
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Reality Halo

The project continued, with Yoo Hana occasionally feeding Hosua's science knowledge that was as obscure as murder mystery flick in the 90s.

"Uhm, the square of charged electrons divided by four times pi, the permittivity of free space, Planck's constant, and the speed of light??"

"That is just the difference of energy between the fine lines within physics, 1/137.035999. It is also called the fine structure constant! Remember that, cause you will see that number a lot. Kukuku~"

The time began for Hosua's mental torture using math and physics that was enough to make a former android backed by a large cloud hivemind of computation.

And it might also be the reason why Hosua removed most of her memory regarding physics whenever possible in her database. Surprisingly, Hosua was fine when the math involved massive and complex numbers as long as it wasn't fully involved by physics.

As for how Hosua was able to do all the calculation with the strings' field and vibration formerly, it seemed like the former android just straight up self-hypnotized herself to be able to do those.

'I guess this is what happens when you give machines the ability to have preference for likes and dislikes,' Yoo Hana, nodded in amusement.

In the end, Hosua was ashamed, and ended up overcoming her loathe for physics with pure embarrassment as a driving force.

Continuing the route within the roadmap, they also began to test numerous theories in physics to discover the unknown side of the Etherbrain and the soul while doing so. Hilarious and existentially dreadful discoveries were made along the way, but they kept pressing on knowing the burden with the weight that could bind any normal person against the floor.

Hosua's mind having within the state of perpetual motion,

Yoo Hana's mind had to evaluate and to deconstruct all kinds of weirdness that they encountered within the project.

Not a second of their brain rested for a second.

5 hours have passed.

While the journey was filled with pressure and multiple failure, the timeframe of progress to success was immaculate enough to be regarded as one of the biggest achievements out of all of humanity's history.

"This is it," said Hosua with a smile as she held what was known to be the designated 'Halo' within the roadmap.

Her android's side of her vessel had been fully upgraded with the best parts there ever was, with the skeleton of the body reinforced by a newly-found type of alloy isotopes that couldn't ever exist under normal circumstances, which is ten time stronger than Inconel, a nickel-chromium superalloy used for rocket.

Yoo Hana was too fixated on another thing, so the new superalloy was still nameless.

The upgrade didn't only occur her android side, her sapient side of the overlapping vessel had been optimized to that of the best athlete that humankind ever have.

With the massive computation powerhouse, refining a biological body down to its molecular level using the soul tentacles and the Partial Divinity is not an impossible feat.

Although it took Hosua one hour to do it as she multitask her work with other subject, due to the limitation of how every available matters was harder to tamper than simply creating a new one from the Partial Divinity.

And it's all thanks to Yoo Hana guidance in every single aspect of the project.

"If my theory regarding the Inhibitor Constant is true, then we might be able to bend the imaginary harmony within the surface of the Nol Fabric, literally bending the Dodecahedron Emergence within this reality!"

"Still, it is amazing that both of us are able to find 11 new mathematical constants along with 13 mechanics in physics, all while developing this mini Hadron Collider." Hosua couldn't contain her happiness, her face was almost melting. "And I get to see your ridiculous naming sense too."

"Well, at this point, that ring can no longer be regarded as a Hadron Collider." Yoo Hana gazed passionately at the Halo with palms on both cheeks. "It's basically a donut-shaped Light-Speed Cyclotron with Higgs Field Controller, scripted with imaginary physics of made up law of reality that emits the Fallacy of Space Entanglement in the hope that the Etherbrain will align the centerpiece of the imaginary singularity to the soul~!"

"You're basically speaking a whole new language at this point, Captain Hana."

"This is exhilarating~! I have never fully dedicated myself to physics but things like this really made my heart beats faster than watching a romance drama~"

"I doubt that the thing we've invented is anything close to physics… If anything, I feel like we've broken the simulation in the matrix and decided to just flip middle fingers at it, all in the hope of inventing practical magic…"

"Hey," Yoo Hana raised her eyebrows up and down. "We've only used less than 3% of the Partial Divinity, we can even create another of this Halo while waiting for the Apocalypse to arrive!"

Thanks to the intensive journey throughout the realms of reality, Hosua had already capable of commanding 130,000 soul tentacles, with the max range of ten meters!

While she could barely change the available matter in two minutes to a visible level, she was able to manifest a five meters wall of tungsten using the Partial Divinity as a resource within the reach of her soul tentacles.

Meanwhile, the weird website that holds the information about the Illfrazes was still unbroken, even after the password combinations that Hosua generated had exceeded 112 digits.

'That website will be the death of me…'

Still plastering her uncontrollable happiness as a grin, Yoo Hana placed both of her hands on each of Hosua's wrists. "Rejoice, Hosua. You will be the very first ever holder of practical Magic that is capable of revolutionizing modern technology at global scale. The moment we manage to save humankind from extinction, you shall be their rightful Messiah~!" she said with a rather sarcastic tone.

"Beep-beep, as long as you're there, Yoo Hana." Hosua looked her owner in the eyes. "I will do anything, even if it means I need to stop an entire Apocalypse by myself!" she said with a rather sarcastic tone.

After the amusement of discovery, came the mental fatigue.

It was clear for both of them, after everything they did to make this piece of abnormal donut.

That saving humanity is more of a pain in the asses.

"Do we really need to save humanity with this?" said Hosua with pained face.

"I know, right?" Yoo Hana sneered. "Let's just use this to rule the world instead~"

"Looks like an even more pain in the ass."

"Yeah, I agree with that."

Both of them shed their share of laughter.

Then, just like a royal vassal who crowned the rightful heir to the throne, Yoo Hana guided Hosua's hands to place the Halo above her head.

The moment the Halo was put in place, the Etherbrain attached to Hosua's soul began to resonate. The wave of field emitted by it began to stung an almost permanent transformation at the very core of Hosua's soul, resulting in a perfect vertical eruption relative to the direction of the vessel.

[Relic Factor detected_]

[Commencing Integral Soulbinding with the available Relic Factor_]

A vibrant implosion went back and forth from the surface of the soul and its core, all before colliding with the eruption, boosting the verticality that resulted from a radiant white straight line connecting the center of the Halo and the soul.

[Start Syncronization_]

[Error Correction in progress]

[Conformity Factor checked, appraising the Relic Factor incoordinate with the Etherbrain's Database_]

[Relic Factor appraised]


[Reality Halo]

[Albus Fatalis: Redux Aureola]

Soon enough, almost everything within the room was engulfed in a calm soothing light.

[The Guidance Assistance Provisor have finished integrating a new Assistance Program to the Administrator's soul to utilize the recently acquired Relic Factor]

[The {Integrated System: Reducer Halo} is now online~]

11 hours, 28 minutes left until the Apocalypse.

Hosua is still in bunny suit

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts