
Chapter1 Betrayal

Fort Worth International Airport, VIP Lounge.

Robin Smith looks pale and stares at the phone in front of him.

In the screen, a pair of naked young men and women are making clouds and rain, and the ambiguous voice of singing and panting is constantly coming out.

If her mobile phone had not received the prompt that the car monitoring was triggered, she would not have turned on the remote monitoring, let alone witnessed the unbearable and disgusting scene.

Her fiance of three years slept with her sister in her car!

"He, are all the young ladies in the country so vigorous now?"

Sitting in the next seat were two young men with brilliant temperament and extremely handsome. One of them, dressed in casual clothes, sighed with emotion to the other.

Watching pornography in public, even the volume is not adjusted, so that he is ashamed of this dissolute childe.

Oscar Potter carelessly erased the synchronized surveillance video from his laptop screen.

Looking up, deep eyes crossed Robin Smith's face and said meaningfully, "It may be more humiliating to be betrayed than to be fierce."

Milan Olson, a little confused, shook the teacup in his hand and was about to ask when he saw Robin Smith next door pressing a few numbers with an expressionless face.

"Hello, I want to report that someone has illegally occupied other people's property and conducted illegal sex trade in public."

Yes, prostitution and whoring. The transaction was between my fiance and my sister, the transaction was in my car, the transaction was a diamond necklace given to me by the man, and I had a surveillance video of them having illegal sex..

"Poof!" Milan Olson spurted out a mouthful of tea, and Oscar Potter raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl with a little more smile.

Sure enough, as in those days, the girl could not rub sand in her eyes!

From his point of view, only Robin Smith's graceful side face could be seen, and there was a small pear vortex on his tight lips.

He paused for a moment on her face, a little more tender in the depths of his eyes.

Milan Olson almost dropped his jaw, and the little movie just now was still live!

After calling the police, Robin Smith put away his cell phone, pushed aside his chair, stood up and bowed slightly to Milan Olson and Oscar Potter. His posture was elegant and decent, and his attitude was sincere and modest. "I didn't pay attention to the occasion just now. I'm sorry to disturb you."

Milan Olson looked stunned and waved his hand, his face full of sympathy, so that she didn't have to care.

Listen, her fiance and her sister are fooling around in her car, and the result is that she sees it from the car surveillance. Tut, this is even worse than catching rape on the spot!

Robin Smith, aware of the man's sympathy for her, smiled bitterly and was about to turn around and sit down when she suddenly felt dizzy and stumbled backwards.

However, the expected fall and pain did not come, she fell into a strong and generous embrace, and her face was tightly pressed against a chest with scorching body temperature through her shirt.

Oscar Potter looked down at the woman in his arms and smelled the delicate fragrance of her hair. His eyes darkened and he asked quietly, "You don't look very well. Do you need to call a doctor?"

Robin Smith raised his head with some discomfort, suddenly facing a pair of deep ink eyes, as deep as the sea, which was elusive.

At the same time, the clear breath of the man wrapped her firmly, making her a little distracted for a moment.

I didn't wake up until I heard the man's deep and seductive voice. As soon as her face was hot, she quickly got up from the man and said awkwardly, "No, I'm just a little hypoglycemic, thank you."

After a pause, Oscar Potter loosened his grip on her waist and nodded. "You're welcome."

Fortunately, when it was time to board the plane, Robin Smith breathed a sigh of relief and politely thanked him, "I'm going to board the plane. Thank you for just now."

With that, she took her things and hurried out of the waiting room.

After she left, Milan Olson, who was watching the whole thing, stared at Oscar Potter with an incredible look on his face and said, "Congratulations, you allowed a woman to sit on you for so long!"! What about your cleanliness and misogyny?

You know, this big man's cleanliness is so serious that no woman can touch him for more than three seconds, so that as a super diamond bachelor, he is still a young chicken so far!

Oscar Potter rubbed his finger pulp without changing color, as if there was still a woman's warm and soft touch.

He looked at the receding figure of Robin Smith, his eyes so deep that no one was aware of it.

Now that she has come back, then should be his person, will never let go again!

Boss, the plane has finished security check, you and Mr. Olson is ready to board. Assistant Mac came to report.

"Go." Oscar Potter withdrew his gaze, his cold face no longer showing any emotion, and got up and walked out.

Milan Olson followed him, muttering, "I can fly straight back to Dallas, but I have to come all the way to Cloud City to change planes.."

Two hours later, the plane scraped the night and landed safely in Dallas.

Out of the airport, Robin Smith just turned on his cell phone and was bombarded by a series of text messages. She was not surprised to click on a few text messages, and sure enough, each one was full of anger and irritability.

Before she could read more, her cell phone rang.

Seeing the word "Dad" on the caller ID, she took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, the man shouted angrily, "Robin Smith, your wings are hard, aren't they?"? Do you know what you're doing?

"You called the police to arrest Lincoln Murillo and Lia!"! Do you want the Smith family to be the laughing stock of Dallas, or do you want the Smith family to die with you?

At the same time, a woman's angry voice came from the side. "How can she be so cruel? That's her own sister. She let the police catch her own sister!"! She is really a heartless thing! Why wasn't she the one who lost it?