
Reality Collision

"When a human tries to become a god, their can only be one outcome." ---------------------------------- As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a disorienting sight. I found myself lying on a cold, metal bed, my limbs tightly bound to it. The feeling of numbness that had overtaken my arms and legs was overwhelming, and I struggled to regain any semblance of control over my body. As I looked up, I noticed multiple blindingly bright light bulbs arranged in a grid pattern on the ceiling, casting an eerie glow throughout the room. It was a sight that had become all too familiar to me over time, and yet it never failed to fill me with a sense of dread. I couldn't remember how long I had been trapped in this sterile, white room, but it felt like an eternity. My memories were hazy, my mind clouded by the constant barrage of experiments and tests that I was subjected to on a daily basis. I had lost track of time, lost track of the days and weeks that passed me by. All I knew was that I was a prisoner, a mere puppet in the hands of my captors. The experiments were brutal, each one more invasive than the last. They probed and prodded at my body, searching for answers that I didn't have. I was a lab rat, a subject for their twisted experiments, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. The pain was excruciating, but I had learned to bear it with a stoic resolve. I had no choice but to endure it, to survive in this hellish existence for another day. I had no idea what lay beyond the sterile walls of my prison anymore. The outside world felt like a distant memory, a dream that I couldn't quite grasp. I was cut off from the rest of humanity, isolated in my own personal hell. The only contact I had with the outside world was the occasional visit from my captors, who would come in to administer more tests and take samples from my body. They treated me like an object, not a person, and it was a dehumanizing experience that had left me feeling like a shell of my former self. I had no free will, no autonomy. I was a puppet, a tool to be used and discarded at will. At least, that's what they wanted me to believe. But deep down, I knew that there was still a spark of humanity within me, a will to survive and fight back against my captors. It was a small glimmer of hope, but it was enough to keep me going, to give me the strength to endure another day of torture and pain. ---------------------------- Get ready for a hell of a Roller costar plot. Remember to thank me later...…

Awesome_me123 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Monday 15th December 2024.

Unknown Location

12:46 pm

As I laid at an unknown location, my mind was consumed with vivid memories of a life that I don't remember ever living.

It's strange to have such a clear recollection of being a thief, and not just any thief, but a professional one at that. I remember the thrill of pulling off a heist, the rush of adrenaline as I successfully escaped with my loot.

Despite not being well off, I always managed to have a full stomach at the end of the night, thanks to my skills as a pickpocket. I remember the shifty looks of those I stole from, the way their eyes darted around nervously, unaware that I had just taken their wallet or purse.

But now, as I sit here in this unknown location, it's difficult to know what's real and what's just a figment of my imagination.

I try to shake off these memories, but they cling to me like a heavy coat on a hot day. I'm not even sure how I ended up in this strange place. The room I'm in is completely white, with no windows or doors. The only thing that breaks up the monotony is the bed I'm strapped to, which is anything but comfortable.

The restraints are tight, digging into my skin and leaving angry red marks. I can't even recall the last time I wasn't restrained to this bed, even when they're conducting their experiments on me. They always wear white lab coats, their faces hidden behind surgical masks. Sometimes they speak to me in hushed tones, but most of the time they just observe me silently, jotting down notes in their notepads. It's unnerving, to say the least.

I'm so used to this room now that I could navigate it with my eyes closed. Every day feels like a repeat of the last, and it's become a tedious cycle that I can't seem to escape from. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going insane, if these memories are just a product of a fractured mind. But then again, why would they be conducting experiments on me if I was just a delusional maniac? It's time to talk about something really messed up.

You know how sometimes you hate the taste of certain foods, but you still have to eat them? Well, imagine if every time you threw up, you got beaten so badly that you could barely breathe. That's what's happening to me.

After I eat, a bunch of guys in white coats come in and stick all kinds of sharp objects and weird devices in me. It's crazy, I always end up passing out before it's done, because of some strange liquid that they never fail to sedate me with.

Today was a day unlike any other. They didn't allow me to eat, but for the first time, they took me out of my room.

My excitement was palpable as I eagerly anticipated the sight of the colors and objects in the big room they had brought me to. However, my excitement quickly turned to fear when I saw a group of kids submerged in tubes filled with green liquid. To my horror, they looked just like me!

As I stood there, bewildered and scared, a man dressed in a white suit approached me and informed me that this was going to be my new home. I tried to tell him my name was Jay, but he paid me no attention.

He then led me to the center of the room, and I noticed a strange device resembling an eyeball that scanned his eyes before he put me into a tube. The tube was cramped, and I felt constricted as I struggled to move my hands and legs.

The man then proceeded to strap my hands and leg to a chair, which was filled with wires. I was then forced to don a massive helmet that covered my head, and although my vision was limited, what I could see was nothing like anything I had ever seen before. The room was composed of metal walls and floors, and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The man approached a large table, filled with an array of buttons and wires, and his intense gaze unnerved me. He seemed to be studying me for a few moments before pulling down a lever. Suddenly, a sticky sensation at my feet caught my attention and I looked down to see something crawling upwards. It was cold and painful, and I couldn't identify what it was. The sensation continued to move up my body, and I felt a sense of panic wash over me. 

As the green liquid rose up to my neck, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. The same liquid that the Me were submerged in was now enveloping me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. As the liquid crept closer to my nose, I realized that I couldn't breathe anymore. My chest felt tight, and I struggled to take in a deep breath. The fear that had been building within me began to intensify, and I felt like crying, but for some reason, I couldn't. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping to avoid the liquid getting in them, but the coldness of the liquid was already seeping into my pores. It was as if the liquid was alive, and it had a life of its own. 

Suddenly, a chill swept over me, and my eyes began to feel cold. It was an odd sensation, and I couldn't explain it. As I tried to steady myself, I realized that I had lost all control of my body. My limbs felt like they had turned to jelly, and I struggled to maintain my balance. Panic set in as I realized that something was terribly wrong, and I had no idea what was happening to me. Then, out of nowhere, a sinister laugh filled my ears, sending shivers down my spine. It was an eerie, bone-chilling cackle that seemed to come from every direction at once. The sound was so terrifying that I couldn't help but cry, my tears mixing with the cold sweat that was now pouring down my face, combining with the liquid.

As my vision began to blur, I knew that I was losing consciousness, and that I was completely at the mercy of whatever force was causing this strange, terrifying sensation.