
Chapter59 be obedient.

"So all this time."

"It's better not to walk on the ground during this period, at least for a week or so. This foot must not touch the ground, otherwise it's easy to leave sequelae."

Before Robin Smith could finish, the doctor succeeded in crushing her last hope.

"That's no good."

When Robin Smith heard this, he had a sad face and immediately quit.

"Be good and tell me what you need to do and I'll do it for you."


Robin Smith has black lines all over his face. Come on, how could I get hurt if you didn't mean to scare me?

After dismissing the doctor, Oscar Potter returned to the front of the sofa, watched the woman playing with her cell phone with a sad face, and pulled down her trouser legs helplessly.

"Is there anything urgent?"

"I've already asked for leave today anyway. It's no use going there. Let's talk about it later."