
Chapter 5: Find One

For the past 3 days that I'm living here, I am already used to this place.

I've been strengthening my body these past few days, looking at the mirror and seeing that my previous skinny body, finally have some meat in it.

And if you're wondering why am I not going to school, I have only finished middle school I studied for 1 year in high school but due to financial issues I have to drop out of school.

I've been planning to go back to school next school year since I am not really that young anymore.

'I should probably get a job' I thought.

Oh right! I have Xia Lan whom I can rely on.

"Xia Lan, what is the easiest way to earn money?" I asked.

"I know! Stone gambling, It's the easiest way to earn money but it's also risky, but since you've got me the cute and mighty Xia Lan can definitely make it easier hehe~"


"Thank you, Xia Lan" I feel so grateful that not only grant me a new life, he also gave me this cute and adorable Xia Lan.

"No problem, Beauty Yan!" Xia Lan said gloatingly.

Okay, the money issue is finally solve, let's head out to the gambling street.

When I arrived at the location, I saw a lot of stones scattered all over the street. Most people were old and just a few young picking out stones.

I don't know what to do 'cause I've never been here before, so I asked Xia Lan for help.

"How do I identify if it has stones?"

"Oh! If you look closely you can see a white shadow coming out of it and also you can feel an energy by touching it. The more it glowed the more valuable it was." Xia Lan said.

"Okay I understand, Thank you Xia Lan!"

"At your service Beauty Yan~"

I know what to do now, thanks to Xia Lan. Without her instructing me I would probably have a hard time.

I looked at the stone at each stall and so far I haven't find one yet. I was walking and walking endlessly until I arrived at an old store It looked quite old, but since I am already there I decided to enter and take a look.

The owner was an old woman maybe in her 60's she looked quite decent.

The old woman gave me a smile as a greeting and I also replied with a smile with a little bow.

I take a look inside the store and realize how majestic the store inside, when you looked at it outside you would probably expect this.

I take a look at their stone and realize that there's one that was glowing I approach it to take a look.

Then stone was just big as a football, when I touch and carried it in my palm to inspect I can feel an energy coming from the inside.

This is it!

I take a looked inside the store but I didn't find anything else aside from this. So, I bought it.

I approach the old woman lazily sitting in the counter while reading a book. It seems like a book about Chinese Medicine.

'Maybe this woman was a doctor' I thought.

"Hello! I am getting this" I greeted her with a smile.

She responded with a smile " It's originally 50 yuan but I am giving you a discount, now it's only 40 yuan"

50 yuan was a big amount to be thanked God she gave a discount.

"Thank you!" I thanked her for few times before handling her the money and going out let someone cut it.