
Queen Emerald.

Walking into the hall of people Emerald's eyes scanned the sea of people searching for him. She couldn't believe that a servant like her would be here standing and would soon be crowned queen of Devontae. You would think all her dreams had come through but no, she never wanted this, she just wanted a normal and peaceful life with Xandro , they would get married, grow old together, have kids, a golden retriever, and a small garden. That was all she had dreamt of, but of course life wasn't fair. He had power, the power to do anything he wanted with anyone and that person had to be her, she had to become the king's obsession. Any girl would swoon at the thought of being someone like Richard Adder's obsession but only her who has had a taste of what It feels like could tell. Only she could tell that Adder was selfish, he only cared about his desires and needs. "By the power vested on me as regent, I crown you Emerald Richards, Queen of Devontae" The crowd goes wild chanting 'LONG LIVE THE QUEEN'. The golden crown is placed on her head and that was when her eyes met with Xandro standing amongst the crowd of people chatting. There was an obvious sadness in his eyes despite the smile plastered on his face. Emerald wanted nothing more than to throw away the crown and run away with her lover. Her eyesight blurred with tears as the crowd kept chanting. A tear fell down her cheek when Adder softly took her hand into his, smiling widely. He pulled her towards his frame, lifting her hand and presenting her to the people of Devontae as their queen.

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In the maid quarters the girls chosen as maids were getting settled down, they were given a large room, beds at each corner with personal wardrobe and a large bathroom.

"So why did you guys apply to work in the palace?" A girl with dyed bright pink hair, Aby asked, her head resting on her arms, staring at her fellow maid's.

Another maid folding her bedsheets, Mary sighed and turned towards the pink haired girl "Needed the pay" she said simply. She was a tall girl with blonde hair and had a hard expression.

A third, Ida who was sitting on her bed, looked up, tilting her head "For me, it's cos the king is breathtaking" she said with a dreamy look, which caused Aby to scoff

"You think as a maid you're getting close to the king? Not a chance"

"I know right, if only I was a concubine" Agnes said with another sigh, causing the blonde haired servant girl to roll her eyes.

"I had nothing else to do after college" Another maid at the corner who was a short girl, called out.

A third maid walked past her "Wanted to get away from my nosey dad"

"What about you?" Emerald turned somehow knowing that the question was for her. She sat up straight, looking over at Aby who asked the question. "Wow you're pretty" Aby muttered. The other girl rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless.

A knock at the door made everyone stand straight. Damien entered the large room and they all bowed in respect.

His eyes locked into Emeralds, he cleared his throat and began to speak "Tomorrow there will be a concubine ceremony, and no arrangements have been made yet. You girls are needed at the hall in two minutes dressed in your uniforms to start with the arrangements" he explained. He gave one last glance at Emerald before turning around and walking out the room.

"Did you notice that he kept glancing at green?" Aby whispered at Mary with a giggle causing the girl to sigh while shaking her head.

They started to get ready for their first day of work. After they were finished, they all exited the room to start the preparations.


"How'd you like this one my queen?" Jennie asked holding out a red and golden necklace to the queen. Athena wasn't paying attention to the stylist, she stared into space thinking about the concubines and if Adder would actually sleep with them.

"My Queen?" Solar, Athena's personal servant called out waving her hand.

Athena blinked and pulled herself from her thoughts, frowning at Jennie "Yeah what is it?" she replied.

The stylist shifted nervously, "I was asking if you like this necklace or not my queen"

The queen tilted her head "Don't you have something more luxurious?" she answered with a bitter scowl. Athena then proceeded to pick up her wine flute, taking a sip from it before storming off.

"We still have more time before the ceremony tomorrow don't sweat it" Solar spoke to Jennie before following after the queen.


Emerald was assigned to the kitchen to help the Royal Chefs in preparing the food stuff for the cooking tomorrow. She was asked to wash the vegetables.

"The veggies and your eyes match" An elderly chef spoke, making the other chefs laugh too.

"Thank you?" Emerald spoke for the first since arriving at the palace and heads turned. Her voice was soft but deep, a voice anyone would pay to hear read a bedtime story for them.

"Wow your voice is... deep.. not insanely deep but not too high pitched" Ida rambled on. "In a good way of course" She adds.

Emerald chuckles "Thank you" She says going back to washing the vegetables.

"Alright we have to be quick it's getting late already" Another chef yells clapping her hands making the girls giggle.


Anton laughed at Andre's joke while Adder shook his head because he was the subject of Andre's mockery.

"But seriously, what would you do if she claims to be pregnant?" Anton questioned referring to Athena .

"Dude I've never even brushed up against her let alone fuck her" Adder trails off with an eye roll. Andre throws his head back downing the red wine.

"If I were you I'd fuck her, I mean look at Athena , great body..."

"Yea you're free to do whatever you want Andre" Adder interrupts him refilling his glass.

"Why don't we go check out what's happening out there?" Anton asks, grabbing Andre by the shoulders.

"What's happening?" Andre asks not having a clue what exactly they were going to look at.

"Did you forget? The concubine ceremony you ass" Adder exclaims.

"Ahh how could I forget!" He laughs fully getting up. "Will we be seeing the concubines now?" Andre whispers to Anton earning a shove from the younger.