
Purple Mystery : Aami & Jimin ( BTS Army Mystery FF )

The story of how Aami became the eighth member of BTS, the biggest boy band in the world and got herself entangled in a murder mystery. #bickeringcouples #slowburnromance #investigation #mystery #forestlife

Aami_Fia · Nhóm âm nhạc
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17 Chs

Jimin : Perfect Son

Somehow talking to my hyungs, Tae and Kookie made me calm down. Aami's going to stay here with us again onwards. That's going to be a problem for me since I couldn't let her know my real identity. If she somehow recognise me , then she could use the secret to blackmail me in the future. I can let that happen. I need to device some plan to get rid of her.

One thing kept bothering me. Her reason behind keeping her identity a secret. I was curious. Why she kept wearing a mask like me!! Why she hid her face?

Phone rings. I pick it up. It was father.

"Good Evening, Father"

"Jimin, I've arranged a meeting with some important clients this coming Friday. I will ask my assistant to forward you the details. I expect you to be there on time." He says in a demanding tone.

"Yes, Father" I reply.

I feel bad for lying to my father but I don't have any other choice. I was living a double life, hiding the fact that I was a Kpop idol to my father.

A business man's son is expected to be a businessman and not an idol. He is expected to follow his father's footsteps and not his dreams or aspirations.


That single word containing two syllables had always been a mystery to me.

I always wanted a '' loving father" and not a man prioritised business over family. I wanted a father who would play catch with me, take me to swimming lessons, go buy toys with me and praise me for my little achievements not someone who visited me occasionally. I wanted a father who would hug me and tell me that he loves me.

I wanted all that....

Instead I was always pressured to score the highest grades, to be the best athlete in school, to be perfect in every way.


I tried his best to be the "Perfect Son" but no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't perfect enough for him. He always criticized. He urged me to be more perfect.

I felt like a bird in a golden cage. My father provided me with everything, every material gifts in the world and I grew up in luxury. But what I wanted the most, I never received that from him and that was...


I wanted to be loved unconditionally...

I wanted to be free....

Then I met "her"...Amirah...

She opened my eyes...

She showed me a different reality...

She helped me experience that alien feeling of love...

She helped me venture into that bizarre exotic universe....

She saved me....

" Good souls deserve to be loved. Love will find them no matter what."

Her words gave me hope....

"You are stronger than you think. You are a fighter. Don't let the world weigh you down. You can face it all. Now, go live your dream."

Her words gave me strength.....

The first snow fell like silver glitter, mesmerizing and yet melancholic, forming a white carpet over the wet dark ground.

The first snow was something I held close to my heart. Its was because of her and her memories.

I still remember the day we watched the first snow fall, together in that dark room. Snowflakes choreographed an endearing dance accompanied by the gentle wind. They creeped through the broken cracks of the window and landed on her. Her face lit up like a candle and her glittering eyes grew wider watching the snowflakes slowly manifesting kisses on her skin. She smiled and I was awestruck . How can she just sit there, smile and look ever so calm and beautiful admist all the chaos. I wonder.

She changed me.

She changed my life.

She changed everything.

" Is this your first time seeing a snow fall?" I ask her seeing her watch the snow falling from the sky in awe.

"Yeah and it's.. Its.. Beautiful, don't you think so " She smiles like a sweet angel.

Amirah, adored the snow, all the more when it was falling.

That was the one of the most pivotal moment in my life. The moment I realised, I was falling in love with her.

My Amirah....

If you loved it please add the book to your library guys.

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