Do I really?
No, I don't!
Perhaps I do!
O no I don't!
You see my Lord?
This is what has been going on.
Whenever I try to think,
Whether I love You or not
And this is what has been going on!
And I'm always bewildered,
Upon whether I love You or not?
The reason my Lord:
If I did love You the way I should,
I would've been crying for You,
Danced in Your holy name!
With hairs standing on the end;
I would've been searching for You,
Practically everywhere!
Crying and rolling on the ground,
Even in the harsh rain;
I would've been so restless,
Without You!
Yet so satisfied,
Because of Your transcendental game;
I would've been sacrificing everything,
Every practical attachment indeed;
I would've been chanting Your holy name,
As if its the sweetest one indeed:
Sweeter than every practical sweet,
Taking it all in,
As if You're dancing upon my tongue:
With Your eternal beloved.
I would've been dreaming,
Seeing and feeling,
Crying and laughing,
Dancing and singing,
In Your separation,
I would've been wait desperately for You.
But the sad truth is,
I don't do any of above.
And that's why my sweet Lord,
I'm still bewildered,
About the eternal fact:
That whether I love You or not.