
Chapter55 debunking.

I had a very detailed plan before, so when I saw Tech Data this time, Robin Smith immediately started writing copy and making PPT.

"What do you mean?"

Before leaving work, Robin Smith finally finished writing everything and went directly to the planning department with the printed copy.

However, the Minister of Planning looked at the things in her hands, but his face was full of unnatural expressions, and even his eyes could not hide the disgust.

"This is my general idea of the cooperation plan. I heard that you have worked overtime for several days. I hope it will be helpful."

"How does our planning department do it? That's our business, and it doesn't bother you, Ms.". Smith worries, and if I remember correctly, Mr. Smith said you wanted to compete fairly with the second young lady, right?

The minister looked Robin Smith up and down in a very tough tone, not taking her seriously at all.