
Re : Vampire |The Vampire Diaries

Neena Winston is reborn as a Gilbert. Bound to a system, her mission is to stay alive for two years. Easier said than done when all her quests wants her to interact with the characters of the story where most of them are vampires. She just wanted to live. The story is also available on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our own, and Wattpad under the same title

Anji_King · Ti vi
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21 Chs

Magic Show!

A/N: obligatory author's disclaimer that author always forgets: I do not own The Vampire Diaries(Those who say that I do have been smoking weeds or are delusional. ) Nor do I own any of its spin-offs.

I do own Neena and all the changes that came with her.

Thank you all for the comments and votes. They mean a lot to me and to keep writing this story. I'm going to start learning a new course from next month so the biggest reason to write this fanfic despite the hectic nature of my schedule is your love and support. So thank you.

Ship wars update: Klaus x Neena

Klaus x Neena x Caroline

Caroline x Neena

Klaus x Neena x Elijah

Elijah x Neena

Kol x Neena

Silas x Neena

Kai x Neena

Enzo x Neena

New to ship wars: Bonnie x Damon x Neena

Neena x Rebekah (that one fleeting commenter who thought it was a good idea)

This is a favourite chapter of mine just because of the trouble the Gilbert witch gets into!

Happy Readings!


Chapter 17

Magic Show!

"What was that?" Elena asked again when Neena kept staring at her.

Neena gave her a guilty smile. "Um...magic?"

Elena's eyes went to Damon and Bonnie, who didn't seem surprised at all. "I see."

Neena squirmed. Elena was far too calm, and that scared her.


"Put the water back into the containers," Elena said.

Neena looked at the water balls in her hand and then at Elena.

The Doppelganger glared.

Neena ducked her head. She took a deep breath and calmly poured the water from the ball into the glasses again.

Neena looked at Elena. She could see her holding back from bursting.

Neena sighed. "I was goi-"

"Am I really your sister?" Elena asked.

Neena gasped and looked up at the girl with teary eyes.

"Elena!" Bonnie scolded.

"What the hell, Elena!" Caroline said, glaring.

Stefan frowned and Damon glared.

"You knew then?" Elena asked Caroline.

Caroline gave her a hesitant nod. "Yes, but there was a rea-"

Elena turned to Stefan. "Did you?"

Stefan bowed his head. "yeah."

Elena scoffed and turned to Neena again. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary. Who-Who else knows? Jenna? Jeremy? Am I the last one to know?"

Neena wanted to console her but her mind went to when Jenna finds out about the supernaturals. She was the last one to know back then. Literally. Even Matt knew before her.

Neena shook her head. She couldn't judge her sister with a girl from a TV show. No matter if they were the same person before.

"Does Matt and Tyler know as well?" she asked.

Neena shook her head.

Elena glared. "So, I guess it's only in this particular group that I matter the least."

"Wow!" Caroline said. "Dramatic much? Just listen to her for a second! Then do your preachy dramatic talks."

"Care," Neena said.

"So I shouldn't be upset that my twin sister having magic is not something she thought I should know about! That I matter the least when I should matter the most to her! She is my sister."

"it's not about you," Caroline argued. "It's about Neena. It's her magic. A part of her. She has the right to tell whoever she wants to."

Elena wanted to scream in frustration. The only thing stopping her was the fact that they were in public. Her instincts were screaming at her to take Neena away from where people could find her. That she was in danger. She couldn't explain it. She felt like her very soul was on alert.

Neena sighed. "It's not a competition. Jenna needed to know because she is our guardian. Caroline knew about it because of that accident we had recently. Damon knew it because...of the same thing. Jeremy knew because he needed a distraction and stuff. Stefan knew because...I slipped up. And Bonnie knew because as the only other teenage witch in town she needed to know. I never wanted to hurt you. That was not my intention."

Elena deflated. She couldn't stay angry with Neena when she looked so broken.

Damn it!

She wanted to tell her the truth.

Elena felt like she was being watched. That there was someone or something waiting in the shadows, ready to take her sister away from her.


[Host. The World Conscience is showing extreme activity right now. Careful of what you say and do from here onwards.]

Neena cringed. 'What do I do?'

Elena walked up to the Gilbert witch and grabbed her by the elbow, hauling her to her feet. She dragged Neena away despite the protest of the people around them.

"Wait! I need to talk to Bonnie about something!"

They stopped.

The Bennett witch walked up to her.

"Do you want to learn magic from me?" Neena asked in a whisper. She had to try. "I know that Grams is better for this stuff but do you want to?"

Bonnie smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Neena grinned in excitement.

"Get in the car!" Elena said harshly.

Neena rolled her eyes and got inside Bonnie's car. "I'm only obeying you because I feel guilty now. Don't push it."

Elena huffed and took the Keys from Bonnie. "I'll give it back tomorrow."

They drove home.

The rest of them piled up in Stefan's car and followed after.

Elena parked the car in front of their house and dragged her sister inside.

Jeremy was playing video games on his consul while Jenna was pouring over her research papers. The two looked at both the girls in confusion as Elena pulled Neena up the stairs.

They got inside Elena's room and the doppelganger closed the door.

"Now then..."

"If you are going to kill me, make it quick,2 Neena said.

"Show me your magic."


"Show me everything you can do."

Neena blinked. "um..."

Elena grinned at her. "Well?"

"Is there something in particular that you want to see?"

Elena frowned. "All the things that you showed everyone else."

Neena hummed. "Can Jenna join too? I haven't shown her any of my magic stuff either."

Elena pursed her lips. Neena could see the unwillingness in her demeanour. "I don't-"

"We can make it a family session!"

Elena relented. "Fine, let's go down then."

Neena jumped up and ran down the stairs.

"What are they doing here?" Elena asked in a hiss.

Caroline and Jeremy were in the kitchen, arguing about something. Bonnie and Damon stood to the side. The witch was examining a vervain pot there while Damon stood at a distance while valiantly trying to flirt with her from afar. He looked up at the Gilbert sisters when Elena asked that but then went back to his shameless flirting.

Stefan was browsing a book that Neena was not sure where he got from. At Elena's words, he squirmed.

She was mildly curious what her best friend was arguing about but she was most interested in the live Bamon interaction that was happening.

Elena stuck to Neena's side, like she was afraid someone would take her sister away.

"What was that about?" Jenna asked. "Why did Elena drag you like that? And what is with the friends gathering?"

Neena grinned. "I am going to do a magic show to prove I have magic!"

Jenna gasped and looked around her.

"They all know now," Neena said solemnly.

Jenna laughed. "When you came out, you really did it the dramatic way huh?"

"So that's why you and Caroline hang out so much," Jeremy said.

Neena rolled her eyes and grabbed Elena over to the sofa. "Everyone, take a seat."

Everyone sat down. Neena noticed that Damon sat with Bonnie.

Yes. She was simping over Bamon again. Sue her. It was her head Canon damn it.

Jeremy sat down in front of them on the floor.

Neena smiled. "Jeremy! Do an intro my dear prince!"

The boy laughed. "Hear one! Hear all! Today is a wondrous day! A perfect day to see the Queen of Magic perform a magical performance."

The girls clapped enthusiastically.

Stefan and Damon looked completely awkward and unsure.

The atmosphere had turned far too homely for them. It was not something they were used to. Not even as humans. Especially as humans. Giuseppe Salvatore made sure of that.

Bonnie sensed Damon's unease and took hold of his hand.

Everyone looked at the Gilbert Witch in anticipation.

Neena smiled and her eyes started to sting. It was the first time in her existence that she had actual talents to show or anyone to show it to.

Elena questioning whether they were sisters had hurt. It had hurt because it was the truth. She was an usurper who replaced her real sister. A sister she would never even know she had lost. Never even be able to morn.


'I'm fine, 143. I guess I care about Elena's opinion of me more than I thought I would. Guess I have accepted her as my sister, huh?'

[Is that a good thing?]

'It's a great thing.'

"Are you having performance issues?" Jeremy asked with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Wow," Caroline said in disbelief.

Stefan smiled.

Damon outright laughed and Bonnie chuckled.

"Hurt him," Neena said to Elena.

Jenna threw a cushion at him and Elena kicked him in the back.

"Ow! I was just asking!"

"It's okay, Ally," Jenna said. "Take your time."

Elena nodded. "Ignore the idiotic brother. He has holes in his brain."

Neena smirked. "I know."

Jeremy threw the cushion that hit him at the Gilbert witch. Neena dodged and laughed.

"Alright! Here I go."

Neena stretched her palm out and pulled the water from the jug on the table towards her. Jenna was already clapping frantically.

She created a ball of water in palm and a second one in the other. She closed her eyes and imagined what she wanted to do. The waterballs in her hands started to spin. Slow at first and then it became faster. And faster and faster. Tendrils of water came out of it, making it look like she was holding spiked balls of water. She concentrated harder. The water started to freeze and she had a spiked ball of ice floating in her hand.


[Skill upgrade!

Subskill: Ice Manipulation has been unlocked.

User has the ability to turn water and air into ice.]

[Congratulations, host!]

Neena grinned. Another step closer to becoming a full blown water bender. Now she just had to practice blood bending.

She heard clapping.

Neena looked at her family and friends.

Elena and Bonnie were staring at her in shock. Jenna looked at her hands in wonder.

Neena concentrated again and sent the water back into the jug.

"Um... I'm not fast at it yet, but I am getting better," she said with a blush.

Elena laughed. "That was epic!"

Jenna nodded in agreement.

"I'll never get tired of seeing you use magic," Caroline said with a sigh.

Damon muttered something and Stefan nodded in response. Neena wondered what it was.

"You are a really powerful witch, Aleena. Especially considering it had only been some time since you started practicing," Stefan said sincerely.

"Wait till you see what she can to with fire," Damon said, a slight bitter tone to his voice.

Caroline sent him a satisfied smile. "It was beautiful to watch."

Damon rolled his eyes at the blond girl.

"Fire? You can use fire?" Elena asked with sparkling eyes. "Show me everything."

It was the first time Neena was seeing such unguarded excitement on her sister's face. It made her realize how much Elena was faking being fine even when she wasn't.

"Yeah!" Jenna said. "I want to see it all too."

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Neena grinned and summoned a ball of fire.

She spent half an hour shaping her fire into the things the three Gilberts asked. And ignored the rest of the peanut gallery when they voiced their opinion. Which was mostly Damon and Caroline.

Neena was beginning to think the two were related.

She ended the show with small crystal flowers for each of them. Jeremy insisted he wanted two extra, something about showing control freaks that size doesn't matter.

Caroline glared at him. "I am being considerate towards Neena's energy. She looks pale."

Neena ignored the curious gaze that the rest of them sent her. She was not explaining the weird argument Caroline and Jeremy got into.

Elena had started to fuss over her again. Forcing her to drink three glasses of water.

"I am definitely learning magic from you," said Bonnie.


[Quest Complete!

I've Got The Magic In Me

Explain to Bonnie Bennett that you are a Witch.

Rewarded : 200 Experience Points.

Bonus Quest: Get Bonnie to be your Apprentice.

Rewarded: 500 Experience Points.]

Neena smiled happily. "I'll do my best to teach you everything I know."

Bonnie nodded.


[Hidden Quest Complete!

The Hidden World

Show to Elena Gilbert that the supernatural are real before she knew in the original Plot.

Plot deviated: 2%

Reward: 1000 Experience Points.]



A/N: it makes sense that Elena would be aware of the World using her to some extent right? Especially considering the fact that Elena is the Protagonist. The World's 'Child'. The proxy it uses to absorb power.

And considering how important Neena has become to Elena, I'm sure she is even more vigilant now.

I'm kind of imagining the world sort of creating a web of memories with the Doppelgangers to make them hate each other even more but it is back firing on the World as its precious Protagonist is now going to work against it.

Is it weird to hate a world? I know I created this entity but as I plan all the things the World is going to do to get Neena's soul, and why Neena became an anomaly I hate this world more and more. Damned world.

ON another note: I really want to make Jenna x Finn and Kol x Jeremy. Don't ask me why...it just...i don't know...there is very attractive about the concept.

But what do I do with Rick then? Maybe...Rick x Meredith? Rick x Liz? I don't know.

I was going to do Tanner's funeral in this chapter and then call it Funeral March because Neena felt like she was marching towards her funeral in this chapter's beginning and also because it was Tanner's funeral. Then I decided that would be a distasteful humor on my part.

Tell me how this chapter was! Hope you liked it. And before you say anything about Neena performed in front of them like she was a monkey, she didn't. I think it would be a novel experience for a previous orphan who never had anyone caring about her and that she would really do it if she did not have, as Jeremy asked, ''performance issues.''

Atleast that is my take on it. I love the feeling myself cause I have Asian parents and my dad never praises me. The one time he did it was like: you used to draw so well before, I don't see you pick up your brush anymore. You have become too lazy.

And I would be thinking: Bish, you scolded me when I was drawing saying that I was not concentrating on my studies enough. I can't do both. One has to give way to the other.

Sorry for that mini rant. Thank you for liking this chapter.