
Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

In a modern world, a devoted cultivator sacrificed himself to save his beloved. Fate granted him a second chance as a shinigami in the "Against the Gods" universe. Equipped with the Ultimate System, he became Yun Che, a pivotal character. He now seeks not only personal power but also a way back to his love, defying the rules of the universe itself. Join him as he pushes the limits of power, challenges gods, and reshapes his destiny to reunite with his beloved.

Nora_Danish · Games
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191 Chs

Chapter 49: The Old Alchemist

After bidding farewell to his grandfather and aunt, Yun Che once again found himself atop Minazuki, accompanied by Retsu. Retsu had grown particularly clingy, having suppressed her desires for five days due to Xiao Lingxi's perception of her cuddling as either shameless or a sign of jealousy. This had led to Retsu complying with Yun Che's request to sleep together with Xiao Lingxi instead of him, leaving him without the chance to gain the Fully Rested Perk—a luxurious sensation after a good night's sleep. With the vacation now over, she was prepared to have him all to herself.

"Hmm, this princess has been waiting for five days to escape from your world," Jasmine remarked, referring to her time within his inner world. She had been observing everything, including the revelations surrounding Xia Qingyue's mother in the realm of the gods. She had sifted through her own memories to uncover more about her, though she hadn't yet witnessed the true potential of her offspring. Regardless, Jasmine concluded that the power Xia Qingyue's mother possessed was likely strong enough to attract beings from the realm of the gods to this star realm.

"You could come out and introduce yourself," Yun Che suggested, but Jasmine declined, stating that she had no intention of doing so.

"I could, but I won't. So, where are we going next?" Jasmine's question hung in the air, her reluctance to introduce herself evident. The revelation about Xiao Lingxi's true identity had left her in a state of turmoil, a tumultuous day spent coming to terms with the fact that Xiao Lingxi was the 1000th reincarnation of the Ancestral God—an assertion confirmed by the enigmatic system. The implications of this discovery were profound, causing Jasmine's thoughts to revolve around the abundance of Purple Veined Divine Crystals that graced the city. Was this opulence somehow linked to Xiao Lingxi's divine heritage? The weight of this realization rendered Jasmine silent for the entirety of the day.

Adding to the astonishment was the realization that Xiao Lingxi possessed the potential for a resurgence. Ninety-eight awakening conditions remained for her to reclaim her Ancestral God form—a revelation that left Jasmine grappling with the notion that the seemingly unassuming girl held the potential to ascend as a True God. The abrupt transformation from timidity to divine elegance was unfathomable, not to mention Xiao Lingxi's sudden acquisition of the Spectrum Essence Insight technique—an art that had eluded even the archives of the Realm of the Gods. Now, the emergence of an individual who could wield it was rewriting the boundaries of what was considered possible. She then inquired about their next destination.

"Our next stop is the New Moon Profound Palace. However, before that, we're making a side trip to the Black Moon Merchant Guild. I need to purchase some herbs to make candy for those two lovely girls of mine. Additionally, I want to meet someone there who can aid us in our training."

Curious, Jasmine asked, "Who is it?"

Yun Che grinned mischievously, responding, "You'll see."

"Hmm, who could it be?" Jasmine's interest was piqued. If Xiao Lingxi was an extraordinary individual, it was likely that anyone Yun Che encountered thereafter held future significance.

"You'll find out soon enough," Yun Che teased, his anticipation evident. He then turned to Retsu, who was hugging him tightly. "Hey, Retsu?"

"Yes?" Retsu raised her head, her eyes gazing at him with affection.

"If I needed your help in training my body, would you assist me?"

After a moment of consideration, she declined. "I'm sorry, young master, but I can't do that. I've sworn to dedicate myself to loving you with all my heart, and I can't bring myself to harm the man I love—no matter the reason. Even if it's just training."

"I feel the same way," Yun Che admitted, his embrace around Retsu tightening. "I couldn't bring myself to strike you, even for training purposes. It would hurt me too much."

Unbeknownst to them, the system chimed in.


[Ding…. You two will never hurt one another. Body experience will not be awarded should one of you break this rule.]


"It won't come to that, system," Yun Che reassured it, reaffirming his commitment to Retsu as he held her affectionately.

As they continued to converse, Yun Che sought an alternate solution. He looked suggestively at Jasmine, but she dismissed the idea, stating that her recovered strength wasn't sufficient for the task.

"We'll need to find a replacement, someone who truly despises me and won't hesitate to use their full strength," Yun Che explained, describing the specific criteria of the person they needed.

"There are plenty of people who hate you. You could just pick a fight," Jasmine suggested nonchalantly.

"No, it has to be someone who can genuinely help us with our training," Yun Che insisted, his mind set on a particular individual who played a significant role in his decision to come to this city.


New Moon City was a bustling and vibrant place with tall buildings and busy streets. Traders, merchants, and everyday people filled the city, buying and selling a variety of goods. The air was filled with the scents of delicious food from stalls, while gardens provided peaceful spots amid the chaos. The city's architecture ranged from impressive towers to elegant domes. At its center stood the grand Black Moon Merchant Guild, a symbol of power. The city was more than just trade—it was a place where dreams converged and people's lives intertwined.

Yun Che instructed Retsu and Jasmine to remain within his inner world, wanting to avoid any undue attention when he made his move. After changing into his normal attire, he embarked on a stroll around the city to locate the guild. Thanks to the system's mapping function, he was able to easily navigate the city and find the guild's precise location.

"Man, I'm really short on funds. System, do you have any suggestions on how I can earn more Profound coins?" Yun Che inquired, realizing he had nearly depleted his inheritance. He had spent much of it treating his Little Aunt and Retsu to meals outside, as well as acquiring ingredients to cook for them and Jasmine after departing from the Xiao Clan. Like many protagonists, his spending habits were centered around food rather than cultivation materials.

A valuable lesson for all: never form a harem if you can't afford to feed them. Fortunately, he possessed culinary skills to match the challenge.


[Ding…. Wealth Quest Triggered: Participate in an auction.

Requirement: Sell an item at the auction.]

XP: 45000

Reward: 5000 Purple Profound Coins, Stamina Recovery Potion Recipe, and a piece of Cheese.

[Achievement: Money! Money! Money! – Sell an item to the highest bidder.]

[XP: 50000]

[SP: 10000]


"Cheese?" Yun Che blinked, surprised by the unexpected reward.


[Ding: Cheese (Ability: Fully restores the user's HP and MP, similar to the host's Status Recovery. Single use only.)]


Yun Che was momentarily stunned by the incredible power of the cheese. However, his focus soon shifted to the quest the system had presented. "An auction, huh?"

"Anything intriguing?" Jasmine's voice echoed in his mind.

"Seems so. The system wants me to take part in an auction," Yun Che explained, summing up the quest.

"Do you have any valuable items to sell?" Jasmine inquired, knowing that a remarkable item was required to make an impact at an auction.

"Hmmm... All those heavenly-made items could attract a lot of attention, but they're also quite special. I don't want to draw unnecessary trouble. I do have some standard items that could fetch a good price, though," Yun Che responded, pulling out six bottles of Health Potion and six bottles of Mana Potion. These potions were creations of the system, and he had gained their recipes as rewards for his reincarnation into the ATG world. After crafting them, he could purchase each potion from the shop for 5SP.



[Low Grade Healing Potion] [Price: 5SP]

[Description: Instantly heals all wounds in a span of five seconds by regenerating 7500 HP per second. Suitable for minor injuries; cannot regrow missing limbs or reverse paralysis. Severe injuries may require multiple potions for complete healing. High Grade healing potions are recommended for critical situations.]

[Low Grade Mana Potion] [Price: 5SP]

[Description: Restores 5000 MP per second.]


Initially, Yun Che considered selling high-grade health and mana potions, but the potential trouble that could arise from their recognition deterred him. Additionally, High-grade potions cost around 20SP per bottle, while Mid-grade potions were priced at 10SP. Despite having a considerable amount of SP from daily missions, he didn't want to exhaust his reserves recklessly.

As per the system's categorization, potion grades were divided into seven types: Low, Mid, High, Master, Superior, Divine, and finally, God.

The reward he received upon entering this world included the recipes for Low, Mid, and High-ranked potions. To advance further, he needed to transcend the limitations of this realm and reach the Divine Profound Realm, which would unlock the next three tiers of potion crafting. Crafting God-ranked potions was a long-term goal, but not an urgent one.

Curiosity lingered about the potential value of these potions in an auction setting. With Retsu concealed within his inner world, he could evade potential trouble if her presence drew attention during the auction. He donned a simple cloak to disguise himself as an elderly merchant looking to make a quick profit. Utilizing one of the system's new features, he transformed his appearance into that of a different individual.


[The Disguise Feature]

[This innovative addition empowers the host to fashion various characters or personas using memories as a foundation for your disguises. The host can establish and conserve templates, immersing yourself in the essence of another. Note that this exclusively serves as a disguise and doesn't grant access to any powers or skills held by the original persona. The host possesses the liberty to manipulate age and cultivation to conform to the designed template, provided it doesn't surpass the host's current level. While downgrading is feasible, upgrading isn't.

P.S.: The option to assume a female guise is available, catering to your inclinations. The system now bestows 10 save points for persona storage. Additional save points can be acquired through the system, each priced at 500SP.

This newfound feature allows the host to tread the realm of countless roles, seamlessly transforming for varied scenarios.]


"Disguise myself as a girl, huh? Might come in handy later, but not right now." While he didn't have time to carefully select a suitable persona, he did possess a character that could stir up attention and, more importantly, cause a bit of commotion – the perfect disguise for his present purposes.

As if adhering to the conventions of every cultivation novel, an auction chapter had to be present.

Following the system's guidance, he reached the recommended location to sell his items. Clad in his new disguise, he made his way to the auction house, playing the part of someone entirely different. The sign he read confirmed the grandeur he expected: "Dragon's Haven Pavilion."

"Dragon's Haven Pavilion" epitomized the quintessential wuxia auction house, seamlessly blending tradition with modernity. Its exterior was adorned with intricate gold-carved depictions of mythical creatures intertwined with delicate cherry blossoms. Stepping inside, he was greeted by a grand atrium featuring soaring ceilings, chandeliers casting their radiant glow, and a central stage adorned with a jade dragon statue embellished with precious gems.

Within the pavilion, guests of various backgrounds – nobles, martial artists, scholars, and adventurers – converged for the auctions. The auctioneer held court on a stage crafted from black marble, set against celestial murals. The air was redolent with the scent of incense, and the pervasive dragon-themed motifs lent an air of enchantment to the ambiance.

Hidden alcoves and serene gardens provided space for negotiations and respite. Beyond, a lush outdoor expanse showcased bonsai trees, ponds, and cascading waterfalls. In the realm of wuxia, the "Dragon's Haven Pavilion" exceeded its mere status as an auction house; it was a place where legends unfurled and fortunes exchanged hands amidst an atmosphere of cultural significance.

"Quite an impressive establishment," Yun Che pondered silently, now standing at the main counter where diligent attendants stood ready to register guests and assign them to their designated areas. Approaching the exchange counter, he noticed two female attendants waiting there.

The first attendant moves with grace and has warm almond eyes framed by ebony hair. She wears a soft pastel gown that complements her approachable charm. The second attendant possesses an exotic aura with mesmerizing amber eyes and onyx hair. Her attire in deep jewel tones adds to her enigmatic allure.

"Master, a warm welcome to the Dragon Haven Pavilion. How may we assist you today?" One of the attendants inquired, her gaze falling upon Yun Che's current guise of an elderly gentleman, a visage that emanated wisdom and seasoned experience.

"I have a few items I'd like to auction," Yun Che responded with a voice that carried the weight of age.

"An auction, indeed. We'd need an expert's appraisal for the items before proceeding. The pavilion is reserved for valuable items of cultivation, weaponry, and armor, and the standard trade ratio is 80 to 20," explained the attendant, detailing the auctioning rules.

Yun Che raised an eyebrow at the ratio. "80 to 20?"

"Exactly. The pavilion retains 20% of the final sale value, and the seller keeps 80%," the other female attendant clarified.

Understanding the terms, Yun Che nodded. "Very well, let's proceed."

"As you wish. Could you kindly inform us about the items you intend to auction?" The attendant requested, preparing a tray for Yun Che to display the items.

"I'll be auctioning my 'Profound Life Potion' and 'Profound Energy Potion,' each self-explanatory in function," Yun Che replied, producing 12 small glass vials filled with red and blue potions.

"An alchemist as well?" The other attendant inquired, seeking to gather more information.

"Yes, I am Kuchiki Genrei, the Azure Elixir Master of the esteemed Kuchiki Family," Yun Che answered, weaving a false identity with a hint of prestige. Drawing inspiration from the NPC persona of a wise old man in the world of Bleach, he took on the guise of an old man resembling Kuchiki Ginrei, the venerable head of the Kuchiki Clan. Opting for Kuchiki Ginrei's appearance rather than Yamamoto's, Yun Che believed this would be the ideal representation for his role as an alchemical master.

"Kuchiki?" The two women's voices held surprise.

"I am an alchemist hailing from beyond these walls, here on a specific errand," Yun Che explained, crafting a narrative that seemed plausible.

"I understand. Please allow us a moment to inspect your potions," one of the female attendants stated, preparing to take the tray of vials to the designated expert.

"Wait..." Yun Che interjected, halting her before producing another set of potions intended for testing. "You can use these two as samples or test specimens."

With a nod, the attendant left to fulfill her task. Meanwhile, the other attendant graciously escorted Yun Che to a comfortable waiting area, offering him refreshments as he waited for the potions to be evaluated. Amidst this, Yun Che's perceptive gaze caught several shadowy figures observing him discreetly. This didn't come as a surprise since these figures were undoubtedly spies, stationed to relay any significant information back to their respective sects should the auctioned items possess potent effects.


The attendant ushered the potions into a lavish alchemy chamber, where a seasoned alchemist was seated on a well-worn wooden chair. His face bore the intricate tales of time, each wrinkle a testament to years of exploration. A silver beard cascaded over his patterned robe, an artful canvas of experimentation. With hands aged by experience, he held a vial, revealing an elixir that shimmered like starlight. Despite his age, his eyes burned with the same curiosity that once ignited galaxies from his revered seat.

"Master Li Fei, greetings," the attendant addressed the alchemist. "An alchemist master desires to auction items."

"An alchemist? What manner of items?" Li Fei's curiosity was piqued. The notion of an alchemist auctioning items was rare; the pavilion typically dealt in weaponry, armor, and cultivation arts.

"A healing potion and a type of Profound Energy potion," the attendant responded, placing the tray of potions on the examination table.

"Potions?" Master Li Fei stood, moving to inspect the red and blue vials. At first glance, they seemed ordinary, but upon closer examination, his eyes widened and his frame trembled.

"Master?" The attendant looked on with bewilderment.

"This... 100% purity. A genuine healing potion," Li Fei marveled. He then dared to take a sip, the potion miraculously healing his minor wounds and even a previously acquired injury. This elixir surpassed any healing pill in existence, its craftsmanship surpassing his own. The creator was a master, possibly even more skilled than himself. Li Fei took a sip on the blue potion, experiencing the restoration of his Profound Energy.

"This... Where is the master who crafted these?" Li Fei's urgency puzzled the attendant.

"He waits in the foyer," she replied, recalling the waiting alchemist.

"Lead me to him," Li Fei requested, clutching the potions as the attendant guided him.

In the foyer, the alchemist master stood with a self-assured air, exuding expertise. Draped in a brown robe, his sharp eyes surveyed his surroundings. In his hands rested a tome of wisdom and recipes, displaying profound knowledge. Patient and composed, he understood the value of time and meticulousness.

Li Fei immediately paid his respects, drawing the attention of onlookers. Such a distinguished alchemist humbling himself before an unknown elder signified the stranger's significance. "Li Fei, alchemist of the Dragon's Haven Pavilion, extends a respectful welcome to the master."

Yun Che, disguising himself as Kuchiki Ginrei, reciprocated with a nod and a cupped-hand gesture. "Kuchiki Ginrei, Azure Elixir Master of the esteemed Kuchiki Family."

"It's an honor to host such a master for our auction," Li Fei praised, showering Yun Che with admiration, a clear attempt to entice him into their alchemical ranks.

"I appreciate your words. What are your thoughts on my potions?" Yun Che inquired, genuinely uncertain about the potential value of his creations.

Li Fei responded with genuine excitement, "They're not just worthy, but exceptional for our auction. May I humbly ask, what are the names of these masterful potions?"

"Low Grade Healing Potion and Low Grade Energy Restoration Potion," Yun Che revealed.

"Low Grade?!" Li Fei's astonishment reverberated through the room. A low-grade potion that mended the irreparable was anything but ordinary. "A profound name indeed. However, I am not familiar with a Kuchiki Family in our records."

"I come from a secluded family outside of this city. I'm here to auction items due to my current financial situation," Yun Che explained with a fabricated story, causing Li Fei to widen his eyes in disbelief at the seemingly trivial reason.

Li Fei's curiosity piqued, he turned his attention to the potions Yun Che held in his hands and couldn't help but inquire, "How does one create such potions with such remarkable effects?"

Yun Che countered, "I believe the secrets of the master aren't necessary for auctioning the items?"

Apologizing with a slight bow, Li Fei conceded, "You're right. Please pardon my intrusion. Please follow me; we'll provide you with a seat to observe the auction."

"Well, that was surprisingly simple," Yun Che mused inwardly, not anticipating that the potions would sell so readily.

"Do you realize you've just auctioned the system's flawlessly crafted healing potion? Do you have any idea of its value? A single bottle of that potion healed me of my external soul injuries before the system even repaired my soul," Jasmine chimed in, aware of the potion's exceptional efficacy. She considered these potions to be of significant value, even in the Realm of the Gods.

Yun Che shrugged nonchalantly. "It was the only item I could auction without turning the world upside down. By the way, where's Retsu?"

Jasmine diverted her attention to Retsu, who was currently being draped in fabrics by Shirayuki, much to Retsu's initial chagrin. "She's currently modeling for Shirayuki. She intends to design a new kimono for herself. It seems that experimenting with the System Creation Mode has sparked her creativity. I've even requested a few kimonos in my size."

"Yeah, she practically used up every piece of fabric I bought for her. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the fabric store later to replenish our supplies," Yun Che remarked with a sweatdrop. Despite purchasing an abundance of fabrics, they still seemed insufficient to satisfy Shirayuki's creative endeavors. It seemed as though the system had granted Shirayuki a plethora of new kimono designs.

While observing Retsu modeling, Jasmine also took note of the twin little spirits, Zanpakuto Mizu and Kaze, who were now curled up on her lap, their energy expended from their playful antics. Letting out a resigned sigh, Jasmine commented, "Mizu and Kaze can be quite the handful."

"They're starting to warm up to you, which is a good sign," Yun Che said with a grin in his thoughts. Jasmine's presence was now acknowledged by the spirits to the point where they interacted casually with her. This progress marked a notable shift in their dynamic, and witnessing them happily coexisting within the inner world felt like a blessing to both Yun Che and Jasmine.

As Yun Che's musings continued, his attention was drawn back to reality when Li Fei led him into a concealed room adjacent to the auction stage. The guests were already seated, anticipating the start of the auction. "Master Kuchiki, please make yourself comfortable in this secluded room. You'll remain hidden from the view of others during the auction. The room is protected by a suppression aura formation, ensuring that no one outside is aware of your presence. You need not worry; the confidentiality of the sellers is one of Dragon's Haven Pavilion's most closely guarded secrets."

Yun Che held reservations about the security of the arrangement. Despite Li Fei's assurances, he knew that spies could still leak information. This likely explained why alchemists refrained from auctioning their items – refusing could potentially mean facing dire consequences at the hands of sects seeking to recruit them, if not outright death.

"You can auction this as well," Yun Che suggested, producing a pill from his inventory and holding it out for Li Fei to examine.

Curiosity sparked in Li Fei's eyes as he observed the shiny, brilliant purple pill resting in Yun Che's hand. The pill emitted a captivating gleam, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly hue that hinted at the potent and mysterious properties it held within.

"What is this?" Li Fei inquired, his expert gaze fixed on the pill.


[Mark I XP Pill] – Consume once month, it instantly increases cultivation by 5000 points. Mortal cultivators experience a five-small realm advancement in low mortal stage. Effectiveness diminishes as cultivation realm increases. Can be consumed once a month. Continuous consumption results in only 10% effectiveness. Recommended for warriors from the Elementary Profound Realm to the Peak True Profound Realms.

[Mark II XP Pill] - Consume once month, it instantly increases cultivation by 10000 points. Mortal cultivators experience a five-small realm advancement in the mid mortal stage. Effectiveness diminishes with higher cultivation realms. Continuous consumption retains only 10% effectiveness. Recommended for cultivators from the Spirit Profound Realm to the Sky Profound Realm.


The XP pills introduced a revolutionary concept within the system. These pills could only be consumed once a month, leading to a substantial increase in cultivation—five small realms or five levels to be exact. However, their remarkable effect came with a caveat: if consumed continuously, their effectiveness would be reduced to a mere 10%, regardless of the quantity ingested, until a month's time had passed.

While these pills had a high impact on mortal cultivators, Yun Che and Retsu experienced a different outcome. Consuming the Mark I pills added a flat 50000 XP to their cultivation, with continuous consumption resulting in 10000 XP. The Mark II gave them 100000XP and 20000 if consumed continuously. Due to their already substantial XP bars, the pills provided only a modest boost, insufficient for a breakthrough of five levels as in the case of mortals.

Yun Che provided an explanation, "It's a Low-grade Profound Pill. This pill has the remarkable ability to infuse cultivators with refined energy that can significantly boost their cultivation. There's no need for refinement; it instantaneously elevates one's cultivation by a substantial margin, even bypassing bottlenecks. It's particularly effective for cultivators below the Spirit Profound Realm, where its effects are most pronounced."

He continued, recounting how he had used a similar pill to enhance his aunt Xiao Lingxi's cultivation. Having already reached the Spirit Profound Realm, Yun Che found the low-grade pills of limited use to him. Currently, he relied on the more potent Mark II pills, which provided a month's worth of increased cultivation before another pill could be consumed. A similar regimen applied to Retsu as well, although the XP gained from continuous consumption was only a fraction of the total.

Li Fei listened intently, his expression a mixture of amazement and disbelief. The concept of a pill that could bypass bottlenecks and refinement was utterly astounding. Only the most skilled and powerful Heavenly Alchemists could create such pills, and here stood a seemingly ordinary individual with a stock of them.

"You've tested my potions; you can use this pill as a demonstration," Yun Che added, handing another one of the Mark I pills to Li Fei. The old man held the pill in his hands, his astonishment apparent. He couldn't fathom how he had come into possession of such exquisitely crafted profound pills, free of impurities. Pills of this caliber were typically crafted by only the most exceptional Heavenly Alchemists, yet this unfamiliar figure before him appeared to wield their craftsmanship.

"We'll do our best to auction it," Li Fei declared, his enthusiasm evident as he left the room to closely examine the pill, leaving Yun Che alone in the concealed chamber.

Jasmine's voice resounded in Yun Che's thoughts, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"I do. By adopting the Kuchiki Family persona, I've ensured that even if I stir up trouble, it won't trace back to Yun Che. The Kuchiki Family may just become a hidden and influential force in this world," Yun Che responded, a grin tugging at his lips. The notion of establishing a fabricated yet potent family appealed to his strategic sensibilities.


"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished martial clans, and seekers of the extraordinary, welcome to this illustrious auction! Tonight, we present relics and treasures from realms both battled and legendary. Our opening item, a sword whispered to be forged within a plummeting star's core, exudes immeasurable might. Who among you shall commence the bidding?" The auctioneer's voice resonated through the hall, a symphony of excitement that seized every gaze. The opulent surroundings and the dazzling centerpiece upon the stage intensified the sense of anticipation. With a decisive tap of the gavel, the auction sprang to life, igniting a chorus of eager bids and hushed strategizing among potential buyers.

"System, any insights about the sword?" Yun Che inquired, his curiosity piqued by the aura of power surrounding the weapon.



[Ding… A unique-ranked sword crafted from a fallen meteorite. Its potency is confined to the Earth Profound Realm. While well-regarded within this city, it holds little significance beyond these borders.]


"Interesting," Yun Che mused. This trend persisted as the auction progressed, with the system clinically assessing each item before appending its own dry assessment—a stark reminder that these treasures paled in comparison to the items available in the system shop. The items on auction ranged from weaponry and armor to rare cultivation materials like Heavenly Spirit Stones, Essence Qi Herbs, and Phoenix Blood Crystals. These materials might hold value for crafting potent enhancements, yet they could scarcely rival the allure of the system's wares.

As the items found their buyers, the announcer's voice reclaimed center stage. "A bold leap to fifteen hundred gold taels, courtesy of our distinguished guest in black. A scholar's heart paired with a warrior's spirit—truly a remarkable combination. Now, we unveil the centerpiece of today's auction: twelve vials containing Healing Potions and Profound Restoration Potions!"

With a flourish, the female attendant unveiled the red and blue vials, igniting astonishment across the hall. A puzzled voice emerged from the crowd, questioning, "Healing potions? Why auction them when one could simply obtain pills from an alchemist? Has the pavilion's prestige stooped to peddling mere potions as its main attraction?"

"Inquisitive guest, rest assured there's purpose in these potions claiming center stage. Allow me to invite Master Li Fei for a demonstration," the announcer declared, prompting all eyes to turn toward Li Fei, whose gaze flickered momentarily toward the concealed room—a subtle nod to Yun Che's presence.

Li Fei took the stage and began, "Esteemed guests, as an alchemical master of this esteemed pavilion, I assure you these Healing Potions are unblemished, rendering their effects virtually instantaneous. May I demonstrate?" A swift motion brought his dagger to his palm, crimson blood welling forth and then vanishing as he took a sip from one of Yun Che's potions. Gasps of astonishment rippled through the hall as the potion's miraculous speed sealed his wound, leaving no trace behind.

A hushed silence enveloped the hall, broken only by Li Fei's next words, "But wait, there's more... The blue vials house Profound Restoration Potions, capable of replenishing profound energy at an unprecedented pace—far surpassing any Profound Restoration Pill." Li Fei consumed one of the potions, his aura swiftly restored to its zenith. A chorus of murmurs surged through the hall, captivated by the idea of instantaneous restoration—an unparalleled lifesaver.

"As we commence the auction, allow us to offer all twelve vials, a total of twenty-four Purple Profound Coins." The announcer set the stage, initiating the bidding at a level that clearly communicated the items' value. Regret etched itself upon the faces of those who had secured previous acquisitions, now recognizing the staggering potential of these celestial potions.

"50 Purple Profound Coins!"

"100 Purple Profound Coins!"

"300 Purple Profound Coins!"

"Do you dare not to give us face?" One of the bidders stood up and began throwing their powers.

"500 Purple Profound Coins!"

"You!!! 1000 Purple Profound Coins! We dare you to raise higher." The bidder challenges.

"2500 Purple Profound Coins!"

"5000!" The value reverberated through the hall, immediately hushing the once buzzing crowd into an apprehensive silence. The representative of the Xuan Sect had spoken, his voice carrying an air of dominance that seemed to quell any potential competition. As the hush settled, it became evident that the Xuan Sect held considerable influence within this gathering.

"5000 Purple Profound Coins! Going once... going twice... sold! To the representative of the Xuan Sect," the announcer proclaimed, as the Xuan Sect's representative basked in the satisfaction of securing dozens of meticulously crafted potions, their receipt contingent upon the auction's culmination.

"Now, in accordance with the seller's request, a mysterious item is to be auctioned." The announcer's voice held a tantalizing edge as a female attendant revealed a small box, unveiling the enigmatic treasure within. A radiant purple pill, akin to a luminous pearl, lay nestled inside.

Master Li Fei took the stage, stepping into the announcer's role with a commanding presence. "Ladies and gentlemen, this pill is no ordinary one. It is a unique Profound Pill, capable of elevating one's cultivation realm by a substantial degree. What makes this pill extraordinary is that it requires no refinement, instantly boosting one by five smaller realms."

A wave of awe swept through the hall, disbelief apparent on many faces. "Impossible," they whispered, for every warrior understood that refined energy was necessary for cultivation progression.

"Allow me to demonstrate." Li Fei summoned one of his disciples, a cultivator who had grappled with a bottleneck at Peak True Profound Realm for an agonizing two years. Struggling to break through, his previous attempts to utilize Profound Pills had only backfired, rendering him trapped in stagnation.

The disciple took the pill offered by Li Fei, and the extraordinary occurred. Breaking through the shackles of his bottleneck, he surged into the First Level of the Spirit Profound Realm, defying expectations and norms. Yet, the ascent didn't halt; he continued to rise, reaching the Second Level of Spirit Profound Realm before finding equilibrium.

The astonishing spectacle left both Li Fei and the audience in stunned amazement. They grasped the revelation that this pill disregarded the usual constraints of bottlenecks, rendering them obsolete. Although the master alchemist had emphasized that its efficacy was best suited for those from the Elementary to Peak True Profound Realms, the pill's potency would diminish by half if consumed by a Spirit Profound Realm cultivator. For Li Fei, the result was profound: his disciple had ascended to the Spirit Profound Realm.

"Whistle... He shattered a bottleneck with a pill," Yun Che marveled, his sentiment shared by Jasmine.

"Master... This..." Tears welled in the eyes of the alchemical disciple, struggling to fathom that the two years of bottleneck agony had been obliterated. While it took a moment for the reality to settle, the tears forming in his eyes attested to the truth of his newfound advancement.

Li Fei offered a comforting pat on the back and addressed the hall with a boisterous announcement, exclaiming, "Hahaha... A breakthrough without refinement! Witness my disciple ascend three levels with the power of this pill alone! After two years of grappling with a bottleneck, he has soared with the aid of this very pill. I shall initiate the auction for another of these remarkable pills, commencing at 500 Purple Profound Coins."

"1000 Purple Profound Coins."


"1800, any raise above this considers offending our sect." The same bidder sounded again.







"7500 purple profound coins. Going once, going twice. Sold to the Xiao Branch Sect!" The announcer hits the gavel as it marks the final transaction.

"Unbelievable, 7500 Purple Coins for a low-ranked pill," Yun Che's mind raced as he observed the auction's outcome. He couldn't help but contemplate how the people in the hall would react if they knew he had generously given nearly a hundred Mark II pills to Xiao Lingxi for her cultivation, yet he just auctioned a Mark I for such a price.

It was, by far, one of the most cunning scams he had executed. Tensions grew palpable in the hall as disgruntled guests simmered in frustration. Losing out on a dozen potions to the formidable Xuan Sect, which stood as one of the mightiest forces beneath the four great sects, and now seeing the Branch Xiao Sect acquire the coveted Purple Profound Pill, the atmosphere thickened with animosity.

The introduction of a pill that required no refinement was akin to a revolution within the alchemical realm of the Profound Sky Continent. Whose hands crafted such a groundbreaking creation? At any cost, the sects resolved to track down the master behind this masterpiece before their rivals did.

Standing up, Yun Che made his way to Li Fei's office with purpose. Seated there, Li Fei presented six golden Profound Currency cards. "Master Kuchiki, these six Profound Currency Cards each contain 2000 purple coins, with the final card holding 1000. As part of our trade agreement, the pavilion will deduct a total of 500 purple coins."


[Profound Currency Card]

A profound currency card is a form of a physical card used in some fictional in this world to store and manage currency or wealth. It typically contains information about the user's funds and can be used to make transactions, purchase items, or participate in auctions within the world's economy. It serves as a convenient and secure way to carry and access one's wealth without the need for physical coins or currency.

Current cards the host has: 6

Card rank: Gold


"Seems like a reasonable exchange," Yun Che spoke, his voice resembling that of Ginrei Kuchiki.

"May I propose another offer? Your expertise in alchemy could greatly benefit our pavilion. We're willing to offer you 90% of the profits from the items you auction through us," Li Fei extended an invitation, attempting to entice the master into joining their endeavors.

"I must decline your offer," Yun Che anticipated this and promptly rejected it. It wasn't his way of seeking wealth, and he preferred to chart his own path.

"Ah, what a shame. Nonetheless, I hope you'll consider visiting our pavilion again in the future. I am forever grateful for your assistance in resolving my disciple's issue," Li Fei expressed his gratitude with a bow.

"It was my pleasure to help," Yun Che returned the gesture with a nod, his actions leaving an intriguing air of mystery about his true identity.


[Ding…. Wealth Quest Completed]

XP: 45000

Reward: 5000 Purple Profound Coins, the coveted Stamina Recovery Potion Recipe, and a whimsical Cheese.

[Achievement Unlocked: Money! Money! Money! – Successfully sell to the highest bidder.]

[XP: 50000]


[Ding… Novel Achievement Frame Acquired]

A charming Chibi depiction of Yun Che showering coins with a mix of bewilderment and jubilation.

[Host's can now include craft the Stamina Recovery Potion.]

[The Cheese is now nestled in your inventory.]

[Five thousand Purple Profound Coins have been securely added to your inventory.]


With that, Yun Che gracefully dipped his head in acknowledgment to Li Fei before discreetly exiting the office and melting into the crowd once again. He seamlessly blended in with the guests, slipping out of the pavilion with a resplendent haul of twelve thousand Purple Profound Coins. In the aftermath of his triumph, a chiding voice echoed within him.

"Wipe that grin off your face," Jasmine chimed, her annoyance palpable.

"What? I'm just a newly-minted rich man," Yun Che retorted with an inner grin.

"It's so annoying that I almost want to punch you," Jasmine retorted in turn.

"Well, you'll have to wait for that because it seems I've attracted a tail," Yun Che observed, glancing at his system radar. Several red dots were following him, some on rooftops, and others disguised as innocent bystanders.

The spies within the pavilion had quickly disseminated their findings: the enigmatic Kuchiki Ginrei, an Azure Master Alchemist from the Kuchiki Family, was responsible for the sale of both the potions and pills. Sects of all stripes swiftly set their sights on uncovering more about this elusive family and dispatched their operatives to trail the master alchemist.

But Yun Che had other plans. He sensed the presence of five to six groups tailing him, and he opted to lead them to an open area just outside the city. As he reached the chosen spot, he spun around and projected his voice with theatrical flair. "May I be of assistance, esteemed followers? Being pursued like this is hardly enjoyable for an old man like myself."

Suddenly, from the shadows emerged numerous figures, revealing his unwitting followers. Armed with handcuffs, they seemed ready to capture him. Yun Che's quick observation showed that they had blocked every escape route, clearly determined to take him back, even if in chains.

"Master Kuchiki, we extend an invitation for you to grace our sect as an honored guest," one of the spies respectfully proffered, his words laced with an undercurrent of coercion.

"Do you dare? The master should rightly honor our sect with his presence!" chimed in another, his comrades unsheathing their weapons, ready for a showdown.

"And you would provoke us for conversing with the master?" countered yet another group of spies, their conflicting agendas escalating into a skirmish. The scene quickly devolved into chaos, with fists flying and tempers flaring, forsaking the old alchemist's opinion entirely.

Watching the fracas unfold, Yun Che could only sweatdrop. Guards had positioned themselves to thwart his escape, and some were already exchanging blows. "What if I refuse?" he interjected.

"How much do you require to join our sect as an esteemed guest? Name your price, and we shall provide it," one of the blocking guards proposed, an eagerness to bribe evident in his tone.

"Are you even aware that you're on the brink of offending the mighty Kuchiki Family? Such an affront won't be taken lightly. You think this old man can be swayed by trinkets and coins?" Yun Che declared, his scarf fluttering in the wind, an aura of authority enveloping him. Some spies hesitated; they had never heard of the Kuchiki Family and pondered if they might be a shadowy clan surpassing even the Four Great Sects—a clandestine power that wielded dominion from the shadows.

"And if you resist, we shall be left with no choice but to compel you," one of the more audacious operatives proclaimed, brandishing his weapon, fully intent on apprehending Yun Che. The situation verged on the comical, as an array of Spirit Profound Realm warriors had been marshaled to deal with a single alchemist.

Yun Che initiated his counterattack, swiftly dispatching every cultivator who dared to lay hands on him. Remarkably, he didn't even need to summon his Zanpakuto to deal with his opponents. Instead, his mastery of hand-to-hand combat proved more than sufficient to overwhelm them. With each calculated punch, he dismantled their attempts at capturing him, leaving them sprawled on the ground in defeat. As he methodically weaved through the skirmish, the sect members could only watch in awe, witnessing the prowess of the unassuming elderly man who seemed to defy their expectations at every turn.

The sect members were left dumbfounded as they witnessed an elderly man single-handedly dismantle their entire army, each of their cultivations proving insufficient against his might. Yun Che's voice dripped with amusement, "Isn't it fascinating to see loyal lapdogs fight for their masters? You're hoping to extract my potion and pill recipes, I presume? But what if my mind harbors even more potent secrets?" His words kindled a flame of greed in their eyes, the promise of unparalleled knowledge driving them to desperate measures.

"This old man understands that if he acquiesces to your sects' demands, he'll be trapped as a perpetual potion and pill creator, a slave to your whims. I won't be so easily captured," Yun Che's hand moved slowly but assertively.

"You…" Offended, one of the guards lunged forward, intent on injuring the master to force his compliance. "Then don't blame us if we have to use force!"

BZZT! A pale bolt of lightning shot from Yun Che's hand, striking the guard's body in an agonizing manner, his outcry echoing across the vicinity.

"ARRGGHH!!" In that fleeting moment, the man's screams filled the air, attracting the attention of battling cultivators nearby.


[Ding…. Nut shot mission completed.]


"Before we conclude, allow this old man to accomplish a few missions of his own," Yun Che smirked, embracing the persona of Ginrei. With a teleportation maneuver, he materialized next to a guard and delivered a powerful punch to his nose, sending him flying through the air, courtesy of the augmented strength of the Great Way of the Buddha.


[Ding… Broken nose mission completed.]


Then, with another swift teleportation, Yun Che delivered a forceful punch to another guard's groin, causing the man to soar upwards while clutching his injured region.


[Ding… Testicular Manslaughter mission completed.]

[Ding…. New optional mission updated – Perform 10 Testicular Manslaughters – 2500SP]


Seeing this, Yun Che's grin widened as he executed a series of nimble flash steps, targeting the vulnerable areas of the guards and incapacitating them with ruthless precision. Each punch and kick was a calculated strike aimed at their most sensitive regions, leaving the surrounding men to watch in horrified disbelief as their attackers crumpled to the ground, their heirs to future generations severely compromised.

Yun Che was thoroughly entertained by the spectacle, relishing in the irony of the calm and composed Kuchiki Ginrei becoming an instrument of destruction for these men's reproductive capabilities.


[Ding… Testicular Manslaughter times ten mission completed.]


As the men retreated, outmatched and outnumbered, Yun Che's approach forced them to concede. Their inability to gauge his cultivation bred fear and uncertainty, prompting some to flee in terror. He advanced towards one of the fallen guards and spoke, his tone dripping with an ironic kindness, "I'll consider myself generous this time. But don't think for a moment that I won't take this as compensation for your attempt to rob me."


[Ding…. Rob a Bully Mission completed]


In the end, Yun Che tossed the money pouch back at them, realizing the futility of robbing such men after having obliterated their future prospects. With nearly 12000 Purple Profound Coins already amassed in a single day, he knew he had no need for their meager offering of yellow and cyan coins.

Now, there was one final mission to complete.

"Hiii!!!" The guards started fleeing, and even the combatants from other sects began to scatter. In the guise of Ginrei, Yun Che approached a terrified man, his expression grave as he seized the man's undergarment, his voice morphing into that of a wise and aged figure.

"Atomic Wedgie…"


[Ding…. Atomic Wedgie mission completed.]

[Ding…. The mission set 'I hate bullies' completed – Bonus 3000SP awarded.]

A massive rewrite - 2023

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts