
Raising Of Invincible Star: The Ultimate Impartial System

Vanavan find himself woke up in the unknown world in a very mystical way. sealed inside a cave, prohibited from escaping, his life fell in to miserable situation and his life is not in his hands. He find out it was another chance for him pursue his dreams, live the life as he see fit. Vanavan fight against the world by himself, turning the tables as he go, walking into an unknown path step by step to become invincible existence could he realize it? Follow Vanavan into his endless journey of invincibility. __ __ __ __ __ " What do you mean by this ?" Vanavan asked cautiously. "but you abducted me and sealed in this awful place!" Vanavan has incredulous look on his face " Can you please tell me how is this considered my fortune " [That was one way to put it like that, how do you know it's your fortune or not, with out giving it a try] Vaanavan was furious by it's nonsense he raged "Old Ghost it's better if you let me go, it's a serious crime to abduct a reputable teacher of a well known academy " ___ ___ ___ [A/N] : The Mc wasn't from the modern world, his understanding of system is very low and he might had some prejudice against it in the following chapters might never let go of them. he was a flawed human but he has his strength. My language isn't English so there might be grammatical errors or typos in the chapters as I write more chapters I will try my very best to improve my writing and re-edit the previous chapters. Please support me and rate and review my work, Show some love for my work as well . You would not regret it. comments and votes are very very welcome, Thank you! (The Cover Made by pink_lollie24, the credit go to her skillful hands and cognitive mind)

raven_lord017 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Preparation for the Mission

The system didn't bother him for a whole day, the system felt it was necessary to let him stabilize the emotions in his heart and gain some form of clarity to his mind. Vaanavan was not even bother to talk to it one bit he just felt he had worst luck and miserable fate in his all life.

He was reminiscing over his childhood memories to soothe the awful feeling in the heart, he was feeling little relieved seen his mother one last time and watch her go into salvation.

He couldn't imagine how would she felt reborn into this world. he was already getting into his current situation, although he felt a pang of anxiety and unwillingness he was started to adjust his mindset as someone fighting for humanity. he didn't think he would live as long as 300 years.

In war deaths are inevitable he was just a puny person with no cultivation he would die in hallway anyway he wasn't planning to take any revenge on it just like him the people here is also a pawn of this system tried to subotoge it was harming the survivors here, his knight heart and the Vows he took in the empire wouldn't allow him to do so.

All he did for the a day and half was same thinking and remembering something and slept a few hours he didn't felt that tired also felt any hunger, nonetheless he was happy to be left alone he was building a better mindset since he knows the first host ending his ending would not different either.

The system once again contact him asked him to ready for his daily training for him he was brought into white space, the white light around the few hundred meters dimmed and space seem suddenly warped become different when he looked after that phenomena the few hundred meters turned into herbal garden with rich herbal smell suddenly a table and chair with few book case show up and little distance from the table a stone table thrice the size appeared with all sort of equipments on it.

Vaanavan was not surprised by the system magic but puzzled by all of this, the system cold voice rang in his mind ask him to study from the book case start to learn medicine knowledge.

" OH hey! hey! are you telling me to study medicine and gardening all of sudden, you are asking me to do something I have no clues of how to. Anyway what is this have anything to do with ' The Mission ' you fetching me here for don't tell me, you plan to make me a medicine boy" he mocked the system facing such ridiculous situation.

[That's correct, as the role you are going to assign in your task Is forefather of humanity you have to win their admiration and respect. for that you are going to learn everything that necessary]

Vaanavan spluttered 'just what was it thinking'

"If you want a medical master can't you fetch one, then why did you bring me here " he was irritated with all of this nonsense.

[You don't have to doubt my capability, I'm perfectly aware of whom to select. I did mentioned that you are going to learning whatever is nessacery so it certainly not about making you a medicine master; does host mind still in the addled state]

Vaanavan narrowed his at that comment, didn't further argued with system, he was tried his very best to not to chit chat with this evil thing. the next instant he was stunned by the system as send some very basic information about herbs.

[I did that to save us few days of time waste without any knowledge you might be running all around. this will be give you general idea of what and how to do]

It's about which is some dangerous and poisonous herbs how to handle them and general introduction on herbalism and medicine some things about human body. he grounded his teeth if the system can easily integrate this things to his mind then how hard was it going to be to fully do it in his memory.

He was silently moved towards the books on-the selves, fetched the book seemed very basic one, he was glad that he was understanding it little by little let go of his irritation. The system would now and then suggested him where to start, fed up by it's constant interruption he told it not keep reminding him since it wanted to learn on his own he can just do that.

He learned from the system inside the space time is thirty- three times of that outside world, it was some special temporal zone made for him to use his time more useful. The system also allow him to have control over the functions of his daily training he was free to follow the schedule without system put it few cents but system did say.

[I will still intervene with some things everything has to go as I scheduled]

after two days another part of training added which was Library with books of other field such as array construction and formation, even smithy and artifacts making in every one and half weeks he also had to learn some other unnecessary things like philosophy teached by some transparent figures the system seems to make him Jack of all trades.

Vaanavan didn't care anymore, when he had doubts about learning medicine he was told that humans were very backwards here had no medicine legacy some small tribes have to travel nearby tribes to getting treatments he somewhat find it reasonable but he was learning farming and pottery, carpentry glass making he didn't believe he was needed all of this for that so called Mission .

Vaanavan on his second month asked the system to schedule time for give him martial technique cultivation technique library as well his schedule was very simple he didn't have to do that in one day aside from the philosophy class and sleeping time the others are changing time to time.

importantly Vaanavan felt his mindset was getting stable and calmer despite all the training he started to doing for nearly three (ninety-nine) months just fine. He can't just do whatever he fancies in martial and cultivation technique he even recognize the few gifts the first host received doing something system asked him to but the thing is system absolutely forbade him cultivating anything the only reason he was given was very plain and simply unbelievable.

[Host has an unique destiny, when you only walk on your own path your potential exploded and bringing you to invincibility]

Vaanavan wasn't sure what the system implying he doesn't feel like he had some super potential that make him invincible 'Is this about the one of his blessings or that hidden tag about origin thing' but he did compare some things though.

"The Invincibility you spoke of is where you automatically rise my cultivation level to the roof isn't it. So you can keep me in check you can strip my level to normal human" Vaanavan asked the system one of his brief breaks.

[Host being unreasonable again! you have no base for your accusations, we're partners and I wouldn't stoop to that level remember this I'm impartial not hypocritical system this is crucial for me in my defense if you want some solid reasons]

"Oh what is that thing again" Vaanavan was little intrigued.

[Well telling this to host is no harm, it's indeed crucial for my development. When you started raise your level than my level automatically raise as well so there is no farce in this matter you can rest assured] the system openly admitted it will grow along him free ride.

Vaanavan become speechless by the shamelessness he could somehow imagine it, so the training continued to more and more things added like all sort of field from dying clothes and tanning hides, crafting materials, building things up learn new things on his fifth month the system dragged him into another situation.

"What is this? where am I?" Vaanavan asked in confused tone today he was learning how to fish using various methods which intrigued him little not many things he was enjoyed so he was little upset.

[Host obtain a particular chance to witness a fight between two human warriors nearby area this was what I planning on adding this regularly in your schedule as well ]

the white space became riverside, two humans wearing animal fur cloths fighting an intense melee combat, the both of them is more powerful than normal human, Vaanavan was sure that they didn't even reach trainee knight level in cultivation so he was surprised but there body strength was stronger than trainee knights as if they had specifically train their body to this level.

"Who are they, why are they fighting one another don't you say humans have to unite as a whole to survive this upcoming calamity" he asked in confusion.

[Host is correct this is internal conflict between their tribe it doesn't much of a problem to our cause in long shot,but it was quite annoying to unite this hot blooded people]

He frowned at the situation but focused more on the fight. Vaanavan was never seen fight like this he was quite curious about the technique and skills from the humans. As a knight he wasn't familiar with this techniques and skills.

But They both don't fight with any fancy technique or magic so far it's more like brute force fighting than anything else in this regard; both of them didn't even have any swords or weapons to fight they using bone made weapons to fight, The both were middle-aged people their fight was little intense Vaanavan guessing they might have already fought more than once and seem familiar with their fighting style.

[The both humans are familiar with one another it was just a rivalry fight nothing else] The system told him his guessing was not that far , they seem to fight for resources for their tribe their level was not that different so they have no clear winners so far it was just another fight.

Vaanavan silently listen to it and watched the fight intensely he has feeling that the both of them have much richer fighting experience than him after all his meager fighting experience is nothing compared to this people who fight on daily basis.

"The people here seems much higher experience than me did you have way for me to experience things and fighting " Vaanavan asked, he also felt slightly pumped up from watching the fight as a hot blooded knight he felt a kind of yearning for fights after monotonous life here he was seeking any sort of normalcy he has a feeling the System's time magic might have affected him.

[Host can rest assured, I can collect fighting data perfectly and see what can I do for you]

With system word of reassurance he went back to his routine after a day he once again experience the fighting of local humans on couple days interwel Vaanavan come to the conclusion they don't fight to death, they seem respect fellow humans life but that doesn't mean their fight wasn't any less Intense according to system it can go for a whole day to few days whom they fight and levels of fighters.

Vaanavan even witness two rock giants fought apparently they live near human territory but none of them so far similar level to him but he learned lot the system made avatars to spar him, he doesn't have to be thinking about severe injuries the system can heal it inside the special space.

'What is that thing made of?' he asked himself after another bitter fight with 'avatar' his sword could not cut the bone weapon of course to be a fair fight his level set to that of a trainee knight, if he didn't know proper swordsmanship he was done for sure.

'if we don't fought half a dozen round, I would be still clueless about his movement technique. Vaanavan was firmly believe that this avatar didn't have learned any technique it was the cause of his first few beating, what worst was the snide comments of system, it was clever enough to know Vaanavan has some grudge against it that's why he ignored it most part.

It was gleefully mocking his thoughts process even after he find out the avatar did indeed learn low level movement technique, which was way lower than profound technique in the library(profound technique was lowest grade technique there, the techniques are some way always flasy and easy to spot. This was why Vaanavan was sure about it)

He still didn't beat the avatar, but glad to improve his experience. He didn't know that system did some tampering with the avatar, ' I don't know humans here are more skilled than they seemed' he thought to himself per his assumption he can fought to tie this one but he lost all their match ' Maybe my guesses aren't accurate'

So he including the fighting and watching new fights to his schedule he learned their basic levels as well they are three realms of body tempering, Mystery gate, Mystic Qi realm, and so on there is no one exceeding mystic qi realm in this world excluding him, his level of cultivation on the hold not any particular level.

from system words his life force cultivation wasn't primary cultivation path but some of the rare planet unique cultivation system they are crude and couldn't mentioned in the same line with qi cultivation.

"Nonsense how can my life force cultivation crude, it has a legacy of thousands of years of polishing and perfecting" Vaanavan argued

[There is a clear difference between both of them for example your thousand years of polishing and perfecting doesn't measure up to this planet cultivation history, which dated back tens of thousands years not to mention other galactic civilization]

After another whole month he created his own technique of course it was a movement technique and it was already a profound technique he felt it was very easy to cultivate it managed to master it in just Few hours, it was called 'starry steps' it has mysterious connections with stars in just eight steps you can go anywhere your vision range is ; Vaanavan felt he can improve it further but he was not in any hurry not only that he also has some unfinished technique that was very close to the level of profound technique.

He asked system assessment he was kind of proud making first profound technique the system seems quite irked by limited time but didn't blame him one bit, acknowledging his hard work and development it was fussing over it doesn't snatch him first instead of first host so it could have more time in its hand.

[Assessment of movement technique ]

[Starry Steps - profound technique, mediocre(the essence of the technique can be further refined, the overall technique was crude and flawed)]

[In system opinion this was not worth mentioning at all, host has long way to go. the system urge host to be more dedicated expecting created more higher level techniques not trashy techniques: in short you have to work hard ]

Vaanavan body started shaking from anger, he never had wished for learning some profanities, as a son of knight family he was shielded from learning curse words even in his teaching years not learned them he knew village people often use them but not learned as a reputable knight.

"FLUCK YOU! how dare you to humiliate me, aren't you ashamed yourself, it was you who gave me no choice, this was my first created technique take back your comments" just what sort of diety does the system think it was he was fuming inwardly.

[What's there to take back, I gave you my honest opinion and that's what you wanted in this stage in your life. Also I advise you to stop acting out of your station, you are pronouncing it wrong anyways but I hope there is no second time or there will be punishments]

"Shameless thing you are not even take responsibility what a wonderful partnership you have offered, partnership my **** I don't give damn anymore fluck you system" there was a silence before a chilly laugh.

[hehehe, I also quite missed my fun time hearing your screaming is quite an entertainment, shall we start ?]