

what will happen when a lion falls in love with a lamb??..what will happen when an extremely hot-tempered scientist falls in love with his insanely beautiful assistant?? he is like a fireball and she is like an ice cube.is it really possible for two completely opposite people to fall in love?? Christopher stone is a 29-year-old young scientist who left all his inheritance and CEO's position in his father's business empire for his research and lives on a remote island. This young genius is considered the god of science and worshiped by many science students. but he has only one problem, that is his anger management issues. Erika is a 21-year-old sweet science student and a big fan of Christopher stone who dreams to work in Christopher's team and learn from the science god himself. what will happen when Erika finally gets the chance to work with her idol Christopher stone only to find out that he hired her as a personal cook but not as his team member. read on to find out the sweet love story of a hot-tempered scientist and his cool assistant:)

dacy100 · Hiện thực
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34 Chs


Erika pov

I woke up to some sweet music and the mouth-watering aroma of coffee, I opened my eyes and saw myself lying on a large king-sized bed with black silk sheets, I got up and observed the room, there are big windows with dark silk curtains and small indoor plants placed everywhere, there are so many big fat books lying here and there, it's little messy but beautiful.

Wait a minute..this is not my room!! immediately I have checked my clothes, I am wearing the same clothes from yesterday, huhh..thank god I didn't do anything stupid at least I thought and looked around the room, I am in Mr.stone's house judging by the view outside but this room is not familiar.

I have cleaned all rooms in this house except for..for..Mr.Stone's room, so am I in his room?? Oh god..oh god, he will definitely fire me after what I have done yesterday if he sees me in his room...I have to leave right away I thought and got up but stayed back looking around my Idol's room,huhh...if he really fires me today I would never get the chance to see my Idol's room, so I will just utilize this chance and look around a little bit.

Mr.Stone's room has a more masculine touch to it, even though it's well designed there are books everywhere which made it look a little messy, I got up from the bed and felt a little dizzy, I walked towards the window with a beautiful view of the garden outside, Mr.Stone's garden is really unique and beautiful, it has so many collections of plants all over the world, unfortunately, I never got the chance to walk in it since he never lets anyone to enter his garden, he takes care of it all by himself, I wonder what's so special about it.

I have picked few books from the floor and placed them on the table while doing that I found a wallet on the floor, I picked it up and saw a beautiful woman's photograph in it, her eyes looked a little familiar, who is she?? its definitely not caroline's photograph so why Mr.Stone carrying this woman's photograph in his wallet?? is she the reason why Mr.Stone doesn't want to marry Caroline??

ugh this is so confusing, anyway it's none of my concern, I have already caused enough trouble for myself by involving in Mr.Stone's personal matters, I don't want another episode like yesterday, it would be better if I stay out these matters from now onwards.

But why am I in his room?? I can't remember anything from last night, all I could remember was cleaning Mr.Stone's office with the workers, then I remembered Mr.Stone leaving his office angrily yesterday, oh no I should not let him find me in his room now I thought and put his wallet back on the nightstand.

I was about to run out of his room but tripped, I was about to fall but someone held me from falling, I immediately closed my eyes praying to God to save me because I knew by the fragrance of his perfume that its Mr.Stone, I didn't hear him saying anything for a few seconds so I slowly opened my eyes nervously to see him smiling a little, I also smiled awkwardly with both fear and nervousness.

He looked into my eyes for a few seconds with some unknown emotion and immediately left me like I am some disease, almost making me fall again, but I managed to balance myself and stepped away from him because I too want to stay away from him.

"I...I am sorry sir, I don't know how.."I was about to explain myself but stopped not knowing what to say and lowered my head looking here and there, my legs started shaking remembering his warning yesterday.

"How's your arm??" he asked me, I didn't realize that I was wounded until he asked me, so I just nodded my head and said "it's fine sir, I am sorry about yesterday, I promise that I would never interfere in your matters again, please don't kick me out "

He immediately turned to the other side and didn't say anything for a sec, he must be really angry with me I guess, will he ask me to leave?? I was afraid to listen to his reply then he sighed a little and said"fine then since you know that you were wrong I will forgive you this one time, go and eat something" with that he went inside his room and closed the door.

whoa...that's easy, I thought he would say something rude like always, anyways I am saved this time, I have to be really careful next time I thought and went to the kitchen, there was coffee, pancakes, fruits on the table, I didn't think much and immediately dig in since I was hungry, after eating everything I remembered Mr.Stone, did he prepare this breakfast for himself?? I should better go back to my room before he finds out that I ate his breakfast.

I went back to my room and took a shower and changed into my pajamas, I lied on my bed thinking about yesterday's events, I felt like I was selfish for trying to interfere in Mr.stone's life for my own interests, Ms.Steele was right, he is not a kind of person who would accept anyone in his team, I have to work hard and earn my place, yes...I will work hard from today onwards I thought.

suddenly I felt pain all over my arm, I took a tablet and slept for some time, while sleeping I felt like someone caressing my head, it felt so good, I dreamt of the wildflowers field I have seen before when I was on my way to the herbal market with Mr.Stone, in my dream I saw the strange guy who saved me from the accident standing on the field, all I could see were his brown fierce eyes looking in my way, I walked towards him and about to remove his mask but someone woke me up.

I opened my eyes and saw Ms.Steele, she was looking at me with concern, she smiled and asked "Hello..Erika, how are you feeling now, do you feel any pain??" she asked checking my bandage, I shook my head in a no and said, "I felt pain earlier so I took a tablet and slept, now I am ok I guess".

"That's good, I will change your bandage tomorrow, don't forget to take those tablets after lunch and dinner" she said and got up.

"umm..Ms.Steele do you know how I got here yesterday?? I..I don't remember anything" I asked nervously at which she smiled a little and said" why don't you ask Mr.Stone, one more thing he asked me to tell you that you don't have to go to work today" with that she left leaving me confused.

Did Mr.Stone brought me here?? huhh... how do I ask him? he is so scary..I am more scared of him after yesterday's episode, I will think about this matter later, I don't wanna irritate him more, I have to concentrate on my project for now, since I got time today I will go to the library and check the books Daniel referred to me before.

I wore a loose white tank top and grey track pants, left my hair open since Mr.Stone isn't at home I can be free I thought and went to the library, its really huge I must say there are hundreds of books, even though I came here before to clean I didn't notice much, most of them were related to plant science and herbology.

I took the books I needed and my notebook to write down important points, I sat near a window and opened the curtains, there's this beautiful view of woods nearby and the sounds of birds, I opened the book and started reading and writing down some points, all the while I felt like someone was watching me, but I ignored and continued with my studying, I felt little hungry after some time so I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich.

I came back to the library with my sandwich and noticed some other books on the table along with the books I have brought earlier, who put these books here?? did I bring them here before?? huhh maybe I brought them here before and forgot I thought and resumed studying while eating my sandwich, I was so involved in my book that I forgot to notice the time, when I looked around it was already dark.

I looked around the huge library and remembered Mr.Stone telling me that his cook disappeared suddenly, what if he died and became a ghost and haunting this house?? I stood up holding the book tightly and looked around nervously, suddenly a man started walking towards me from the other side of the library, that's it I screamed with fear, and the man started running towards me, I screamed more and then he held my hand, that's it all the blood drained from my face with fear.