
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


With the first round over only 12 remained. With Grayson being one to enjoy a free ride.

The gym had filled up a bit with some of the other classes being let out on break or some being brought just to watch. Their own professors not wasting the opportunity to skip a lesson.

After three fights into the second round Graysons match was up. He was to fight the winner of the fight after him Adam Leywin. Adam was known for his earth magic. Being somewhat unique he uses the earth to make weapons instead of armor like one would expect. He is a well known fighter that is strong enough to be recruited by a few smaller Mage academy's despite his commoner lineage.

'Adam is strong, if I can get to him before he makes a weapon I'll have a decent chance at winning.' Gray said to himself. 'If not, well losing in front of so many wouldn't be a good look for me.'

"Adam and Grayson come up to the stage. Remember the first to three hits win."

"Yes professor!" They both said.

"Ok are you both ready? Adam?"

"Let's do it, professor."


"Yup." Grayson nodded yes.

"Then let's start the match in 3..2..1..fight!"

Adam stomped the earth making a small patch rise in front of him. Shaping and molding it by adjusting his hands. Making sure to keep his eyes on his opponent.

Grayson dashed forwards ignoring Adams weapon creation. His goal to quickly strike him, the same as always when he fought a truly strong opponent. When he was only about a meter away from Adam, Adams Earth sword was 95 percent of the way completed.

'Haha, I'm gonna make it, barely.' Grayson said to himself while punching out with the palm of his hand. A very small violet light radiating from it. Grayson liked to stun his opponents with his lightning magic as it was nice to win a fight without taking a beating. He'd much rather give a simple shock that stunned his opponents and made them question if he was even truly using magic. Being flashy with magic rarely ever helped someone win a real fight.

Preparing to counter Gray a half second after the lightning would hit him Adam swung his sword, but despite Gray betting him to the punch he never felt Grays magic hit him.

'What the hell?' Gray thought as Adams sword sliced his shoulder and stomach. 'Why didn't my lightning hit him?' Quickly forcing his body to retreat a few meters after the brief exchange.

Adam noticed the strange phenomenon as well, breaking his concentration for a moment.

Growing a little overconfident Adam wondered if all the rumors around Gray were being exaggerated. 'Maybe Gray and a few nobles were spreading false stories making themselves look good?' Unfortunately for Gray, Adam wasn't the only one having this revelation, many students began to question Grays strength.

Adam took the initiative and swung once more at Gray, but this time he successfully moved out of the way. When Adam continued his advance, Gray felt his mass increase abruptly, not allowing for his dexterity to afford him another maneuver. Adam landed his second hit on Grays thigh.

Feeling the air around him shift both physically and emotionally due to the fight Gray quickly realized he needed to change his mindset about subtlety. Gray gathered his mana and all the positive electrons in the air. A small electric fireworks showed around him as the lightning coursed through his veins. The light itself darkened around him, engulfing his physique in a dark violet hue.

A few of Grays classmates quickly forgot about the notion of Gray being weak, even Adam was slightly off guard.

With a loud shout that shook the stage Gray let out a javelin of lightning.(1) Adam tried to absorb the attack with his earth sword but still took the brunt of it.

Adam shocked and dazed was also tossed a few feet backwards. Barely twitching on the ground, but maybe that was from his synaps being fired a thousand percent faster than normal.

"STOP!" Professor Curr quickly yelled. "What the hell are you two trying to do? Kill each other? Jackson take Adam to the nurses office quickly."

Gray looked around at the students observing the fight ignoring the questions asked of him. Seeing the expected faces of disbelief, fear and worry, he couldn't find the one face he was looking for.

Then with an inaudible laugh Gray found the smile he knew quite well "resting" on Lexi's face, she didn't even try to hide that it was her gravity magic restricting him throughout the fight. (2)

'You bitch, so this is what you wanted as revenge.. If it were me I would of done it personally but to each their own.' His eyes told Lexi. His face of anger switched to one of disinterest and quickly apologized to his professor.

Lexi just giggled as she took a seat with some of her friends.

Gray was obviously disqualified from the impromptu tournament. Which brought much joy to those still left in the competition, relaxing once they knew they didn't have to fight Gray.

Gray was just relieved his reputation as the nobles "fixer" didn't take too large of a hit.

1) if ya know you know

2) Gravity magic is controlled by the positive and negative ions in the air, Gray chooses a stronger use of lightning magic with positive ions to stop being restricted, he normally uses the negative ions in the air when he fights.

Lightning does behave differently because of the electrons/ions charge, well at least according to google that is.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading yesterday, I really wanted to work on this chapter and make sure everything I wanted to convey got to the reader. Choosing to give this chapter more time to provide a better experience. Since I’m still new any tips or opinions on the fight are greatly appreciated.

Thanks Fable

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