
Birth of the beautiful story

Jay had strongly hoped that Ace meant it as a namesake and not for real when he had discussed that he wanted to stop. She had disapproved of the idea because she didn't want any other gamble. Just the very mention of the words had her distressed.

But she must have held back for too long this time, keeping it as dormant as possible. At a point, she had started to get scared and panicked because the normalized situation had been dragging more than her limited deadline.

The consequences were obvious to be deadly!!!

Within 2 days of their next meet, Jay had fell hard on her weakness with no fucking undergoing process at all. She had dropped beyond the level where she was even unable to judge her steps. And to add to the pathetic circumstances, it had happened during her time at the academy. Never did she create such a scene apart from other times when she had practically dashed outta class in the middle of a lecture. In the morning, Arthur had already added to her uneasy hangover. She had been receiving strong vibes under her skin, but it had hit faster and harder than expectations.

Her first instinct had been to dial up on Ace, still after a moment of debate to gain the initiation.

No one had picked up.

She had wanted to try a second time, but when her fingers had fumbled before her dizzy vision, her senses of reasoning had nearly passed out.

Trembling in the knees, she could have only attempted for basic measures. She had paused on them for a while, but it had been dire!

Please Travis, don't bail out right now ...

But even the fucking gang had to seem to be betraying her.

The alley had been stark empty.

When another wave had hit Jay's heart, nearly making her feel as her flesh was rotting due to acid inside, she had come to a conclusion.

Ace was needed!!! And fast!!!

That liar couldn't do better. She had wished she could just through him off a cliff lying right on to her face, but its true than he can't do any better than anyone else. Maybe she'll just have him one last time, and return to being as pitiful like before. Because right then, her insides had been collapsing like landslides. Every inch of her skin had twisted and contracted like emerging a new feel. Were these side effects?

Jay had conscience left to collect her leftover sanity along with the flaming waves in her heart, the pangs of twisty aching and fluctuating vision just to make it up to Ace's den. There had been instant bags under her eyes and a cracked voice by the time she had reached.


Ace was there, fucking he was there!!!

She was facing him leaning against the door, unable to produce any voice. There's no way he could sensed her weak presence if not spoken. She just gained loaned energy to speak something ...anything. The person standing before her at a little distance, with a broad and bare back, a motherfucking liar, an excellent savior and a faker ...…had to listen to her!

She managed to groan out, her tone like of a zombie.

So were her hollow eyes.

Only one word, she could afford to let out using all her strength.

And it was enough!!!

"Ace ......"

Immediately the broad back facing her hardened without even checking the source. He didn't need to. The serious figure flashed back his head swiftly.

"Christ fuck, Jay ...!"

Cursing, he didn't waste another second inquiring. With a frightening raged expression, he bolted towards the half-passed out lass, throwing a piece a clothing over himself. She was still panting and leaning helplessly for support when he grabbed her wrist and started dragging her with his huge marching steps, seeming outta patience completely.

Jay had no idea where he was going, or what her own navigation or location. All the way, he didn't give her any attention at all, not even when the girl stumbled trying to match up his pace and had a foot stepped on mercilessly in the process. Ace's hold only tightened on her wrist to pull along like a rag doll coz she's not able to make it on her own. She only walked through out of sheer will force in her pain drunken state.

Only did she realize when her pace started to decrement and Ace let her hand go free to collapse beneath him. He didn't look at, didn't tend to her the whole time. Because that's not going to help her. He will do what will help!!!

"Watch me!", Jay had a silent voice run through her head at a brief second of eye lock with him.

The girl, when first caught sight of Ace, had her face full with excitement and a pretty smile on her lips ...which eventually faded when Jay came in the scene along with him. For the stimulation, fear engraved from her confusion when she met Ace's expression. She knew that the sweet guy from their first meet is not what he seemed before.

For the next few minutes, Jay had forced on her eyes not to miss anything from the time she heard Ace speaking," I'm sorry that it's quick for you ....... but I've no choice". Fucking lies!

Ace wasn't talking to Jay .......


After receiving her cool, Jay was so exhausted that she gave in to her senses and blacked out. She had no idea how long she was out cold as she dwelled on the fragments of the memories when Ace did his thing right in front of her eyes and face.

Reminiscing, when she finally opened her eyes next, she faced a pair od eyes which were rather unfamiliar to her. They had the same blue depth of ocean's but with another new and unidentified metamorphosis was it!

The insides were glazy, eyebrows raised up as a frown up in the temple, mouth open with audible heavy breaths and a pure reflection of concern!

Ace had always openly worried for Jay verbally, but this time ...…. he was openly exposing it. Lest other times he held back not to annoy Jay. Guess he seems really worried this time and couldn't control it. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when Jay regained her consciousness. He fell on his bottoms comfortably as soon as he was assured, his eyes not separating from her. His face hollow and broken. It was unexpected coming from him.

Jay turned her head beside.

She had missed the highlight of her dosage. She regretted at the cold still horrific body lying beside her, completely lifeless. The after intakes were good enough for her too. The white dress, which made the red design on it look brighter and more beautiful. It appeared a true sight of enchantment to the eyes. Every particular detail of it did. The messed-up locks, eyes glued open due to terror, fresh red spray over her face and the soaking drench of her body spreading and spilling around.

"How long?", Jay asked sub-consciously ingesting the relief.

"20 minutes", Ace's voice lacked it usual confidence.

"Shit!", Jay exclaimed.

"You ...….', Ace ignored her and drooped his head low, frustrated," ...… Why did you wait for things to get this far?", it sounded like a demand.

- Got a phone on you?

A faint sarcastic smile followed.

Ace stared blank before going all through his cargo pockets. Producing his cell from within one of them, he checked it with a disappointed look. Tossing it away, he ran his hands through his hair messing it up outta regret. He was the one to miss it. It was his fault for not reaching back to her. Jay had to drag herself to him whereas it was his promise to keep in the first place. She might not have even made it in time.

He looked up at her and sighed with no words of apology coming out from his lips.

"You're messed up", saying he reached for her cheek and caressed gently. Jay didn't defy. She studied him instead, to find him perfectly cleaned. Such a freak at some point. But she shrugged to realize that she was sprayed with red instead, right on the face and below. It was bound to, since Ace worked right before her damn fucking face .... too close to be true.

"You're such a mess", Ace repeated chuckling and leaned on to her level without any sign of disgust in his eyes.

"It's always your fault", Jay retorted back.

"Hmm? My mistake, right?', Ace looked down and then at her. An unsafe smirk on his lips. He was hatching his normal pervert side. Jay knew his intentions, but she couldn't read predictions like him. Thus, had no idea of his motive.

His hand slowly approached her as he took a strand of her lock in his fingers. Gently dancing them among his fingers, he slowly tucked them behind her ear, enabling the loose release of few more strands.

There were still trickles of blood running down her cheek. Ace moved his face towards her. Slowly, he reached out his tongue and started licking away the stains on her skin. His tongue felt soft against her cheek as he enjoyed every moment of her. The blood was tasteless, but she was perfectly delicious. Ace wondered when he'll really able to taste her. Slowly his tongue started its way from her cheek towards her neck, till where the stains had reached. He couldn't ever get enough of this. He's been just holding back for Jay's cue. Else he would not have wasted any time sooner to just pounce on her like a predator and lavishly ruin her to surrender to him!

Crazy doing shit like this when there is dead body rotting right beside them.

As his tongue felt something rough on her, he backed off and checked. There was a scar on her neck, and a few more beneath it. How come he didn't notice before? Weren't they too close for him to see it?

His fingers started tracing through them

Jay flinched a little as she spoke," I needed a little something to make it till now". The words cut through Ace.

This is what she resorted to before his arrival? This cruel a method? It's hideous!!!

"It's cold", Jay pulled her kneed up to her chest, hugging them.

"Isn't it? Let's go back", saying he turned and bent facing with her back. Jay was thoroughly bewildered, trying to figure this new attempt of intention.

"Why the delay?", Ace ushered and wriggled his fingers behind him.

"What are trying to do?", Jay asked.

"No fucking way I'm letting you walk like that", Ace said, "Climb on!".

Jay took a whole minute to learn the attempt of her next action. She sighed a breath of hopelessness but didn't let her obedience get the worse of her. Slowly reaching for his shoulders, she carefully leaned on his back and wrapped her arms around her neck. Ace took a last glance at the third still body and stood up, clasping beneath her thighs trying not to move her much.

As he started walking, Jay didn't hesitate to rest her head against his back and intake his warmth closing the eyes.

A pure smile spread across Ace's lips as he felt the body getting comfortable against him.

Through that darkest night of tremors, between two abnormal human ...…a beautiful story was born!