
Real Virtuality: Visions of Terra

Monster hunting and Boss spawning, Leveling up, Buying equipment and Dueling. . . Real Virtuality is a real life staged set created to promulgate to the world, that anyone can become the main character of their own. And thus, this is the story of how reality and virtual world coincide. Centering the adventures of disabled trio; the Blind, the Mute and the Deaf. _____________________ _____________________ Additional Knowledge: Real Virtuality is a multi-user immersive platform combining a 3D environment – which can be seen and heard through a virtual reality (VR) headset – with a real life stage set. Users are tracked by a motion capture system allowing them to see their own bodies, move physically in the virtual environment and interact with physical objects. {Source:http://artanim.ch/project/real-virtuality/} _____________________

RedReact · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2. Legendary Creature, This Early!?

"Am I seeing things?"

"You mean, what he did about the eggs?"

"No fool. . .their team balance is superb"

"R-right? that is why I invited you guys to check out Doumon, they sure are valiant the last time I saw them!"

"Its not about him, idiot!"

"Uhm guys this is out of topic but are you sure that Lugh guy is a blind? He's the most badass man amongst them! Not only him, those two others either!"

"Yeah, I am sure! They're the disabled trio from Granny's orphanage---one of my acquaintance confirmed so"

"This is. . .surreal. . .n-no wait!"

"W-what is it?"

"You guys only noticed that Lugh guy movements but not his equipments? I know that's a Transmog skin but---His looks is like a classic beginner perk from MMORPG right?"

Stupendous, the 8 person who kicked from the [Egg Hunt] party commented one after another.

They're in awe of the synergy of the group but their eyes are only attached on a single person in the field.

Indeed, Lugh is using an equipment 'Transmog Skin' but because he felt that over-glittering designed Skin is too mainstream, he made himself not-to-standout---standout more.

Wearing dark bandana covering his eyes; ragged clothes and boots with torn right sleeve and bandages from both hands. Looking at his Terra Avatar looks pitiful yet elegant due to his golden brown colored hair and flick of moves.

His lightsaber gleamed in dark, flickers and slashes the monster as it disperse, releasing the sounds like that of a broken glass.

"Golden hair"

"Ragged clothes"

The spectators are trying to rack their brains out like it was all familiar.

"A-a-ahhhhh its him!"

"Oy suckers! You can join us now! did you spectate well? This mighty Doumon's move? fufu" Doumon bragged as they successfully finished the Raid and the topic was terminated thanks to this interference.


P.O.V or Eskaka the Deaf

Inviting the 8 person again, Lugh finds himself clicking his tongue and wanted to urged Doumon. Of course I know why. He doesn't wanted to share an EXP to this additional losers, or so I believed he thoughy them to be, but still. . .

Because [Raid] needs a specific count, we couldn't initiate it when we're only few, thus additional people is recommended. The last time is quite hard but somehow or another, we made it and won.

Doumon at the same time, gathered his men after nodding from my gesture; 'Stick to the plan' in which, we already set the positioning in each respected Job and their role.

[Oi Lugh, what is that? How come its different from the last time?! Is that a special Raid Boss?]

Eliot who is not talkative, originally because he is mute of course, feel aghast from the first time he saw such monsters being summoned.

Of course I too felt the same. Not only me but all of us, except for one.

Ow, the monster we summoned and fought is coming from the Egg that Maine had bought. Sadly she is grounded by her evil mom--or so that's what we were thinking this whole time. Who knows? If not, why didn't she return yet?

Anyway, as for how to summon monsters, you have to break the egg in many ways, like throwing or destroying it, or stomping it, and boom---the monster will spawn. Of course the very best way to summon it is to throw it close to perimeter of the party, but far enough for the party to react.

Don't ask me how they called it hatching by breaking it instead. . .Also, the difficulty and experienced gained from a summoned monsters depends on its 'rarity'. But what Lugh did the last time is different than normal.

Yes! go Eliot. . .As Eliot complained I too wanted to know what happened there.

"Ahhh, that is the trick I'm talking about. By hatching the Egg successively through Raid Party. They called it the [Collective Hatching] if you have at least 5 Eggs, but of course the risk of getting wiped out will go higher" Lugh smirked yet again as he answered.

I like and dislike that confidence of his, as if he can solve all of the problems by facing them head-on. But well that is his cause, so Eliot and I could only tolerate him most of the time.

For the record, we have been supporting each other ever since so this kind of thing is quite normal.

Thankfully, as we have good synergy we successfully raided that so-called collective hatching.

"Alright everyone, be ready!"

From Lugh's signal, I breathed heavily. Adjusting my Dial to hear the command clearly. After all, this Dial is my life. I won't hear anything if I'm not wearing it.

. . .Thanks to this why I, Eliot and Lugh can become a normal kid again. I can't read, I can't write either but thanks to this why I or we, are what we are today. It was all thanks to Maine for buying this equipment for us, I guess I can't thank her enough, huh. . .

With that resolve, we won't let anyone take our life and freedom! So we will fight for it! Like yeah, literally. . .

" " "Armament On!" " "

Shouting, I sprinted forward thereafter---

Virtual and Reality coincide as our 'Terra Avatar' is activated as it created along with our body. Equipment, weapons, shield and armors are Augmenting in each and everyone of us who shouts the said word. . .

During our first raid, the terrain is a destroyed, burning and abandoned forest, but this time; snowflakes are falling infinitely.

Although the terrain is different. Width and length of the field or area and the vicinity is exactly the same like the last time. Because virtual system produces only virtual terrain and not physical terrain. So whatever the system did, it doesn't change the real world physics. That is the ultimate rule.

Anyway, as the terrain changes, snowflakes touches my skin and felt as if we were transported to another world. . .

Yes, the players senses inside of this world is like a reality thanks to this game; [Visions of Terra]. Like hacking once brain to feel it like an ultimate reality.

Fortunately, the so-called pain tolerance is existed when using this technology so no death cases has been reported since this game is offcially started unlike the pasts Virtual Reality death game.

Of course injuries and such is inevitable, especially if what players did is the same as us who are using Terra Avatar.

There's a risks that someone without a Dial to come here and brings us trouble. Luckily, this area is Maine family's property inside the subdivision, that is why, we were soloing this place until today.

Forgetting that introduction, I started concentrating badly. At that same moment, Lugh then threw fifteen pieces of Bronze Egg the moment the terrain is successively changed---

---Wind and snow flew passed from the back of my body towards the Eggs as it accumulates after; silhouette could clearly be seen emerging from the middle of the egg as if waiting for it to summon. It looks like a familiar wishing dragon to me, but well. . .I feel terrified just looking at it.

"Ahh wadafak! Why 15 Lugh!"

It was only this time that I react. I can't help but frantically shouted seeing the fifteen eggs--dancing on the floor as if using as a catalyst to summon a monster. . .

But screw this! The die has been cast!

"A-a-a single creature is summoning! the hell is wrong with this system!?"

Not only the newbies in our party but Doumon also complained. After all, a wiped out from the summoned monster is a waste in itself. Waste of experience and the Egg itself. That's fifteen bronze egg for god's sake!

Last time, we fought a 4 meter tall pig-looking monster and its lackeys but somehow we successfully killed it coming from the 5 Eggs he uses, but this---

Why is he always self-centered!? this goddamn blind!

As for Lugh. . .I can only see the grin from that covering eye of his on my peripheral. I hope he still know what he's doing. Its a waste of money for Maine if we let these wiped us out. But damn! I want to smack his head right now!

But still, I saw him not flinching. . .Although not a Vanguard, he is a damage dealer so it is normal for him to be in the enemy's line of sight.

But most of us here is a [Warrior Type] so why is he always in front? jeez, oh well forget about it. . .lets focus!

"Ah! a legendary in one go!?"

"Wait, even bronze egg can summon a legendary monster now? Nonsense!"

"Hey! can someone translate that warning!"

Anxiety and fear spreads throughout the team.

Legendary is a creature of only probabilty and its hard as hell to dealt with, let alone raid it with few people. . .Those who encounter such a phenomenon couldn't be counted by two hands so why is it happening this time to us, of all people!?

I guess this is it. . .The untranslated warning popping up in my Augment Reality, feels so wrong to me!

The silhouette is forming yet monster isn't summoning. It made the tense atmosphere more suffocating.


[Doc, someone summoned a special creature this time!] from somewhere, the voice of a man echoed as he received the system warning.

[Hmm? from where? And. . .are they using their Terra Avatar?] The middle-aged man wearing a white cape lab, commented.

[Yes Doc! all of them did! They're from the small country, But the one they summoned is one of the most aggressive creature!]

[Oho, Perfect, perfect! Tell me what is their survival rate then]

[3 of them are local rankers, so 0.59³⁸% is their survivability]

[So high for a small country eh? Is that also factors all of a party members and their roles?]

[Yes Doc. . .also, its almost a minute since the summoning has started, what's the plan?]

[Summoned it at 100% then, we will compensate them even if they ever failed. . .turn the cameras on and record it in full angle!]

[Aye aye doc! I wish they survived for at least 5 minutes] The man started tapping his keyboard thereafter and murmured.


At the same time. . .

"Eh? such a weird name!"

"Planet Nyx? What is that? New feature?"

"Stay alert dumbasses! This is not your normal monster!"

Eska gritted his molar the very moment that the monster was summoned, chill starts rawling unto his skin as if it could penetrate him just from its stare.

"Overlay your shield!"



"Urgh!" The monster then collides with Eska's shield the moment it was summoned; the latter at the same time stepped back from its sudden impact while it tries to penetrate him.

Good thing he was alarmed from Lugh's order and immediately coated his twin shield with [Hadou].

"Eska, forget the others and cover Eliot!" Lugh ordered with serious expression while sprinting forward. Taking the monster's aggro.

"Eh? what do you mean? You will seriously let others die---?" Eska was perplexed from his friend's sudden strategy.

"You think I'm always this selfish? This is an emergency! go or we'll misses this only chance!" Lugh shouted in agitation--- "Doumon, follow Eska!"


Selfish or not, Lugh is always right on his intuition so Eskaka and Doumon gladly obeyed.

'Did he also felt it?' Eska's mind runs wild. The vibes it gives are completely different from any monsters they fought so far. So this is a legendary huh, Eska thought.


Although parried its first wave of swift attack, Lugh almost depleted half of his health from that sudden bout of two successive combination of its sickle. . .Eska successively retreated this time after they switched places.


Their members dwindled down one after another by 's relentless and irregular assault, bypassing Lugh as if aggro system is failing.


"Of course it has! look at its leg!"

The monster infront of them has a sickle arm with grasshopper's body--walking in two legs of an ostrich with antennae in its head, but the most surprising is; its piercing rainbow eye like bee as if seeing them in all colors.

And unlike the monsters they fought the last time or in the past. This is the first time that a monster actually moved on its own under Aggroed state, as most monsters are supposedly dattacking whose in front of them or those who dealt more damage.


Butchering its weak enemies one by one; their armament deactivated one by one---

Those who die are of course should leave the battlefield as they frantically exits from the warzone and start to spectate the battle, activating their dial again to see what was happening. . .for that is the rules of the said game

"I still felt my body being cut in half, damn!"

"Its kick from my abdomen is still aching!"

. . .They all commented on how they died. After all, even with 70% pain tolerance, the experience from dying lingers still within their mind.

"Plan X commence!" is what commanded by Lugh after only 4 of them is remained even though he tried taking its full aggro, alone.

Consecutively after hearing the unexpected plan, Eliot started murmuring, readying his spell. Eskaka slammed his dual shield in front while Doumon is trying to cut in between---the one who don't know what is the current plan; afraid of his own death.

"Oi big guy go to the rear!" Eska told him so.

"O-okay!" Doumon followed.

Although detrimental is nonexistence when dying from the Hatched Egg other than missing its loot, Doumon wanted to survive until the end. He wanted to see through it, from the eyes of a winner that is.

After commencing their plan, Lugh is still trying to complete parry or counter once he saw an opening or if it tries to attack Eska's group.

Unfortunately, the system has no health potion but through self regeneration, and Lugh's health is slowly draining.

[This boy, how come he's still standing when 'it' is focusing on him? How is this possible? it has the ability to see through an enemy just from its eye contact alone; its fear, its unwillingness to fight or fervor---hmm, unless. . .] the middle-aged man, the Doc in white silently muttered, caressing its beard.

[Yes Doc, that kid is blind!. . .] The other spectator claimed.

[Ehhh?] while Doc was taken aback from this sudden news.