
PSI Mercs

The planetary government hired inface company to investigate an incident at the Aural Research station on Fionah. These are no ordinary mercenaries, they have PSI abilities, Telekinetics, and military training. When they arrive at the station, all seem calm and desolate, only to learn they have to contend with cybernetic threats, abominations, monstrosities, and dealing with the infection that turns humans into horrific monsters. Will they survive despite being outnumbered and dealing with an enemy that is a step ahead of them?

LelandLL · Action
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46 Chs

Past- Creation of the Company

Creation of Inface Company

It started after Mark left the military with an honorable discharge after his tour of duty. He and his old military buddy, Max Teller, founded the company. They named it "Inface Company" since they are risking their lives to earn a living. Max was charismatic and knows how to navigate the water with the "man in suits" as he called them while he was more comfortable on the field than in an office.

They took part in several jobs ranging from assisting PSI operatives, protecting important individuals, dealing with terrorists, criminals to be security detail. One day, all that changed when they took a contract job with Marancorp to be the personal bodyguards of a CEO.

Mark despised the idea and opted to sit this one out, Max insisted however that the client wanted to see him in person despite his disgust for politics. He met with the CEO personally, which he never trusted the man since he was a sleazeball who smiled in his face and plans to go back on his word in the name of the Almighty Dollar. Max talked him into working with their client for a time, despite his reservations.

However, during that job, Max gave his life to defend the CEO when an assassin tried to kill them during broad daylight. The man shows little gratitude not caring at all that he died and it devastated Mark which he lost a brother in arms.

Infuriated by the ungrateful CEO and reeling from his Max's Death, he ended the contract despite the consequences of doing so. He punched the CEO in the face which in retaliation; the man had made sure that his reputation would be ruined, making it nearly impossible for Mark to find work with another client.

With his rep destroyed and no clients after that incident, Mark was closing up shop. By chance, he met future comrade Joe Barneck when he came to apply for work. Despite his insistence that the company is defunct, he eventually remains open for business.

From there, he hired Sakura, Victor, and Jenny to be a part of his crew. Later he brought his son into the mercenary business. They became well known as a small group of 6 mercenaries for taking up jobs from the Government & Military sectors.