
Chapter58 the feeling of being seen with heart.


Oscar Potter thoughtfully fiddled with the two eggs in the bowl. After so many years in society, he has seen countless kinds of people in the mall, and there is absolutely no shortage of women around him.

All kinds of people have seen, but now looking at these two eggs, Oscar Potter himself has a kind of incomprehensible inexplicable touching.

"What's the matter?"? Is it too spicy? Would you like some orange juice?

When Robin Smith saw that he was not moving, he suddenly stared at the bowl and began to meditate. He immediately got up to get a drink from the refrigerator, but his wrist tightened and his big warm hand caught him.

"…… What, what for?

The man's eyes are gentle and ambiguous, and the feeling of the huge house is particularly obvious at this moment.

Robin Smith was a little cramped and unconsciously nervous.

"Come here."