
Reality Collision

"When a human tries to become a god, their can only be one outcome." ---------------------------------- As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a disorienting sight. I found myself lying on a cold, metal bed, my limbs tightly bound to it. The feeling of numbness that had overtaken my arms and legs was overwhelming, and I struggled to regain any semblance of control over my body. As I looked up, I noticed multiple blindingly bright light bulbs arranged in a grid pattern on the ceiling, casting an eerie glow throughout the room. It was a sight that had become all too familiar to me over time, and yet it never failed to fill me with a sense of dread. I couldn't remember how long I had been trapped in this sterile, white room, but it felt like an eternity. My memories were hazy, my mind clouded by the constant barrage of experiments and tests that I was subjected to on a daily basis. I had lost track of time, lost track of the days and weeks that passed me by. All I knew was that I was a prisoner, a mere puppet in the hands of my captors. The experiments were brutal, each one more invasive than the last. They probed and prodded at my body, searching for answers that I didn't have. I was a lab rat, a subject for their twisted experiments, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. The pain was excruciating, but I had learned to bear it with a stoic resolve. I had no choice but to endure it, to survive in this hellish existence for another day. I had no idea what lay beyond the sterile walls of my prison anymore. The outside world felt like a distant memory, a dream that I couldn't quite grasp. I was cut off from the rest of humanity, isolated in my own personal hell. The only contact I had with the outside world was the occasional visit from my captors, who would come in to administer more tests and take samples from my body. They treated me like an object, not a person, and it was a dehumanizing experience that had left me feeling like a shell of my former self. I had no free will, no autonomy. I was a puppet, a tool to be used and discarded at will. At least, that's what they wanted me to believe. But deep down, I knew that there was still a spark of humanity within me, a will to survive and fight back against my captors. It was a small glimmer of hope, but it was enough to keep me going, to give me the strength to endure another day of torture and pain. ---------------------------- Get ready for a hell of a Roller costar plot. Remember to thank me later...…

Awesome_me123 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


There are only two planets in our solar system. Yeah, it's crazy! Our planet is called Easteria, and the other one is called Westeria.

Westeria is actually twice the size of our planet, which makes it look so close even though it's really far away.

I had stories that our planet used to be just as beautiful as Westeria, but we humans messed it up.

We got so obsessed with technology and advancing ourselves that we didn't care about the consequences. Heroism was just a façade for insanity, and people were willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. It was like the ends justified the means, you know?

And it's not like there were any "good humans" out there. We all have this greed inside of us that drives us to want more and more. I used to think I was different, but deep down I know I'm not.

As a society, we became so obsessed with technology that we lost sight of the importance of nature. We were convinced that we could become immortal and have complete control over everything, but this way of thinking ultimately led to devastating consequences. Countless animals and forests were destroyed, and the ozone layer was irreparably damaged. As a result, nature began to fight back, and Easteria, our once-thriving home, was nearly wiped out. Oxygen became more valuable than diamonds, and we had to pay exorbitant amounts of money just to breathe! 

It's hard to believe that we let things get so out of hand. Our desire for power and control blinded us to the fact that we were destroying the very planet that sustains us.

The consequences of our actions were swift and severe, and we were left to pick up the pieces of a broken world. It was a wake-up call that we couldn't ignore.

But even in the midst of all this destruction, there was a glimmer of hope. In Westeria, we discovered a new form of energy called Mana.

It was a groundbreaking discovery that could change the course of our future. However, there was a catch- We were not alone.

We discovered that it was possible for humans to awaken to mana. But only the wealthy and awakened were allowed to head to Weseria, leaving the rest of us behind. It was a harsh reminder of the inequality that still existed in our society.

So now, I'm stuck with these nuns who keep blabbering about how I need to believe to receive blessings from the goddess Asteria.

But honestly, I'm so over this fate and destiny stuff. It's like I have no control over my own life. I used to try and awaken every day at the hunter organization, but it just never worked out for me. They even banned me and put up a notice with my face on it.

Ugh, my life is a mess.

It's been a really rough ride. I've been working my butt off as a laborer just to make ends meet. And to make matters worse, those hunters put a band on me, so now I can't even think about trying to awaken there.

I went daily to see if I had any luck, but nope, still screwed. It's like I have the worst luck ever.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, these guys come up to me and try to make me feel better. Ugh, I hate living like this. Being a laborer is the worst. I mean, I'm sweating my butt off every day and all I have to show for it is a wallet that's practically empty. But what can I do? It's the only thing keeping me from starving or suffocating.

I always had this dream of becoming a hunter and starting a new life in Westeria, but that dream got crushed when I tried to awaken and failed. I couldn't believe it. So I just hanged out at the Hunter organization and try to forget about my crappy life.

I was taking this test that was the last chance for people in Esteria to awaken, but I missed my chance. The last shuttles to Westeria are about to leave and there's no more time. Today was my last shot, but I failed again. It's really sad seeing people die right in front of you, begging for oxygen. I don't have much left myself, so these could be my last days.

But you know, I wasn't always a peasant, I was in fact the legitimate son of Richard Steelford, a rich bastard!

Well, things went downhill when my mom got accused of infidelity. Even though my dad knew it wasn't true, he didn't speak up and let it all happen.

And to make things worse, some stupid mage found out about my 'Impending' misfortune, and things got even worse.

The family ended up disassociating themselves from us and we had to live in the slums. I had to work all sorts of crappy jobs just to afford some cheap drugs for my sick mom. And even after all that, she still died.

It sucks that those bastards abandoned us,

I can't just let it end like this. I guess I have no choice.

I must get to Westeria, no matter what it takes.

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