
Queen Emerald.

Walking into the hall of people Emerald's eyes scanned the sea of people searching for him. She couldn't believe that a servant like her would be here standing and would soon be crowned queen of Devontae. You would think all her dreams had come through but no, she never wanted this, she just wanted a normal and peaceful life with Xandro , they would get married, grow old together, have kids, a golden retriever, and a small garden. That was all she had dreamt of, but of course life wasn't fair. He had power, the power to do anything he wanted with anyone and that person had to be her, she had to become the king's obsession. Any girl would swoon at the thought of being someone like Richard Adder's obsession but only her who has had a taste of what It feels like could tell. Only she could tell that Adder was selfish, he only cared about his desires and needs. "By the power vested on me as regent, I crown you Emerald Richards, Queen of Devontae" The crowd goes wild chanting 'LONG LIVE THE QUEEN'. The golden crown is placed on her head and that was when her eyes met with Xandro standing amongst the crowd of people chatting. There was an obvious sadness in his eyes despite the smile plastered on his face. Emerald wanted nothing more than to throw away the crown and run away with her lover. Her eyesight blurred with tears as the crowd kept chanting. A tear fell down her cheek when Adder softly took her hand into his, smiling widely. He pulled her towards his frame, lifting her hand and presenting her to the people of Devontae as their queen.

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5 Chs

Lady Shuga

"Did you see the king's cousin? Andre?!" Aby excitedly whispers hitting Mary's shoulder as they separated the leftover food.

"I know right? he's a literal God" Another maid says, earning a scoff from Ida.

"Anton is the literal God baby girl, there's no way any of you missed the way his eyes looked so Bambi" Ida points out as everyone giggles.

"The king is the one for me" Minnie, another maid coos.

"That's rich coming from a servant" One maid retorts rolling her eyes and making everyone erupt in a fit of laughter.

Emerald shakes her head at all the gossip. She was finding it fun listening to them talk around her even if she didn't say much.

"Hey, green" Aby waves making Emerald smile. "... y'all know how I have eagle eyes right?" Mary groans, hitting her spoon on the plate louder to stop Aby from speaking.

"Quiet down Mary" Minnie waves her off.

"So as I was saying, I noticed that a lot of important people kept staring at green" Aby continues

"Me?" Emerald asks, feeling a bit self conscious.


"The girl with the green eyes?" Anton speaks up in confirmation.

"... Yes..." Adder says still stuck in a daze and a picture of emerald in his head.

"Oh I saw her" Andre sings, wiggling his brows at Adder. "Why? Are you interested in her?"


"Wow that was direct," Andre laughs, clearing his throat. "But why a maid of all people?"

"Yeah I mean she's drop dead gorgeous but out of all the concubines, you picked an interest in a servant?" Anton questions.

"There's nothing wrong with that.. What I don't understand Is what she was doing among the servants?" Adder frowns.

"Obviously because she's a servant" Anton answers.

Adder picks up his phone and sends out a quick text.

"I think Damien made very bad selections this time, cos almost all the servants were more giving than the concubines" Andre says snickering.

"Yeah," Adder mumbles, biting on his thumb nail. Adder had never felt this level of attraction before he met Emerald, he was curious. He wanted to know everything about her. She intrigued him in a different sense. Like he couldn't put a name or description to it but he did want to be close to her and her to him.

And he was going to make that happen.


"This is her file, everything she submitted for the palace job is in there.. and the extra information you asked for" Eunuch Damien says, holding the piece of paper out to the king.

Taking the paper from Damien he looks through the writings in front of him


Her name is Emerald.

Just like her eyes.

Father and mother are Scottish. An only child. Moved to Devontae recently.

There's a good amount of information on her that he decided to go through later.

The door bursts open and Athena walks in with a frantic expression on her face as she tries to catch her breath. "It's already 10pm and you haven't asked for any concubine... does that mean you didn't find any of them interesting?" Adder rolls his eyes.

He was honestly getting tired of Athena and her whining, not to mention her endless pestering that he doesn't give a shit.

"Oh I found someone interesting" He snaps at her and she glares.

"Who is it?"

"That's none of your business"

"It's definitely not one of the concubines if not you won't be so secretive" She huffs crossing her arms.

"I told you, it's none of your business!" Adder says letting out an exhausted sigh.

Before Athena can argue back, Damien interrupts. "I'll be taking my leave, Sire. If there's anything else you need let me know"

With that Damien walks out leaving the two of them alone.

Adder's POV

"When are you going to ever accept the fact that I'm your wife" Athena demands angrily walking closer to me with her arms crossed together.

"You're just the queen of Devontae and nothing else" I spit back and walk away towards the door to leave, but not before I hear her scream, she can act like a psychopath sometimes.


Emerald's POV

"You girls will be assigned to concubines as their personal servants, I hope you work well with your lady... and remember, don't get on the bad side of the queen" Lady Flawa warns the maids as they all echo their agreement. She nods satisfied after receiving their approval, Eunuch Damien opens a folded piece of paper and begins to call out the names and their duty post.

After a few minutes of name calling "Hi I'm Aria, who were you assigned to?" A pretty young girl stands next to me as we all stroll into the main palace building to go meet our ladies. She has defined cat eyes and is very pretty with a good figure. I wonder why she's a maid.

"Lady Shuga" I simply reply, because one I'm a fucking introvert and two she looks intimidating especially her eyes. Aria smiles the prettiest smile I've seen so far with a curt nod.

"Lady Rosé" I heard something about Shuga and Rosé being close, that means I'll be seeing more of Aria during work hours. She seems sweet and friendly, but also intimidating.

"Ugh I was assigned to Jessie... I heard she has an attitude" Another girl joins our conversation with a groan making Aria chuckle.

"Oh God is that the king?" Ida calls out as murmurs rise up from around us, I hear a couple of gasps as well.

"Guys he's looking our way, he's looking at us!!" Aby squeals pointing in the direction of the king and Mary slaps her hand.

"GUYS HE LITERALLY JUST LOOKED AT ME OH MY GOD" Minnie jumps before slapping her hand across her mouth in embarrassment.

But in the midst of all the commotion between thirsty girls, I feel like the king is actually staring at me. But it might be the way everyone thinks he's looking at them. The king is a very very very attractive man no doubt. And his features are perfect, the queen and the concubines are lucky.

We pass the king standing watching us with his hands crossed behind him. The concubines have an entire hallway with their names written on their doors. It wouldn't be so hard to find Shuga.

"Hey Rose's room is right next to Shuga's" Aria chimes catching my attention and grabbing my wrist dragging me along.

As soon as we reach the door, we wait anxiously for Shuga and Rosé to answer the doors, Rose opens first and Aria waves entering inside. Shuga takes about 10 minutes due to reasons I do not know.

Eventually a beautiful woman comes into view. She has a soft, pretty look and dark hair. "Hi" Shuga bows with an apologetic smile. "My apologies it took a while for me" She says softly.

"Don't apologize, It's fine" I wave her apologies aside.

"You're pretty and your eyes are... green," Shuga states, smiling sweetly at me.

"Oh! Thank you" I giggle. I like her.