
Actions and remedies

After a week Jay was discharged.

She didn't suffer any internal damage but had a lot of blood loss and a few permanent scars.

When Arthur had arrived that day, he was this close to go into paralysis shock after witnessing his sister's condition on the white bed. Away from the world, he was already undergoing medication for depression, and this was too much to handle at once!

That too, because of Jay!

He never understood what were his errors in raising her up. Did she miss something? Love? Attention? Absence of real parental presence? But she had never brought it up. She never brought anything up at all. So, what made her turn out like this all of a sudden?

The doctors had diagnosed that it didn't seem like she was trying to commit suicide. So, the case wasn't reported by a slight chance. But the slits she made were deep and everywhere, as if she was trying to bring something out of her body. It was no suicidal attempt. She must have been tackling something sickly mental that she had to resort to this measure. Her personality earlier, was something to be scared of already. Arthur had sleepless nights before due to worrying about her, and now this incident suddenly!

The doctors also secured the reason of her action as severe depression, but Arthur wasn't convinced and knew that the facts were something else.

Even still....

Jay won't budge a word about it after coming back to her senses.

Since the day her consciousness returned, she had pasted an intact poker expression on her face and won't talk to anyone. Not the doctor, Chris or Arthur.

She had even returned to her normal style after getting back. But Arthur wasn't able to rest easy.

Chris being the sensitive person, had gone into a complete state of trauma. It must have been hard on him to handle it. He had suffered the most of a blow.

He had hidden it from Arthur that what made him go in to a shock wasn't seeing his sister before his eyes with no color in her body only just red.

When he had entered her room, she still had her conscious left and eyes open. But when she had just turned her head with that creepy look in her eyes and the blood smeared side face, smiling at him and saying…...

"Chris, I'm not dead yet..."

Chris had felt nothing but fear. Anyone would freak out at such a situation, but he just had fell on his knees with mouth and eyes open, unable to study anything before him. He was completely paralyzed at the moment till he had realized that Jay wasn't moving anymore. Somehow grasping himself, the first person he dialed wasn't 911. Even taking that much action based on how scared he had been, was a brave act on his part.

- He…. hello, Arthur?

- Yeah speak.

- Ar… thur, Jay…...Jay….

- Jay? What is it?

- Jay…... she…

- Calm down Chris, What about Jay?

- She….is not moving….

- Not moving?

- She won't move Arthur…...she is not moving....

- What has happened?

- So much…... blood. Help me, Jay...

- Did you just say blood? Where are you Chris? Where is Jay?

- I don't know what to do…...help me!

Arthur will never forget the voice he has heard from Chris. That kind of tremble is when you have completely lost all wit.

Eventually he had broken down and wailed non-stop. He was too terrified to clearly state the situation. After all, he's a kid too.

Arthur had to put his all to calm him down and make him take immediate measures. Chris still blames himself because he was so clueless and the time was delayed due to his sensitiveness and shock!

Arthur had let things be because in spite of Jay's not-so-normal lifestyle, she had never caused much trouble. So, he had never interfered in her matters.

But this was just too extreme!!!

She didn't expose any reason for such a consequence. It's impossible to read it from her face. Depression would have made her attempt a multiple time till now…... but no!

It's high time to have a talk with her seriously!

If necessary, she can be sent to rehab.

Arthur didn't let her live the life with their parents just to let things come to this.

But to be honest enough... even at a point...…... he was scared to bring it up to have encounter unpredicted outcomes.