
Purity Of Heart

Collection of poems dedicated to Lord Krsna and His Hladini Potency, Srimati Radharani. Please, don't compare them to ordinary romantic couple. They're divine. Everything about Them is divine. If you want to know more about who's Krsna and who's Srimati Radharani, well, I've explained it a bit in the first chapter! Thank you for choosing to read my poems!

RadhaKrsna · Lịch sử
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93 Chs

The Depth Of My Love

It's there, I am just afraid to show!

I have seen, but I am just too slow!

To realize the depth

Of the love that I have for You.

I am simply too coward to grow,

In my spiritual love for Thou.

Oh Madhava! Please blow

Your attraction in my heart's core:

So that I can glow.

Wanna see Your Lotus Hands:

That I will adore for eternity.

Oh Sweet Krsna! Right now I can only bow

At your wondrously sweet flute,

Which is adorned with serenity.