
The Harsh Lesson And Cruel Reality Of Change...

Chapter 13 - The Harsh Lesson And Cruel Reality Of Change...

"You want to what?!" The man in armor yelled, for once his calm and composed demeanor adorned by anger "Have you lost your minds?!" He questioned the crimson haired handsome man in front of them.

The man did not show any reaction at his brother in all but blood cast an enraged expression and briefly spared a glance at him. And he showed nothing in response, just like him, he also did not show any emotion.

And that seemed to anger and frustrate his Knight... No, former Knight to be more precise, even further, despite his face not showing it, but he knew it very well, he could read his emotions as clear as day.

There is no way the man in front of him will serve him further...

"With all respect Lancelot, I did not lose my mind." He replied to the Knight of the Lake stoically "As a matter of fact, for the first time when I served our King, my mind opened up."

On his side, Lancelot clenched his fist, the gauntlet that clad his hand groaned in protest under the pressure of his strength "Why Tristan?" He asked, no demanded of his fellow Knight.

Tristan glanced at Lancelot, his eyes peering over the wielder of Arondight before shifting to him as he bowed his head.

"Throughout my whole life... I can say without a doubt, serving your Majesty has been the greatest honor and glory." He said, voice solemn and calm.

"Then why?" Lancelot asked "If you say that then why did you still..."

"Because life is not only about honor." Tristan answered, his eyes meet Lancelot's "Honor is great, and as Knight of the Round Table I know that, it was our foundation after all. But it is the foundation of being a Knight, not a Human."

While Lancelot seemed struck by those words as deep down he knew it to be the truth, because he already expected such a thing in the first place.

Tristan turned to him this time, and then he bowed his head respectfully "You fight majestically and gracefully in battlefield, and none can oppose you, you had led us in countless battles and never once had we known defeat, even in the face of Vortigern, where everything seemed lost but you, proved to be able to create a miracle and brought victory to us. And I won't hesitate to admit that in my whole life there is no greater achievement than that."

The battle with Vortigern... He knew well about what he meant... That battle was a close one, very, very close in reality. As a matter of fact, just like Tristan said, he, himself is sure they had won that battle because of a miracle.

"And not only did you just stop there, even right now when this country is in duress, never once have you shown weakness, you manage to balance everything without any deviations, you punished people without a single mistake, in a sense, you are perfect."

"And what is wrong with that?" Lancelot asked the crimson haired man "Isn't that a good thing? It proves that King Arthur is a great King, showing that not only is he unmatched in the battlefield but also at handling matters like this."

"Indeed, what you said is true Lancelot." Tristain nodded in agreement "But tell me, my friend..." His eyes focused back to the Knight of the Lake "Have you ever seen our King grief?"

Lancelot blinked, face showing taken back expression "Wha?"

"As matter of fact..." Tristan turned back to him "Are you even capable to feel grief, Your Majesty?"

He close his eyes, grief. He can feel it of course. He not a machine, he not some kind of puppet, he is Human being, so of course he can feel that emotion

But he not allowed to... For to become perfect King, one cannot be a Human, and to save his Kingdom, he have to become perfect King

He reopen his eyes, scanning the red haired man with impassive face "There is nothing else to say. I do what the best for Britain, and I get what you trying to say Sir Tristan." He responded to his words in stoic voice

That answer seems make him more upset, he can see his usual handsome and kind face now marred with anger

"Even until now you still..." Tristan murmured as he clenched his fist "Very well then, if you say so Your Majesty, then I take it I have your permission to leave from the Round Table?"

"Yes." He answered stolidly

Tristan bowed to him -probably for the last time as his Knight- and slowly raise to his feet "Make no mistake, when Britain need it, I will raise my sword to defend our land, however I refuse to serve under you directly like how I used to be."

"Tristan!" Lancelot barked, his handsome face marred by indignant expression "That was out of the line! If Our King need you personally then you have no right-"

"It's okay Lancelot." He calmed his friend, from beginning until now his face remain calm and stoic, showing no emotion "Like I said, I understand what you trying to say Tristan. And if that what you wish then I shall grant it."

Tristan offer no words, he simply stare at him, his eyes seems trying to find something for a moment, for few seconds he offer no words and then he close his eyes, as if he had founded what he looking for

"As I expected." He said with resigned voice "King Arthur does not understand humans feeling."

And with that he turned his back to him and walk away, leaving the room without any further words

He let out breath more than usual through his nostril, eyes closed, he begin to wondering the damage that will come after this.

Tristan won't be the last, there will be others that soon follow his step and he can't blame them. He understand what they feel, it was just natural reaction

But at same time he can't do anything about it

He have to discard his humans emotion if he want to save everyone after all. That was the oath he make when he pull out Caliburn from the stone. The oath he make when he become King of Britain. The oath he make when he decide to become salvation for his Kingdom

And he have no intention to go back from that oath

It has been thirty minutes ever since the Royal Selection declared to begin, has been thirty minutes ever since everyone in the castle dismissed and they all sended to dining room to feast

The foods... Well they all look delicious and very appetizing, Emilia admit that. Despite she have Rem who can cook very good but the half elf had no doubt the foods will be more delicious than the maid made

However as much as she want to eat now but she can't find herself to wish for eat

Not when her only friend need her

Aaron Pendragon clearly not in good mood, even Emilia can tell that, despite how he look calm and nonchalant, but murderous gaze he have when no one looking -she caught it since she near him- can't be more obvious

He did not speak, he did not move, he simply sit in chair while crossing his legs and stare emptily to the front.

Oh there many nobles that come approach him, so many as matter of fact, all of them introduce themselves at him and seems eager to gain his favor and Emilia understand why they did that

She still learning but even she not oblivious enough to doesn't know the reason why they approach him

Volcanica is a Dragon from ancient time, from four hundred years ago, the creature is one of important figures that responsible for saving the World from the madness of Witch of Envy when she almost devour the World

Not end in there, Volcanica is also the Dragon that has bless the land of Lugnica for years. True the Kingdom of Lugnica was good and strong on their own in early age, but after making covenant with the Dragon, Lugnica soar above other kingdoms

At their prime when the Royal Family still alive, Lugnica known as the strongest Kingdom among the four. Even when there Civil War and Demihuman War inside it but none of outside kingdom dare to try to involve themselves to Lugnica's own conflict

It was because they know that Lugnica is powerful, undoubtedly so to the point if the other Kingdom try to did anything they will get nothing but shit in the end when Lugnica focusing on them

Vollachia learned this the hard way after all

And after the war end, the Kingdom regain back their wealth without much difficult, another proof of the Dragon great power

It was proof that the pact with the Dragon is very, very fruitful to Lugnica, it was very worthy to the point it surely fine if the Dragon descend and decide to led the Kingdom by itself...

Volcanica is already a God to Lugnica...

And now... Sitting in middle of the room... Among every head of nobles family, Royal Guards, and Sage Council, is a young man who have the same blood with their God, in his vein flow the blood of creature that has been there for their country for very long time and even helped to found the kingdom in first place

By any mean... The man that now sit in this room... The man that sit on her side...

Have more right to be a King than anyone in this room, including herself and the other Royal Candidate

"And to have him backing you... Roswaal really play the stage very well, I'm really impressed." Puck commented through their mind link "With Aaron at your side, Lia, as long you behave properly you will be King, there won't be contest if things goes with right."

Puck was right, Emilia maybe beginning in politic but even she know that Aaron right now practically close to Kingmaker. He can be said as Son or Descendant of the God of Lugnica, having him on her side mean big support...

True there might be small hindrance due to her appearance that look like Witch of Envy however to the public the Witch already dead for very long time. She still may scare them, but with Aaron who can be dubbed as son of their God on her side... The God that responsible as one of figure that putting down the Witch...

People going to be assured for sure. IF she is terrible just like the Witch then Aaron going to stop her, as long as he on his side, she not need to worry that people of Lugnica going to fear her.

All in all, her negative image has been erased and now it turned to positive, she dare to say that right now she have more stand than the other Royal Candidate

'I don't like it...'

Emilia did not like the situation at all, she downright hate it as matter of fact. This... This is very far from what she want! She want Royal Selection to be fair! And this! This is...

"I don't like it too Lia, trust me." Puck trying to console her as without doubt he sense the turmoil inside her "However you must realize this actually not unfair."

'What do you mean?!' She demanded, still angry at what happened

"Aaron choose to stand at your side not without illogical reason. He did not lie, he being honest. I sense it when he said that, he not support you because you are his friend, but because in his eyes you are the best King for Lugnica."

'H-He did?' The half elf briefly glanced at the man on her side that have stoic expression. She knew she shouldn't be surprised, she shouldn't expect less from him, the last night conversation pretty much confirm that after all, but to see and hear it directly like this...

Emilia feel her heart beating faster and warm feeling filling her chest, something that lately often happen, she wonder what this feeling? It made her feel... Weird... Though it not unpleasant...

"You better ask him by yourself for more explanation, though I won't suggest now." Puck said "He really, really angry now Lia." Oohhh the cat spirit still think that 'angry' is enough to describe just how mad Aaron now, he can sense the fury inside the boy now boiling like a volcano

Normally Puck would suggest Emilia to stay away from him, he clearly not in the best condition to approach after all, one wrong comment and he will snap. He barely able to show calmness when talking to nobles that approach him and even bluntly said that he not in best mood and ask to be talked later

But Puck know well Emilia won't do that, she going to stood by his side, the girl really too kind even for her own good, arguing with her right now will resulted nothing. So he allow his daughter to stay at his side but if Aaron try to do something to her...

'Speaking about him... Puck are you aware that Aaron...'

"... No, I don't, but I know he is not normal the moment I saw him for the first time." Puck informed. Truthfully Puck was surprised to find that Aaron have blood of Dragon inside him. He still remember when he checking his Gate secretly when he at top of his head the first time they meet

He did not manage to see what his true nature is, however when he staring at the pool of energy inside that boy, something stare back at him. Something big, something that more powerful than him

And Puck gain his title as Beast of the End not without reason... Only few individual that stronger than him, the number can be counted by fingers in hands...

And what worse, that... Whatever gazing back at him, it has yet to awaken, it still lay dormant, it only staring back because Puck checking on it too much.

He doesn't see the full creature, he only manage to catch glimpse of big green eyes with slit before he retreated so the creature did not notice him or got awaken fully and notice him but now it revealed...

'Okay so maybe it Dragon alright but... I doubt that Dragon is like Volcanica! It something that obviously bigger!' Puck thought with grimace. And obviously it also not kind one, Volcanica is Dragon that hailed as God, there reason for that. Puck maybe doesn't know but he sure the Dragon radiate warm and benevolent aura if it made Human not afraid to him

But what he sense from Aaron...

It was power... Pure power taking shape... A pack of large amount of Mana given form... Nothing else...

Oblivious to his surrogate father dilemma, Emilia glancing at Aaron who putting stoic face, the aura he radiate now is clear saying that he not in mood to talk and she sure had she is someone else, Aaron going to usher her away

"Aaron." She called. The man did not answer but her muscle that stiffened for moment show her enough that she got his attention "I will go take some food, do you want some?"

His green eyes that stare emptily to the front slowly shift to her and the half elf flinched seeing his gaze. There no emotion in there, it was blank and unfocused, Emilia know why he do that, because right now Aaron was angry, so angry and it will be very obvious to be seen

And showing such emotion right now in front of these nobles would be unwise, there many that would try to take advantage of him if he did

Show to solve that he hide it... Putting blank and emotionless mask, just like what he did moment ago in front of everyone when he talk with Roswaal

And had Emilia doesn't have Puck on her side, she wouldn't know that right now Aaron really angry

'How can he hide his emotion so good?' She thought with confusion and sadness. It hurt her to see him like this, to hide his emotion like this, to force himself so nobles awed by his presence like this...

To see him looks doesn't understand Human emotion

It was disturbing beyond any measure...

"Thank you Emi, but I'm not in mood for food now." He rejected the offer stolidly "However if you wish I can accompany you."

She know what he tried to say, it best to stick together so she gain more reputation, to make her chance to be a King bigger


"No, Aaron you don't have to." She said "Stay in here, I'm fine by myself."

But right now she don't care about that, she will not allow him hurt any further... Aaron has helped her so much, she owe him more than anything... The idea to pay him back never crossed in her mind because he already did so much for her, even if it only in short time. So the best thing she can do is to support him and be there when he need her

Just like now...

"I will go take a drink for you as well." She said as she stood and make her way to the foods and drinks

The blond haired man only stare at Emilia with blank look. Truthfully he feel a bit guilty to make her feel so uncomfortable but he found himself didn't care for now. He not in mood to talk after all, right now keeping good appearance in front of nobles that approach him already hard enough

'Damn politic...'

He hardly pay attention to them due to the anger that boiling inside him but he not stupid, the moment there nobles that approach him he already turn on his Samsung and record the conversation. He going to hear all of the recording when he go back after this

Speaking about 'go back', even in mind it still enough to make him bristle

Roswaal nowhere to seen right now, and as much as Aaron hate to admit it but that man did the right thing. Because Aaron sure he might snap at him and cut off his head or doing such things, and making commotion in this place now is the last thing he want to do

When he got back however... That damn clown going to get it...


'Another one, great.' Aaron thought tiredly, he loss count after the sixth noble approach him, raising his head he prepared to greet whoever call him but to his surprise, it wasn't noble

It was Anastasia Hoshin, along with her knight, Julius Juukulius

"Yes?" He asked, noticing it was Julius who call him so he stare at the Royal Guard

"I'm Julius Juukulius, allow me to say it is an honor to meet someone who share the same blood with our great Dragon." Julius introduced himself politely "And this beautiful woman on my side is Anastasia Hoshin."

"Hello ~" Anastasia waved at him with cheerful manner

"Aaron Pendragon, it is nice to meet you two as well, Anastasia-san, Julius-san." Aaron greeted back with small grunt "Pardon me for saying this but right now I'm not in mood for... Pleasantries or chat, so if you please may go to the point why you visiting me?"

The purple haired beauty only smile at the response "Ah, it's fine. Truthfully I also don't like pleasantries much, it wasting time. And time is money." She said with wink "I just come here to introduce myself Aaron-san."

"Is that so?"

"Yup! Seeing you already know Priscilla-san and Felt-san, I think it just fair if you know me as well right?"

Aaron stare at the greedy woman with stoic face for few seconds before he let out small 'hmph' and have his lips curled to smirk "So are you come here trying to recruit me as well?"

"Hmmm..." Anastasia letting out thoughtful voice "Maybe. I won't refuse if you wish to join me though, as matter of fact I will be happy to welcome you."

"You and everyone else in this room." Aaron replied with short and dry chuckle "Unfortunately for you Anastasia-san, right now I have no intention to stray from Emi's side."

"I know, but..." Anastasia smile widened a bit as she caught what Aaron trying to say, then she pull out paper from her pocket and extend it to him "If you need something, you can contact us, my group still mercenary after all and having you as client will be very beneficial~!"

It will increase her company reputation if someone as big as him come to there

Originally the information about the Royal Candidate will be spread and told to the public soon after this. However his presence right now change the flow and so the Sage Council rearrange the schedule, trying to make decision is it wise or not to tell the World about his existence, the decision will be make in one week

It doesn't matter to him, all nobles has know the truth... He already out from shadow, something that he never wish to happen in first place...

"I will see it later Anastasia-san." Aaron said as he take the paper that offered

"Sure then!" Anastasia clap her hands together with bright smile "Since we have no business anymore I will leave then, I know you're not in your best mood after all."

Aaron offer no words, only nod and grunt. The purple haired beauty give nod back to him and turn around, however she suddenly spun back to face him "Out of curiosity Aaron-san..."

"... Yes?"

"What would it take for you to be mine?"

Despite it can be mistaken as intimate gesture but the way it asked it was not. It was very simple and innocent question, even the way she asked it also genuine, there no any malevolent or benevolent intent in her voice, only pure curiosity. And Aaron would bought it had he did not saw how Anastasia present herself to the people few minutes ago. How her eyes that loss their light and become blank, how her beautiful and angelic face that turned to hollow and cold in instant like they never there...

'And I was hoping I can get along with her. But if her true nature is like what I expected...'

He disappointed if that true, he truly is, he was hoping to get along with her after all. Truly now there is nothing that go according to his plan or what he wish, now he understand Subaru frustration when despite knowing how things will goes but he still can't do anything to change it, and how much it anger him

"You are under assumption that I work under Emilia-san because she own me. Let me tell you this then." Aaron tilt his head and straightening his posture, his green eyes meet the blue-green's of the woman in front of him "I am belong to no one but myself. My loyalty and support to Emi is because I have my own reason, my own purpose, we just simply have same goal."

"You want to be ruler of this Kingdom?"

"Maybe... But it more like Emi's thing. She have her own reason why she want to be a King, just like you who wish to have this Kingdom to fulfill your desire."

"... So she not wish to have Kingdom where everyone equal?"

"She do, make no mistake. When Emi become King, you can be sure that she will bring equality to this Kingdom." Aaron said "But she have her own drive, her own reason why in first place she step to the public -despite her appearance put her in major disadvantage- and wish to be King."

Anastasia seems very interested judging by how she now leaned forward and stare at Aaron in eyes directly "And what is it?"

In response Aaron only smiled mysteriously before flick the girl in nose playfully, eliciting yelp from her "That, Anastasia-san, is a secret." He said in cryptic manner

Anastasia rub her nose while giving small glare at him but it serve no purpose, eventually she only shook her head "It is quite entertaining to talk with you Aaron-san, I hope our conversation next time will be like this, with you in better mood."

"We shall see Anastasia-san, and it also nice to chat with you like this."

"Then, I will take my leave."

The woman in white give him genial smile before turned away, Julius who stood on his side give kind and respectful smile to him while bowing. In response Aaron give polite nod and smile to bid him farewell

As they gone, Aaron let out another sigh before slumped in his seat. Great, now the other candidate started to make their move to him, something that he not wanted. Granted the political strength and power it give to him is tremendous, to Lugnica, he is the one who have blood relation with their God and no one doubt him that he is not descendant of the Dragon, not after the whole room practically saw what happened when he touch the Royal Insignia

Sadly they talking about different Dragon

It hurting her to see Aaron buried all his emotion and putting all of them aside, just for the sake of maintain the perfect image of 'King' supposed to be, truly it pained her

However it bring fear to her when she saw the same man now practically look ready to murder someone

Roswaal L Mathers to be precise

Turquoise colored magical energy radiated from his whole body, almost like a shroud of flame, they all blazing and whirling around him to the point it was miracle that the seat he currently sit on still intact

Or maybe it because Roswaal already enchant them before since he knew how Aaron will react when meet him. Emilia detect there stone barrier placed in corner of room, making the structure more sturdy and at same time also isolate this place from everyone outside

It has been one hour ever since they returned from the castle and back to the house that Roswaal own in Capital, it wasn't large since it house for emergency and the location also near exit of Capital, the small house is a bit isolated from other

And thanks for that no Royal Guard or magician that patrolling around to burst in to sense the large amount of mana the blond radiate right now

Or it could be because Roswaal block them as well using the stone barrier he placed around this house

There saying that you should never poking sleeping Dragon in eye in Lugnica. However in this case, Emilia think Roswaal not just poking it, he literally throwing trash to it before kicking it in face

"At least give me one reason Roswaal. One good reason why I should not cut one of your limbs or your throat right now?"

It was not threat nor bluff, but a swear. Emilia truly believe that Aaron won't hesitate slightly to cripple or kill the archmage that now sit in front of him now

She can feel Rem stiffened, her hands twitched and face confronted to slight shock at the blunt threat. The blue haired maid clearly doesn't know what happened to them and still oblivious until now, however she clearly know enough that Aaron is angry, really angry

Emilia can't blame her for showing such reaction, even she, herself also not expect Aaron to blatantly declare his ill intention to the Court Magician

Roswaal himself looked calm, and the playful and genial demeanor that usually around him gone, he look like different person

"I'm perfectly aware why you angry Aaron-sama." Roswaal said, voice solemn and grim "And I get it, I truly do. And I won't try to avoid the question so I will explain it from the beginning." He then take deep breath and stare at Aaron in eyes, eyes that now literally glowing with power and fury "It because it is my duty as citizen of Lugnica."

Aaron angry and fury expression turned to one of befuddlement, for moment the glow in his eyes gone as he stare at Roswaal "Your... Duty?" He uttered in dumbfounded voice

"Indeed." Roswaal nodded "As Court Magician of Lugnica, I still have duty to uphold to this kingdom. Just like when Reinhard van Astrea found Felt-sama, I believe it is fate for you to suddenly meet Emilia-sama and brought to my place. This kingdom need proper guidance, and you, you are already mentioned prophecy to come here. Soon or later you will be known to everyone, it already bound to happen." He spread his hands in gesturing manner "What I did, is only fastening the progress and ensuring Emilia-sama to have pillar for her to lay, a foundation for her to stand. As someone who support her, that is my duty, and as Court Magician that is my duty to ensure this kingdom return to it glory with you on our side."

It was... Cold... But it make sense in Emilia's opinion. Roswaal is someone who hold quite grip in kingdom, he is Court Magician, one that handle Magician that serve kingdom and live inside it, he is someone who have responsible. And as much as Emilia hate to admit it... But he did his job...

However... To Aaron... That seems the wrong things to say


Puck screamed from the back of her mind, it was the loudest scream she ever heard, she waste no time and obey her surrogate father on reflex as she take step back, away from her friend in instant


Just in time as the seat where Aaron sit -which happen to be near her- explode due to mana that overloading

Two things happen in that time, two things that too fast for Emilia and Rem

The first thing is Aaron sprung forward, face was epiphany of anger to the point it brought fear to her just seeing it. His invisible sword already drawn and he swung it without hesitation to the archmage throat with intent to behead the man

The second thing is block of ice that suddenly appear not far from Roswaal and it clashed against Aaron's attack that by any mean should kill the archmage. The power behind the descendant of Dragon strike proved to be very strong to the point the ice explode and shatter under it might, fortunately the kinetic wave it created from clashing against the block is enough to push Roswaal away from his seat, saving him from cleaved by the sword



Rem and Emilia found themselves yell out the name of the man that has helped them so much lately, both of them stare at him with shock and disbelief

"Calm down Aaron!" Puck already manifest himself, he glared at Aaron as he hovering protectively in front of Roswaal who currently in ground

And much to the spirit surprise, instead of being wary or what, the moment the boy eyes land on him was anything but those kind of emotion. Puck still remember when the boy stare at him with fear for the first time, that was around one month ago, however those fearful eyes no longer there

Replacing his fear is pure rage, dare he said, murderous even. Those green eyes was filled with nothing but fury and madness

"Calm down Aaron." Puck repeated, his blue eyes meet Aaron green's "Control yourself, you letting your emotion cloud your mind!" He told the young man who still glaring at him with his magical energy shroud his body like cloak "I understand your anger, but don't you think you overreact? Not to mention you endangering everyone in here with that state mind of yours, and if you harm Lia..."

The temperature in the room dropped, the corner of the room started turn to crystalline of ice

"I won't hesitate to put you down."

The room now split into two, where one part covered with turquoise electrical energy that blaring and evaporate everything it touch while the other part filled with chilly wind that start to envelop everything into ice structure

For moment Puck thought that the threat will be more than enough to make the boy stop, he sense there conflict of emotion inside him, he can sense the boy realize that he just stepped out of the line, his fury seems calmed when name of his daughter mentioned. However there suddenly deep frustration and anger raise from him and it make Puck become wary, the mana around him also flared as if responding to his rage and the cat spirit prepared himself to freeze the bo-


Emilia voice cut through the tense atmosphere, slicing it like a hot knife meet butter, and in instant the dense mana and the chilling sensation in air evaporated as if they never there. Both of them snapped their neck to the half elf who now look on the verge of tears

"Aaron, Puck, enough. You two... You two are friends, this is..." Emilia trailed as she let out choked voice, her eyes shimmering from the unshed tears "Please... Aaron, please..."

Puck sense the raging emotion inside the young man turned to shame, his facial expression also curled to regretful and ashamed. Then there spike of anger rose once again but this time it clamped down before it can explode

He watched as the young man close his eyes and took deep breath for few times, obviously trying to calm himself, and when he reopen his eyes, there sincerity reflected through them

"Sorry Emi, I let my emotion control me for moment." Aaron apologized as he dismiss his invisible sword "I... I will be in city, do not wait for me, I probably going back late." He say that as he begin to walk away

"Aaron... Wait! Aaron!"

Emilia tried to call her friend back but the blond ignore her. Walking pass through the girl, the pseudo Saber open the door and leave

Roswaal who now already stand with help of Rem only can stare where the young man moment ago for few seconds before sighing "That actually worse than I expected." He said dryly as he turn to Puck "Thanks to your help Puck-sama."

"Make no mistake, I also don't like how you handle things." Puck said with nonchalant shrug but there sharpness in his eyes "But I understand your reason, and that boy seems overreact too, not to mention it will be troublesome if you died now."

Roswaal only sighed while brushing the dust from his cloth, it was then he notice Emilia glaring at him "Emilia-sama, is there something you want to say?"

"I don't like what you did Roswaal."

Again, Roswaal let out sigh and he touch his forehead "Emilia-sama, I-"

"But I do understand what your reason." Emilia cut him with firm voice "You're trying to help and give me support, and it will be stupid if I reject it. However," Her violet eyes glaring to the magician with intensity "Doesn't mean you have right to do such thing to Aaron, not without his permission!"

"We both know if I ask his permission Aaron-sama will never agree to this."

"Then you should respect his wish! It's not fair for him!"

"But even so the result can't be denied, and while I do feel regret for intruding his privacy but it was inevitable." Roswaal shake his head and give look to the half elf "The Prophecy has mention him, even if he dislike or trying to avoid it but in the end it will get him. I just trying to make we get the best result out of it."

Emilia bit her lips at that, what Roswaal said is practically true. If the Prophecy has marked Aaron then... What he did is reasonable, and it just logical to use it as their advantage but...

"Rem, please follow Aaron-sama discreetly." Roswaal said to the maid, making the blue haired blink at him "We can't have Aaron-sama walking around in that mood, there chance some nobles or other Royal Candidate-"

"No!" Emilia interjected "Roswaal, leave him alone."

"Emilia-sama surely-"

"I said no Roswaal! You've done enough! Let him have his privacy! I don't care you support me or not but I will make Puck freeze you two right now if you refuse to leave him alone!"

And she will, without hesitation she will freeze them. Enough is enough. There is no way she will let his friend life to be bothered more than this. Seeing him like that already hurt her so much and now this...

"I'm agree with Lia Roswaal, that was a bit too much. Let that boy have his privacy." Puck said as he hovering above Emilia, he looked nonchalant but everyone in here know that he can freeze the magician and the oni in instant if he want to

"... Very well, I understand Emilia-sama, I will leave him alone."

"Good." Emilia nodded, her face still firm but only for a moment before she put complicated look "Roswaal."

"Yes Emilia-sama?"

"... Aaron have blood of Dragon inside him right? Then... Is that mean..."

Roswaal lips thinned a bit and he put thoughtful face "Weeeell." His cheerful and way of talk seems return to normal, indicating he truly relax "I don't thiiink Aaron-sama blood wiiil be able too unfroze youuur people. He maaaybe have blood of Draaagon inside him buut I doon't think it poteent enough." He explained "Stiiil, why don't you aaask him later by yourself?

Oh judging by the mana he radiate... Roswaal actually sure if he got Aaron's blood it might be capable to be used to unfroze the frozen elves in Elior Forest, but he still not fully sure since Aaron himself is unnatural in a sense

"No... I think it wouldn't be good idea to ask him about that..." Emilia shaking her head negatively. At least not right now, there so many questions she want to ask to Aaron but she knew that right now is not the time, not with Aaron very upset like this.

Aaron is very upset when his heritage revealed, something that strange in her opinion. She doesn't understand why he seems so against it... Does he hate his heritage? 'No, that would be hypocrite of him after he said he doesn't care about people heritage or appearance.' She thought as she recall their first meeting when Aaron told him the reason he don't care about her appearance 'And Aaron is not hypocrite, I know that.' She have faith on him in that aspect, her friend is maybe can be a jerk but she sure he not that kind of person

So why? Why he so angry?

And why she, herself also feel so hurt and angry at Roswaal as well?

What Roswaal did is reasonable and make sense, true what he did is invading privacy but... His reason is solid, and the result also very satisfying, right now she one step closer to reach her goal to become King and unfroze her people

Image of Aaron emotionless, angry and pained face crossed to her mind and Emilia feel cold knife digging her chest

So why she feel this emotion? She never feel so angry at someone like this and...

Eventually she decide to thought of that matter later, right now she not in mood to thinking so much, she worried about him and...

"I... I will be in my room, please don't bother me until dinner." Emilia said as she leaving, Puck follow her but he stopped and give one last glance to Roswaal for moment before leaving

"Roswaal-sama..." Rem finally spoke for the first time ever since she helped her master stand, her eyes filled with concern and hesitation "What should..."

"You can do your job as usual Rem."

"Very well."

Roswaal watched as the maid leaving, as soon as she did the archmage let out sigh and slumped in nearby seat. His eyes roamed around the room, seeing the state of his place

It was in ruins.

He know Aaron will explode and take what he did very bad, and for that he already prepared this place. The entire room was reinforced and enhanced by stone barrier that he privately made to the point even if there someone casting Al Goa in here there will be no burn or scratch on it. Nothing less was to be expected for a room that created by him, Magician that has live for four hundred years. But for all that it seemed, it could do nothing in the face of the beasts that stood here not a minute earlier.

Ice coated half of the surface of the room. On the floor, the wall and even ceiling, it was everywhere as if to mock the magic resistant properties the stones they were made from claimed to hold. While the other half practically look like just burned despite it nature to able resist magic, the floor, the wall, and everything was left with burned mark from electrical energy that young man radiated moment ago

'And those stones was five years old, containing mana that equal to hundred people. But when facing those two power...'

Well, he shouldn't expect less from Puck, he got his nickname as Beast of the End not without reason after all. Aaron himself have blood of legendary Dragon flow inside him, if those two clash there no doubt that their battle would level this city

Still... He can't help but smile, the result is as satisfying as he expected...

Everything went smooth, the Royal Selection, the conversation, Emilia reaction, oh yeah... All went just like he expected...

Overreact he said... I admit that I do let my emotion control me but overreact...

Just remember what Puck said enough to make growl come out from my mouth. Like hell I'm overreact! That little abomination! He don't know Roswaal true nature! He don't know that clown was more monster in term of behavior than him!

How dare that man! He even still have nerve to spout bullshit in front of me! After pulling this strings! He still have guts to...

That man... Doing his duty as supporter Emilia and Court Magician... Like HELL that man really care about them! Ooh, he not lying, he clearly said the truth he did his duty but that was not his real intention!

He doesn't give a single shit to Lugnica, it can burn to the ground and flipped up for all he care! Did he really think I'm so stupid that I will buy that reason?! By any mean he should be killed! A man who doesn't even care about anything but his goal even if he have to sacrifice whole village and kill those that admire him without any second thought...

Just thinking about his answer...

I'm rational person, and I also not one who usually let my anger cloud my decision but this...

That man... He literally destroy my path to going home discreetly! And not just that he still have guts to say that kind of shit to my face, even after I confront him directly!

Whoever becoming King in future I don't care, as matter of fact as soon as I found way to go home I will make sure Emilia can take care of herself before leave but this... By doing this he turn the whole Lugnica to me, he make the World realize of my existence, and to this kingdom I am as good as descendant of their God!

And there is no way I can be discreet and stay in shadow after this... And my attempt to go back also going to be very hard and possibly blocked by people of this kingdom since they don't want to loss me, the one who have blood of Dragon or their God

Just like when they doesn't give a shit when Royal Family died and only think covenant they made with Volcanica

I cannot any longer to openly declare I looking spell or even mention something that capable or related to other dimension to allies that I would gain in future, obviously they going to notice that I'm seeking way for return to my home and they won't let me to do that

What he did... He just... He just trapped me in here and...





It take about an hour for me to calm down, and I found myself sitting in the place where I meet Priscilla for the first time and taking pictures of the Capital, after that I begin to recall everything I did and went through

And let just say it make me in bad mood, again.

Though it for different reason

Instead angry at Roswaal, I'm angry at myself

I should see this coming from beginning... I should know something like this will happen. No, not know, but at least expecting it

All it began with Arc Two... Where instead of me but it was Rem who's targeted... Then after that, it is the battle against Wolgarm...

I mean, I knew that the enemy practically target Ram since beginning. This is shown when that puppy bite Rem instead of me, and yet I still insist to split with Ram. I know that from very beginning, I maybe not the sharpest and have dense moment but that, that was very obvious to the point it doesn't need to thrown at my face directly

And yet...

Why I split from Ram even knowing that?

It was risky, stupid, I was barely made it, barely able to help her, if I was one second late, Ram would be death by now, and there goes my plan to staying in this place with happy and comfortable. Rem would be broken beyond repair when I bring her sister death body home, she going to blame herself and me, Emilia trust and Beatrice 'decent' attitude will be loss. Everything going to go down... And I have no doubt it could happen, not at all

Among all animes, Re:Zero is one of the fiction show that can be considered realistic. The tragedy aspect was pretty much real, it not exaggeration or what, but it really could happen if you think logically. That was reality, no plot armor or power of friendship bullshit, everyone can die no matter what

The story pretty much will end only in first day if Subaru doesn't have Return by Death...

So still knowing all of that... Why?


I repeat everything that happen in forest, my decision to split and securing the children first, my fight with the Wolgarm, realization that the children only used to distract me, Ram that got assaulted, and me saving her just in time...

Even until now the memory keep repeated in my mind. I don't know how long I'm thinking about the battle, however when I finally realize, I finally know the reason, I did one thing that can be called idiot

Raising my fist, I swing it to my own face and enchant it using Mana Burst


I sure as hell from all the pain I felt ever since I come to this World had nothing compared to my own fist, seriously, whuile it was hurt get scratched and bitten over the face by Wolgarm and everything until now but having all of them pale compared to my own fist

It was at this time I realize that Servant strength is fucking terrifying to the point if I punch someone with that much power my fist going to blow their heads or burst through their bodies

... Okay maybe when fighting Elsa is more hurt -I got dagger carved to my face after all

I hold my nose that broken and bloodied, the red liquid slipped through my fingers and dripped to the ground beneath me

If myself from three weeks ago saw me doing this I'm sure he going to laugh or deny that I was him, since it clearly act that so stupid, unrealistic, and resulting nothing

But to the current me? I know this is more smart than what I did in forest back then

Because the reason why I allow that all of them happen is...

They. Slipped. Out. From. My. Mind

I clench my fist tightly, so tight to the point my nails digging my own hand and my knuckle turned white. I smacked my head to the edge of the stone structure nearby and grind my teeth to the point I heard small crack from it.

It. Slipped. From. My. Fucking. Mind!

A life is at stake, my future is at the stake, everything I worked on for that four days were at stake.

And that kind of important thought, important realization, slipped from my mind because I too eager to see how myself has been improving by fighting those demon beasts! What a fucking bullshit!

I really like to stab myself using Excalibur or smash my head using the flat side as I realize just how stupid and how high the level of it

And it was at that moment as well I realize that while I'm not as inexperienced as Subaru but I have flaw that more dangerous than him


Because I have power, I did not consider everything as threat. Because I thought I know everything, I did not consider everything would go awry

How arrogant and fool of me...

And this is the result...

I deliberately let myself played by Roswaal, thinking that I can slip away with him so easily, slip away from man who has been alive for four hundred years, and a man who is monster in all but body...

How... Laughable...

This is the result of my failure... No one to blame but me, myself... I keep insisting that I can handle what Subaru went through, and the irony is in there. I always compare myself better than Subaru's since I know my situation, what going to come and I'm stronger than him in everything

Then why I still expect everything will be same?

It was clear to every fans that Subaru dragged to Re:Zero is not coincidence. Not with Satella who seems know and love him and the Pleiades Watchtower that have trial related to constellations.

And what make me difference from him in that aspect?

And this prophecy... This prophecy just nailed the last piece...

I should realize this sooner but I refuse to believe it, refuse to acknowledge it because my arrogant blinding me...

What a joke...

I let out bitter chuckle as I touch my broken nose, wincing as I feel the pain, then I crook it back and I let out howl of pain. God damn it! Broken bone was really hurt! Ouch, ouch, ouch! B-But I guess I deserve no less

After all, what I did was pure idiotic and stupid...

"Hey, are you okay?"

I raise my head when unfamiliar voice reach my ears and I found myself staring at...


That was my first thought as I see her

She appear to be at same age around mine and stood not far from me, clad in red and black frilly dress that reveal her shoulders. Her hair that tied into ponytail and reach down her back with two bangs framed sides of her face, their color is crimson, dark red, darker than Reinhard's, they all seems glinting with shadow under the sunlight.

Her eyes blue with darker shade, remind me of a bold sea. Her figure, slim, slender, healthy, it remind me of Emilia save for her... Bust size, they were smaller. However her skin... They are pale, unhealthy pale, it remind me skin of ill person

"Your nose bleeding." She pointed

Still clutching my bloodied nose, I only narrowed my eyes at her "I'm fine." I grunted. Who's this woman? "I heal fast." That was true, even right now I can feel the pain in my nose lessened

"Well it doesn't change the fact you still bleeding." She smiled in not unkind manner as she pull out something from her pocket "Here."

I stare at the tissue that offered for a moment before took it "It is unnecessary but thanks." I said as I wipe my nose

"Sure." She replied genially before her face show slight concern "But you bleeding a lot, are you sure you going to be okay?"

"I will be fine, moreover shouldn't you worry about your own health? Not mean offend you but you look like going to fell over anytime."

"Oh this?" She hold her arm out and gesturing to her pale skin "I'm fine, I was born like this." She grinned at me "I might not look like it but I can run around this City and still fine!" She said while puffing her chest proudly

"Is that so..." I merely quirked my eyebrow at her "Good for you then." I said as I rose from my seat "Thank you for the tissue Miss but I have to go now." I'm not in mood to talk with anyone now

"That fast?" She blinked at me

I pass through her without offering any word, it is rude but right now I don't care. I have so much to think right now and I don't want to be bothered

"You look like having a whole World on your shoulder."

I paused on my step, then I turned to her. The red haired girl have her arms crossed to her back and giving me smile

"When the World goes against you, when everything not went according to you wish, then wouldn't it better to stand and look forward?" She asked rhetorically while moving her head to the side "You can look back, but don't stare too long. Just long enough to realize your mistake, after that turn to the front and." She then raise her finger and make a gesture "Said 'fuck' you to the World." She said cheerfully








"Hwaaaa! I don't believe I just said that aloud!"

The woman flipped and turned to bumbling mess as she kneeling in corner and covering her face in embarrassment with comical manner as soon as she realize what just come out from her mouth

I can only stare at the red haired woman that appear out of nowhere and behave in unusual way in incredulity. Truthfully I don't care if there is woman cursing -though it kind of uncomfortable if they curse a lot like men- but what bother me is her sudden flip in behavior

What a weirdo...

Still... "You can look back but don't stare too long" and "Turn to the front and said fuck you to the World" huh?


It kind of remind me the speech I gave to Rem, though mine is more refined and polite...

What a cheesy and cliche speech, is this how I sounded to Rem and Ram when I cheering them? I found it kind of... Strange and awkward actually

But not unpleasant...

"Miss." I called her, prompting her to turn at me from her position "What's your name?"

She blinked once before she slowly stood to her feet, brushing her dress once and she give me smile "Isn't it common courtesy as a man to introduce yourself first?"

"You're the one who call and bother me first." I said flatly while rolling my eyes, nonetheless I still decide to comply to her words "My name Aaron."

She beamed and raise both sides of her skirt in lady manner "My name Tear." She introduce herself with small bow "Nice to meet you, Aaron-san."

"... It is nice to meet you as well, Tear-san." I replied after moment of silence, then I tilt my head slightly "And thank you for your advice."

Tear blinked once before her smile widened "Sure Aaron-san."

I let out small grunt before shaking my head, then I turned back to the front and leave

That woman... Whoever she is... Enemy, friend or some stranger... It doesn't important. What truly matter is she true in that regard

My arrogant and ignorant place me in this situation, that was true. And I have every right to hate and punches myself to the death if that necessary but does it matter now? What should I do... Is to look forward and learn from it... Just like what I said to Rem and that woman said to me...

It not that easy to do it though, people can't just stand back after got few comforting words, if they did then the World clearly will be filled with successful people right now

But... At least I really need to look forward now, I practically have limited time after all, not to mention I need to be more careful since I will face life-threatening enemy

Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti, the Arcbishop of Sloth, along with his people...

Roswaal... He truly smart to make big move before something big happen, this will make me focused to the Witch Cult while he get time to planning more so he can intercept my move


Like I thought, it was easier to be said... Just thinking about it already make me anxious

If things continue to go so differently like this... What about Petelgeuse? Is there something going to happen? Something that unexpected? What's going to change?

... There won't be two Arcbishop right? If I recall there some crazy Arcbishop that in love with Petelgeuse and have troublesome ability, something about sharing emotion and senses to other

Worse, there will be Regulus in there or one of the Archbishops of Gluttony.

"Plan for the worst and hope for the best." I murmured as I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration "By Root, what should I do now?"

I don't have an answer for that, and no one can answer it for me...

For the first time since I came to this World... I've got no plan and honestly feel lost...