

It was because of that woman Li Xia was hit by a car, turning into a human vegetable. Li Xia had truly been accused wrongly, and died as a result! She had always lived an honest life, and never cheated on anyone's feelings, ok? The reason why she had been hit by a car was all because of that b*tch Yue Lian. Yue Lian was her high school friend and the very model of white lotus. From the time they were children until now, she had been in enough relationships for the number of her boyfriend to be able to wind around China. However, all her boyfriends never meet her other boyfriend. Well, that's not Li Xia's problem actually. But, on the night of Li Xia's engagement day, she saw her own fiancé with Yue Lian kissing in front of the hotel. Li Xia try to call her fiancé but the call was rejected and she saw that her fiancé brought Yue Lian to the hotel room. The next day the fiance broke his engagement with Li Xia and leave her. Li Xia still hopes that he came back to her but the ex-fiancé actually feels happy and has a date with Yue Lian in the evening. Yue Lian was happy and unfettered, but Li Xia who was dumped by him had felt very depressed and sad because that man is her childhood sweetheart. If heaven ever gave her the chance, she must kill that b*stard couple! She was really given a chance, and although this travel to fulfill the wish system or whatever it was sounded like a fraud, whether it turned out good or bad this was still a chance for things to become better, right? *************************************** ∆ Will not updating on Saturday & Sunday. ∆ Will be updating 1 chapter a day (08.00AM)

xiaojue · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


When Louise woke up, he was already at the hospital, receiving the most perfect treatment.

"How is his situation?" The discussion between two people floated in from outside.

So what's happened? From what I remembered, someone shoot me when I walk away from the clinic. That people really want to kill me. So how can I were saved again. 50% protagonist buff?


{Darling host~}

What happened to you? I mean to me?

{Point were deducted because you almost died. Really make this old system worried

(╥╯﹏╰╥). Male lead (Luca) already overthrow the enemy. Now male lead is the emperor. Host your last mission is to have a happy live with husband and child then enjoy your life~}

"The injury can be treated, but to what extent he can heal is all up to his constitution. What is causing the real trouble is the poison in his body. The bullet that stay in his body had a poison. After we take out the bullet, the poison already absorbed into his body. This poison weakens the body's immune system. For ger, this poison is very bad because it will reduce their fertility level. It will make it difficult for them to get pregnant."

"Use your utmost effort to heal him."

"You don't need to remind us of that, we will do our best. This child relied on his willpower to survive the enemy cruelty, how could we bear to let him continue to suffer? He also the only son of General Moretti."

The familiar yet unfamiliar dialogue faded in and out of his hearing, his formerly blurry memories gradually clearing up.

So I just need to wait to be healthy again and find man to get married to have a child right?

After figuring that he only need to do easy mission, Louise felt much more refreshed and closed his eyes, sleeping peacefully. The events after that weren't suspenseful. Luca already obtain victory and become the new Monarch of the Empire.

"You're awake?" A tall figure walked next to him, his deep voice carrying a hint of concern.

Louise peacefully watched him, his gaze hazy. So this is Luca, the male lead of the world. Don't know why, Louise feel familiar with him. Who is this person? Why he feel familiar with him?

"Your body still have a bit of poison in it so you would need some time to heal before you can walk around." Luca sat by his bed, calmly speaking, "We have already acquired victory. The remaining time will be used to clear up Arcana remaining vestiges of power, one by one."

Louise gave him a smile that gave off the feeling of a rainbow after rain, clean, beautiful and warm. Actually Louise really don't know what to talk about.

Despite experiencing so much pain after being injected by the drug and being shot by poison bullet his heart remained as pure as ever. His strong and happy appearance deeply moved Luca. That day, when he saw that pale and injured Louise were carried by the medical team he had decided to take care of this boy. He know, this is the boy that saved him at the river that day. His true childhood sweetheart.

Wills lied to him and pretend to be that boy. Now that he could see the truth, he became even more determined. Not only because he was General Moretti son, but because of his bravery and determined heart that saved countless loyalists.

Louise gaze unconsciously moved to Luca hand. His palm had a scar. Like a knife scar. It looks deep and seem hurt. These scar was same as that man scar. Now that he think about that man he can see the Luca and that man had the same blue eyes. Looks cold and deep. It's like he was looking at that man eyes.

System, Luca...who is he? How can he looks like that man?

{Host I don't know what you're talking about~ Male lead was build with the perfect face, body and mind. Nobody will have male lead look, body and mind.}

Although his injuries were not serious to the point of paralyzing him this time around with the System's assistance, the poison in his body still caused him great suffering. Fortunately, his healing speed was faster than the, plus with the help of the treatment from the doctor, there would be a day in which he would achieve full recovery. Being so single mindedly worried about Luca true identity, Louise completely forgot that he still had an adopted brother who resent him very much.

"Brother, long time no see." On the tenth day of his hospitalization, a young man appeared in his room. The man had a gentle face and sweet smile. Although his clothes were little loose, Louise noticed a small bump on the stomach, maybe because of the pregnancy.

Wills, Louise fathers adopted son who always dreamed of replacing Louise and becoming the heir of the family. The one that use any means to kill Louise and slander Louise everywhere. In front of other, Wills is the most obedient and clever child.

Many people praise him and because of his resemblance to General Moretti, many think that Wills is his father's biological son. In addition, father trusted Wills to the point of taking him to the secret base.

"Look at you now, lying weak, pale and it looks like your fertility level is also declining. So sad. Did you know that the poison in your body will make you unable to conceive?" Wills haughtily looked at Louise, scorn in his eyes. His hand caressed his stomach as if showing his pregnancy.

When Louise saw him, he became wary. He knew how much Wills hated him. Louise's eyes seemed to be calculating to kill him. Louise knew that there was surveillance going on in the room, but he was also aware that Wills had a monitor jammer, so he thought that this event would not be known to anyone.

Then after talking, Wills suddenly pulled a syringe from his pocket. The syringe was loaded with an unknown yellow liquid, needless to say, it couldn't be anything good. Louise began to think if it was true that he had 50% of the protagonist's aura?

Louise's pupils shrunk. Although he knew Wills did not wish for his survival, he did not expect him to attempt murder. Louise's expressionlessly stared at him, his other hand under the blanket waiting and storing power.

"You really are hardy, even that kind of drug and bullet can't kill you. You know that Luca is my lover, so why did you seduce him." Wills held down Louise's arm and coldly smiled, "But that doesn't matter, it's all the same if you die now. Everything will be normal back. So please die for my happiness."

He held the syringe and stabbed toward Louise's vein. Louise suddenly reached out and grabbed Wills wrist. The syringe broke through the surface skin and a drop of blood seeped out. Because of the poison bullet, Louise body was very ill. He can't doing anything like fighting or running. Even walk is bad for his body. Now he can only walk for few minute then he will be very tired.

Even with the System's treatment helping him, it was impossible for him to completely recover within seven to eight days. Now he had used up almost all of his strength in that action of stopping Wills from stabbing the syringe into his vein. There still poison within his body, if he was poisoned to death by Wills, chances are the doctor wouldn't figure out the cause.

"Don't struggle anymore, just accept your death!" Louise exerted more power and the needle was pushed in a bit farther.

Accept his death? No way! He still have to do other mission. How can he die!

Creak, Louise heard the sound of his bone cracking but he still did not let go. He gritted his teeth and silently counted the time in his mind. He only needed to hold on for half a minute and a worker would come over to check the situation because he already ring a bell to call a doctor without Will's knowing.

But he really feels pain ah. Why am I so fragile?

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》will be updating on wed,fri and sat《

xiaojuecreators' thoughts