
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


After a mild lecture from professor Curr, Gray was asked if this was how the head of a knight family should behave. Leaving a sour taste in Grays mouth. Not being washed away by the curses he was coming up for Lexi.

In a huff Professor Curr resumed his tournament, disregarding Gray and the whispering throughout the gymnasium.


After classes had ended for the day, Gray set out of the classroom in a hurry. Hearing slight mumblings about him as he went. The entire Academy had heard what had happened and students and teachers were quick to blame Gray as being a sadist. His role as a fixer was well known already and most thought it made sense since his face rarely changed from his uncaring expression.

Lexi's plan was smart, she knew she couldn't physically hurt him, but she could hurt the one thing he cared about, his name and reputation. No longer would he be the bridge between Commoners and Nobility, to everyone he would be seen as an enemy.

Gray swiftly left the schoolgrounds headed for the dorms. Once inside his room he put on another version of dark clothes and made sure to grab his black combat boots. His last two items he grabbed out of his floorboards, a small blade roughly a foot in a half long and a small amulet with a grey jewel centered in the middle of it. Pocketing the amulet and sheathing the blade he turned to leave.

Finally geared up he left the dorms. Dusk was slowly approaching as he made his way through Winter. Crossing through the streets Gray slipped on the necklace, a small magic curse was placed on it which allowed those that saw the wearer misremember his face. A cute trinket his father had left for him. Eventually he found himself in front of a small café that had closed rooms for meetings.

Café Black, a not-so-secret secret restaurant for the underbelly of Winter. Where almost every crime was discussed and planned by the patrons. Going inside he saw the usual hostess waiting to greet him. "Hello sir, do you have a reservation?" She asked.

"Yes, the name is under Alan."

"Ah yes, it seems most of your party has already arrived. Please follow me to room thirteen."

Passing by the assortment of regular customers eating in the dining room, Gray followed the host to room thirteen. She knocked twice before slowly sliding the door open.

Inside Gray saw a Beautiful blonde in the lap of a tan-skinned man whose looks were definitely charming to say the least. He laughed in his chest when the blonde whispered into his ear and smirked at Gray. The hostess quickly bowed and shut the door while Gray took his seat opposite the couple. "Whos this Nala?" Gray said curtly.

"Mark Sloan, though most just call me Sloan. Pleasure to meet'cha." The Tan-skinned man said while offering his hand.

"Likewise, call me Thunder." Gray said shaking it.

Sloan looked at Nala before laughing again "He really did come up with a nickname." as he handed her a silver coin.

"Told ya, he's always this cautious. Its in his nature. Right, *giggle* Thunder?

Shaking his head, "Nala where's are fourth? Id like to get this over with as soon as possible."

"She's on her way and already knows the plan, but for now lets get you up to speed."


They discussed the plan thoroughly. Break into Earl Masons Winter villa located just beside the Merchant district. They all should be able to recognize it due to the Masons Banners. The Villa will be light on guards since the Earl is away at his daughters engagement ceremony. Sloan will lead the team to the vault through an underground passage he learned about from the client. Once at the vault Sloane will pick the lock and they are to steal a priceless artifact. Sloan knows what they are looking for and said they could take anything else they could carry. Grays job is to protect the team incase of any mistakes or ill time guards, also they should avoid killing if possible. The last member J. will be the cover for everyone with her cloaking ability. In and out within an hour. Payment is already been negotiated with the client and everyone share distributed by Nala.


With the plan laid out everyone had an idea of there role, but Gray couldn't help but ask "Sloan what are we stealing and why go through all this?"

"Sorry Thunder but its better if you don't know." He said with a half smile.

Gray could take a hint and right now the vibe he was getting was that whatever they were going to steal was worth a fortune.

Gray ordered himself a flagon of mead to calm his nerves that had slowly built up from the conversation. While Nala planned to have a small feast for herself. Both of the boys where curious to see where she would put it all. Sloan ate a light meal while downing bottles of wine.

Just when they were almost done, another small light two knocks sounded on the door before it slid open.