
Chapter2 I want to marry his uncle.

Robin Smith's hand, dragging the suitcase, tightened and pressed down the sharp pain in her heart. She did not answer and asked, "Dad, did you and Mom know that they were hooking up behind my back?"

Although it was a question, she had a vague understanding in her heart that she was the only one who had been kept in the dark about it.

This is more than betrayal, it's humiliation!

Clark Smith paused for a moment, then raised his voice and shouted angrily, "Lincoln Murillo said he wouldn't have been engaged to you if he didn't think you were his savior!"

"When your sister was found, he found out that it was Lia who saved him, and that he had been thinking about Lia!". "

"If it weren't for your feelings, Lia wouldn't have to suffer this grievance, and Lincoln Murillo didn't pursue you for the sake of her."

"Now that you know, Lia and they don't have to cover up any more. After a while, the He and Yang families will announce the truth of the rescue. Your engagement with Lincoln Murillo will be transferred to your sister!"

"After this, the family will arrange a blind date for you, and you'd better be obedient!"

Robin Smith laughed, full of sarcasm and unspeakable heartache.

She closed her eyes. "So, I begged Lincoln Murillo to mistake him for the one who saved his life?"? Did I hold Yang Lia's head so she could hook up with her future brother-in-law? Now they don't want to be known as adulterers and adulteresses, so I have to take the blame, right? On what grounds?

Three years ago, Lincoln Murillo suddenly found the Smith family and said with certainty that she had saved him. She was confused and denied it, but he seemed to be deaf and did not listen at all. The family did not refuse Lincoln Murillo's overtures in order to have a relationship with the He family.

Later, Lincoln Murillo launched a passionate pursuit of her, and she thought he liked her, so she agreed to be engaged to him under his gentle attack.

As a result, it turned out that she was flattering herself, and in his heart, she was a shameless fake who replaced his real savior!

"Hum, if it wasn't for you, Lia wouldn't have suffered outside for so many years. You owe her all this!"! In a word, your sister's reputation can't be destroyed, and the face of the He family can't be lost!

Robin Smith's hand holding the phone was so hard that it turned white. She lowered her eyes and covered the self-mockery and bitterness at the bottom of her eyes.

Yang Lia, Yang Lia, since her sister, who had been lost for 15 years, was found, everyone in the family has been partial to her, and now even her fiance is no exception.

Everyone said that she owed Yang Lia, but it was their parents who took them out, but they didn't take good care of Yang Lia so that Yang Lia ran away. As a result, because it wasn't her, it was her fault in the end.

How ridiculous!

"Dad, T & G, who are you going to give it to?" She asked calmly, suppressing the unwillingness, anger and desolation in her heart.

The opposite is quiet, followed by impatient rebuke: "OK, you hurry to roll back, don't make a fool of yourself outside!" " With that, the opposite side hung up the phone.

Robin Smith had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

It seems that her good father has made a choice.

Also, once she did not have the name of the future eldest daughter-in-law of the He family, her value would naturally drop sharply.

On the contrary, her younger sister, who had just been found and was sincerely appreciated and loved by his parents, was rising with the tide. With her father's character of putting his interests first, it was self-evident who the balance would be in favor of.

That being the case, she must "sell" herself before being "sold" for a good price by the the Smith family ".

Suppressing her thoughts, she called her friend Julie Lawson, "Julie, I need your help.."


Stay Cafe.

"Julie, I thought you said Lincoln Murillo had a brother-in-law?" Robin Smith asked his friend with a cautious expression.

"Yes, Oscar, that's a big man!"! I remember his name was.. Oscar Potter!"

Speaking of Oscar, Julie Lawson gushed.

"Oscar is my uncle's old son. He has been abroad and seldom comes back, but my uncle loves him very much. My father said that my uncle intends to let him return to China to manage the Potter Group, but he is too capable to compete with Jerrry, so he has been reluctant to come back."

"You should have heard of France's MK, which he founded!"

Julie Lawson took a sip of coffee. "Why do you ask him?"? Also, what do you want me to help you with?

Robin Smith: "I'm going to marry him. Julie, help me find a way to get close to him."

"Poof!" Julie Lawson, who was unprepared, took a sip of coffee and squirted it out. "What did you say?"? Say it again! Who will you marry?

Robin Smith ignored her friend's gaffe and handed her a tissue.

"Lincoln Murillo and Yang Lia hooked up behind my back, and my parents are going to transfer my engagement with him to Yang Lia."

Julie Lawson's eyes widened. What? How dare Lincoln Murillo *** you! Didn't he say you were her savior? Is he the one who bites the hand that feeds him?

Robin Smith gave a wry smile. "Lincoln Murillo said he mistook him for someone else three years ago. It was Yang Lia who saved him. I'm just a fake who pretends to take credit. He didn't bother me for Yang Lia's sake."

"Shit!"! At the beginning, he said you were his savior, but he didn't listen to your explanations several times, and now he has the face to put the blame on you!

Julie Lawson was so angry that she used foul language and gnashed her teeth. "Just like his shameless mother!"

old Mrs. Potter is Julie Lawson's aunt, and Julie Lawson is Lincoln Murillo's cousin, and the two families are very close.

But Julie Lawson has always looked down on Lincoln Murillo's mother, Hazel, and has a very ordinary relationship with their house.

It's just that in the past, because Robin Smith would marry Lincoln Murillo, he seldom showed his displeasure, so as not to make it difficult for friends, but today he really can't help it.

"You don't know his mother, who has one or two faces and three knives!"! Robin, it's not an afterthought. You're lucky you didn't marry into their house!

"I wouldn't have told you if I didn't think Lincoln Murillo was really good to you and you wouldn't live with his mother even if you got married!"

Julie Lawson held her shoulder with a serious face. "Really, believe me, you earned it by breaking off the engagement!"

Robin Smith laughed. "I believe you!"

She doesn't like Hazel either, but at most respects her future mother-in-law, and Hazel has always looked down on the Smith family and her.

Had she not been loved by Mrs. He, she would not have been engaged to Lincoln Murillo on the basis of her "savior".

Seeing that she really didn't care, Julie Lawson exhaled, "But what's the matter with your parents?"

Robin Smith lowered his head and stirred his coffee. "They think it's my fault that Yang Lia got lost. I owe her that."

Julie Lawson almost broke out another foul language, holding back for a long time before spitting out a sentence, "This is too biased!"

"With my father's character, without the name of Lincoln Murillo's fiancee, I'm afraid he will let me marry against my wishes." Robin Smith raised his head and looked straight into Julie Lawson's eyes. "But I'm not reconciled, and I'm not happy."

Why should she be discredited and abandoned for the things she didn't do and the people she didn't feel sorry for, and finally contribute her marriage and life to her family who didn't care about her at all?