

In a school filled with the elites, rich and scholars, what happens when a scholarship student dies and the younger brother comes back for revenge.

icah_ · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven: Unofficial Couples

Returning back to the classroom, Leon notices that Evelyn and Leon aren't in the class. About leaving the classroom to look for them, the teacher calls him back into the class to sit down and learn which he has no choice but to listen to.

At the school's clinic, Evelyn is attending to Jayden's injuries since the nurse was nowhere to be seen. Hissing as Evelyn applied ointment to Jayden's lips Evelyn because worried on how deep his other injuries will be.

Standing up to leave the clinic, Evelyn stands in front of Jayden to stop him from leaving.

"You can't leave when I haven't finished treating all you wounds" Evelyn says in a stern voice.

"It's not that deep... It will heal by itself" Jayden tries to tell Evelyn as he tries to attempt leaving again.

Evelyn grabs on to Jayden's right arm and notices a very familiar bracelet on his hand. Trying to remember where she saw this bracelet, it clicks to her that Alex once used to wear this bracelet.

"Who are you and how do you have this bracelet?" Evelyn askes in shock as she lets go of Jayden's hands and starts walking away from him slowly.

"I guess you have figured out who I am" Jayden says with a smirk plastered on his face as he walks towards Evelyn.

"WHO TF ARE YOU??" Evelyn shouts out loud to Jayden.

"I came here to take your position as the overall best student so I can be the first "scholarship student" to do so" Jayden says with a smile as he pins Evelyn to the wall.

"What?? So how do you have this bracelet" Evelyn askes as she lifts up Jayden's arm.

"This bracelet was given to everyone in the band I work with...remember the gig I did out your house? My bandmate was there playing the violin" Jayden smiles as he explains to Evelyn on how he got the bracelet.

Apologizing for shouting at Jayden, Evelyn quickly dashes out from the school's clinic to run back to their class.

Jayden remaining at the clinic, applies bandages to his injuries and relaxes there till school's over. Getting up and walking up to his classroom to get his stuffs, Jayden sees that Leon and three other guys have gathered Evelyn to stop her from leaving the class.

"What do you think you're doing hanging around that scholarship student" Leon says as he harshly grabs on to Evelyn's hand out of jealousy and anger.

"Let go of me you're hurting me" Evelyn tells Leon as she tries to wiggle her hand out of his grip but he doesn't let go.

"She said let go of her hand" Jayden says as he flies in with a blow on to Leon's face causing Leon to stumble and let go of Evelyn's hand.

Intertwining hands with Jayden to leave the class, Leon's guys stop them from leaving the class.

"Where do you think your going to Evelyn?" Leon askes furiously looking at the locked hands between her and Jayden.

"I'm leaving with my boyfriend" Evelyn says leaving both a Jayden and Leon confused as she walks away with Jayden.