this fanfic has been rewritten. please go to my page and find the new one. An admirer of the Eragon series finds himself in the body of the protagonist. What will he do with the knowledge of the future and of his previous world? And is this world only the Eragon series or is there more to it then meets the eye?
The next two months are rather uneventful for Eragon. He finishes his chores for the day before running off into the woods to train. Brom's teachings help in expanding his knowledge while he uses the knowledge from his previous life to make his training even more intense. Something he tried early on was what is called "intent casting". Such casting is knowledge only fully fledged riders should know because of how dangerous it is. Instead of making a long winded phrase in the ancient language that can fail with a single mispronounced syllable, you can just say the name of the material you wish to interact with along with a clear mental image to get the same result. While this route is easier, it's very risky. A single stray thought can ruin the spell. But if there is one thing that Sam has noticed since reincarnating into Eragon's body is that his mind is unnaturally focused. With this clarity of mind, using intent casting is easy and basically risk free. He uses this method to make weights out of stone that wrap around his arms and legs for a better workout.
With all of these factors combined, Eragon's body has undergone a startling transformation. Any traces of fat on his body have long been burned away as fuel for his growth. His muscles ripple when he flexes, he has easily gained over two inches in height, making him five foot six inches tall while only being fifteen years of age. He had to alter his clothes because most of them have become a little uncomfortable to wear. His magic capacity has also steadily increased. With intent casting and his significant mana reserves, he made a stone sword from a large boulder. A standard hand and a half sword with a simple cross guard. A massive uncut sapphire placed within the base of the blade that he has already begun to fill with magic. Eragon found this gem by searching underground with magic. A spell similar to echolocation but for precious materials buried in the earth. Now that Eragon possesses a sword, he starts his own sword training without Brom's guidance. He wants to hide his strength from the former rider for as long as possible.
One day, while Brom and Eragon were training as usual, Eragon notices that Brom is not really focusing on the lesson. He starts to stare off into space with a vacant expression before walking over to a bottle of alcohol. Before he can take a swig, Eragon walks over and grabs the bottle from him. Brom looks at him angrily.
"Give that back boy. I need it."
Eragon shakes his head disapprovingly. "No, you don't. You always drink yourself into a stupor whenever you get that look. What are you trying to forget old man?"
Brom's eyes narrow in anger. "Don't talk to me about things you don't understand boy. My life is my business." Brom reaches for the bottle.
Eragon swiftly throws the bottle down, shattering it on the floor. Its contents stain the rug they're standing on. "NO… I deserve to know. You think I wouldn't find out? Do you think I'm stupid? I know that you're my father. I've known for over three months. I was hoping that by talking to you all this time you might open up to me by yourself. Instead I get a drunkard without the balls to acknowledge his own son."
Brom reels back and falls to his knees. Shock and hopelessness readily apparent on his face. "Y-y-y-y-you knew? How?" Tears start streaming down his face as he looks into the accusatory face of his son.
"It wasn't very hard to find out. All I truly know is that my mother left me here with Garrow and disappeared. Then a few years later, you show up and start living in Carvahall. You say you make a living as a storyteller yet you know so much about the ancient language that I can accurately guess that you can use it as well. Someone with that kind of talent wouldn't stay in a middle of nowhere village like this without a very good reason. So tell me. Why did you abandon me? Why leave me without a father figure in my life yet stay so close to me?"
Eragon kneels down in front of Brom. he takes his hands and holds them while looking straight into his eyes. Brom is a mess at this moment. Tears falling freely to the ground. Brom chokes on his shame, unable to answer. Brom struggles to get some semblance of control over his voice. It takes a few minutes for him to calm down enough to answer.
"I-i-i just wanted to protect you. I'm a wanted man. Galbatorix will stop at nothing to get me if he finds out that I'm alive. If that happens, he will pry my knowledge of you straight from my head and capture you as well. I-i-i-i couldn't risk it. I didn't know that your mother was pregnant until I arrived in Carvahall over a year after her death. I thought that I didn't deserve you in my life. My shame stopped me from doing what I should have done from the start. Be there when you needed me… W-w-will you forgive me?"
Eragon leans forward and wraps Brom in a hug. "Of course I forgive you dad. I don't know what difficulties you have gone through, but I would still rather have you in my life than not. Just promise me you will tell me about your life when the time is right. I want to know about my mother. I want to hear about your adventures. I want you to be there for me when I need you. I want to impress you with my skills. I-i-i…"
Eragon runs out of breath. Tears stream down his face as well while the two continue to embrace each other. Brom hugs his son with a longing that he had buried in his heart and forgotten. The two kneel on the floor for what feels like hours before they calm themselves down sufficiently to have a normal conversation. Brom told Eragon about Selena, Eragon's mother, being an assassin that he was tasked with killing. He disguised himself as a gardener and got close to her. The two unintentionally fell in love. She became a spy for the Varden, giving them all the intel they needed to stage an attempt to steal something from Galbatorix. Eragon knows that they were trying to steal dragon eggs from his knowledge of the books. Brom tells him that the heist failed and that he faked his death after learning that Selena died. He went to Carvahall to hide but found Eragon left in the care of Selena's brother Garrow. He left Eragon in Garrow's care while he hunted down some of Galbatorix's most valued retainers. Eventually he was cornered by a large group. He killed them all by himself then faked his death so that he could move to Carvahall and keep an eye on him.
The two continue to talk well into the night. Sharing stories and enjoying each other's company. The pang of loneliness in Eragon's heart fades as he finally has a family. His previous life as Sam had no blood relative ever contact or care about him in the slightest. Even if he is in a story where the only blood family he has is Brom, he plans to make the most of it. For himself, and for the former Eragon. The one that never got the chance to speak to his father while he was still alive. Of course, there is also Garrow and Roran, who he plans to take with him if he is able on his journey to slay the mad king. Before that can happen, Eragon needs Saphira's egg. Without her, it's not likely he will be able to convince Brom or his family to leave Carvahall.
With weary eyes and sore muscles, Brom and Eragon stand for the first time in over six hours. Eragon promises Brom that he will return in a few days to continue where they left off. He gives his father one final hug before leaving towards his home in the pitch dark. Brom stays there in the doorway, seeing Eragon walk away even when most men would only see darkness. He turns to his side and sees another bottle of alcohol. He holds it in his hand for a moment before throwing it into the woods and closing the door.