

In a school filled with the elites, rich and scholars, what happens when a scholarship student dies and the younger brother comes back for revenge.

icah_ · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter Two: The Breakup


"You have such a beautiful daughter Mrs Will...she looks just like you" the guest says to Evelyn's mother

"I wouldn't say she looks like me...she looks a lot more beautiful" Evelyn's mother laughs with a little bit of sarcasm hinted at Evelyn.

Evelyn's father laughs it off and they continue to discuss business related issues.

While sat on the chair, Evelyn notices the boy playing the piano and how beautifully he played the piano. Bored and tired Evelyn excuses herself and leaves the table.

While walking to her room she is stopped by her father's voice.

"Evelyn stop" Evelyn's father says to her.

Stopped in her tracks, she slowly turns to her father to ask what happened, but before she could open her mouth to speak, he slaps her.

"Why are you dressed like that? How many times will I have to tell you to dress more elegantly like your mom does" He says to her.

"You mean stepmom" Evelyn says coldly as she stares at her father.

"What did you just say? Do you want to end up like your slutty mother did... ANSWER ME" Evelyn's father yells out to her.

"Sorry father I will go change" Evelyn almost whispers as she is afraid she will end up hidden up like her mother currently is.

"While you're at it change that nasty lipstick color. It looks tacky" Her father says as he walks off.

Feeling frustrated, Evelyn heads to the garden to go smoke off her anger. While she was there smoking she notices the same boy that was playing the piano stealing glances at her. 

"What are you looking at?" She askes him as she unbuttons her shirt and throws it at the ground.

"Uhm I'm the pianist...My name is Jayden and I got a gig to play here" Jayden says to her.

"Mhm...figured, btw can I have your shirt I have somewhere to be and I'm not fully clothed" She responds back as she walks up to him.

"Uh if I give you my shirt what am I supposed to wear then" Jayden looks confused by the sudden question thrown at his face.

Evelyn starts walking off to leave her home frustrated that Jayden isn't giving her a straight answer.

"Wait... Here have it" Jayden says as he unbuttons his shirt to give to her.

"Thanks" Evelyn says as she throws on the shirt and walks off.


"So Evelyn just came back and asked you to tell us to come here?" Axel askes Athena.

"Yup... btw where's Leon? Isn't he like supposed to be the first one to be here since his girlfriend's back?" Athena questions Axel.

"He's close by I think" Axel responds.

While Axel and Athena were talking Leon suddenly walks in.

"Where is she? Hope this isn't some prank Athena" Leon askes Athena with a little bit of frustration hinted in his voice.

"I'm right here" Evelyn says as she walks into the tracks.

"Evelyn, where tf have you been? Why haven't you been responding to my text and calls" Leon grabs onto her arms and askes her.

Evelyn brushes his hands off herself and says "if you want answers, we will have to race. Winner gets to say what they want to and the other has to oblige by what the winner says" 

The whole group looks at her a little bit confused and concerned on where this is heading towards.

"Sure let's race" Leon says with a determining voice.

Both Leon and Evelyn go gets change into racing outfits and hop into the car of their choice. 

"3, 2, 1, GO!!!" Athena screams as she blows the horn for the race to begin.

Driving through the race tracks, Leon is ahead, sifting left and right to stop Evelyn from over taking him, looking through the sideview mirror of his car, Leon doesn't see the unexpected turn and makes a sharp stop, using that opportunity, Evelyn zooms past him drifting round the turn and speeds off to the finish line and wins.

"Damn...Can't believe Evelyn was driving that fast" Axel says to Athena.

"For realll... she must have really wanted that win" Athena adds in.

Leon reaches the finish line, comes out of the car and runs up to Evelyn "What the hell was that? You were driving so recklessly right now"

"I won, now you have to do as I say" Evelyn says brushing off Leon's concern.

"....Let's break up Leon" Evelyn says as she looks him dead in his eyes with no emotions and walks off without waiting for a response from Leon.