
A Good Meal


Being sure not to wake Rem and Beatrice, I proceeded to get out of bed and change into my suit. I'm guessing Rem was kind enough to change me into something more comfortable in case I decided to come to the next morning.

Now dressed, I looked towards the two who were currently inside their dreams. The thing that interested me the most however is Beatrice's ability to sleep.

Does she even dream? Why should a great spirit rest? I mean Puck also 'rests' inside of Emilia's stone when he is low on mana. So is sleeping for them a way to lessen their mana drain when awake?

I mean normal spirits usually take the form of a 'ball'. So does this mean that Puck and Beatrice's need for mana come from their 'physical' form? Eh... I'll just ask Beatrice later...

Opening the door, I walk into the room where I left Beatrice and the Ryuzu clone to talk things out. I honestly doubt the clone revealed much to Beatrice though. As the clones have developed a will of their own and have grown closer to Garfiel, I honestly doubt they would reveal the location of the original.

But even if they have not revealed the location, Beatrice should have a door connected to the abandoned shack where the original lies. She did after all form a door there to escape into the forbidden library when it was attacked.

"Oh? You're awake." A Ryuzu clone said as she came inside through the door. "Has the girl talked to you about our conversation?"

Examining the clones features, I let out a smirk before sitting down on one of the couches inside the living room. "Beta, don't you mean Alpha's conversation?"

I then leaned back and propped my arms on top of the couch before frowning and staring directly into her eyes. "You are Beta correct?"

Staring at me with just silence, I smiled before feeling my stomach groan from hunger and feel a dry itch from my lips. Feeling these sensations, I let out a frown as I remembered that I honestly haven't had a meal in a little while.

Most of my time has consisted of me constantly fighting and moving around from place to place. And even when I had a chance to eat at the Carsten household, lady Crusch became a child mentally so nobody wanted to eat anything.

I also spent most of my time at the Roswaal mansion to take care of some things and make sure Wilhelm knew all the areas where an ambush could come from.

Turning towards the still silent Beta, I calmly brought a hand to my face and scratched an itch. "Did they all eat while I was knocked unconscious? I'm kind of starving here Beta."

Staring at me for a few seconds longer than she probably intended, she let out a deep sigh before heading towards the kitchen and let out a quiet whisper. "Youngsters these days.... no manners a-."

"Thank you Beta!"

Looking over her shoulders at me silently, she let out a quick tsk before going inside the kitchen. She was probably wondering how I heard her whisper. But the simple answer is boosting my hearing capabilities.

Also another thing I learned while going through Echidna's knowledge and experience. It seemed she was awfully familiar with mana strengthening...but she could never figure out the full capabilities of the brain. So she couldn't mix mana with her brain to improve herself.

And I can understand entirely while that is. She never had the knowledge of the hippocampus and neocortex and how they work together to recall our memories. And as I was lucky enough to recall this simple fact, all I had to do was recall a lot of my memories and build my abilities from there.

Hell, if I wanted to. I could become rich based off the many simple designs and inventions I have learned about. I could even make music in the world and introduce many of the modern instruments.

That would actually probably make me a killer in the music industry as a 'songstress' uses a lyulyre. And I could probably make a killing in the agriculture side of the kingdom probably getting the title of knight from the benefits Lugnica or any other kingdoms would receive from it.

I could even create new inventions if I do desired also. My ability to raise my thinking speed and perception of time could make a month of effort and research for a normal human just a few years of effort for me. And that doesn't even include my ability to memorize and recall subjects from the modern era.

Hmph, I know what I must do now. It would simply be a waste of potential and ability to gain political and economic power. Reaching into my one of my pockets, I pulled out a business card that Russel gave me and let out a grin.

"Here you go" Beta told me as a plate of leftovers was placed in front of me before she went inside the kitchen once more. "Here is a little something to drink also."

Reinforcing both my vision and sense of smell, I searched the food and drink for any signs of poison. I then calmly began to dig in silently once I had confirmed that it was safe for me to eat.

"Thank you Beta."


Now done with my food, I just sat with Beta in the couch while waiting patiently for a crying and panicked Emilia to come through the doors.

"Thank you for the food Beta. Did you perhaps make this?"


"Well please thank the one who made it for me."


Sighing from her lack of words, I took another sip from my drink before placing it on the table. "Garfiel doesn't know? The truth about this 'Sanctuary' does he?"


"Your inability to lie is a real pain in your ass isn't it?"

"You have no idea." She said with a what I can assume to be a frown hidden underneath the robe which covers the bottom of her face with its large collar.

"I-I'm fine... t-trust me...." A pale Emilia said as she came through the cabin's front door. "I-I.... w-will... be j-just fine... tomorrow."

Immediately taking action, I got out my chair before going over to her with a worried expression. Taking notice of me, she let out a look of shock.

"You're awake Suburu?"

Letting out a tsk of annoyance, I picked her up into my arms before starting to walk towards her room. The way she ignores her issues and values another's more than herself really is displeasing.

I can't even blame Echidna for hating such a character as Emilia. Plus it doesn't help Echidna that she's 'supposedly' similar to Satella personality wise.

"Hey! Let me down!" Emilia said with slight panic and childlike embarrassment as she struggled to get out of my arms. However, my physical strength alone is plenty enough not to struggle. "I can walk just fine on my own!"

Opening the door to her room calmly, I looked over my shoulder at Beta and mouthed a threat about telling Garfiel the truth if she doesn't let Emilia rest. Once done with that, I shut the door behind me with my foot before placing Emilia on her current bed.

"Yeesh.... I told you.... I'm ok..." She said as her mental fatigue began to take its toll. "Just... let... me rest.... please."

And as her mental fatigue took her into a slumber, I silently examined her to make sure she was asleep before reaching towards her chest. Feeling the stuff I was looking for, I softly squeezed it with my hand to her a better grip.

Inside my hand was the necklace that hold Puck who is currently 'sleeping'. And as I went though the knowledge Echidna had given me.

I came across a form of telepathy I could use on a spirit and sent a message into the stone. 'Wake up Puck, it's time to talk about Emilia.'

And with a bright flash, Puck appeared on my shoulder and sighed in disappointment.

"So you figured me out huh?"
