
Rebirth: A Goddess or a Demon Lord

Following the death of her parents and sister, the main character is approached by an offer she simply cannot refuse. Should she accept, she'll leave her old world behind in favour of starting anew but with this new world comes challenges, the likes of which she's never faced before. Will she find love and happiness or will this life also end with heartache and pain?

Devvytm · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Ch2: Naming Ceremony

????: Miss Rael, I King Daigo and my wife, Queen Sara of the Kingdom of Hinokoku am in your debt.

I watch as he kneels. The others quickly join him and even his wife, who's still holding their babe, falls to her knees. When they bow, however, I quickly rush forward lifting both the King and his wife before their faces can touch the ground.

Me: Please. There's no need. We were just close by and figured we should provide our assistance. There's certainly no need for such honorifics. I'm certain many others would do the same.

To my amazement, they look at each other as though I am speaking a foreign tongue before the king finally begins laughing. The others follow suit sometime later, nervously, gradually growing in confidence as he continues.

Daigo: You're clearly not from around here. I should have guessed from your attire but I suppose I can be forgiven for overlooking such details after coming face to face with death.

Me: From that statement, I take it you have many enemies.

Daigo: That would be underselling myself. Still, I was surprised when we got attacked by these men.

Me: Do you know who they were?

Daigo: I have a few theories but that can wait for later. Might I inquire where you're heading? Perhaps we're travelling in the same direction.

Me: Well, we're not sure, to be honest. We were looking for the nearest sign of life when we stumbled across your party.

Daigo: Ahh, so I was right. Well, why don't you come with us? It'd give us a chance to learn more about one another and we could give you the general rundown of where you are and help point you in the direction of wherever you're heading.

Me: I wouldn't want to impose.

Sara: Please...it's the least we can do after you saved our lives. At least come with us so that we can provide you with a warm meal and a place of rest before you go on your way.

A look in her eyes it's all it takes to convince me. Those are the eyes of a woman who will not take no for an answer and it's not like we're in a position to refuse. Eventually, we'd need to eat and find shelter for resting so we might as well take their offer. Besides, at the very least, as the King mentioned, I'll be able to learn about the surrounding area and figure out where I wish to head to, from there.

Me: Very well.

Daigo: Excellent news. Ride ahead of us Lars and have them prepare a feast for our arrival. Go swiftly now and take no detours.

Soldier: Yes, my liege!

I watch as the soldier, apparently named Lars, jumps on a horse and gallops off into the distance. By the time I turn to face the King once again, he's helping his wife into a nearby carriage. The soldiers that had arrived after the battle are assisting the guards to load their dead into a cart, perhaps to bring them back to their families so they can get a proper burial. I'm tempted to try my luck at resurrecting them but I quickly shut down the thought. If it works, it'll definitely cause issues for me in the long term as news about me will quickly spread but, if it backfires and creates undead then that would be even worst and it would ruin my current relations with these people.

By the time I finish my internal debate, they've finished preparations. Looking around, the attacker's bodies have also been cleared away and are about to be burned. Of course, there's still the massive crater in the middle of the road but apart from that and the blood that's being cleaned, there's hardly any signs of battle.

Daigo: Why don't you travel with us?

I turn to state that I already planned to do that but quickly realise he's inviting me to join them in their carriage. Smiling, I accept his offer and allow him to help me up into the carriage. Sitting across from the Queen, I notice that the baby she's holding is fast asleep. She smiles at me before refocusing on her sleeping babe's face.

Sara: Beautiful, isn't she?

Me: She is.

Sara: To think we almost lost her today. Life can be so cruel sometimes.

Me: What's her name?

She doesn't respond. Her facial expression says something bad occurred but it's not until the King joins us and we're underway that I get my reply.

Daigo: She doesn't have one yet.

Zuri: How comes?

Me: Zuri-

Daigo: No, no. It's okay. At the very least, it confirms that you aren't from Alesia.

Me: What's Alesia, exactly? It sounds like a place but I can't tell whether it's a nation or just a town/city.

Both share a look I can't quite place with each other before the King turns back towards me, his expression now changed.

Daigo: Have you truly never heard of Alesia?

Me: To be honest, I don't know much about anything here.

Daigo: How peculiar. Well, We are from the nation of Hinokoku which is where you're currently located. To the south, some distance away, lies the Holy Kingdom of Alesia which is the apparent cause for our current situation.

Zuri: Are you enemies?

Daigo: Nothing that drastic but relations have been tense after they began annexing our closest neighbour. They've been putting pressure on us to expel non-humans ever since.

Zuri: What does that have to do with your child not being named though.

Me: Zuri!

Daigo: Haha, it's fine. She does have a point. I guess if you didn't know Alesia even existed you wouldn't know the custom behind naming babes in certain western cultures.

King Daigo explains that to have your child named by the Goddess Freya is the highest of honours, a gift bestowed primarily on nobility but occasionally on select commonfolk as well. However, this "blessing" is never bestowed on any being that's not human. He goes on to explain that their child was to be named but when they arrived at the capital of Alesia, they were turned back following their nation's refusal to expel its non-human populace and as such, the babe didn't receive a name.

Still unsure why her giving a child a name is this highly sought after, I ask and quickly find out that names from her have power. The greatest examples of this are with her saints which all possess incredible levels of power, well out of the reach of most ordinary humans and even most monsters.

Me: I see. Why not name her yourselves?

They don't immediately answer but their facial expressions say it all. They'd prefer giving their child the best they can and them naming her simply wouldn't be enough in their eyes. Deciding to leave it at that, I gladly accept the drink the King pours for us, downing it in one swoop. It's cool and refreshing, somewhat reminding me of the feeling I got when drinking lemonade during summer. I'm on my second glass when Zuri breaks the silence.

Zuri: Mistress, why not name her instead?

Almost choking on my drink, I'm forced to cover my mouth to mute my coughs as to not wake the sleeping babe. What the hell is she thinking? Why in the world would I name their child? Do I look like I want that responsibility? Besides, they've made it blatantly clear they only want the Goddess Freya to bless their child with a name. I doubt they'd settle for the stranger they literally just met after turning down themselves.

Sara: That's a splendid idea.

The sheer disbelief I'm feeling must be written all over my face because she quickly moves to explain.

Sara: If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be alive. Our lives really were gifted to us by you and I can think of no better person to name our daughter.

Daigo: I agree. It's a fabulous idea, though I think we should wait until we get back to the capital.

Sara: My thoughts exactly darling. We can have a festival-

Daigo: The largest festival our nation has ever seen!

Sara: Yes, yes. It's to celebrate the birth and naming of our daughter after all and our honorary guests will be our saviours.

They continue for some time and by the time they're finished, I'm simply staring in awe at how they perfectly integrate their sentences with each other's words. They're apparently waiting for my reply to something but I have no idea what they asked. The King, notices and quickly moves to offer support.

Daigo: So, do you accept our request?

Me: Sure I-

Daigo: Splendid! We'll need to make preparations as quickly as possible. Guards! Full speed ahead!

They comply but quickly slow down once the Queen begins berating him for waking their child. Still, now that the baby's awake, nothing is stopping them from rushing and before long, the city is in sight.

Daigo: Welcome to Nihon, the capital city of Hinokoku!

Looking outside, I'm immediately filled with a sense of awe as we pass through the city gates. Inside, it's clearly visible from the carriage that this is a large city. The people have lined the streets, welcoming the King and Queen back. It seems Lars really did rush ahead of us, spreading the good news as he sped to the palace.

It takes some time, which I use to take in the details of the city, but we eventually make it to the palace. As we step outside, we're greeted by maids, guards and what I can only assume are some of the nobility or other members of the royal family, based on their clothing.

????: Your Majesties! It's great to see you have made it safe. I was worried when I heard you had been attacked and were-

Daigo: You know there's no getting rid of me that easily Heizei. Which reminds me, brother, meet our saviours Lady Rael and Lady Zuri.

Heizei: Oh? They are nobility? I should have figured from their clothing but...tsk...guess you really can't trust the words of a soldier.

Daigo: They are royal guests so I expect you to show them proper respect.

Heizei: Forgive me, ladies, I meant no disrespect.

He says this but his eyes glint with mischief and I can't help but have a feeling that he had something to do with the attack on his brother. Is he trying to seize power? To think he would go as far as to kill his own family though. I guess there really is no lines some people won't cross.

Daigo: Now then. I hope everything's prepared for the naming ceremony and festival, correct?

Me: Wait, that's being done now?

Heizei: Most certainly. Preparations are complete and awaiting your arrival.

Sara: That's wonderful news. Let's not waste another moment.

She joins our conversation with her daughter still snug in her arms. She'd stayed back to feed the babe but now, with everyone finally here, we all head into the palace. I'm amazed at how beautiful the furnishing on the inside is but I don't get much time to relish it as we are ushered through and onto a balcony overlooking a rather large plaza that I didn't notice before. The plaza is packed and overflowing with people who all go silent once the King appears.

Daigo: Citizens of Hinokoku!

What little chatter remained quickly dies off as he begins his speech. He starts with the birth of his daughter and follows the events after which saw them get turned down by Alesia and rescued by Zuri and me. He then continues into the conversation we had about naming their daughter before settling on the decision that I should name her. The crowd, which had been enraged that their King and Queen were turned down by Alesia quickly switch to joyful celebrating upon hearing this.

Daigo: And now, Queen Sara and I would like to present to you, Lady Rael and Lady Zuri!

The crowd goes wild as we step into view. It's a bit overwhelming at first but I eventually forget about it completely as my anxiety is quickly replaced by my fear of heights. Usually, I have no problem with heights but as I look down, it becomes obvious that there isn't much between me and solid ground but what's arguably the world's shortest railing. Keeping my distance, I smile and wave as I've seen so many royals do and it works.

I'm in the midst of lowering my hand when Queen Sara steps up beside me and places her daughter in my hands. I've never liked holding newborns as they always seem a bit too fragile but, knowing full well I can't drop this child, I hold her like she's the most precious thing to me. She responds by laughing and seemingly trying to reach for my hair.

As I continue to stare, lovingly, into her eyes, I notice that her iris are almost blue-greyish in colour. Indeed, they remind me of a storm. As the thought leaves my mind, clouds roll in overhead, turning day almost into night. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls. There are a few screams here and there but I'm all but oblivious to the outside world. For me, it's just me and the child.

Me: I think I'll name you, Arashi.

The sky lights up with lightning, finally, capturing my attention. To my surprise, I hear my voice boom through the rolling thunder that follows. Even more shockingly, the newly named Arashi begins to glow as white and gold light wraps itself around her body. It reminds me of the clothing I'm wearing and feels oddly familiar, leading me to believe it's perhaps my own magic. Still, I don't recognise the full depth of what is occurring until it clears leaving the baby unscathed but glistening and the storm dissipates.

The King and Queen are the first to fall to the ground, quickly followed by the other nobles and soon after by all the people gathered around. Their act surprises me but their words surprise me even more.

Daigo: Forgive us for not recognizing you sooner, Goddess. To think that you saved our lives without asking for anything in return and then blessed our daughter with such a powerful name. We are humbled-

Me: [Zuri, what are they talking about.]

She shrugs before telepathically replying that perhaps they think I am the Goddess Freya that they had initially wanted to bless and name their child but this theory is quickly dispelled as Daigo continues.

Daigo: Not even the Goddess Freya herself has ever bestowed such power on a mortal before.

He goes on and on and for a moment, I'm fearful that this Freya he keeps speaking of might strike me with lightning or something. Truly, I only gave their daughter a name as they asked. It really isn't that big a deal. Though apparently, it is, as everyone joins him in showering me with praise.

Deciding that nothing can be done to change their minds, I change strategy by walking towards them and beckoning them to stand. They comply and I gingerly return Arashi to her mother, Sara, who takes her from me as though she's the only thing left in the world. She'd been staring at her lovingly before but now it's as though she's magically risen in how precious she is. I can't help but laugh just a little but quickly cover my mouth as it comes out far louder and more melodious than I would have imagined.

As the sound echoes across the city, I can only watch as everyone stares in awe before the crowd erupts into a deafening cheer. This, for better or for worst, kickstarts the festival. After a rather brief speech following the naming, the King and Queen lead us down and out into the streets where we get to try all sorts of delicacies. I wasn't even aware that I was hungry until the first bite touched my tongue.

Zuri, also enjoying the taste of the food, speeds through dish after dish, much to the surprise of some onlookers. The King, on the other hand, laughs and makes a show of passing her even more food, which she happily accepts. It's not long, however, before we all shift from eating and begin dancing. The people make every effort to keep a respectable distance from Zuri and me but I don't let it bother me, instead, just focusing on having a good time.

The celebrations continue into the night, leaving us all exhausted but it finishes with a fantastic display of what's either magic or fireworks. There are cheers as I finally take a break and head back into the palace. The others, including Zuri, remain outside to continue celebrating but Queen Sara soon joins me and leads me to one of the guest rooms.

Sara: Has everything has been to your liking?

Me: It's been perfect. Thank you.

She smiles as she opens the door. The room is remarkably luxurious for a guest bedroom but I'm not allowed the chance to take it in as a wave of exhaustion hits me the moment I lay eyes on the bed. Sara notices and whispers good night as she closes the door, mere moments before I collapse onto the sheets, quickly blacking out.