

In a school filled with the elites, rich and scholars, what happens when a scholarship student dies and the younger brother comes back for revenge.

icah_ · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

More about my Patreon page

On my patreon page I created two membership depending on the one you would like to subscribe to... There is a 5 dollar membership that allows you to read 5 pre released chapters of my book.. the subscription last for a month and the 10 dollar membership is practically the same thing with the 5 dollars own but allows you to read up to 10 chapters that will be posted there.. Of course there's free membership for those that would like to chat or discuss but it doesn't cover for reading the pre released chapters. Some chapters have already been uploaded there. If you would like to subscribe you can do so by copying the link below... Thank you<3< p>
