
PSI Mercs

The planetary government hired inface company to investigate an incident at the Aural Research station on Fionah. These are no ordinary mercenaries, they have PSI abilities, Telekinetics, and military training. When they arrive at the station, all seem calm and desolate, only to learn they have to contend with cybernetic threats, abominations, monstrosities, and dealing with the infection that turns humans into horrific monsters. Will they survive despite being outnumbered and dealing with an enemy that is a step ahead of them?

LelandLL · Võ hiệp
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46 Chs

Chapter 1: Arrived at Fionah

    In the year of 28XX, near the planet's orbit, the mercenary company known as Inface Company was led by one of their founders and leader, Mark Avery Fozen. They are here on a job where they head to the planet below. If they complete the job, they would pay them 1.2 million in credits. Their motto on a job: Staring death in the face, facing him together as brothers & sisters in arms.

"Okay Ladies!" Mark says to his crew. "We will land soon, our objectives are clear: get the research data & rescue any survivors we can find." He pauses, "I will say it again, we are getting the research data and rescue any survivors. That is it, Line up!" he shouted.

Mark walks over to join his crew, who salute him as he gets near and stops next to his son, Skip.

"Son, this is your time to shine and show off what you've learned. I hope you're ready to put your powers to use."

"Yes, sir! I look forward to proving myself! I'll show you that I can do this." Skip said.

"You are the tech support of the team, I don't need you to overdo it." He said to him as he stepped closer. "You're my son, I want us coming back home in one piece."

"I know... Sir." Skip said while saluting. Mark continued to walk over to Joe Barneck, who was preparing his equipment for a fight.

"Boss! I am ready and loaded for a fight. Say the word, man!" he said with a grin on his face.

"If we are lucky, we won't need to blow things up!" Mark smiled, "That why I need you to be ready for anything, you'll get your chance." he moved on to Victor who is in his meditation trance, levitating objects around him, covering himself in ice.

"Boss!" He said while still in a trance.

He decided not to bother him further and moved on to Sakura, who smiled at him and saluted.

"Good to have you with us, Ms. Song." Mark nods in approval. Sakura nods back at him, making it clear she is ready.

Next, he also checks on Jenny, whom she practices her punches with her fists blazing, preparing herself.

"I take it as you are up to the task since we will be landing soon."

"I know, Boss. I thought I wanted to get warmed up for this before we land." She said while getting ready for the mission.

"You can warp reality, cast magical spells and hell... even move the fucking earth. You are one of the most powerful members of my crew," he said. "The reason you are my second in command because the team knows that you will keep them alive on every mission." He said. "And they know that you got their backs as well on whatever happens."

She stopped for a moment and turned to face Mark. "Remember that Salamander spell that I cast during our last mission?" She said with a smile.

"Hostila... Tambien dien to..." She chanted while raising arms as flames sprouted from the ground... "Enpala Gregas sol!!" She shouted as the flame dragon rose from the earth and surged through the enemy hostiles.

"Or the time you let down an fucking hurricane as the size of Kansas?" he responded.

"Antitla anchata to..." she raises her arms in the sky and the clouds turned dark. "Mauta Nemva!" she punched the ground that brought a tornado that decimates the enemy's turrets and guns.

"Guys, we are approaching orbit!" Skip said as the team descended on the planet.

"Team! We are going to have a rough ride so strap in! This is going to be quick!" Mark said as she sat in the cockpit seat.

Planet of Fionah

After landing on the planet's atmosphere and checking the oxygen levels to ensure that it is safe to breathe as before leaving the ship. Mark made sure that his crew has prepared and armed themselves before they headed out.

It surprised the team when they were taking in the natural beauty of the planet with its Fauna and ingenious plant life, taking it in stride. Mark smiled for the first time that he was not on a planet where he had to deal with hostile wildfire. He lamented that his wife would love to see his amazing view of the bed of flowers.

Mark Avery Fozen, Age 53, Male, has a PSI-Level of 4. His skills are Leadership, Financial skills, Advanced Hand to hand combat, Marksmanship, Telekinesis. His weapon Speciality is Pistols, Revolvers, Dual-wielding, Throwing Knives. His PSI Power is Psycho-Kinesis (Psionic Manipulation). His role on the team is Leader.

"Sir?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, it was Jenny's. "Enjoying the flowers?"

"Yeah, why? You don't like flowers?" He said.

"I'm not a big fan of them, but I noticed you enjoyed the view."

"Yeah, we'll head on the station tomorrow. Come, we need to give the team a debrief." He said before taking another look at the field of flowers and headed back to the campsite.

Nightly Debriefing

"Here are the objectives. Team." Mark looks at them before continuing, as they have done this many times. "We're heading into the research station to get their research data and rescue to any survivors we find." he exclaimed, then turn to Sakura, "Sakura, any reports during your scouting?" he asked.

Sakura used sign language: During my exploration, I searched for hostiles in the area or survivors that we can guide back to the ship. I do not see any so far and there nothing that would block our entrance into the vicinity.

She looked at Mark: Sir?

"Yes, Miss Song?"

She signed: Do you think they would be survivors there? What if what they say is true...

"Then we hope that we don't run into any of them, Sakura." He shakes off the thought, "I am no stranger to virus outbreaks or AI going rogue trying to kill all humanity."

She bows her head: I hope we won't encounter these monstrosities, it would be the last thing we want to deal with them

"Yeah, well. I hope we won't have to deal with that kind of shit, team," he stated.

Arrival at Aural Research Station

"Here we are, Aural Station," Victor said while looking at the place.

As they walked into the research station, they recalled during their trek saw creatures that were docile and friendly, some of them avoided them as they moved.

Inside the Aural Abandoned station, there are some charred corpses, some of them fresh. But they also came across some past mercenary teams who tried but failed to proceed further, Skip noticed some laser marks. He knows is it not the work of a creature but something or someone has eliminated their targets with brutal efficiency.

"Whoever did this, be must be efficient at their job," Skip stated,

Author notes

This is a team that has a Leader, Tech Support, Heavy Gunner,  Swordsman, Scout that can be a juggernaut, and Powerful Mage & Realty warper in their arsenal.

Do you think this would be simple- Get the data and rescue Survivors type of job?

LelandLLcreators' thoughts