
Ray Arc : Final Hour

A mission by the elite forces got backfired as the terrorist known as Sheer Clan launched a massive assault, Their captain, Ray Asaki, didn't manage to escape. Hikari and the others tried to rescue him, while in the mean time, his own subordinates swirled up a confilct around the air, breaking their trusts one by one. ........................ Is he even worth saving?' 'Don't you dare say that! Remember the times he recued our ass. Are you really that selfish?' ......................... A sudden change in Ray, the ice power now dwells inside him. Ragsherum has other plans for him. He's main mission is still intact within him. "I won't forgive them, pityful humans!"

chEEkyGhHeis · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


A young man laid on the bed, snoozing without a care in the world with his body wrapped in bandages, preventing his injuries from getting worse than it already has. The sunlight shone his eyes, causing him to stir from his slumber. He yawned as he had slowly rose from his laying position, holding his chest in pain. He let out a low grunt.

Suddenly, the door opened. A woman in a witch outfit walked in and made her way towards him with a tray of food. The smell of eggs and toast hit his nose, successfully rose his hunger at the lack of food for almost three days.

He snatched the food in an instant the moment she placed the tray in front of him, gobbling the food happily as he savoured every taste of the said food. The woman only smiled at the sight in front of her. She struck up a conversation.

"It's a miracle you survived that magic. I'm Cordelia Hour. A 2nd class witch of the east. Pleased to make your acquaintance," she said with a small smile. Ray gulped down his food as he answered back.

"I'm Ray Asaki. Thanks for helping me back there. If it weren't for your magic, we would've died from that ice blast," the witch rose her eyebrows.

"How did you know it was my magic?"

"It's simple," he stopped eating to look at her straight in the eyes. "There was a change of magical wave in a split second. Without your magic at that time, the ice blast will surely impale my body. But since you shielded me with yours, the blast power got reduced," he continued to finish his ration. She scratched her chin in interest.

'I knew it,' a wicked smile appeared on her face unbeknownst to the young man. 'He's a perfect specimen for a new magic. Now I just have to wait for that dusty old Crow,' Ray turned to face her but just in the nick of time she changed her expression to a friendly one. He shrugged.

'I thought I've felt her staring at me with a somewhat weird intention. Eh, it might've been my feelings,' he finished his food with one last gulp of water. She took the tray, went to the kitchen and cleaned it. Ray then remembered something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. The witch made her way towards the door and opened it, letting a certain Doctor into her house with a briefcase in his right hand.

She smirked as she punched him in the stomach. "You're late old man. You never change," he grunted a little before letting out a fake cry. "I'm not that old. I'm 27 for your information," she spat at him.

"Does it look like I care. We're just 2 years apart. Now come on, he's in the room," they marched their way to Ray's position, startling rather the young man.

"Um, who are you," Ray said while trying to lay back down comfortably. The doctor snickered intensely, scaring him.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm just a doctor here. No need to be scared," he backed away slightly until his body hits the wall. "My initiation says otherwise," he turned to face the witch, signalling for help, only to stiffen his body when she saw her smirk with a rope in her hands.

"Don't worry. It's going to be okay. Just be a good boy and let us do our work," the slowly approach the shaking young man. He wanted to use Ragsherum but his current state prevented him.

He screamed.


Kagura and the others had just woken up and is currently eating at the cafeteria after a rather interesting morning. Storm glued himself to Kagura's figure while avoiding his gaze from the other girls, which they have a regretful expression. Jane started to apologize as so the others.

"We're sorry Storm. Please forgive us!" the girls pleaded excluding Kagura. Storm sighed.

The girls went from a boring morning to an intense play of tug of war with Storm as the rope. They bickered as to who will get a bath with Storm. Embarrassed, Storm froze them in their spot as he escaped to his own room leaving them chattering their teeth from the lack of heat in regret.

"Fine but please don't do that again. It just brings back old memories," the girls silently cheered after gaining their apology. They continued finishing their food and after that they made their way to the mage's house to check up on Ray. Storm intertwined his fingers with Rose in a hand hold, since she and Kagura are the only currently sane woman out of the other. They finally arrived in front of the witch's house. Kagura knocked, but no one answered even after 5 minutes.

She felt something was off. She twisted the doorknob, only to realise it's unlocked. They burst inside the house to hear a shout across the room. They prepared their weapons, made their way to the voice, and burst down the door open, the scene was somewhat interesting.

Ray was tied on his bed with Crow holding a syringe and Cordelia holding an orb magic. Sudden energy flowed through Storm's vein which led to him releasing a flow of ice towards the two, freezing them in their spots.

"Kagura? Storm?" Ray said in relief, almost got himself touched by the two maniacs.

"Ray onii-san!" Storm lunged forward, hugging the injured soldier as he landed on his chest. Ray hugged him back, earning an aww from the girls. Kagura pointed her blade near the mage's throat. Cordelia stiffened with her hands up in the air fearing for her safety at the dangerous girl in front of her.

'She's crazy,' she said as she sweats profusely. Kagura held her glare that could pierce the heavens.

"What were you trying to do you malicious bitch?" her tone flinched the others as they never witness Kagura in such state. Tears started to come out of Cordelia's eyes. She could feel the intense bloodlust from Kagura herself.

"W-we can talk about this alright. It's j-just a misunderstanding," Kagura sheathed back her blade to it's case. The two stood up and dusted their clothes.

Crow cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for our sudden action towards your friend Miss Kagura. As you can see, we will not hurt him in anyways. All we want is to study his new ice magic," they turned to face Cordelia for confirmation, which she nodded.

He continued. "It's very rare for someone to actually gain raw magic, especially from a really dangerous source too. As you know, people can obtain and use different types of magic. But there are also the ones that has the ability of using pure elemental magic like our friend Ray here,"

"Raw magic means that the magic is pure and are not combined nor mixed with other type of magic. As an example, individual A has a raw magic of nature, which meant that he could resonate with the nature to gain more power, hence increasing his magic to the notch,"

"This doesn't mean that they can't use other magic. They could, but it's limited since their power solely focused on the raw ones,"

"So, you're saying that raw magic is a power that is more powerful than the mixed elements?" Shiki interrupted with his right hand raised to the air. The doctor nodded.

"Wonderful observation Mr Shiki. There's one disadvantage, they are vulnerable to their opposite elements. As such, when a person with raw Fire magic, they would have a severe chance in losing to a person with raw Water user or the ones that could use Water element magic,"

"But fret not, that raw magic is stronger than it's normal weakness," they nodded as they listened to his lectures about the said magic. Storm kept listening with starry eyes as it is his favourite subject to learn.

"Then, what's the reason for you to almost dissect him?" Kagura said with venom in her voice, causing the two to shiver slightly.

"W-well. We never actually managed to learn the procedure as we never get to meet one. So, this is relatively new to us," Rose slammed her hand to the table.

"That doesn't rationalise your reasons old man!" the doctor turned his face to the side, pouting.

"Why does everyone keeps telling me I'm old? I'm not that crinkled," he muttered under his breath. Ray chuckled at the event in front of him which made the others to look at him.

"It's ok everyone," he rubbed Storm's back as the kid won't let go of him. "Besides, if it weren't for these two, I would've been dead," he flashed out a genuine smile, causing Kagura to blush.

"And Kagura," she faced him with her face still red. "Thank you, for saving me,"

'Ray,' she walked up to him and hugged him. She let out silent whimpers as the young man softly rubbed her back. The others smiled at the two, besides Crane who's been holding the urge to beat him.

"Now that settles," Cordelia stepped in. Ray and Kagura broke away from the hug. "Would you kindly please tell us about your story? How did you get hurt? Where's your leg?" Ray looked down sadly at his decapitated right leg. He let out a long sigh.

"Fine, but I warn you. It's not a fun one," they took their seats next to Ray with Storm snuggling into his chest. He ruffled his hair before finally decides to tell his gruesome experience.

Kagura hold his hand to reassure him. Ray smiled.

"The truth is..."


Back at Hariot's Household. Approximately 3 hours after Ray's escape.

Atlas kicked the fallen right hand man of Cuseits in the chest, flipping the bulky man to the side. Sanders coughed while holding his chest. He pushed his body up but was met with a smack from the butt of M4 rifle belonged to Combatant 287. Sanders fell back down to the ground.

The combatant breathed heavily. He wiped the sweat of his forehead after his hard work of dealing with the large man. He threw away his weapon and went to Atlas who's been clutching his abdomen after getting stabbed by Sanders himself. The combatant pulled out one of his STIM and chucked it on Atlas' shoulder to lessen the pain and stopping the blood from losing.

Atlas held a small smile towards his saviour. "Thanks 287. Good job in eliminating Sanders," 287 keeps tending his wound as he replies.

"He's a tough one no kidding. We lost a lot of our men. A good portion too," he glanced around their surroundings. Fallen soldier left and right. Some died painfully while others either with a bullet in the head or a rough stab to the chest. He let out a long sigh.

287 finishes his word by strapping the end of the bandage, sealing the wound partially. He was about to pull Atlas from the ground until a loud clapping echoed towards their spot. Reacting to his instincts, he grabbed his Glock-20 out of its holster and aimed it towards the figure. The dark shadow revealed itself while laughing.

"My my my. You managed to break my prisoners, releasing my son and the damn soldier plus, taking out Sanders? You never ceased to amaze me,"

Atlas' eyes went wide. He recognises the voice immediately.

"Am I right? My brother-in-law?"

"Curse you Cuseits!" Atlas' curses under his breath. The combatant, still with his gun aimed at the leader's head, shouted bravely.

"Hands over your head Cuseits! You're not gonna have your way this time," Cuseits just sighs.

"Really? This is my wife's joke of an army?" he signalled his hand to 287's chest in a hand chop manner.

"To me, you all are just," Atlas' screamed to 287.

"287, get out of there!" a shadow appeared behind the poor combatant.

"A nuisance to my work,"


Blood draws wildly from 287's chest. He looked at the sword piercing his body with wide eyes. He coughed a large amount of blood before releasing his last breath. The culprit pulled the sword out of his chest, letting the lifeless body went limp to the ground. The culprit turned around cackling madly as he flicked the blade to get rid of the blood.

"Greetings Atlas. My, such precise coordination I must say. Just as expected from Martha's younger brother am I right?" Atlas silently went to grab his own pistol from the back only to get lifted from the ground by Sanders, who was only pretending to pass out minutes before. He slammed him towards the ground thus succeed in opening his bandaged wound. Sanders then threw him forward sending him crashing to an electric pole knocking the living daylights out of him.

"Screw you butler boy! I'm not going down that easily," he puffed out his chest with pride. The culprit, who reveals to be the mad scientist, went to Atlas' limp body, and ordered Sanders to pick him up, to which the Sanders reluctantly did.

"Do we really need this traitor? Just let me plant a bullet in his head," the scientist giggled.

"Why of course we do! Even if we lost a large sum of our men, we could use him as a replacement," he turns towards Sanders with a small bottle filled with a bluish black liquid inside.

"This, my friend, will be our ultimate weapon! HA HA HA HA HA!" he laughed crazily while Sanders and Cuseits could only witness the crazy man in front of them with a sigh let out from their breath.

"Do what you must Doc. Do what you must,"


Present, Whind Village.

The people sitting around Ray gaped their jaws in horror.

He told them everything, form A to Z. How he got captured. The tortured and beating he went through. The massacre he saw happening in front of him. The pain and lastly, his and Storm's escape from the household. Storm kept a strong grip to his shirt while trembling in fear as unpleasant memory keeps haunting him while Ray was telling them his story. Ray realising the trembling kid bellow him, rubbed circles around his back and pulled him into a warm hug. Storm gladly accepted the embrace and buried his head into his chest. Ray finishes his story with a heavy sigh.

"After that, you guys already know what happened. With you all rescuing me and such. I can't thank you enough for coming to my aid," Shiki shook his head.

"No, if it wasn't for you, we would've been lizard food back there," the others nodded in agreement. Ray smiled lightly.

"But there's one thing you haven't told us," They turn towards Crane.

"That ice thing that you used. You told us about the demon inside you but how about that weird ice thing you did form before?" Ray place his right hand under his chin while the other keeps stroking Storm's fluffy hair trying to think of an easy explanation.

"I personally don't know what happened back there. All I could witness at that time was pure black and white. I couldn't see much. But to sum it up, I may have used the ice empress' power to shoot the ice," the topic caught Shiki, Cordelia and Crow's interest. Suddenly, Kagura aimed her sword towards Cordelia, who's secretly been holding a strange object the whole time.

"Don't think about researching him while he's in this kind of condition," Kagura's tone sends shivers towards the witch of the east. She sighed in defeat while retreating out of the room.

"Fine fine. I'll be going. I'm gonna go and get some bandages and new clothes for Ray. I'll be right back," the door was about to close when Crow went up to Cordelia, whispering something into her ear. Both of them then nodded simultaneously. He followed Cordelia suite after closing the door behind him, leaving the others dumbfounded.

Ray sweat dropped. "Well, that happened," suddenly Jane rose form her seat with her hand in the air energetically.

"Oh oh, how can you use magic when you don't have mana. If it's really blood, won't you die of blood lost," Ray answered her question.

"I don't know what to say about that. Ever since I've learned to control Ragsherum, the most severe injury I've ever experienced from using him was knocked out cold for 4 days," he felt a stare digging a hole through his head. He turned his attention to see Aki and Rose staring at him with complete interest. Seeing this, he got a glimpse of their intention.

"You wanna meet Rasgherum?" he asked the two, to which they nodded unconsciously sending the others chuckling lightly, even Storm.

"Alright alright. But first, back away from me a little Storm," with a heavy heart, Storm transitioned his spot to Kagura's lap, giving Ray a bit of space just in case things went rough. He talked to Ragsherum inside his mind.

"Would you please, Rags?" the general nodded.

"Fine, but make sure you're not regretting anything right?" the general smirked under his helmet.

"Wait what?"

Dark aura started to surround Ray's body. He opened his eyes, changing from the empty dark brown eyes to dark purple signalling the change of personality inside his body. The others prepare for the worst, hands gripping their weapons cautiously.

"So, this is his friend's? If not for him being my holder, I would've enjoyed my time slaughtering you all," Rasgherum spoke with his harsh and raspy voice. He eyed the whole room with raging purple eyes. The others could feel the dangerous aura slowly crumbling their guts. His eyes instantly wandered to Kagura. He smiled slyly.

"Kagura Kagura Kagura,' he repeated her name confusing the girl. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I always see you in Ray's memory," this both confuses and reddens Kagura's face at the same time.

She stuttered in her words as she tries to speak. "Wha- what do you mean I'm always in his mind?" the girls smirked at her reaction whilst the boys looked at her in interest. Ragsherum smirked.

"Why you ask? Oh, isn't it obvious? He is of course a man who needs feelings. So, of course he has both you and Aiwa in his head thinking about-,"

"When I can meet the both of you again," the harsh voice was suddenly replaced by Ray's normal voice, leading to a complete confusion to the others. To top it all, Ray's face could be seen red as tomato. Everyone stared at his current state. He faked a cough to distract them from the incident earlier.

"And that's Ragsherum for you. He's kinda rough for the first time, but he's a softie when you get to know him better," Ragsherum facepalmed inside his mind.

'Do you know who narrow that meaning could lead to, you insolent fool?' Ray laughed inside his mind.

"Interesting," Shiki said. "A human and a demon cooperating together. According to legend it's quite rare for both demon and human to accommodate together since the war between heroes and demons erupted years and millennials ago. Seeing one is such and honour indeed," his eyes shone brightly with passion. The others could only sweat dropped at their friend's demeanour.

The door opened revealing Cordelia with a pair of bandages, a fresh set of clothes, and some medicine in her hands.

"Alright kids, it's time for me to change his bandages. You brats can get out now and do something more proactive for your age," she ushered them out of the room, but Kagura placed her foot firmly in an iron grip on the wooden floor. The witch was confused.

"Actually," Kagura said. "Can I tend his wound? It's been a long time since I've last seen him. My friends would also like to get closer to him as well," she pleaded.

"But haven't you all already sat there for 2 hours? Now scram. I don't have time for your games," she hastily shoved the group to the living room but was stopped by a glare from Kagura.

"You're planning something, right?" her low voice startled the witch. She avoided her gaze while sweating profusely.

'Damn it! She saw right through me," she glanced to the side witnessing her friends looking at her with a dangerous look. She looked down and saw Storm looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Can you let us in to see Ray nii, please?"


An invisible arrow put a hole in her heart caused by Storm's charms. She let out a cough while blushing lightly. She finally let them in as she's the one who ironically went out of the house to do something profitable for her. The others cheered before bursting in the room but of course, at the most appropriate time.

They stared at Ray who's currently stripping out of his torn uniform, revealing his battle scars and toned body. Kagura blushed wildly with a nosebleed, but the other girls have a very dangerous look in their eyes as if eyeing their prey waiting to jump at a perfect moment.

Ray gulped with a tint of redness on his cheeks, being stared at isn't really comfortable for him. "You know, if you want to stare might as well leave," Kagura shook her head breaking her naughty thoughts about her crush. She went up to Ray along with the others.

"We're sorry for staring but, we only want to help you change. The witch gave us permission," Ray stared at her cerulean blue orbs. He then turns toward her friend who also nodded in agreement, excluding Storm who rushed towards him for a hug, which he gladly accepts.

"Fine fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to catch up with you Kags after like what, almost 5 months since our last meeting right? That also includes getting to know your friend," everyone started to work on him. Kagura and Jane helped with opening up his old bandages, Aki and Rose prepared the new bandages to replace it with the old ones. Shiki and Crane only sat on their seats watching the girls in action.

'I ain't gonna lie but seeing them being a good nurse to them does make me to fell slightly jealous towards Ray actually,' Shiki said in his mind. Crane was…. Yeah. Currently holding his jealousy at bay.

Kagura gasped lightly when she saw a large gash on his right shoulder. The others looked at the injury with pity. A stab wound reveals itself with all its glory. Some chunk of flesh could be seen twisted the outside of the shoulder. As Kagura went to wipe it with an alcohol, Ray winced, hissing at the cold chemical stinging his injured shoulder.

Suddenly, Kagura had an idea to distract Ray from his pain while at the same time, teasing him. She let out a smirk, unknowingly to the others.

"I'm sorry Ray. But this will hurt a bit. I'm gonna put some on your back, OK?" she purposely pushed her body upwards and wiped some alcohol on his back from the front. The action resulted in her breast almost burying his head into it. The young captain blushed. Steam started to come out of his head.

'Wha- what?' she screamed inside his head. Ragsherum laughed his ass on the ground while holding his sides. Ray glared at his vassal.

'Help me you useless general!' Ragserum wiped his tear out of the corner of his eye.

'Aw, come on now. Don't tell me you're not enjoying this?' Ray thought about it for a moment. Ragsherum is not wrong. In fact, he does feel great enjoying Kagura's sudden advance to him.

The girls stifled a laugh looking at the blushing captain who's trying to make sure his face doesn't get buried into Kagura's chest. Storm smiled at the sight in front of him.

"You deserve it, Ray nii,"

No more memes. Just pain. I'm gonna start focusing on this book now. Thanks for reading and being patient! Really appreciate you guys. Love you <3

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