
Chapter54 breaking news is rampant.

I don't know whether I was lucky or unfortunate. I heard the news long ago, and it happened that the company had such a big crisis. I'm afraid no one would pay attention to me for a while. Even at the conference today, Clark Smith didn't mention a word about himself.

Online news intensified, a week passed in a twinkling of an eye, all kinds of rumors and revelations were rampant, and the market value of T & G shares fell by 30%.

Clark Smith is like an ant on a hot pan now, and he doesn't know which direction to go.

Robin Smith can also hear some rumors at work every day. It is nothing more than that Clark Smith has offended someone outside, and he is quite powerful, which has led to the major media to focus on the company.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Which company can do nothing, not to mention the malicious rumors of the media and the rhythm of the water army.