
Re:Zero Why Me?

It was supposed to be simple cosplay show. He didn't think much of it and only participated due to a friend's invitation. So why the hell did he find himself in this World? In a World where Demonic Beast, Monster and crazy fanatical cult are lurking around. SIOC! Slight AU!

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

One Step Forward And Back...

{A/N: Please bare with the bad grammar, I will edit and correct everything when I am free to do so but I've been busy with work (IRL) and my shift times don't allow me to upload as much as I used too...}

Chapter 14 - One Step Forward And Back...

It would be understanding to said that Rem is worried

She didn't know what happened in the Royal Selection. She already asked Emilia and Roswaal but none of them seems wish to talk about it, especially the former.

The silver haired woman look like having her mind somewhere else when they were at dinner, she always glanced to the door, expecting Aaron to come back anytime

But until now he still did not...

Which did nothing but make her worry

It has been few hours ever since dinner and now already late, pass midnight as matter of fact but still there no sign of him coming back

She knew Aaron can handle himself, he is strong after all, there is no need to worry about him being assaulted by anyone. As matter of fact Rem pity the poor who would mess with him, in his current mind state Rem sure Aaron going to trash them, badly... And possibly killing them in process

No, Rem not worry about him got ambushed, she is worried about his mind...

It was clear that right now he clearly not having best mental state. With him to display such violence and anger... Never in her life she saw the man that has helped her filled with so much fury. He always calm, kind, gentle, stern, but at same time also know to enjoy every moments he went, like joking and bantering with her big sister and herself

To see him angry like that...

Rem shuddered visibly, not just from fear that it remind her Aaron Pendragon is powerful being but also the cold feeling in her chest. To see someone that close to her -even only in short time- and always being kind to show such expression and have his mind burdened...

She doesn't like it...

True him attacking Roswaal clearly shocking and Rem won't hesitate to defend her Lord from Aaron the next time he attack him but... She found herself very uncomfortable facing him as enemy

Not uncomfortable in fear, but it more like... She doesn't wish to... She don't want to fight him... She rather hurt herself than... Than...

'It doesn't matter now.' She brush that thought away, now is not time to think such things 'Should Rem go out and try to find Aaron-sama?'

She can try to track his scent, it wouldn't be hard since Aaron's scent is strong. Rem dare to said that his scent is... Not bad, it was a bit intoxicating, full and rich of Mana, as Oni she found such scent is actually good. However the Witch stench that lingering... That was a bit bad actually, luckily it barely there so it doesn't bother her


'! The door opened! It must be Aaron-sama!' Rem thought as she quickly come out from the living room to greet him, worried about his condition

It was when she near to the entrance that familiar smell that she never expect to come from the man also latched to him

As she reach the front door, she granted by sight of Aaron in his black and red outfit, the man seems a bit stumbling in his steps as he removing his shoes, his face slight red, his eyes darted to her when notice someone still awake and greet him

"Rem?" He asked, eyes blinking few times as if trying to make sure she is real

"Aaron-sama..." Rem lips curled to thin line "You finally back and..." Her nose twitched once again, just to make sure she got the smell right "You drunk."

This is surprise, she never thought he is someone who drink alcohol

"I wish..." Aaron replied, his eyes rolled "I drink six bottle full but I still can't get drunk." He murmured darkly as he finally succeed remove his shoes

Rem blinked, six bottle? That was a lot of alcohol! And he not get drunk even once?! 'Well, he did, but he still sober enough I guess.' She thought as she watched the man sitting in floor and ruffle his hair

"And they taste like a shit, now I know why mom forbid dad and I to drink that thing. Not just it taste bad but it did nothing." He continue to grumble, oblivious to the maid thought "Whoever said drinking solve people in problem really need to have their head smashed open and have their brain plucked out."

... Okay, maybe he's not completely sober, as far she recall he never using crude language this much when he conscious -she know this because he usually mumbling random and silly things in morning after just wake up

She let out small sigh as she went over him, taking his hand and place it on her shoulder "Come on Aaron-sama, Rem will take Aaron-sama to his room."

"I can stand by myself Rem." Aaron chuckled as he let the girl help him to stand "But who am I to complain for having cute girl like you get close to me." He said with goofy grin

Rem feel her cheeks flushed a bit at the compliment but she keep her face stoic and guide the blond to his room, all while the man himself giving her amused smile

As they enter the room, the blue haired oni place the man in bed, her eyes scanning the man that precious to her. There smell alcohol but not much -which is very surprising since he claim to drink six bottle- and there also small red hue adorning his cheeks

"I'm not going to drink alcohol anymore, not only they make me feel airy but also taste bad." Aaron grumbled as he pinch bridge of his nose

"Rem going to check Aaron-sama body, having that much alcohol is not healthy." Rem said as she cast diagnosis spell on him. One or two bottle she can understand but six?! By Magic isn't that too much?!

"I'm fine Rem, seriously I don't even feel a thing when drink the third bottle." He let out chuckle as he allow himself to be checked "I feel a bit light in head now but it not something I can't handle. Must be because the Dragon blood inside me." He grumbled

Rem blinked, once, twice "Dragon blood?" She asked in mixture of confusion and curiosity

And it's Aaron turn to blink after hearing the question "Roswaal and Emi didn't told you?" He asked back, sounding surprised

"No, Roswaal-sama and Emilia-sama did not said anything. Rem tried to ask them but they apparently still doesn't wish to talk about it."

After saying that Rem watched as Aaron surprised face curled to thoughtful, his eyes narrowed in sharp manner "What with those two?" He murmured "I have a guess if it Emi but Roswaal..." His face darkened when mentioning the archmage name and Rem worry that he might become angry again. That worry banished when Aaron sighed and his face softened, hand rose, he ruffle his hair in obvious annoyance "I guess it up to me to tell you then."

"If Aaron-sama don't want to-"

"No, as matter of fact you deserve to know about this as well."


"I will kiss you if you keep refusing."

As soon those words come out, Rem face turned to bright red, the way the color change was almost like a switch. Her blue eyes widened and her jaw open wide "K-K-Kiss?!" She try to sound calm but it come out as squeak

Aaron in response merely smirked, and it remind the blue oni of the smirk he always use when he arguing with her big sister "That reaction of yours did not helping you know? It only make you cuter."

"I... I... Rem... Rem... Is..."

The blue haired trying to put together coherent words through her mind that now a mess from the handsome blond sudden flirtatious words. She feel her brain went frenzy for moment, picture of her and the man kissing make her heart pound faster for some reason and it only make her face become redder

"You should look your face Rem." Aaron said with grin, halting any further thought of the blue haired oni "You look like boiling crab." He laughed

The laugh apparently enough for Rem to put her mind back together, realizing she was being teased the blue haired oni give glare to the blond but it serve nothing but make him laugh further

"That was very mean and improper of you Aaron-sama." Rem said to the blond with stern look, but thanks to her red face it more like pout to Aaron, which did nothing but make him letting out another chuckle

"Sorry Rem, it was mean of me but I can't help it." Aaron said while shake his head in amusement

Rem only can huff her cheeks at the reply 'Not just make him lightheaded but Aaron-sama also seems become more... Bold.' The alcohol must be affecting him quite a lot despite he looked sober enough. While he have no issue in teasing and joking but all of them never went to this level

Not like she dislike it though, she certainly don't mind that he behave like this but... It will be better if he doesn't have any alcohol in his body...

"Alright, where I begin then..." Aaron said while rubbing his chin "Hmm... Let's start with my heritage then." He glanced at the empty space on his side "You might want to sit down, this will take a while."

Rem did without hesitation as she took his side graciously, her eyes peered over the man with curiosity

"As Oni, a being that need Mana to exist, I'm sure you know what am I right? You can smell the Witch scent and... Something big from me. Right?" He asked and Rem answer with nod "Well it because while I'm indeed a Human but I'm not... Fully Human."

"... Rem see... Rem already suspect that." She did, she and Nee-sama. It was clear as day that there is no way Aaron Pendragon fully Human, that was impossible, the scent and power he radiate speak them very clearly. And unlike those who Blessed by the World, his smell is... Unnatural...

It was too raw and wild in a sense

"Then, Aaron-sama is Demihuman?" She asked

"... You can say so, though I am as Human as other people but..." Aaron take deep breath "Pendragon family is believed to be related to a Dragon, our ancestor have blood of Dragon flow within them, so do I."

Rem intake of air become sharp at that "Dragon...?"

"... You know the... Reptile you called "Earth Dragon" that usually pulling carriage over?" Aaron asked while gesturing to the outside through the window "I'm not talking about those Dragon, in my place they would be called a Dinosaurs." That wasn't lie, if Earth Dragon turn to real in their World they will be called that than a Dragon "I'm talking about a Dragon that has transcend, a beast that considered as pinnacle of the Magical Beast, a beast that said as extensions of the World that were created in a form that is independent from nature itself with intelligence."

... It did not need to take genius to know what he mean, even stupid people going to caught what he tried to say

"Great Dragon Volcanica..." Rem murmured, eyes wide with shock and awe "Aaron-sama is descendant of the Great Dragon?!"

Aaron lips curled to thin line "Close, but I am not related to him or her. I have blood of Dragon inside me but it not Volcanica, it is another Dragon, one that you won't find in history or any books in this land. Not surprise seeing I hail from Land beyond the Great Waterfall."

"... What?"

"... ... Okay, it might be better to start from what happened in Royal Selection before I explain things."

And so Rem sit in there, listening to his story. She listen how he explain what happened in Royal Selection, from the beginning to the end. She listen when things about done Roswaal call him and reveal his existence to the World, his heritage and where he come from to the nobles of Lugnica, Sage Council, and Royal Guard

"So... Aaron-sama now basically become something that considered Divine to people of Lugnica?"

"Yep." Aaron nodded with dry chuckle "What a fucked up scenario isn't it?"

Rem put thoughtful face, her lips turned to thin line "Rem do not understand, isn't that good thing? It mean with this Emilia-sama stand to become King is stronger, and also Aaron-sama now have high stature and considered have bigger position than Nobles and even Roswaal-sama himself."

She was surprised the Sage Council did not offer him to live in castle the moment his heritage revealed. As someone that believed to be descendant of the Great Dragon Volcanica, there should be no other fitting place for him than the Castle of the Kingdom itself

She watched as the blond haired man stare at him with strange look, she can't decipher his expression but she feel that the man seems... Bitter "Rem... I do not wish to stay at Lugnica forever."

Rem blinked, once, twice, her mind comprehending what he said, and after she done, she feel a hot stone dropped to her stomach "What Aaron-sama-"

"My coming in here is against my will." Aaron said in dry voice "I forced to come here, I never wish to be in Lugnica in first place."

"... How so?"

"It doesn't matter how." He answer was swift, too swift for her liking, it clear that he avoiding that particular subject "But what matter is one day I will leave from this Kingdom, as matter of fact I only plan to stay in here for a year or two, not longer than that."

"But..." Rem open her mouth to say something, something, anything. What about me? That was the first thing she want to ask. Will he leave her? What about Emilia-sama? What about Nee-sama? What about... Everything they had went through together? She knew they only together in a month but during that one month... She dare to said that her life during that time have more meaning than years she spend in that mansion

All those questions left unsaid in the end, only one thing come out from her mouth


"To reunite with my little sister, my father, my mother, and my whole family."

The answer come with straight and blunt, she can see in his green eyes that he truly mean those words

"You all is good person, you, Emi and Ram. You all my friends but I have family waiting for me. True I will be there to watch Emi stand on her own feet, and I will be there to watch you and Ram expand you two World into bigger and take more people to join you but that's it..." He shift his body to fully face her "I won't be there when Emilia become King and led Lugnica and I won't be there to see you and Ram find the men you two love and make family."

There silence appear in the room as they stare into each other eyes, one filled with mixture of complicated emotions while the other with seriousness. The blue haired oni can't sense any doubt or shake in those green eyes, he truly mean every word, truly mean that he will leave one day, truly mean that he will went away from them.

It... It...

"Rem understand."

It just make sense... It not illogical... She shouldn't be surprised...

"Aaron-sama has no obligation to Emilia-sama and Roswaal-sama, so if Aaron-sama want to leave then that should be no surprise."

He owe them nothing, as matter of fact it was the house of Roswaal that own him. The house own him so much, from helping Emilia-sama who is Royal Candidate they support, and handling the Wolgarm problem. True they indeed pay him back but they were pale compared to the deed this man has done for them


Can Rem come with you?

Those question about to slip out from her mouth, it was on the tip of her tongue but image of her sister smiling face made it stop in there.

She want to go with him if he leave, she want to stand on his side, she want to learn more from him, from the man that has open her eyes and show that the World is bigger than what she thought

But if she do that... Then her sister... Her sister that has been in pain and mask her suffering for years just so she can fulfill her selfish desire that meaningless...

Will she leave her? Causing her more pain than this?

No... She can't leave with him... She can't leave her sister alone...

So she keep her mouth closed and cut herself in there, there is no need to ask that question... She won't leave with him... More like she can't... Not after everything she done...

"You not need to be that worry though." He spoke, his voice sounded comforting "I won't leave soon, like I said, it would be a year or two before I did." He tilt his head and sigh while closing his eyes "But thanks to Roswaal now it going to be more difficult and longer."

She understand what he mean by that, she not stupid. With him who can be considered as descendant of Lugnica's God, there is no way the Kingdom will let him go back to his home so easy

But there another things she didn't understand

"Why telling Rem this?" She asked, making the man reopen his eyes and stare at her, she feel those green eyes peering through her soul "Why telling Rem that Aaron-sama will leave?"

This is clearly personal matter... Really personal... Right now the man that sit in front of her telling her his goal, his personal dream, she perfectly aware no one save for him know this, not even her big sister and Emilia

So why?

"Because I want you to know that I will leave someday." He answered, voice soothing and calm "I won't be there for you forever, I will leave. Not now, not soon, and it probably will take a years but I will in the end. And as my friend, someone I considered close to me, you deserve to know."

"... That's very mean of you Aaron-sama... You said you going to leave but you still saying such thing."

"I can give you lie but I don't think you will like it, beside you are close to me and you have right to know it."

She only can let out small laugh at that "Giving woman painful and comforting words at same time... Aaron-sama truly Knight with Two Faces, just like what Nee-sama said. Rem expect no less from Aaron-sama."

That statement cause him to let out laugh as well, no longer they dry and bitter but they were genuine "It certainly not bad nickname if you ask me." He admitted

They both share another laugh together, gone the dry and gloomy atmosphere moment ago, it was clear they both now in better mood

"So what Aaron-sama intent to do now?"

And the somber mood back just by that question. She watched as Aaron look crestfallen and rubbing his forehead "I don't know..." He muttered "I... I don't know what to do..."

For the second time since she meet him, Rem see how the strong and powerful man that seems capable to take on the World look vulnerable. Just like when he talked about the sister he dearly loved, he look so fragile and weak right now

"There so many things change... And everything I did..." He paused and let out snort "I did nothing, compared to Subaru... What I did is normal, nothing special. I'm no better than him, no, it better to say that he accomplish more than me, at least he work hard and all of them is result of his struggle, he is better person than me."


His eyes widened a bit and judging by his sharp intake of breath, Rem know that he didn't mean to said that aloud

"A friend... No, it more like acquaintance." He said, he look more sober now, clearly phrasing his words more careful "He is someone that weak, he is normal man, nothing more nothing else, but..." His lips curled to bitter smile "You will fell in love with him when you see his determination Rem. His courage, his spirit, his bravery..." He shake his head "A person who outsmart even someone who genius... Not to mention he love Demon. He always said he is Demonically possessed."

"Demonically possessed?" Rem utter the sentence in her mouth, that was very strange, but it not unpleasant, she like those words

"Like possessed by Gods." He said with small smile "He said that Gods usually do nothing but Demon always there and often stood at Human side. So he prefer them than Gods."

"Rem see... Subaru-san seems very nice person."

"He is, trust me you and him will get along pretty well." He chuckled 'Though not before you kill him twice and he saving you from mauled by Wolgarm.' He thought with small grimace

"... Then what Subaru-san will do if he in Aaron-sama position?" Rem asked

He blinked, once, twice "What do you mean?"

"Aaron-sama said Subaru-san is someone who outsmart genius, then isn't that mean he is person who very sharp minded surpassing even genius? Why don't try to think what he would do if he in your situation?"

For moment he did nothing but stare at her with hollow look, it as if his mind is currently not in his body, drifting away to another place

Then she watched as his eyes regain their light

Then he laughed

The laugh was sincere, honest and pure. Filled with joy, a laugh that someone let out when they find answer for their question that has plagued them for so long

Rem like that laugh, she really did

"Of course! Of course! I should see it! Why I... Ahh, I really still have a lot to learn! Hahahaha! Damn! Of all people I should see as example! Hahaha!"

And while he let out grateful and jovial words, the blue haired oni watched this happen with smile on her face, happy that the man who open her eyes seems find his path once again

"Rem..." He called her, his bitter and frustrated expression gone, warm and handsome smile that make her heart beating faster once marred his face "Thank you... You really helping me."

She smiled back at him, ignoring the warm that crossed to her cheeks "It nothing, Rem only did her duty as maid that taking care Aaron-sama." She replied

"And you did pretty good job." He chuckled as he raise his hand, reaching for her and he touch her head softly "I'm glad that you here and taking care of me."

Rem feel her heart beat faster at the compliment, it really happened quite a lot lately when she around him or talking about him

'This feeling... Could it be...'

The hand moved away from her head, cutting Rem thought and she feel disappointed at that

"Anyway, it already late." Aaron briefly glance at the outside through window "So it better if you go to sleep now Rem, you even waiting for me, I making you work hard huh?"

"Aaron-sama sure did, you make Rem worried, coming home this late. Rem about to go out and search for you."

He grimaced and look abashed after hearing that "Sorry." He apologized genuinely

"It's okay." Rem brushed the apologize easily "Then, Aaron-sama better rest now, we going to go back to the manor tomorrow noon."

He blinked "So soon?"

"Yes, Roswaal-sama said he have matter to do in next few days so..."

She trailed when notice the man eyes darkened, his green eyes that look merry and happy now adorned with sharpness and turned to glare

But it only for moment as he let out sigh and begin to massage his forehead

"I see..."

"Rem will leave then." Rem said as she stood "Aaron-sama better rest now, it hard and take time to waking you up after all."

Not like she mind though, she found his antic when he still in daze to be cute

"What can I say? I'm quite sleeper." He replied with chuckle

Rem only shook her head as she made her way to the exit, she about to open the door before something crossed in her mind "Aaron-sama..."

"Hm? Yes?"

"... About Aaron-sama leaving in future..." She feel her heart begin to ache just by saying that "Rem thought it would be good idea to tell Emilia-sama about it..."

The pseudo Saber blinked once before he frowned, his forehead scrunched in thoughtful manner "I know what you trying to say, make no mistake I will tell her but not right now."

"... May Rem ask the reason?"

"Because Emi still a child." His answer is plain and straight

"A child?" Rem repeated, confused at his words

"No, maybe not a child, but similar like one. Hmmm, how do I put it huh?" He rub his chin and put complicated look "Well, I won't deny that Emi is smart, and she also capable to act mature and have logical mind but the problem is she still doesn't aware of her own feeling.

"You can see it when she helped people, she insist she doing that because it is not from her own will but because it is reasonable things to do, by helping she hope that the people she helped will help her in return. And when they did she will happy but if they not then it doesn't matter for her. See my point here? She doesn't recognize her feeling and what she truly desire, just like a child."

Well... If he put it that way... He not entirely wrong, Emilia-sama do act like that sometime, using something as excuse to do what she wish in first place.

"Aaron-sama really know Emilia-sama very well." She commented

"She is my friend, of course I know her." He said with chuckle "And of course I also know what kind of person you are Rem."

She blinked "Really?"

"Yep, want me to describe what kind of person you are?"

She nodded almost in eager manner, it will be very interesting to hear what the man thinking about her.

Aaron in response only smiled before making gesture for her to come closer and she did, stepping closer to him

She should know to never let her guard down

The moment she in his reach, the blond hands sprung forward, immediately latched to her cheeks and pinching them

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Awawrwon-swamwa!" Rem squeaked as she instantly try to pry the hand away. Try she though but the hands not even budged an inch, still glued to there

Aaron merely smirked as he playing with Rem's cheek "Ahh, this is really relieving." He said while letting out pleasant breath

"Ughh." She squirmed as she feel the pain in her cheeks receded when the blond begin to rub them like a children rubbing kitten chin. It wasn't unpleasant sensation when he did this but she found it to be embarrassing


After few seconds of abuse her cheeks finally released and she waste no time to rub them, wincing as she feel the stinging pain in from there

"Aaron-sama truly evil." She said with glare "To manipulate Rem's heart just to satisfy his carnal desire."

"Oi, oi you make me sounds like sexual offender." He replied with amused voice "Well it doesn't matter, as for what kind of person you are that..." He trailed and her playful wink "That is secret."

Rem right eye twitch "To not just using Rem's heart but also giving false hope... As a Knight Aaron-sama should be ashamed."

"Not official Knight yet." He playfully said

She tried to give him glare, however she, herself can't help but admit to be amused by his antic so she settle into sigh

"Since there is nothing else to say then Rem shall go back to her own room. Aaron-sama should rest now."

"Yes, you too Rem, good night."

"Good night Aaron-sama."

With that the blue haired oni once again went to the door and open it, she take one step to outside before something crossed on her mind

"Just for Aaron-sama information, Rem is not the only one that waiting for Aaron-sama."

After saying that she close the door, leaving the pseudo Saber in his own thought

Sounds of door creaked open echoed in the dark room, light from outside shine upon it, giving him vision of the inside

His head coming in first, eyes peering to the room that barely visible, despite it dark but his sight surprisingly still good, it barely bother him. Another ability he gain the moment he become pseudo Servant, his vision maybe still able to be blocked by darkness but his sight actually better than normal people

He found the person he looking for in the chair instead of bed, sitting in there with her head twitched up, down, barely stable and hold herself from falling. As he focused his eyes further he found her eyes actually closed, indicating she sleep

He stare at the girl for few seconds before he shook his head and take step inside to the room, he approach her, and while doing that he make his steps as light as possible to not bother the sleeping girl or waking her

As he stand in front of her directly he can't help but stare for moment. She clad in her nightgown that allow him to look a bit more of her skin, her sleeping face show exhausted expression

He mentally slap himself, this isn't time to stare! Gah why he come here again in first place?! He supposed to be in his own room and already in dream land right now! So why in name of Gods...

'Because I can't sleep and I'm curious how she handle things.' He thought with small sigh. Normally he not one who bothered by trivial things like this but... Let just say since he can't sleep he decide to pay a visit

Shaking his head, he gently put his hand over her shoulder while the other went down and swooping her legs. Then with one move, he lift the girl smoothly, he did this a lot with his sister so he have no problem to carry someone -not to mention her weight is not matter to his inhumane strength, granted he still have problem due to the height difference but it barely bother him


The girl let out small moan under his arm, prompting him to glance at her for moment before shift his gaze to bed. Then he started to walk, slowly and in careful manner to not awake her

He place her softly in bed, touching her arms, he arrange her position to make her as comfortable as he could. After that he look to her face again, gently he tug the strand of hairs that framing her face, like a parent taking care of their children

Her lips smacked itself few times, wetting it, her face that look exhausted moment ago now look serene and peaceful as she snuggle to the bed deeper

He smiled at the sight, taking care girl like this remind him of when he alone with his sister in house, their parent not always in home since they both has their own job. True they happy family but there moment when he wish their parent spend more time with them, especially his sister

He shake away the thought, knowing now is not the place to delve in memory. He pick the blanket and gently drop it to her, covering her body and protect her from cold

Seeing there is nothing else he need to do, he turned away and begin to make his exit, he only few steps from reaching the door and-


He froze when the voice of the girl reach his ears, slowly, almost mechanically, he turned his head behind, expecting to see the girl wake up but apparently she did not, it was a mere mumble from dream, she still in bed and sleeping

He let out breath that he hold unconsciously, shaking his head, he resume his walk and about to touch the knob of the door when he heard whimper from behind him

"Emi?" He called in low voice, thinking that the half elf awake

But she did not response, she only snuggle deeper to her bed, her peaceful face now marred by troubled and anxious expression

'Nightmare... She have nightmare about...' He waste no time to lighting the lantern and approach her, all hesitation and awkward feeling washed away, he sit to her side and begin to tug her gently "Emi, Emi..."

"Nghh... Mnnhh..."

"Emi, wake up for moment."

He give another shake, this time stronger to awake her and he succeed. The half elf stirred, her violet eyes slowly open, they are dazed and unfocused but only for short time as they gain their sharpness when notice who stood in front of her

"A-Aaron?" She stuttered

"Who else?" He asked with small smile

"Aaron..." She repeated, her hands raised and caressing the man cheeks "You here..." She murmured the words in voice he didn't recognize "You here."

"Yes Emi I'm here." He take her hands and slowly put them down, he feel his cheeks warmed at the sudden closeness but he push them all away. Now is not the time damnit! Calm yourself hormone!

"You here..." She said once again, she sound relieved this time. Then her eyes widened in comical manner, she practically jumped back from her in instant and raise her shaky finger at him "W-W-Why you here?!" She demanded

'Good question.' He thought dully, he asked that question to himself ever since he stepped into this room "I just want to check on you, Rem said you waiting for me and..."

"Waiting for..." She blinked few times "Wait, what time is this?"

"Two Solartime."

"Two Solar..." She trailed, eyes widened further in more surprise, then they sharpened and she glared at him "Where were you?!" She demanded "Two Solartime! Aaron! This! This is pass midnight and..." Her harsh words died in her throat as she remember what actually happened "Aaron... I... Are you.."

He only give her small smile "I'm no longer in bad mood if that what you asked." He answered "Let just say my head is clear now."

"I... I see..." She look relieved judging by her smile "I'm happy to hear that and..." She trailed again, face turned to unsure expression

Knowing she doesn't know what to say, he decide to make the opening "I won't say I'm sorry..." He said, making the girl blink "I won't say I'm sorry for wandering around the city until this late, I am my own person so I free to do what I wish, however I will say sorry for making you worry." He added, his voice become soft when speak the last part "With my state of mind at that time, you must be very worried. And for that, I'm sorry."

"I... I..." Emilia was loss of words for moment before she shook her head "It's okay, I'm just glad that you fine and not harmed." She said sincerely "And... And I also want to say sorry..." She murmured while looking down, her index fingers poking each other "I'm yelling at you before."

"No harm done Emi." He said with chuckle "Anyway, I guess I better go back to my room now."

"Ah, about that. Why you come here?"

The question asked in innocent manner, it was clear that she not suspicious at all why a man invade her room in middle of night

Aaron feels like arrow just pierce through his chest seeing this innocence

"I come here to see how are you, Rem said you waiting for me so I... Want to check on you." He tried to phrase his word in a way that won't give her wrong impression "And I found you sleeping in chair, since it obviously unhealthy I move you to your bed. I about to leave but I notice you..." He trailed and give look to Emilia

The half elf tilt her head in confusion, but it only lasted for moment before she remember what happened

"Oh..." Is the only thing she can say "Umm, about that..."

"You not need to tell me if you don't want to." Aaron cut her, one hand raising as a gesture. He tug it down and give her smile after that "But know that if you wish to talk I am here for that. As your friend, I will gladly help you."

"But I'm your friend too!" Emilia suddenly snapped, her eyes look fierce "You always say that you will help me but I'm barely helping you! You say I'm your friend but..."

I did nothing to help you

He knew that is what she want to say. He already knew there time that things like this come after all, in the end Emilia still can't accept people help, not because she don't want to but because she don't understand how other feeling, it almost like she don't understand that sometime people help just because they want to, not because they need reason

And she feel indebted because of that...

Emilia still doesn't understand how people feeling... Just like Her...

But unlike Her, Emilia cannot understand the other feeling because she still have mentality of child. After she grow up and become more mature though, she will be a great person

"You want to help me?" He asked, there is only one thing he can say at this situation

"Yes!" She nodded, the way her eyes brightened and her head that bopped up, down eagerly, Aaron sure as hell if he tell her to run around the city she will do that regardless how strange it might sound

"Then let me help you."

"... Eh?" She blinked in surprise

He ruffled his hair and put exasperated face "Emi I will be blunt, right now you are very close to useless." He said blatantly, making the half elf winced


"Don't try to deny it, deep inside you know, you really at major disadvantage despite you are one of Royal Candidate. You basically have zero connection and zero financial, you have power in form of Puck, yes, but we both know I don't need power right now."

The way she flinched and open her mouth only to close it before looking down to her lap, it was quite saddened to the point he feel slight guilty for being rude like this

But it need to be said... Right now among the other candidate save for Felt, Emilia is the most powerless if we didn't count me as his support, she is really in bad position and dare Aaron said she actually could be more childish than Felt

Which mean something seeing Felt is the youngest among the other Candidate

"Right now you have nothing, but in future you will." He continued, making her eyes snapped up at him once again "Just like children or infant, can they do anything to help their parent? No but in future when they become adult and grow? They can." He tilt his head "Just like what I did to you now, I help you, supporting you, and if you want to help me back, do that when you can stand by your own."

That was the conclusion he have. Right now Emilia can't do anything, but in future, when she mature, when she ready to face the World, having her on his side will be very helpful

And judging by her eyes that seems gaining new light, it clear what he tried to do is success, right now Emilia clearly found a base, a foundation that from now on she can use to reach her goal

She have to improve herself first before standing on his side...

"And about my heritage..." He paused and have annoyed expression for moment "Let talk about it tomorrow when we on our way to manor. Now is already very late and you, Your Majesty, need your beauty sleep."

"Beauty sleep?" She repeated the word in dumbfounded manner before she broke into giggle "Yes, yes, I understand then Sir Aaron, I will be bad looking and have wrinkle all over my beautiful skin if I did not do that." She make gesture by rubbing her arms and putting haughty look

It make him snort, she clearly become more lively than her Canon, no doubt it because his influence. Something that greatly amuse him "Well, then this your loyal subject shall leave and let you have your rest." He said as he stood and retreating while walk backward, his body bended down in extravagant bow

This cause Emilia giggle again and Aaron shake his head as he straighten his back and reach for the door, he give her look as he open it "Good night Emi."

"Good night Aaron." She replied, her beautiful pristine face marred with angelic smile "And thank you... For everything."

He found himself stare at her for moment, not out of awe or mesmerized by her beauty. No, it was... What it was...

"Your welcome..."

It was her anguish and crying face when she found that he going to leave her... Just like when she left alone by Geuse, her aunt, and her whole village...

And his heart throbbing with pain and guilt... Knowing just how much suffering he will brought to this girl...

'She is strong woman, she is strong woman. She will be fine, she will be fine. I will make sure of it.' He thought as he close the door and turned away

Strangely it not as convincing as when he reassure himself at the first time

What would Subaru do if he in my position

When every path blocked and look dark

When everything is blocked by abyss that endless and eternal


Push forward...

Do not afraid, do not hesitate, keep moving

And if he died...

There Return by Death waiting for him...

The ability that allow him to redo the world, ability that any Magus in the World will give anything, anything just to have that. It ability that categorized as True Magic without doubt

Ability that make powerless, weak, fragile, and small mortal able to do what only Gods can do. Creating miracle with nothing but a hard work and mental strength, making impossible to possible

And no matter how strong his enemies, how powerful those who oppose him, how horrifying monster that stood in his path

As long that person have strong mental discipline... He will win...

That is the power that Return by Death grant to Subaru

The power that belong to Immortal...

The same power that right now I have...

The moment I wake up I ask for early breakfast from Rem before I went out from the house. It not like I don't want to sit and chat with them but I don't want to see Roswaal face, at least not this soon

I might explode once again if I do that...

So here I am now, standing at same place over and over again, watching the whole Capital from high ground, with no one company me save for birds

It was without doubt thing will become very complicated from now on, with my existence as descendant of Dragon being known and everything... Fuck! My life that complicated become more complicated!

And I can fix this...

Return by Death...

All I need to do is utter those cursed words, and I will be dead, then I will return back, redo the whole World

And if... If I remember about that ability yesterday, when I'm very angry, when I'm so mad... I won't even hesitate to said those curse and let it to claim my life so I can return to few days before this...

The only thing that stopped me right now, is what causing me in this mess in the first place

The Prophecy...

As far I know there is no second Prophecy, there no other Prophecy except the one that mentioning Five Royal Candidate

So why?

Why there is new one in here? And not just that but it was very specific and mention about Dragon, about someone with Blood of His Kin

There many theories... About how Subaru summoned to this World in first place... One though very crazy, particularly about where in reality, what happened to Subaru is actually one big loop

And Emilia is the center of it...

She is in truth is Satella that thrown back to the past and she in love with Subaru and since he from another World, she decide to summon him here. But she need power for that and thus she consume the Witch Envy Gene

And the result is as everyone expected... It was more than she thought and the madness consume her, turning her into Witch of Envy... And what worse is Witch of Envy is also in love with Subaru, just like Satella

And she summon him from another World...

Then there another theory that Flugel is Subaru or at least other version of him, the Great Sage that responsible for sealing Satella in first place

And so many other theories that fans create

It is random, it is crazy and illogical... Even I don't believe it until now, I mean, imagining Emilia as the Witch of Envy is...

Maybe I'm biased as well since I don't know how terrifying the Witch is but... Whatever happened... It can't be denied that Subaru summoned to this World is not coincidence

Just like mine...

My coming in here... Is expected... Volcanica Prophecy pretty much proof that...

So is that mean Satella is the one who summon me? If she did then... Why give me Saber's strength? Why not summon me like Subaru? Why...

So many questions, and so many of them doesn't have answer, the only one who possibly know is those that related to Satella directly. Volcanica, Flugel, Reid, and... Echidna...

"Wait, Echidna have Book of Wisdom if I recall and..."

Is that mean Arc Four still going to exist in first place?! I mean! The reason why Subaru and Emilia go to there is because Roswaal want to accomplish Subaru! Is that mean he knew that his master one day will be freed and...

Too much... This is too much...

Too much information, too much mystery, and too much unknown...


If the Prophecy already made... Then avoiding it is out of question, no matter what happened in the end my existence will be known because of that. Even if I escape from this country but if the Prophecy being told then...

Lugnica going to search over every corner of this World to find me...

And it just matter of time before I got founded...

"Bastard..." I murmured as I clench my fist while glaring dagger to the city below me

Roswaal... What he did yesterday... There is no better timing than there, than at that time. He reveal my existence to all nobles, Royal Guard and Sage Council, at same time he also erase all the doubt by making them see...

I don't know what but according to Emilia it was clear they all see Dragon figure looming over me, and not one that used to pull carriage but a real Dragon with it head at size of building!

If that wasn't damn obvious I don't know what else is

If I use Return by Death to return to few days ago and avoid the Royal Selection then what? In future my existence will be revealed and the way it come can be a worse if I'm not careful...

As much as I hate it... No, as much as I loath and despise it... But Roswaal way to reveal my existence... Is better than any way I can imagine... And because of that killing myself to return to few days ago is not wise decision

I need to confront him... There is no better choice... I don't want to stringed by him anymore, enough is enough. It is time to go straight to the point, secrecy be damned

I will ask him directly about Echidna

But not right now, I have something else to take care of


If my guess is correct... Then right now he probably already near the village or on their way to cave around there... My face still not shown to the public, people still doesn't know about me, so it safe to say that if I lie, big chance Petelgeuse will believe in me...

I learn to lie from someone who four times older than Petelgeuse after all...

After finish with Petelgeuse I will confront Roswaal about Echidna and...


Well... Fuck! One after another, great, just great...

How I going to deal with Hakugei in first place? I only know he going to pass through Flugel's Tree but I don't know the exact time!

The only clue I have is, Hakugei appear around 15:03 in Subaru's cellphone and...

Wait... He live in Japan... Which mean...

I waste no time to pull out my Samsung, opening it, I tap the Clock and instantly search of Japan time GMT and I found it.

"9 GMT... Only one hour difference with Singapore." I muttered as I glanced at my clock and notice it is around ten in night

If I did calculation right then... The difference between Singapore and this World is straight 12 hours, which mean 13 hours to Japan, 15:03 equal to... Around 4 AM...

"Gotcha..." I muttered with smirk

I know the exact time, now all I need is the day when that damn whale lurking around Flugel's Tree and I can lure it using Witch smell

Now to another matter... Petelgeuse...

If there is Prophecy about me, I sure as hell can't expect things to be same. What he going to bring with him? Sirius? Gods, I hope he doesn't bring things that...

Oh who I am to kid, with my Luck I'm sure whatever he bring will be bad...

"You look better than yesterday Aaron-san."

A familiar voice called me from behind make me blinked, turning around I found myself face to face with certain red haired girl who I met yesterday

"Tear-san." I utter her name with blink, I never thought I going to meet her again, at least not this soon

"Hello." She greeted while waving her hand with smile "Good morning."

"Morning." I greeted back "What are you doing in here?"

"Well, I was new in Capital." She said with sheepish smile "Yesterday when I come here it was my first time, and this spot is good to see the city so..."

"I see..." I keep my voice stoic and uncaring while saying that to her. A stranger come over approach me just after my existence revealed to the Royal Guard, nobles and Sage Council. If that wasn't suspicious I don't know what else is

"How about you Aaron-san? What are you doing in here?"

"... Just enjoying the scene." I said honestly while glancing back to the city below me "I'm going to leave and go back to my village so I want to see this city before I did."

"Aaron-san not from Capital?" She seems surprised as she stood on my side

"No, I live outside."

"That surprise, you look like someone who live in big place." She murmured while touching her chin

"Who said I live in small place?" I asked while quirking my eyebrow

"You don't? Then are you noble?"

"That would be secret." I said cryptically, earning small huff from her "What about you?"

"Well, I live near the shop district with my aunt and uncle. We sell vegetables, fruits and flowers." She answered, then she flash me smile and wink "By the way, right now we have sale, buy five pepples and you got one for free! Oh! And there also sale for our grapa! If you buy four you got one for free too!"

She shamelessly begin to promote her own shop, even her eyes and smile sparkling as if trying to attract costumer

"I want to buy your pepples but unfortunately I will leave in next hour so sorry, can't buy it." I denied the offer nonchalantly. Imagining Emilia face when she see pepple or... Green pepper in her food almost make me chuckle

"No problem! I bring my merchandise with me!" She declared with grin, making me blink


"I leave them below since they too heavy to carry."

It was safe to say that I found myself gobsmacked at her stupidity

"... And you don't afraid they will get stolen?"

She blinked, once, twice, thrice, then her mouth forming an 'o' shape before her eyes widened "You right!"

She immediately dashed from her place, running back to the stairs, leaving small trail of dust from where she stand moment ago

I watched this happened with uncaring face, I swear if this is anime I will have sweat dropped from the back of my head right now


I knew it. I knew it will be like this

Without wasting any time I jumped straight from where I stand, soaring myself down from top of the gate in less than second.

I never try high jump despite I know I can do it, and the range between top to below probably around fifteen meter, jumping from this high clearly not the smartest decision for normal person since their bones going to snap when hit the ground

Fortunately I'm not normal

Crater formed as my legs smashed to the ground beneath me, I bend down my body and widened my legs a bit to keep my body balance from the impact I got from landing

It seems I landed in right place, thanks to the debris and smoke that created, someone who carrying a bag filled with vegetables and fruit -a guy who I think is the thief- halted in his steps to not crash at me and loss his balance, thus tripping himself to the ground

I stare down at the guy with nonchalant look, and before he can do anything I raise my leg and stomp on his back, making him yelped in pain and preventing him from get up

Not far from my place I see Tear running at my direction, her face showing panic that turned to relief when see me

"This is the thief I take it?" I asked rhetorically as I gestured the man that struggling beneath my feet. Seeing it was unpleasant sight I raise my boot and he about to stand, only for my toe hit him in head, smashing him back to the ground and knocking him cold

"Yeah." Tear answered, her blue eyes peering over the man unconscious form for moment before shifted to me "Aaron-san how can you get in here so fast?"

"I jumped."

She blinked "Jumped?" She repeated before she glanced up, her eyes glued to the gate entrance that stood tall towering over us "... Aaron-san... You jumped from there?"


"From that high?"


"Jumped willingly?"


"Without giving second thought?"


"With nothing but-"

"Yes, yes, and yes." I said in exasperated manner while sighing

Then the red haired girl clapped her hands together in cheerful manner and shoot me bright smile "I about to ask do you want to buy my whole stuff since I afraid no one want it but thanks the Dragon you want to buy it all!"

I stared at her, stared, stared and stared. And it take few seconds for me before I realize she did not joking

"... How much all of them?"

"Eleven silver!"

I recall how much money have, last night I buy those six alcohol cost around two holy coins, right now I only have three left, one gold and seven silver

Normally I'm not one who spend my money in careless manner, but since I live in mansion and I barely need them -not to mention Roswaal also mention that I will get my payment for the project I made since someone already interested to buy the prototype- I decide to do little charity

Maybe this can make whatever Gods out there look at me and bless me with more Luck

"Here." I said as I give her one gold and five silver "Give me the grapa only."

She blinked as she receive the money before she frowned "Aaron-san, while I accept your help but I don't need this much. I don't want to be pitied."

"Who said that's all for you?" I deadpanned "There is no way I going to bring all of them back." I gestured to the large baskets that near her "So I only take some, but the rest of them, can you cook all of them and give them to the children in slum?"

She stared at the coins in her hand for few seconds before she turned back to me, her dark blue eyes shine with indecipherable light and she give me smile

"You are kind person Aaron-san."

"No, I just do it because I'm in the mood." I replied flatly and popping one grapa... Grape, one piece of grape to my mouth, it kind of sour but sweet too, not bad "Well I have to go now, see you later then Tear-san." I said this while turned away, not even give her second glance

"Ah? Yes!" She answered "See you later then Aaron-san!"

I only grunted and not looking back at her while popping another grape to my mouth. It been a while since I got one and I must say I miss this little fella in my mouth

It will make a good snack for journey back to the manor

"So... What do you want to know?" I asked as I stare at Emilia while popping another grape to my mouth

It has been two hours ever since I parted with Tear and now I was on the carriage and on my way back to the manor. Thankfully that Roswaal wasn't here as well, he was in another compartment -one that he bought extra for himself alone- and I don't think I can handle to stuck with him for three hours journey

Emilia sitting in front of me, clad in her usual attire and have Puck resting on her side, he probably also curious about me

"Umm... You are descendant of Dragon right?"

"Pendragon family indeed is believed to have relationship with Dragon, so yes." I answered, my mind wandering to last night when I told this to Rem. I'm not descendant of Dragon but I have blood of one, that was pretty much clear "But my Dragon is not Volcanica, no, our Dragon is..." I curl my lips into thin line and trying to recall what Type Moon wikia stated about Dragon "Not peaceful one, it won't even hesitate to destroy a whole city or village if they disturb it, be it intentional or not."

"I know it..." Puck murmured "There is no way you related to Volcanica."

"Well the Prophecy indeed state "the One Who with Blood of My Kin" that was clearly said it could be not him." I said with shrug "I never meet Volcanica but I will say that he is peaceful in nature if he willing to made covenant with Human."

"And compared to Volcanica how powerful your Dragon?"


Image of giant Dragon with it head size was comparable to castle crossed to my mind and I visible shudder. A sword that made from Divine Construct and the planet itself even loss it light just by standing in from of it presence

"I don't know Volcanica..." I feel my lips become dry "But if Ddraig got angered, then it safe to say that a whole Lugnica would burn just in one day with few of his breath." The Dragon Breath is something that like torrent of mana that spread with wide, in World where Mana is everywhere like this... It was the same things like feeding oil to flame

And seeing Ddraig is Dragon with aspect of Flame -judging by it red color- that was literal, and the effect would be...

Total destruction

True there many that survive but I won't say the same to the land, to this kingdom, not with Ddraig flame shrouding over it

Judging by Emilia that become pale it was clear she know that I'm serious, and I did, if Dragon in Nasuverse as terrifying as I thought then every breath they release is equal or worse than nuclear bomb

Only in much greater scale and range...

"Ddraig?" Emilia asked

"The name of our Dragon, Y Ddraig Goch, shortly called Ddraig, some call him as Red Dragon Emperor and few even label him as Heavenly Dragon."

Thanks to DxD for that

"Ddraig... I did not recognize that name..." Puck murmured with small frown while holding paw to his forehead

"Of course you wouldn't, Ddraig is pretty much like a legend, and he never once come to this land so you doesn't know him." I explained

"What the Land beyond Great Waterfall looks like Aaron?" Emilia asked curiously "You hail from there right so..."

"Hmm..." I pull out my cellphone, tapping the pictures and trying to find good image. Let see what I can use... Ah, a view from top of Marina Bay Sands! "Here, this is one of city we have."

Emilia took the cellphone and Puck hovering over her shoulder, both of them make impressed voice when seeing it

"Wow, it really..." Emilia seems loss for words as she stare at the picture

"Clean and refreshing. The structure is neat too." Puck commented "Hmm that buildings kinda look like a flowers."

"They designed to be that way." I said, he must be commenting about buildings around Flower Garden "They are more beautiful when close to night since they glowing."

"I can imagine it..." Emilia muttered, her expression look kind of dreamy, she must be imagining it

"That place is called Singapore, you can say it one of the cleanest place, bring it here." I said as I took my phone back from Emilia before sliding the pictures and search for particular one "Here, the City of Camelot, where Pendragon Family live."

I show them fantasy picture of Camelot, I always fans of good-looking city, be it fantasy or reality since I thought of them as possibilities that could exist, Singapore view after all quite... Fantasy if you take picture from good angle so...

"Camelot..." Emilia murmured "Aaron, this is where Pendragon family live?"

"You can say so." Arthur, Guinevere and Morgan live in there after all, so I'm not lying

"Hmm, I never give thought about Land beyond Great Waterfall but seeing the city... It will be interesting to visit." Puck said as he observing the picture "Unfortunately that place was beyond reach even for me, the pressure from the water is too much and the mana in there also small." He lamented while sighing

"You will love it in there Puck-dono, there this place where you can eat as much as you want with certain amount of money."

Puck perked up at that, his ears flopped once "Really?"

"Yup, I know since I've been there too."

"So I can eat ice cream as much as I want? Is there egg or something else in there?"

"There many foods that you would love, trust me."

"Hmmm since you're very gluttonous I guess I can trust your judgement if it about food."

Oi, oi, that was harsh, I'm not always heavy eater like this you know? It was Saber's influence! Albeit I did eat a lot but not as much as now, probably because I'm in Servant-like body so I can eat much more than normal people


"Yes?" I asked as I turned to Emilia who look at me with strange face "What is it Emi? Something else you want to ask?"

"Umm..." She seems uncomfortable at my question, I briefly glanced at Puck questioningly but he only give me shrug, his blue eyes though also looking at his surrogate daughter in concern "I... You said you are descendant of Dragon... Right?"

"... I do have blood of Dragon flowing inside me, yes."

"I... I see..."

She clearly still want to say something but she hold it back, it was as clear as day. I have idea what she going to say actually but... Why she look so hesitate?

Normally I going to press her however I'm sure she has her own reason, and also it was something that only few know and she never told me, so it will be suspicious if I just said or mention about it

"By the way, I might be busy for next few days." I said, trying to change the topic

"Huh?" Emilia blinked

"I have things to take care of. As soon as I back to manor I will pack go outing for one or two days."

"Things?" Emilia face confronted to curious and concern "What things?"

"I will admit it was not simple things but one that quite problematic, unfortunately I can't say the details right now but I promise I will tell you after I return."

I can't bluntly said that I going to search for the Witch Cult or looking for something that might threatening her life. That will did nothing but make her worry and wish to come with me

And I can't have that, not when things so unsure and unknown. Right now it better if I go by myself for my own safety and everyone else, I can't let things that happened to Ram in Wolgarm incident repeated, that was very close after all

"Aaron, I don't like this." Emilia said, she now clearly show concern "Is this connected to what happened yesterday?"

"Emi I assure you I no longer mad about yesterday." I replied before I frowned "Okay, I admit I still upset about what yesterday but my outing has no relation with that, it is entirely different matter." Here I give look to Puck, asking for help silently

The Great Spirit stare at me with piercing eyes but only for moment before he give me his assistance "Let him go Lia, we both know just how capable Aaron is. He can handle himself."

The cat spirit must be able to sense my serious and wariness, I have no intention to hide I will do dangerous things, this so he can help me to tell Emilia to not follow me

"But..." Emilia glance at me and to Puck, her face that persistent slowly turned to one of relented "Fine. How long you going to leave?"

"Like I said, only one or two days, at max is five, not longer than that."

Petelgeuse and his cultist already there two or three days before Hakugei show itself to mapping the village and our mansion, so it mean I have around two day so I can go and check on Hakugei location

Plenty of time in my opinion

It has been a day after that

Right now I sitting in front of bonfire, wearing my armor while leaning on the tree, keeping my sense sharp and stay alert with my tent and sleeping bag not far from where I sitting right now

I can't exactly pinpoint my location. While I do indeed leave some trail and mark that will give me clue to go back but it doesn't change the fact that I don't know where my position other than I'm in forest around Arlham Village

I has been patrolling around the area -with my speed I can easily do that only in hours- and I manage to find two caves, one that near me right now and the other located southeast from here, it was quite far and will take an hour by feet to reach it

Last night... Well, I can say last night is quite mess, what with Wolgarm that still around attracted and attacking me when I make the Witch stench intensified

And let me tell you, having your heart... Grasped, literally... Is not pleasant sensation...

When I utter that cursed words, it was like a torture. Witch of Envy touch is cold, cold like ice. Now imagine them in shape of hand, and they also feels like one save for the temperature

The sensation when that hand touch me... It was... It was painful. Your body technically is warm in inside, human temperature body is 36.5 to 37.5 C, just dropped two or three already enough to make you have to be checked to hospital, now imagine what if zero or temperature that minus suddenly touching the organ that keep your body working and alive

Yeah, it safe to say that just after saying the curse two or three times I need to warm myself with blanket and sit in front of fire

Not to mention the painful sensation I have on my chest, I'm sure if it not because lesser spirits that healing me right now the skin on my chest will be blue from the coldness

Now I know why Subaru almost never kill himself using Return by Death. Seriously, it was painful and clearly not the best feeling you wish to have if you about to die

The reason I did that is so the Witch stench around me to become more reek. In order to draw Petelgeuse or Witch Cult to me I need for them to able to sense or smell me, just like when they smell Subaru's when he on his way back to manor

Thanks to that I also become target by local Wolgarm.

I loss count after I kill the twentieth beast, seriously I never expect the number of those mutts still that much. I mean, I sure as hell already kill more than hundred when the Wolgarm incident, after I blow them all with Strike Air when they try to swarm me

Luckily for me there is no demon beast that come... Well at least not in last six hours, usually they popped their head to here once per two but... Maybe I manage to reduce their numbers and they know to not mess with me anymore


Oh Fuck You Fate! Fuck you to the Yomi, Tartarus, and all Hell that each pantheon have!

The sound itself is actually barely exist, it was small and can be mistaken as wind simply breeze the bush, but I know wind did not make sound like that, no, it was something else. I know this because I had spend day keeping alert so I did not get ambushed by Wolgarm after all

I waste no time to sand and call Excalibur to my hand, my eyes instantly peering to where the sound come from, my legs widened in preparation to sprung or to keep my balance if the demon beast come

The bush split, and I about to jump but I forced to stop myself when it reveal something that never I expect

A certain pink haired oni

"Ram." I said the name with shock and surprise

"Aaron-sama." Ram give nod of courtesy as greeting, face stoic and emotionless "Are you not taking bath today? You smell like rotten meat."

"I'm not clean myself to the fullest but I did wash myself." I replied with twitched eye, there lake near here after all "Wait! That was not the problem! What are you doing here?!" I hissed as I dismiss Excalibur and approach her "You shouldn't be in here! It is dangerous!"

"Ram checking around the area since Ram feel something foul in wind, never expect it is Aaron-sama." Ram said in monotone

"You sense something in... Of course..." I end my sentence with murmur, she is specialize in Wind Magic. Even if she doesn't have mana but it doesn't change the fact she is powerful, she only lack energy to use her power! She still can sense if something wrong, and add her Clairvoyance ability, she won't have hard time tracking me

"Does Aaron-sama know just how reek the witch stench around Aaron-sama? It so bad to the point it make animals walk away from you."

"That is my purpose!" I groaned as I slap my forehead "I need to be smell like Witch! You shouldn't be in here in first place!"

"Thanks to Aaron-sama for that." She deadpanned "Aaron-sama's witch stench attracting all demon beasts to you. Seriously it is bad enough that Aaron-sama already smell strange now Aaron-sama added with the witch stench..."

Under normal circumstance I going to retort that insult but I know that now is not the right time

"Listen." I grab her shoulder and I notice her body stiffened when I did that, something that strange but I chose to ignore it for now "I'm serious, Ram, I waiting for dangerous people, you cannot be here! I can't protect you while dealing with them!"

I won't have what happened in Arc Two repeated here! Unlike Wolgarm, this one is far more dangerous! The risk is far more big! That was pure luck I manage to get to her just in time! There is no way I can make the same thing happen twice!

"Please remove your hand from Ram Aaron-sama." Ram said as she pull and release herself from my grip, her pink eyes gazing at me in analytical and cold manner "Dangerous people... What kind of people Aaron-sama wish to meet in first place?"

"What kind of people I want to meet by making myself reek like a witch?" I asked back in sarcasm voice

And since Ram obviously smart and sharp, it did not take long for her to know what kind of people I want to meet

"Why Aaron-sama want to meet with Cult of the Witch?!" She demanded, her eyes wide and her whole body tensed, I can sense the mana around her shifting and ready to be used

Wait, I can sense mana? That...

I will save that for later

"Because they will come and trying to kill Emi." I answered grimly "Think about it, Witch of Envy is Half Elf and have silver hair, all in all Emi appearance is match with her. What do you think if some crazy cultist find out there someone out there that look like person who they thought as their Goddess? Do you think they will let such thing slide just like that?"

Ram eyes narrowed further, her face confronted to mixture of concentration and troubled. It only take few seconds for her to get what I mean "Ram can see Aaron-sama point." She said in reluctant voice "Then, we should inform everyone in manor about this, fortify the mansion and-"

"That will be too complicated." I shake my head in disagreement "We can't just wait for them when we knew they will come. No, we going to strike when they not ready."

"By yourself like this?" Ram give me skeptical look "Aaron-sama, while Ram know that Aaron-sama can handle himself but there possibility the cultist number is around hundred. And hundred people is different from hundred Wolgarm. Not to mention there chance they will bring Arcbishop with them."

"I sure as hell they will bring one with them." I grumbled "Of course no, I don't intent to tackle them all alone, I'm not that suicidal." I said with small sigh and pinch bridge of my nose "I intent to trick them, why do you think I make myself smell like a witch?"

"Because Aaron-sama stench is more reek than the Witch's?"

I give her glare, one that say "right now is not time you pinkie" but she only stare at me with nonchalant face "Because I want to trick them, if they sense that I have aura like one of them and also sense my strength then they will thought of me as someone who in higher position, and after that I can make them cooperate then make us able to ambush them with perfect."

"Ram doubt that going to work." She said "While that could work but Ram doubt the Cult of Witch will allow Aaron-sama slip that easy, especially if they have Archbishop with them. They probably know and close each other, Aaron-sama plan have very high chance to fail."

If you consider Witch Cult as organized group then yes, my plan doomed to fail but fortunately they not. And every Arcbishop also screwed up in head, they practically hate and barely tolerate each other presence. Save for Sirius who in one-sided love with Petelgeuse. They also do not work to resurrect Satella, no, they use the gospel for their own gain, not to mention there Arcbishop Pride that remain vacant until now

They are in literal sense, a crazy cult that doesn't have any clear purpose and their system literally fucked up

The only person who can make very good plan and have screw still attached to their heads probably only Capella Emerada Lugnica the Arcbishop of Lust, Regulus Corneas the Arcbishop of Greed, and Pandora the Witch of Vainglory

"Oh they will alright, I have my way." I said mysteriously "Look, it doesn't matter. You can report this to the people in manor if you wish but do not make move until I come back. Because if you did then there chance they might panic and assault village fully." Then I grimaced "Imagine that happened, it won't be pretty for Emi." And Roswaal, but I left that unsaid

"... Until Aaron-sama come back?"

"If I did not come back in next two or three days then barricade the village and mansion. Ask villager to evacuate and defense yourself. Hunt them down by call Puck-dono." I said gravely "Do not engage them without him, only Puck-dono strong enough to protect and attack them at same time." There is Roswaal as well but fuck that clown, I sure as hell he won't do anything to help us, I won't be surprised if he go out for 'business' when I come back and report this to everyone

"And Aaron-sama sure he can handle it? On base of what?"

Let it be say that I'm not stupid, my grade practically oppose the word of 'stupid'. I'm not the sharpest person and I have my flaw, many perhaps

But I'm not dull enough to not notice that from beginning until now Ram is being nothing but hostile and distrusting to me

From her body posture to the mana that right now keep shifting and ready to be used anytime

"... If Aaron-sama done leering over Ram can Aaron-sama answer Ram question?"

I ignore her insult, this is not the time, she clearly also notice that I aware something wrong with her and she try to hide it. Well too bad that won't work. What with her behavior? Why she seems so... Distrusting and angry? Ram... She is not...


"Is it Rem or that man?" I asked, I practically can feel how I spat when I spoke about him though I try to tune it down

Judging by how her face that confronted to rage, it clearly did not work

"Don't speak about Roswaal-sama using that tone!" She replied heatedly

"It is Rem isn't it?" Of course it is her. Knowing Roswaal, there is no way he going to tell Ram. He is that kind of person after all. And I nearly groaned as I come to that conclusion, Rem It wouldn't be bad idea if you told that I about to kill Roswaal after I finish with Petelgeuse! Not now! I don't need this kind of bullshit right now!

"It doesn't matter is it Rem or Roswaal-sama. What matter is that there Witch Cult out there that ready to strike us any moment, Aaron-sama avoiding Ram's question. How Aaron-sama can be sure that his plan will success?"

"I don't, but let just say my plan have a chance." I answered honestly "And how? Let just say I have my way." That is the only thing I can say. I can say it my special ability as the person who share same blood with the "Great Dragon" but I sure if I say that it will come to bite me back in the ass in future

Unfortunately that seems the wrong thing to say judging by how Ram intake of breath become sharp to the point I can hear it -thanks to Servant's hearing sense for that

"... Which witch Aaron-sama working for?"

Wait what?

"Excuse me?" Of all things she going to ask, that was not what I expected

"The book Aaron-sama have. Ram can't read it, Rem can't read it, even Roswaal-sama can't. That was gospel." Ram glared at me, if her look before cold now it become downright antarctic

Gospel book... How is that even?!

I would laugh had this situation is not so serious. Seriously, me? Working under Witch? The only Witch that kind and I want to work under is Minerva if she still alive but even that I still going to reconsider it dozen times before making my decision

Not to mention I sure as hell Witch of Envy won't like it if I work under other Witches, she pretty much angry when Echidna confronting Subaru after all and not even hesitate to attacking her

"... While indeed it was make sense you coming to that conclusion but I assure you I'm not working under any of Witches. Though there is no solid proof other than my words."

Then she snorted in very unlady manner "Hmph, that's Aaron-sama best answer? Best defense? Ram expect better from someone at your caliber, maybe Ram overestimate Aaron-sama intelligence until now."

Unlike her usual mocking words, this time there real heat and insult in there, and I clench my jaw

"I don't want to hear that from some girl that leashed by monster."

Ram glared at me the moment I said that, her nostril flared once "Don't you-"

"What? Admit it, that man is as monster as the Witch." I sneered, not even holding back my contempt "He is pretty good actor, a very good puppeteer but I know what I saw the moment I meet him." I said coldly "And if it not because of you as pillar for Rem, I won't hesitate to cut you as loss person."

I was being honest, after Rem got her existence erased by Arcbishop of Gluttony I become utterly disgusted and found Ram character to be very less charming. Her infatuation to Roswaal raise to level that can be said insane, maybe not level of Roswaal's insanity but it still comparable

She was strong, even if she incapable to fight like Rem but her character is strong, she is pillar for Ram, and she know how to shoulder a burden, not just her own but Rem's as well.

But after Gluttony remove Rem existence... She become nothing but a weak girl that leaned completely on Roswaal, like a obsessed fan girl

To see woman like her... Someone like her that now I know personally turned to be like that...

It is disgusting...

I saw her flinch visibly at my words and glare, and seeing her reaction I feel guilt gnawing in my stomach, clearly I have gone too far and I should phrase my words better. I about to apologize and rephrase what I just said but she cut it with glare

It not angry glare... But it glare of distrust... And expectant?

"So this is Aaron-sama true nature? The real face of your dark side?" She commented darkly "Ram expect no less from you."

The way she spoke... The way she utter those words...

"... So you never trusted me in first place, even until now."


The answer that come from her is as expected, swift and straight

And I'm not surprised... I really don't...

Unlike Rem and Emilia, Ram is different woman. She not gullible or naïve, she is someone who shoulder, someone who endure. So despite her World and vision narrow like Rem but her mind clearly far more sharp and dark, more cynical, more suspicious, because that was what kind of person she is, someone who endure and those who endure always being careful

But to hear she distrust me even until now...

It hurt more than any guilt I ever felt...

"I apologize for using such harsh words, that clearly can be easily misinterpreted but I'm sure you won't believe me." I spoke, voice dull and flat "And I don't care whatever you said or your feeling, not from someone who leashed herself to slave of Witch."

I saw her stiffened, eyes wide and jaw clenched but I ignore it as I close my eyes

"Do what you wish, go back to the manor, inform everyone that the Witch Cult is coming if you want, but under any circumstance do not make any move. Like I said, wait for me or at least three days from now on."

I turned from her, not wishing to look at her anymore and I walk back toward my camp

"Very well, good night Aaron-sama."

Her voice is cold, uncaring, and hollow. The voice that always filled with heat, sarcasm, smugness, arrogant, pride and... Friendly... Gone as if they never there...

I did nothing but stand and stare at the bonfire that crackled and illuminating the darkness around me. Even when she already left for more than minutes -I don't know the exact time since since I'm too loss in my mind- but I still did nothing other than staring at the orange flame beneath me

Why? Why Ram?

There dozen question crossed in my mind, dozen things I want to say. That conversation was illogical, doesn't make any sense, and it was wrong, very wrong. We not supposed to talk like that, we are better than that, we above that, that was our emotion blinding our mind, such conversation should never happen in first place

But they did happened...

I only can let out dry and bitter laugh as I slumped to the ground like a puppet without strings


It was sound of birds chirping followed by their loud flap of wings that alert him

He don't know when and how long he fell asleep -perhaps only not long after Ram leaving- but the sounds that those birds made enough to wake him up, he groaned and fought against the ache that invading his head, his eyes slowly open and he rose from the ground, feeling his back also aching just like his head

'Sleep in wrong place and position obviously.' He thought as he recognize the symptom. His eyes that still dazed briefly noted that he not sleep in tent but outside, no wonder he feel his body sore

Something is coming...

He feel his whole body tensed in instant and less than second he already on his feet without he aware

Something is coming...

His eyes focused to where his... Instinct, scream at him. His fingers clench and unclench themselves in preparation, without doubt Excalibur will come and ready for action the moment he move his hand

'Wolgarm or...'

He did not need to continue his thought as the 'something' come out from the bush and it was not Wolgarm

It was someone who he had been waiting for

They all come one by one, at first only five, then it increased to ten, to twenty, and they still keep coming until he loss count after thirty. They all just like how the anime and manga depict when he read/watch them. Clad in purple outfit that cover their whole body, pointy... Hat? Mask? Hood? That blocking their faces from the World save for a pair of red eyes that glowing in menacing manner

And he can't sense anything from them...

No, not their presence but... Their... Existence...

It almost like they... They not Human, they not living being... They all... They all almost like a puppet, like a someone who not alive, they all... They all look artificial...

Like a Homunculus...

He had read about it, about the discussion from fanpage and from few fanfiction. Those who touch the Root or at least reach it ceased to exist on the spot as their souls are either going back to "where they came from", becoming absorbed into the Root, or something similar

These people... These cultist... They all recruited by having Gospel book given to them, making them touch it, and then they all recruited...

'And seeing Gospel book is book that can predict the future of the holder... It was without doubt that book clearly connected to something that like Root or Akasha, and the moment they touch them...' Aaron not need to finish his thought as he have big guess what happen to these people. They all loss their mind and become devoted because part of their souls gone

He watched as they all begin to surround him, taking circle position slowly. He did not show any panic or emotion as he stare at them all, he keep his face calm and stoic

Then they all bow to him, dropping to the ground, kneeling with one hand crossed over their chest as if they were Knight before King

"My, my, my, my this is certainly interesting!"

A voice come from the same direction where the cultist appear and Aaron shift his gaze ot him

Pale... Inhumanely pale... Unlike Tear who pale like sick erson or Emilia that have healthy shade of whiteness, this man paleness almost like a paint. His face marred by grin so wide that it like grin of deranged person, his green hair styled into strange cut

There no mistake... He just like what he expected, this man...

"Hmph, you're very slothful. You should arrive sooner to make best preparation, Sloth." He called, cutting the man before he can talk

Petelgeuse blinked once, then he tilt his head almost to ninety degree to the point Aaron wondering how the hell his neck not broken "This strong smell of Love, and the power that come with it!" His mouth curled to big grin "You are Pride right?"

In response Aaron merely pull out his magical book, one that stuff into his coat pocket, his lips curled to arrogant and prideful smirk as he show it to the man "Arcbishop of Pride, Aaron Pendragon."

"Ooohhhh!" Petelgeuse make voice of interested "Pride! Pride! Pride!" He uttered the word as if it was sacred and holy "To think I will meet Pride before the day of ordeal! And he also have Love! OOOHH!" He cocked back his head while holding out while shuddering "My brain trembleeee!"

Aaron while uncomfortable with the way the insane man behave still can't help but feel there should be sweat dropped in the back of his head if he is in anime 'Holy shit, he really said that aloud.' He thought

Still... He can't help but feel this is clearly went better than he expected. To think Petelgeuse bought his lie and act like this...

Well, he is better liar and actor than Subaru's, and the man mind condition also questionable and unstable so it clearly won't be hard to lie at him. As long he have

What surprising though is the book... He didn't think Petelgeuse going to accept it as gospel book so easy. He already prepare some excuse and lie that can be used if the man thought there something strange with his 'gospel' book but...

'Now is not the time to think about such thing.' He thought as he brush away that for later "Day of Ordeal will come soon, how many men you bring?"

"Ah? How many?" Petelgeuse asked back with wide grin "So manyyy! All of them! All of them come to celebrate the raise of our beloved Goddess!" He declared while spreading his arm in gesturing manner to his surrounding

'Damn that was certainly not helping.' He thought with annoyance "I see, then what about the other? You bring other with you?" He asked, then he put his best sneering face "You not bring Greed with you right?"

At mention of Greed Aaron watched as Petelgeuse grin gone, his lips slowly curled to poker expression before turned to snarl

"DO NOT MENTION THAT NAME!" He spat with rage, so much anger to the point there froth in his mouth "That disgusting and vile man!" He throw his head back and let out small roar "Disgusting! Disgusting! Disguuuusting! Just remembering him make me want to rip out his heaaart!"

Aaron blinked, he did expect that Petelgeuse not liking Regulus since they have history and the hatred probably still there but he never thought it would be... To this extent...

Well, more advantage for him

"Agree." He said with spat "To think he dare to be disloyal and favoring other women than our Goddess." Was that pretty good? It must be judging by how Petelgeuse look at him as if he just spoke holy words

"My brother! You understand!" He exclaimed before he take steps forward and embrace him in hug, and it take everything Aaron's have to not strike him down when the arcbishop did this "You understand! Understand the way of Love! Aahhhh! As I expected! You truly are wondrous! Wondrous! As expected from my brother! Haaaa! My brain tremble!"

"Hmph, our Goddess deserve no less." Aaron replied blankly as he push the man away. He really going to need wash himself in hot water when he done with this "If it is not Greed then who come with you? My Gospel mention you bring something else."

This is actually a lie that risky, if Petelgeuse did not bring anything then it will make him suspicious but Aaron can claim that the Gospel mean for him. However if he did have something then Aaron can make better preparation

Petelgeuse glanced at him with his usual toothy and big grin "Yes! Yes! Yes! I got what you mean, I had been blessed and gifted with certain things! Very, very, very useful and lovely things!" He then turned to one of cultists "Bring them here!"

The mentioned cult member nodded with bow before he or she retreated back to the forest. It wasn't long before he return and Aaron watched them dragged six children that unconscious

He feel slight dread at sight of innocence caught by these people in instant but he can't help to feel a bit relief when he notice that he did not recognize their faces, which mean they are not children from the village

"Children?" He said and he can't help but put disbelief in his voice

"Not just any children!" Petelgeuse exclaimed as he approach the children and caressing one of their cheek in loving manner "They children that blessed by Love! Love! Loove! Haaaa!" He let out sigh that filled with pleasure

Children blessed by love... Aaron instantly conclude that these children will be used as sacrifice, worse right now they possibly already no longer themselves and only something that need snap of fingers to be activated

"They will be the one that test the half demon I take it?" He asked

"Yes brother! Yes! They will!" Petelgeuse cackled "The Day of Ordeal soon will come! Only in next three days! We shall have that half devil to be judged is she worthy for our Goddess or not! Ahhhh! My brain tremble just imagining it!" He exclaimed while holding his head and shivering in pleasure

'Three days huh... Well I got the date I wish and... Should I ask what these children capable of? No, that would be too suspicious. Petelgeuse insane and gullible due to his mental state but I doubt he is stupid if I keep pushing.' Aaron glanced at the children stoically but in inside he can't help but feel like iron just dropped to his stomach. There big chance that he going to fight against them... Or whatever they would become tomorrow, and if that happen then it highly possible he would be forced to kill them

... He can't stay in here any longer... He can't maintain his facade any further, not with such weight in his mind, there matter of Ram as well that still bothering him

He already get what he want so he should leave before things become worse

"Then I leave the rest to you, I have my own preparation and I will share it to you tomorrow." He said, then he give the man smirk "A big preparation for our Goddess."

"Ahhhh! Yes! Yes! Such diligence! Aahhh!" The Archbishop of Sloth seems deeply moved by the man words "Then no need to waste time in here! Go! Go and prepare the best for our Goddess!"

"Everything for her." He said in sweet voice "By the way, do you happen to have Conversing Mirror that connected to yoru link? It will be easier to contact you if I need to tell you something else."

"Of course! Of course! I have! I have!" Petelgeuse nodded and turned to one of cult member that step forward and present him the mirror "Here! Here! Take this!"

Aaron took it graciously and give nod "Then, I will take my leave now. See you soon then Petelgeuse!"

"See you soon brother! Hahahaha!"

The cult members split and parted away, giving him space as he walking. Aaron keep walking, even when he already out from their sight he keep walking for ten minutes and after that he bolted away, running as fast as he could

Until he sure he at least already one kilometer away from them, he stopped and begin to breath heavier than normal

It not like he tired, no, very far from it, but he mentally exhausted. It take everything he have to keep his facade and lie, the mention of Ram still hurting him, he won't admit it aloud but he really feel like an ass for... Saying the truth in such way, he really went overboard to her. He should phrase it better but...

And then there this children matter... Great Akasha, things really went hill for him didn't they? While it seems went smoothly but the mental burden that given is... Very heavy for him...

He shook his head before slowly lift his eyes to above, to the sky that clear, blue and filled with countless cloud with numerous shapes

'Tomorrow... Gods, hopefully everything will went according to the plan.'

He pray to any Deities out there that it will. Even if everything right now went without any mistake but tomorrow is the climax and if something goes wrong then... The result will be very bad...