
Psycho Girlfriend

Immediately her thought went wild, imagining how it will feel if he had her in his arms or... . . . "Why the fuck are you so interested in her when there are loads of girls from wealthy homes that can benefit our company?", Ryan asked "Funny, you want to know the reason I want her?", he scoffed as he asked and Ryan nodded, then he continued, "She's got everything I want in a lady and she's your fucking step sister!", he dropped the bomb he's been avoiding . . . Read with me to unravel the history between the lady and Ryan.

Star_bucks07 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs


"I've already analyzed the people for the project of Linjet Company and they are good to go", Ryan Sydney said to his mum. " Yeah, I can see you're doing a great job at the company boy, unlike someone who's wasting his life", she rolls her eyes at the figure standing at the kitchen door. "We don't have to do this again, mum. Ryan is my cousin and he'd do anything to please you". " So you're not interested in pleasing me?", Rose Sydney asked. "That's not it mum...", Rose cuts in " Oh then, what is it?" "I don't know mum", the figure replied, he continued, " I'd like to assume my post as the CEO". Ryan scoffed and replied, "Bro, if I can remember clearly, you signed a three months leave for vacation and we're still in the middle of the contract, and it seems you're impatient". The figure smiled and sat beside him " The contract can be dismissed right?". "Hell No!... It has legal bindings and there's a penalty to it if you decide to breach the contract, Mr man!", the figure turned to Rose, " Isn't it just 30 million dollars?" "Oh for fuck sake! What has gotten into your head, young man!". Ryan stood up and sat beside Rose, "Its okay mum, bro ain't that serious with it and even if he is, I won't allow... You should know me". Rose sighed and leaned into Ryan's chest. The figure smiled, " You know I love you mum". "If you love me, you'd do my biddings, young man... Ryan is getting married in less than two months, what about you?". The figure smirked, " I'm busy with our enemies", he stood up, pecked his mum and patted his cousin on the back and left.

"What a pathetic excuse he gives every time", she said worriedly and continued, "He's 28 and no girlfriend yet, are you sure he's not gay?". "No mum!!!... He's straight, he just needs time to pick his perfect woman like I did... I started my search early so I was able to get my woman at 24... Don't worry mum, he'll make you proud soon". " Are you sure Ryan?", Rose said. "Yes mum, let's go to bed", he assisted her up and led her to her room before he retired to his mum. He laid on his bed, brought out his phone to call the love of his life, " Hey shawty"...

The Figure On The Other Hand

He got out of his car and entered the exclusive bar, he sat at the corner of the bar where his face will not be in the open, the bartender attended to him and he sat back to enjoy his drink coupled with loud music, it helps him relax. Then he sighted her came in, she walked to the corner he was and sat in front of him, "Having a bad time?", she asked, he smiled and turned away from him, "Heyyy!!!, I'm talking to you!", then she turned to call the bartender and was served a bottle of beer, she turned to him, "Don't you talk?" "Can you keep quiet, woman?", he asked. " Don't be so hard, we can start by getting to know each other... I'm Isabelle Mayor, a newly employed at the Sydney Construction Company", she laughed out loud and she said, "I got a good catch", she pulled out her tongue. He shifted uncontrollably in his seat and said to himself, " Does she know what she's doing to me?". She walked to his front and said, "Tell me the hell about yourself". She grabbed her bottle of beer and drank directly from it, "You won't talk? Alright, I'll tell you about myself then". She took a long drag from the bottle almost emptying it and cleared her throat. She began...