

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The Masked Man.

(Police Officer's Wife POV)

It was already sleeping hours and my husband, Destry was sleeping beside me.

I again feel reassured at the fact that we have installed the security devices, even though Destry kept telling me that the Phantom can just turn them off. I don't doubt him but it is still better to have something rather than nothing. That was my argument to which Destry relented and agreed.

As I thought about the security devices, that strange man with formal attire came to my mind. I naturally know about these people who install security devices and I also know they have no dress code. They only show their ID cards as proof when visiting clients. But that guy was wearing a formal suit and I felt like he was trying to impersonate the CEO of a company or something.

What was even more infuriating was that he kept asking me whether I was sure to install the emergency alarm in the bedroom as if he was mocking my husband for being incompetent in bedroom arts.

I grit my teeth in frustration but it was true that even though I have deep orgasms with Destry, I don't go crazy.

Ahhhh! I hate him. What am I thinking?

And even now, when Destry came back and we did it, I felt satisfied but in the corner of my mind, I could still see that guy's mocking face looking over Destry with contempt over the fact that he didn't make me go crazy where I abandon my rationality and blurt out words that I shouldn't during my state of ecstasy.


I sighed as I felt my throat dry.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when suddenly, my leg bumped on something.

I looked down and focused my vision on the ground. I saw a wallet. I picked it up and checked the contents which made my brows scrunch in even more annoyance.

"This guy..." I muttered under my breath. I could see his number on the card.

Should I just leave it? He might come back looking for it and I could just give it to him at that time.

But as the wife of a Police officer, such an attitude doesn't suit me.

Even though I don't like him, ID cards are still essential and he will have to go through a lot of trouble if he couldn't find them back.

As I was thinking about what to do with this wallet, I had already drank water and went back to the bedroom.

"Hmm? Ren?" Destry looks at me with sleepy eyes.

A brilliant idea came to mind.

Alternatively, I could give it Destry who could deal with it efficiently.

But at the same time, I don't want him to meet Destry. That guy might even laugh at his face if Destry tells him that he is my husband. Destry will naturally be curious about why that guy is laughing at him and would ask further questions that might make him lose his self-esteem.

There is law, but no law for making fun of an officer unless the person seriously abuses a Police officer on duty.


I swiftly slid the wallet under my pillow.

"Nothing honey. I was a little thirsty."

He nodded slightly and didn't pay any attention.

I'll call him tomorrow.



It has been so long since the incident that I think the news about two people dying instead of three might have been a trap.

Otherwise, they would have tried to ambush me by now.

I lay on my bed while thinking about various things.

Hurray! It is a holiday today, plus the fact that I don't have to worry about that incident anymore is another plus point.

I look at my phone, waiting for a certain someone.

I have nothing to do on my days off so I laze around. But lately, I have been thinking to earn more money...

I am thinking of uploading my hunting spree online...

Companies don't care and sponsor wherever they can get an audience and I will be able to earn a hefty amount.

Many would think why would companies sponsor a murderer? What about their shareholders who may lose faith in the 'clean image' of the company?

This is a profit-based civilization and killing outside the city is allowed and nobody, not even Police will help you. You are on your own in the wilderness.

Killing inside the city is strictly prohibited.

Thus there are almost no crimes inside the city as many try to settle their difference on the outside.

This is where I come in. A person who is willing to take the risks... Companies would love me.

Tring! Tring!

I look towards my phone and it seems like someone is calling me...


A small imperceptible smirk formed on my face.


Vivid and dazzling neon tube lights make me squint my eyes. The aphrodisiac-like scent enters my nostrils as I see small groups here and there, some smoking, while others passing syringes and small pouches with orange powder in them.

It is easy to describe where I am, but the person coming to see me doesn't know.

On the map, this area is known as a shopping district but the reality is something else. The government also doesn't care as long as nobody does anything illegal inside the safe zones, that is, the city. Naturally, most kinds of drugs are legal. Some severe ones have been banned and Police would usually stroll in these areas once in a while to check things up.

I lean against the walls of a shop that sells adult toys opposite a gigantic 69-story building. It is a unique shop and I could see several luxury cars moving towards the underground parking areas of this store.

It is one of those recently opened stores that gained a ton of popularity and even Nye was suggesting it to me.

I look at big neon letters that hung just above the massive entry doors of the building,


This is the peak of technology.

It has been opened by a private company after several controversies surrounding it, but in the end, the government approved.

As I look around for the person I am waiting for, I see a pretty lady coming towards me with a slight disgust on her face.

Of course, this is not a place where a married woman, from a respectable family, would show her face.

I started walking up to her upon seeing her. I raised my hand to get her attention and she looked towards me.

She is wearing an off-shoulder dress with a floral pattern with high heels. Her three eyes are looking at me with even more anger than I sensed yesterday, but it's fine.

As a professional, I am supposed to soak up all the anger of my clients with an executive-like smile on my face.

"Thank you so much, ma'am!" I bowed upon receiving my wallet from her dainty hands.

It was fun to see her reaction as she looked at the building across the street. A huge tinge of red, blushing cheeks, with both fury and embarrassment. Cute.

It was my idea to bring her here and I am glad my plan is working as I intended it to be.

At first, she asked me to come to her apartment but I apologetically refused and made up an excuse that I had a part-time job in this 'shopping district', and I wouldn't be able to find time to visit her.

Then, very carefully, I thought of an 'idea on the spot' and asked her to come to find me if she has enough time, to which she surprisingly agreed without any prompting.

I guess her fear of me meeting her husband and making fun of him has reached a new level that she just wanted me to stay away from her house and husband.

"Hmph," She snorted lightly, "How careless of you." At this point, I am sure she is just releasing the built-up anger but it's fine. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

"I know. I am sorry ma'am for bringing any inconvenience to you." I bowed again. I tried to look for a way to diffuse the situation as I decided to propose something, "In return for your humbleness, I will help with the maintenance of the security devices at your apartment for free for the next 3 times."

"Huh?" She looked at me with a dumbfounded look, her brows raised.

No employee will be willing to work unless contracted by the company. Each regular maintenance check-up that we do adds money to our final salary. Although we have a minimum fixed amount, the more we are active, the better it is. But here I am offering her to help personally without any payment. She must be slightly surprised but as a professional, I could not display the grin trying to creep up my face.

I tilt my head as I asked in a worried tone, "Are you okay ma'am?"

She broke out of her stupor and denied, "There is no need! You don't need to work for free."

She must have thought I was selfish and arrogant from my previous display of attitude. That explains her dumbfounded look.

But as a professional, I have various personalities since I have to entertain a wide variety of clients.

At this point, I don't even know what my real personality is...


Used to be...

My lips curled up naturally.