
Small things here and there


"Omega?" Garfiel spoke out while looking at the crystal. "Who is that? And how do they tie in with what you know?"

"Well you see-."


Hearing footsteps, Garfiel and I immediately went on guard as we turned around. But as we noticed who was there, we let out a sigh of relief.

In front of us was one of the Ryuzu clones.

"What is it?" I asked the clone as she stared towards the both of us. "Did something happen to Emilia?"

"Yes, she has escaped to the trails."

Nodding her head, she turned her head towards Garfiel before motioning him to come along. Garfiel seeing this immediately let out a tsk as he turned his head back towards me.

"We are not done." He said with a stern tone. "Y'better start talking when 'we' are done with the Half-Elf."

"We?" I asked with a frown. "What do you mean by 'we'?"

Frowning he looked at me with a glare. "'We' as in YOU are going to help me clean up that Half-Elf's mess."

His glare then intensified. "Or d'ya perhaps not care about her?"

"Supporting and caring for are two completely different things." I said with a vague smile as my eyes locked with his. "Just because I want her to be ruler; doesn't mean I have to emotionally invest myself."

"..." Going silent, he looked at me for a little bit before spitting on the ground and walked away. "I was right.... you are a bastard."

Watching him closely, I kept my full attention on his actions once he exited the doors. I had no interest of being stuck in here and wanted to make sure he didn't pull anything.

Thankfully, Garfiel didn't make a move to close the doors to this room again as his steps continued to sound out further and further away. And when they had finally went totally silent, I turned the core which held Omega and proceeded to sit.

It's time to wait.....


(3rd person)

As Garfiel made his way towards the entrance to the trials. He began to grow angrier and angrier as he thought back to his last conversation with Suburu.

Now that he really thought deep about it, he had let Suburu play with him easily. He had noticed that after his fight with Suburu, he had developed a fear towards him.

Ever since he woke up and was treated by Granny, he had thought back to his view on the outside world and brought it together with Suburu. And every time he takes a leak, his liver which is still a bit sore makes him piss blood giving him a bitter reminder.

"Damn him...." Garfiel whispered quietly. "If only he never showed up....."


Punching a tree, he made it snap in half as yelled in anger. "He only proved it!"


"His strength proves that the outside is dangerous!" He yelled out as he punched another tree causing it to fall. "He came form the place that took my mother!"

Yelling once more, he aimed a full power punch towards a rock. But as his fist came close to the rocks surface, he suddenly stopped.

"Mother....." He whispered as he remembered what was told to him before he gave out it his injuries.

'If you want to someday beat me, go out into the world and make a name for yourself. Once you do that, then maybe you could make for a 'warmup'.' - Suburu

Clenching his fist, he raised his hand to his chest before looking into the sky. And as he looked up, he tried to imagine what it would be like to actually be the 'strongest'.

But as the word 'strongest', through his mind. He immediately let out a snarl before punching the ground causing a small tremor to go throughout the grounds of the Sanctuary.



The man he had associated his idea of the 'strongest' with was Suburu.

Feeling a tremor go throughout the ground, Rem and her sister immediately turned towards the forest with caution.

"Sister, can you please use clairvoyance?" Rem asked with a frown as she gazed into the thicket. But as she turned towards her sister, she let out a sigh.

Ram was already using clairvoyance. Ram was currently connecting her mind with all the animals in a certain radius looking for anything 'dangerous'.

Coming across a massive crater in the ground, she let out a tired sigh before looking towards the entrance to the trails.

"So? What was it?" Rem asked as she nudged her sister's shoulder softly.

Ram feeling the nudge, began to frown as she looked towards the thicket. And as a figure made itself into the open, Ram answered the other twins question.

"No no need to worry sister, It's just a pathetic street cat."

"A cat?" Rem asked in confusion as she looked towards Garfiel. "I don't see one, are you sure?"

Taking a good look at her sister, Ram began to feel a bit disappointed towards Rem as she then turned towards Garfiel with a frown.

"It's all your fault." She said with a accusatory tone. However, this only earned a confused look from both Garfiel and Rem.

"Who's fault for what ?" They both asked at the same time causing Ram to groan.

"It's nothing." Ram said before turning her head towards the entrance of the trails. "Now let's focus on Emilia for now since I don't want to hear two idiots quibble."

"Quibble?" The both repeated in confusion earning yet another groan from Ram. Ram then let out a sigh as she turned towards the two as she tried to hold in her annoyance.

"It's really nothing." She said with a forced smile. "Just do me a favor and please stay quiet while we wait for Emilia."


(MC P.O.V.)

Feeling a tremor under my feet, I scoffed as I immediately tied Garfiel with being the one who caused it. His blessing of Earth is after all the only thing that could cause such an effect.

Well Roswaal could too.... but he is currently still making the snow fall. I made sure to tell Ram to avoid reporting the death of the Great Rabbit. After all, Roswaal would without a doubt destroy the whole entirety of Sanctuary in a massive explosion of mana if he learned of it's defeat.

Truthfully, I know that Emilia can fully pass the rest of the trials with ease. My only worry however is the possibility of Echidna spilling some things about me to Emilia. Now that I think about it.... she would probably do it out fo spite.

Not towards me of course. But rather towards Emilia as she is similar to someone she hates. My only hope however is that she WON'T do something like that.

I then took a look towards the body inside of the crystal and began to examine it closely. Around the body is a crystal that is flowing with extremely potent Od and Mana.

The Od and Mana produced is being directed in a certain Oder in the crystal to the body. The Od is keeping the body preserved and in top shape, and the Mana is preparing for something 'big'.

Hmmmmm, I wonder how Emilia is doing right now.


Noticing some cracks in the crystal, I immediately began to smile. Inside of the crystal, Od and Mana was being drilled through the crystal and into the figure as it's life signature began to get better and better.

If the crystal is cracking.... It seems Emilia is doing pretty good.
