lingered in his gaze. He wanted to know more about the enigmatic Little Fairy during this time. Who knew, perhaps her following him was the start of an unexpected bond.

"I suppose you know how to remove the poison from my body?" Now that she had accepted, it was time to seal the deal.

"Yup, but before that, Retsu, come on out," Yun Che's voice carried a certain command as he beckoned someone named 'Retsu.' Chu Yuechan's curiosity was piqued; she hadn't sensed anyone nearby. Who was he calling for?

Out of thin air, a woman suddenly flash-stepped in front of her. Chu Yuechan's guard immediately went up – there had been no indication of someone's presence. As she scrutinized the woman before her, she was taken aback by her extraordinary beauty. This girl's appearance alone was enough to grant her direct entry as a disciple in the Frozen Cloud Asgard. But the question remained – who was she?

"Is this the one you wanted me to meet, young master?" Retsu addressed Yun Che, addressing him in a way that suggested she was his servant or attendant. Chu Yuechan observed them closely, her skepticism deepening.

"Allow me to introduce Unohana Retsu, my companion," Yun Che explained, and Chu Yuechan's surprise grew as he elaborated. "We share a similar focus on body training techniques. I need you to train her as well since my own strength wouldn't be suitable for her, and I can't afford to cause her harm during training."

Unohana Retsu, Chu Yuechan mused, committing the name to memory. She kept her expression stern and reserved, not willing to show any hint of her internal thoughts.

"Good day, my name is Unohana Retsu. I may be younger and less experienced than the young master, but I am eager to learn. Please guide me well," Retsu introduced herself with a polite bow, displaying a humility that was rather unusual.

Chu Yuechan remained composed, still sizing up the situation. Her keen intuition told her that there was more to this girl than met the eye. "I am Chu Yuechan of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. I have agreed to follow this... man for the purpose of cultivating. Please regard me kindly as well," Chu Yuechan greeted Retsu with a formal bow.

Retsu, who had already been observing Chu Yuechan within Yun Che's inner world, was well aware of her. Yun Che had asked if she wished to join in their training, as it would accelerate her progress. Waiting for Jasmine's return would set her back another year. Moreover, it seemed she could potentially gain another friend.

"The honor is mine, sister Chu Yuechan. I am currently at the First Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. My young master, on the other hand, has reached the Peak Spirit Profound Realm. I am far from his level, but I aspire to catch up," Retsu shared with a warm smile. Unbeknownst to her, Yun Che had just broken through to the Earth Profound Realm moments ago.

Chu Yuechan was once again taken aback by these revelations. She, a pinnacle expert of the Sky Profound Realm, was dwarfed by Yun Che, who was merely at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm. They were like freaks of nature, challenging the norms of cultivation.

"Now that we are acquainted, let me address that poison of yours. It might hinder our training," Yun Che suggested, guiding Chu Yuechan to sit down before he initiated the treatment. The process was surprisingly straightforward.

The process involved having her sit down while he placed his hand on her back. This situation was particularly uncomfortable for her, being the first time, she had been touched by a man. Yun Che, however, seemed completely unfazed. His focus was solely on injecting his Spirit Force into her profound veins to cleanse the poison within. Simultaneously, he facilitated the activation of her Heavenly God Spiritual Veins. While Chu Yuechan might realize this later, Yun Che was determined to complete the process as swiftly as possible.

Retsu observed as Yun Che expertly treated Chu Yuechan's poison. She was aware that the real Yun Che would require at least three days for such a task, yet he managed it much more quickly. Following the poison cleanse, Yun Che triggered her Heavenly God Spiritual Veins, stunning Chu Yuechan once again.

"How..." Chu Yuechan began, her curiosity piqued about how he managed to activate her Heavenly God Spiritual Veins. However, Yun Che merely grinned, implying that it was a secret she shouldn't attempt to unravel.

Although her aura still resonated at the pinnacle of the Sky Profound Realm, Chu Yuechan decided to inquire, "You said my aura should be at the Emperor Profound Realm."

"As I mentioned earlier, after three months of training with me, I will assist in elevating your cultivation. The healing I just performed was a mere nudge – I could have instantly propelled you to the Throne level. However, I prefer to complete your breakthrough after Retsu and I have honed our own bodies. I wouldn't want you to achieve a breakthrough and then attempt to escape," Yun Che replied with a matter-of-fact tone, skillfully redirecting her expectations.

Chu Yuechan looked at him incredulously. How audacious! She had committed to this contract without realizing how shrewdly he manipulated her trust. With a resigned internal sigh, she acknowledged that he wouldn't have offered his trust so easily.

"So, Little Fairy, now that you're restored, could you try hitting me at full strength? I want to test the limits of my body's endurance," Yun Che suggested, reverting from his Bankai state to his regular form. He needed to deactivate all buffs to ensure a genuine experience and maximize the benefits of getting hit.

"Are you out of your mind? If I unleash my full strength against you, you might end up severely injured. You evaded all my attacks during our last encounter. I decline," Chu Yuechan responded, her cultivation might be lower, but he surpassed her in every other aspect. Hitting him with her full strength could cause grave harm, possibly even death.

"Hmm, it seems I need to take a more drastic approach," Yun Che announced, stepping closer to her. This elicited a blush from Chu Yuechan, who had been trying to maintain a safe distance. Yun Che's proximity made her feel overheated once more, a sensation that invaded her mind unexpectedly.

"Retsu, brace yourself. I'm about to do something foolish. No matter what happens, just go along with it, alright?" Yun Che said earnestly, gaining Retsu's agreement. He stood in front of Chu Yuechan, his gaze locked onto hers. The situation was serious as he maintained eye contact with her.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Che ventured to speak the words that might very well end his life. "Can you show me your underwear?"


A sudden slap resonated through the air, the resounding sound punctuating the bewildering situation.


[Ding… Great Way of the Buddha experience +…..]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Body Level has leveled up.]

[Ding… Body cultivation state: First Level of the Spirit Profound Realm.]

[Ding… Host has achieved Second Level of the Great Way of the Buddha.]

[Ding… Regenerate 20% of the host's HP, Stamina, and Spirit Force every 10 minutes. Arm strength has been increased to 20 tonnes. Next Level advancement: Emperor Profound Realm Body Level]


Yun Che was sent hurtling towards a nearby rock formation, a cascade of notifications flooding his mind once again. The impact was staggering, reducing his HP to a mere 10%.


[Ding… Host HP has reached critical level.]


"That freaking hurt, man… Okay… That was a stupid move. Note to self: don't ask a woman to show her underwear unless you're absolutely sure about it. What's done is done. At least I can fully heal in forty minutes." Pushing himself out of the rock formation, Yun Che staggered towards Chu Yuechan and Retsu.

Chu Yuechan had reacted the moment he made that outrageous request. The humiliation she felt was overwhelming, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that this man deserved to be punished a thousand times over. She hadn't even controlled her strength, and her strike had landed full force. Shocked, she blushed and stared in disbelief. How could this man have survived her unrestrained power? Despite being gravely injured, he was still standing. She hadn't anticipated him enduring it.

Meanwhile, Retsu was pouting. Despite being told to let go of whatever happened to Yun Che, she couldn't help but think, "Young master, if you were that curious about women's underwear, you could have just asked me."

When Yun Che finally managed to make his way back to them, he maintained a straight face and said, "This is going to take a while," just before succumbing to the intense pain and passing out. A triumphant smile crept across Chu Yuechan's face. She might have lost the battle, but she had definitely won this particular war.

This looks familiar......

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts