
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Tranh châm biếm
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79 Chs


Don't you dare forget to give Power stones. 100 ps = 1 extra ch


Travis continued along the dimly lit streets of Metropolis.

He turned a corner into a narrow alley and decided to draw them to an empty area. Without looking back, he abruptly changed direction, heading deeper into the labyrinthine network of alleys and shadows that crisscrossed the city.

Sure enough, he heard the telltale sound of footsteps quickening behind him. Whoever was tailing him was now trying to catch up, their presence confirmed.

'Good, keep following me,' He thought with a sinister smile.

The alley grew darker as he ventured deeper, the only illumination coming from the occasional flickering streetlight. He could hear his pursuer's breath, heavy and labored, drawing closer. They were gaining ground.

'Oh, their numbers are increasing!' He sensed the number of pursuers increased from three to six and continued to increase to ten. 'More prey for me!' He could barely content his excitement to beat them up to a pulp to vent his tension.

Travis continued to navigate the labyrinthine alleys of Metropolis, leading his growing group of pursuers deeper into the shadows. The dark, narrow passages seemed to swallow him, providing plenty of opportunities to turn the tables.

As the number of pursuers grew, so did Travis's anticipation. He knew he couldn't keep them following him forever; eventually, they would close in. But he had a plan.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing some of his pursuers to almost collide with each other in their haste. In the dim light, he could see their confused expressions.

Without warning, he spun around to face his pursuers, his sinister smile now transformed into a wicked grin. The element of surprise was on his side, and he had something they didn't expect.

In the blink of an eye, he activated his skill 'Summon' and summoned an automatic rifle with a suppressor to avoid unnecessary noises.

'Still, no cooldown. Interesting,' He thought as his eyes fell on the small System window before his eyes.

"Now, what do we have here?" He grinned pointing the gun toward them. "You clueless bastards..."

Travis's sudden reversal and the appearance of the automatic rifle left his pursuers stunned and disoriented. In the dimly lit alley, the glint of the weapon's barrel caught their attention, and they froze in their tracks, realizing that they had underestimated their prey.

The tension in the alley was palpable, and the flickering streetlight cast eerie shadows on the faces of the hunters. Travis held the rifle steady, his finger poised near the trigger, and his eyes locked onto the group.

"Seems like you've stumbled into the wrong alley, ladies and gentlemen," he taunted, his voice dripping with confidence.

His pursuers, who had expected an easy mark, exchanged nervous glances. They had not anticipated this turn of events. Travis had gone from being the hunted to the hunter, and it was clear that he was in control of the situation.

"Hey, easy man!" One of the goons spoke up, taking a step back.

"Where the fuck did he get that gun from?" Another one mumbled.

"How the fuck would I know? As him." The one behind him replied.

"Shit! We fucked up big time. At this distance even if we rush him, it would be pointless," Another one grumbled.

"Drop your weapons," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Reluctantly, the pursuers began to comply, tossing aside their knives and clubs. Travis's advantage was clear, and they had no choice but to surrender.

"Good," Travis nodded in satisfaction. "Now, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

He motioned for them to line up against the alley wall, their faces illuminated by the intermittent glow of the streetlight. Travis kept the rifle trained on them, a reminder of the deadly force he held in his hands.

"Now, who sent you after me?" he demanded, his gaze piercing each member of the group.

There was a tense silence as the pursuers hesitated, clearly weighing their options. Travis knew that he had the upper hand, but he also understood that desperate people could be unpredictable.

[Bang!] He shot one of the goons in his leg.

"Argggg!" He fell on the ground grabbing his bleeding leg.

Then he shot another one on his shoulder. He too grabbed his shoulder and stumbled back on the wall, screaming in pain.

"Scream one more time and the next one go through your forehead," Travis threatened.

The remaining pursuers froze, their faces contorted with a mixture of fear and pain. The sudden violence had shaken them, and they now understood the gravity of the situation. Travis had demonstrated that he was not to be trifled with, and his resolve was clear.

"Good," He continued, "You see, I hate villains more than anything in this world. So, I usually kill them off... Painfully and in the worst way possible. You fuckers have only one choice, and that's to answer my questions before dying."

"Wa... What the..." The goons trembled as they felt a weird pressure on their body that seemed to be crushing them from inside. Their hearts pounding like a hammer hitting on an iron slab.

"Isn't it fun? You die if you don't answer, you die even if you answer. You die either way. But, I will let you decide how you want to die. Painfully or pain-free. You can choose that after answering my questions. Now that I have explained your fate, time to answer," Travis declared his decision.

'What the fuck am I saying? All this anger! Could it be the effect of All For One? Or is this the *Error* thing of the *Summon* skill? Last time when I summoned that flamethrower, my emotions went haywire. Fuck! I need to train to master it properly. Can't let it go on a rampage,' He thought shaking off the uneasy feeling in his heart.

The terrified and injured pursuers were now faced with an unimaginable choice—answer Travis's questions or face a gruesome and agonizing death. The pressure on their bodies, both physical and psychological, was unbearable, and they had no room for defiance.

"Who sent you after me?" Travis demanded once more, his voice unwavering.

One of the goons, clutching his bleeding shoulder, managed to stammer out an answer. "It was... a woman. She paid us to... find you."

"Describe her," He pressed, his grip on the situation tightening.

The injured man struggled to provide information through his pain. "We... never saw her face. She gave us the job through a call."

It was clear that the woman who had sent these goons was someone who wanted to remain hidden, and she had gone to great lengths to obscure her identity.

"Why did she want me found?" Travis asked, his eyes narrowing.

The goon hesitated for a moment, his breath ragged. "She said she had... business with you. Important business."

Travis weighed the response carefully, his thoughts racing. It seemed that the woman had a specific agenda in mind, but her identity remained shrouded in mystery. He couldn't afford to underestimate her.

'Humm. Could it be that masked woman from the casino?' He wondered for a moment.

"Where can I find her?" He demanded.

The goon struggled to provide an answer, but the pressure on his body intensified, causing him to cry out in pain. "She ordered us to inform you in case we failed to capture you that she would be waiting for you at the biggest casino in Metropolis and that she will make it worth your while if you meet her in three days from now."

Travis absorbed the information. The woman had left a message through these hired goons, indicating that she wanted to meet him at the largest casino in Metropolis in three days. It was a peculiar invitation, especially given the recent events at the Lucky 7 Casino.

"Interesting," He muttered, his mind racing with possibilities. He had a lead now, and although the woman remained elusive, her message was clear. She wanted to meet him, and she seemed willing to negotiate.

"Now, one last question," He continued, "Who else have you told about this job? About tracking me down?"

The injured goon hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting nervously between his fellow pursuers and Travis. He seemed torn between loyalty and self-preservation.

Seeing his hesitation, Travis applied a bit more pressure, causing the man to gasp in pain. "Answer now."

The goon finally relented. "No one... no one else knows. Just us."

Travis nodded, satisfied with the response. It seemed that this woman had kept the operation discreet, and the goons had been her only point of contact.

"Alright then," Travis said, his tone relenting slightly. "I am giving you one chance, go and surrender yourself to the police. Next time I see any one of you fuckers doing anything funny, I will put a bullet in your head." He said pushing back his killing instincts.

He followed them till they went and surrendered themselves to the nearest police station. Then, he made his way back to home.

'Haaa. Sarah said she is going to give me a surprise tonight,' Travis thought, 'I guess, she is the one who is gonna be surprised tonight.'


POWER STONES- PLEASE[100 PS- 1 extra chapter]

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Ch: 37- She is late

[Here we go. The time of peace is over. And a massive twist is waiting. I am 100% sure you all will never see it coming.] [We will see massive action. Those who have been waiting to see some action, you are in for a treat.]