

"Hi, my name is Liam... Nice to meet you", Liam said looking at the lady seated beside him. After a few seconds not getting reply from the lady, he retracted his hand that was stretched out to shake her. He spoke again "Hello, I'm talking to you as I'd like to gain your attention".

"Oh my, the fuck!!!... Can't you keep to your fucking self!!!", the lady replied frustratedly. Then a woman in her mid fifties came out giving Liam a stern look, almost immediately, he stood up with both hands in the air saying "Oh, I give up". He entered the elevator with the woman and signalled "my eyes are on you" to the lady before the door closes.

"What an insane world that we are", she rolled her eyes and her name was called by the receptionist "Miss Isabelle Mayor!". She replied and walked to her "Yes ma'am". The receptionist smiled sweetly and said, "You'll be meeting the CEO now, please take the elevator to the first floor". "Thank you ma'am", she smiled and left.

After few minutes, the elevator dinged and opened to a well arranged and beautiful lobby, she was still admiring the surrounding when someone diverted her attention by clapping, she turned and saw the guy from earlier. "Are you lost or admiring the surrounding?", Liam asked. She swayed her hips and stopped in front of him, "That should be the least of your problem now because once I secured my job here, you're going to be dead... Have I made myself clear? Now get the hell out of my way", she moved past him to the CEO's door, knocked and entered. " She'll be interesting", he smacked his lips and left


"Please, have your seat ma'am", He said smiling, he continued, " Your interview was a success which is why you were called back today... Oh well, I've got a good news for you", she smiled and tears dropped from her eyes, "No need to shed tears milady, your performance was outstanding among others, you outshined others so you're qualified for the position of the Personal Assistance of the CEO". He stood up, stretched his hands and shakes her which she accepted wholeheartedly. "You'll be deposited with a sum of a million dollar to prepare yourself to start work next week and before then, with this, meet with the receptionist for your car... You're welcome to Sydney Construction Company", he smiled and sit back. She jumped up squealing, " I've made it!!!... I made momma proud!!!", she turned to the CEO and bowed slightly, "Thank you very much sir for giving me this rare opportunity, I'll do my very best in this company... Thank you sir". Meanwhile someone was outside listening to the whole conversation before leaving. The CEO gave her an envelope before leaving.

She got home with the car and entered the house, her mum gave her a peck and hugged her " How was it, Belle baby?" "Guess what momma", She said smiling. Her mum had a confused look on the face, " Can you just spill the bean, I'm way more curious here miss". "Oh okay, to save ya the stress... I got it nailed momma... I got the job!!!". Both screamed with joy, " We're gonna paint the town red tonight". "No Belle, I'm happy but I won't discuss that with you... I'm a mum for crying out loud". Belle sighed and said " Mum, you're still 42, let's just move on... Life goes on woman! You're still young... You can get married again... You need it mama". "I won't have this conversation with you, young lady", her mum said and left the room for her. She shouted after her mum, " I'll check on you when its time to chill out!!!".

Use of strong language.

Not suitable for people under 18.

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