
Real Virtuality: Visions of Terra

Monster hunting and Boss spawning, Leveling up, Buying equipment and Dueling. . . Real Virtuality is a real life staged set created to promulgate to the world, that anyone can become the main character of their own. And thus, this is the story of how reality and virtual world coincide. Centering the adventures of disabled trio; the Blind, the Mute and the Deaf. _____________________ _____________________ Additional Knowledge: Real Virtuality is a multi-user immersive platform combining a 3D environment – which can be seen and heard through a virtual reality (VR) headset – with a real life stage set. Users are tracked by a motion capture system allowing them to see their own bodies, move physically in the virtual environment and interact with physical objects. {Source:http://artanim.ch/project/real-virtuality/} _____________________

RedReact · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

1. Armament On!


"Ah ah!"

Suddenly waking up from his delightful dream, a young boy let out a short screech as if he reminded of something.

Concurrently, he immediately throw his blanket after hearing an ear-shattering alarm clock as the sun has already been risen a few hours ago. . .

"Damn it, wake up hey!"

He shouted to another boy sleeping next to him by tapping its arm while at the same time, using his other hand and start on searching for something---a piece of thin looking hairband, while attached to it is an earpiece and a tinted visor---as he frantically wears it.

They called these set of gear as the [Firmament Dial].


"Eliot!? Atleast wear your dial first, will you?!" He scolds the other boy who has aninscrutable, raucous and unrecognized words.

"$*@%&@&!^" [Urgh, why in the hell you disturbed my beautiful dream?!] The boy Eliot, said so in anger.

This time, the former heard the latter very clearly after equipping their Firmament Dial. Although mute, thanks to this technology that they could understand each other pretty clearly. It's exactly the same to him though, as he himself is a blind young man. . .

"Go wake Eska up, do you remember our schedule for today?" He said.

"@÷#*£,%*#^!¥" [A-ahh ah right! Oi oi Eskaka, wakey wakey! Remember! Maine will hatched her egg today!] squeaking, Eliot scratches his head and realize what was the former meant and started waking up the boy named Eskaka.

"He's deaf remember? Uhh! also, please stop saying such a rude thing, Maine is not even a chicken to begin with!" The former slapped his face from these exchange, and thought: 'Did he actually used to it?' while shaking his head and slowly exited from their room, yawning. . .

Following with the third boy; Eskaka also wears his dial as they've arrived in front of the table, ate their breakfast and hastily exited the house, thereafter---

"Oi you three where are you going this early in the morning?!"

Ask by the lady with semi-humped back thanks to her old age. Sporting an eyeglass and a cane---as she keeps on tapping it unto the ground, looks somewhat furious rather slightly.

Next to her is a middle-aged lady hefting a small container full of laundry.


"Maine will hatch her egg again, so we'll go there and grind some experience, Granny-baba, Aunt Miyo"

Squeaking and signaling by the mute but was ultimately translated by Eskaka while poking his earlobe with cotton buds and blew it after.

Not looking back, the trio run for their lives while smiling excitedly. . .

At the same time, "Who is this Maine again?" adjusting her eyeglass, Granny questioned Aunt Miyo.

"She's their tycoon playmate, I supposed" Aunt Miyo answered.

"Oho that beautiful amputee, I see"

". . ." Aunt Miyo couldn't rebut from this exchange.

"Anyway lets return, Its good to see that those three finds their happiness although outside of my orphanage fufu" Granny looked at 'her mansion' yet again as this is one of her daily routine before entering the front door.


"Maine, you're here already?" Arriving at the designated area, Eskaka clapped happily as he saw the image of a girl they are most familiar with. She's a little bit of transparent blue hue and has fantasy-like colorful equipment; with sword and a round shield hanging on her both waist. This time, she uses only her 'Avatar'.

"You guys are here at last. Lugh, Eliot, Eskaka" the girl, namely Maine who saw them coming, smiled happily and greeted the three.

"Heheh, of course! we are thankful enough for free experienced!" the mute Eliot happily replied.

"You won't come personally today?" Lugh asks. After all, it is easy to identify if a player were using either an 'Avatar' or their 'Terra Avatar'. The former is a bit transparent while the latter uses one's personal body as a base avatar to create a fantasy-like virtual body. . .

"Uhh, I'm sorry. . .My mom is here, so---" Maine replied shyly while playing with her thumbs.

"Heh! at last, you three arrived, we've been waiting for ages!" At the same time cutting off their conversation, arrived the boy with bigger physique and height than the four mentioned. Next to him are five other 'Players' calling themselves the [Diosys] clan.

Lugh and the rest were inside the covered court area and all of them are equipped with, although different in color and design, has the same set of [Firmament Dial].

"You came, Doumon-kun" Eskaka said so with arm in his waist, lowering his body with sneer; sizing up the former's comrade. Not far away, there are still at least 8 more kids not far from their group.

"They're your new recruits, then? So this will be our first 'real' Raid after all" Lugh repeatedly nodded and asks---"Maine, may I ask how many we can hatch this time?"

"Uhhm--I bought many so. . .20 Bronze, 10 Silver, 3 Gold and luckily I got 1 Myriad" replied by the single girl in the group as she's tapping an empty air...rather, her perspective and others that is wearing the Firmament Dial, could clearly see her inventory as they seeing it through their Augment Reality or commonly known as AR.

"W-whoa a Myriad!? this is the first time 'we' gonna taste it!" Doumon licked his upper lips while ambiguously proclaimed.

Squinting his eye at the big guy, Lugh clamored: "But Maine, 3 Gold is too much on its own, how much more the Myriad?"

"E--eh? B-but, I want you to increased your level at the very least" Maine frantically turned red in embarrassment.

"But the price. . .I think we should----"

Before finishing Lugh's sentence, All of them heard a familiar voice resounded from Maine's Avatar which takes them seconds of silent, until...

"T-that's her Mother!"

"H-hold your breathe and keep quiet!"

Doumon and others panicked. And at the same time, Maine moved towards Lugh and send all of her mentioned Eggs. Of course out of panic, Lugh accepted it all. . .

"W-wait me for a few minutes! At least I wanted to witness what's inside the Myriad!" Maine whispered and her Avatar was disconnected after that last sentence, as she became fragments of light as it slowy ascend and dispersed.

All of the remaining kids breathed heavily in relief, knowing they didn't have to hear the intimidating voice of Maine's mother anymore. . .

"W-what now?"

The long silence within the vicinity has been broken by this sudden question.

"It's always Maine who hatched them, but this time is different" Lugh looked at his interface, rather, inside of his inventory are all of the egg mentioned by Maine.

Gulping, everyone could see what's in his inventory. After all, None of them can afford that many Eggs in one go.

In short, Maine is hella rich!

"Shouldn't we wait for Maine? At least that's---"

"---No, everyone clearly heard her. At least she wanted to witnessed only the Myriad. So for now, equip your gear" Lugh retorted while others followed.

Equipping their Choker, their Gloves, hilt-length Stick and a pair of Socks. Everyone is now ready. They all equip it like how characters equip their weapons and armors. Although seemingly awkward, this is how these game actually works.

"Doumon, did you inform your new recruits of what to do?---"

"I did"

"'---Alright then, be ready!"

From Lugh's question, Doumon and the rest nodded as well as 8 other newly added recruits.

He patted an empty air and a party interface emerged. . .




<[BananaMan02] joined the Party< p>

And after the preparation is finally done:

"We gonna summon 5 Broze Egg at a time, so always keep your eyes open from being wiped out. . .This will be our very first raid so better focus on your role and do not overdo what you cannot"

Ironically, it was Lugh 'the blind' who said such words.

Doumon and the pioneer of his [Diosys] clan, knows that these trio are disabled but never did they belittle them. At one point of course but not right now.

Successively from Lugh's remarks, they heard a commotion behind their back.

"Shut your trap will you?! That dude knows what he's doing, just do your 'role'!" Doumon almost cursed out and shouted towards the 8 newly recruits who just joined today.

"But boss, isn't that too much? we almost got us killed by fighting just one bronze egg, how much more if 5 bronze egg in one go? You know that it won't spawn again if we are to be defeated right? We were only wasting the chances! the loots, the EXP!" it was Swordnoob13 who complained while sweating profusely. This same reason why majority of these gamers are low levels. Mainly because they are afraid to gamble for a better experience and reward.

"Go spectate for now, then" after hearing the complaint, Lugh didn't try to compromise and immediately swiped his hand, while a bit of happiness is coming out of his lips after kicking the complainants one by one of his party---




Moments later, Doumon crack his finger to intimidate the 8 who wanted to complain again. . .unfortunately, not only him but two of Doumon's original party member is as big as him so they couldn't help but to return from the spectators seat, afraid to get beaten, physically and virtually. . .


After they fully created the party and few preparations are completed for the second time. What's left now is how their hunt to fully succeeded. After all, even one Bronze Egg can kill a whole party, so they say. . .

But this time, theirs is not just a normal Raid anymore which is called by majority as the Pick-up-Group, or commonly known as PUG. A group which consists of different people to raid a [Summoned Monsters] from an [Event Boss Map], whom you shared an EXP with other members through damage contribution and or Last Hit.

The newly added system, [Raid] at the same time, will equally distribute an EXP through 'combining this party into one' thus calling it [Party Raid]. That is why unlike a Party, individual roles are very important in a Raid for it to succeeded with small casualty possible.

Lugh grinned as the bronze eggs is circulating in his palm and claimed: "I want to try this trick"

[He smirked! dude its gross!]

"Leave him be, this is the first time where he was the one to hatch the Eggs"

Eliot and Eska murmured.

Doumon and others gulped down and is sweating profusely. He knew these disabled trio are reliable more than anyone when it comes to Egg Hatching, that is why he left his former clan and created a new one, trying to recruit them but what he recruited is only another casual gamer. So, him being here counts himself as a leecher. Although he always denied that fact.

Successively after every preparation is ready. . .

" " "Armament On!" " "

All of them shouted aloud, the same line like how a Mask Rider did from the classic movie. Of course their form indeed changed as if submerged to a whole new and different world---but no.

Thanks to the Firmament Dial they are wearing, players can see, hear, touch, smell, taste and even feel the world created by the system itself. By combining and coinciding the real world terrain and the virtual codes---The system will then created a whole new immersive virtual and reality world, exclusive only to the person wearing the dials, thus Real Virtuality is formed.

And in this coincide world, lived the game everyone called as the [Visions of Terra].