What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.
A puff of smoke escaped my mouth as I shook the cigarette in between my index and middle finger, sprinkling the ash in the swift breeze of the cold air.
Moon is always beautiful but it is something that is desired by many people, albeit unattainable.
I swing my dangling legs from the rooftop of an 85-story building as I sat at the very edge while basking in the radiance of the glowing celestial body.
I think I should just jump.
My entire body will be crushed from this height. Bones will be protruded out and blood will be splashed everywhere. If I can time it perfectly then I might be able to land with my head first... So pretty!
I am not a masochist but the thought of doing something that gives me chills is so thrilling...
I am also not suicidal, it's just curiosity... What comes after death?
As I was having exciting thoughts, my mood was ruined by a loud shriek
Frustration builds up in my heart with a swirling rage that wouldn't subside as long as I don't eliminate the root of the problem.
I got up, threw the cigarette on the street below.
Hopefully, it will land on some random passerby's head and ruin his mood too.
A distinctive shrill ee-oo-ee-oo sound entered my senses and I knew it was the arrival of the Police.
I don't get along with the Police...
Even then... the thought of punishing them who ruined my mood before the Police arrives...was stimulating.
It's like a race against time... Exciting.
Heh. A low chuckle escaped my lips while my tongue crawls over them.
[Lunatic's Phantom], A unique skill that I developed after years of training...
My body disintegrates into wisps of embers. My consciousness remains, controlling each particle that is a part of my body. I am still targettable but I gain rapid movement speed and stealth as nobody is dumb enough to focus on particles that look like dust.
Unfortunately, Police know about my [Lunatic's Phantom] and it is dangerous to use when Police are nearby. And right now...they are closing up towards this location.
This is exhilarating.
I can't use this skill in public too as it was widely publicized when I did something dangerous a couple of years ago, imprinting my presence as a 'Phantom' in the hearts of the public.
Luckily, only my weird transformation was leaked and not my real body.
Like the cool breeze, the ashes of my body flew through the air, entering the slightly opened window on the 72nd floor.
As my body reformed in the corner of the room where the sound originated from, I saw two men panicking.
"Why are the drugs not working?" A man whose appearance I don't give a fuck about yelled at the other.
"I-I don't know!" The other, probably alarmed by the approaching siren, agitated in a wobbly tone while trying to restrain a woman, or rather a girl, tied up on the bed.
Before they could argue any further, I coughed lightly to gather their attention.
"Hello." I gave a professional smile while stretching the black leather gloves on my hands.
The room was dimly lit, but I am sure they could see my appearance but I don't care.
"I am what they call 'Cancer'. Nice to meet you."
A polite bow will help them relax in this tense situation.
As I lifted myself to look at the two men, frozen in fear, I tilted my head in confusion.
What? Are you not happy with my name?
I follow their gaze, which is slightly towards my left foot...
Oh. They must be thinking what are those strange particles? I guess the wind was too harsh during my journey from the rooftop till here and some embers are still in the process of joining back to my body.
I waited a few seconds and called back all the fragments and finally my leg reformed.
Now there shouldn't be any problem...
A cheerful, executive-like smile stretched across my lips as I lifted my gaze.
A foul, putrid stench entered my nostrils that made my mood worse, but I kept my professional smile.
Being professional helps you to achieve high-quality results while impressing and inspiring others - and feeling good about yourself. So, I can't drop my professionalism in the middle of my job.
It's bad manners to pee in the open.
I think I need to teach you two a lesson, but unfortunately, I am restrained on time.
I lower my stance, strengthening my body with magicules, my left foot swipes slightly backward.
I don't need to use skills or magic to defeat these low-level mobs who use drugs to get into the pants of a woman.
Where is the fun if you can't even tame a girl and just do the deed using cheap tricks like drugs? As a professional, it hurts my pride to see such pathetic wastrels.
With a rapid thrust, I closed the distance between the one whose appearance I don't care about and pounded my fist into his face.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Three strong punches in quick successions, deforming his face inwardly and damaging his brain directly before he could even react.
A quick follow-up kick to the man on the bed, as he flew up in the air, like a broken doll from the sheer force of my kick. I swiftly turned on my heels, as I rammed another kick on his head, breaking his neck.
Plop! Plop!
Both of them fell to the ground like sacks of poignant flesh.
I turn to the tied-up girl on the bed.
Shivering slightly, she couldn't say anything since a piece of cloth was strapped to her mouth. How cute.
They must have tied her after she shouted so loudly...
Her azure eyes met mine... A trace of fear and regret. She twitched... probably from fright. Adorable!
She is beautiful...
I wish I had more time...
"As a professional, I can't let loose ends live." My smile never falter and my eyes didn't lie,
"Those who see my face when I am working must die."
I crouched near the bed and put my hand on her bosom, "You are beautiful, and I would love to steal your heart..."
As I said this, my strengthened claws dug through her clothes and skin, as blood poured everywhere.
She writhed violently from the excruciating pain, as I forcefully break her ribcage, and extract the red warm organ, still beating...
I stood up with the stolen heart and turn around without paying attention to the wriggling flesh behind me.
Tasty as always. Home-made, warm, and inviting. Delicious!
Raw, thick metal-like blood entered my throat, as I savored and chewed on the fleshly organ.
Truly appetizing and a succulent dish.
As I quickly finished my meal, I heard the ee-oo-ee-oo sounds again.
Hmm... Having a meal during working hours is a no-no.
I approached the door of the apartment with hurried steps.
I can't just go outside with CCTV cameras constantly monitoring each and every corner of the city...
Police also have special powers and they could track me down if I leave too many clues behind. But as a professional, I never leave anything for those morons, except for that one time when I messed up and revealed my [Phantom Transformation] to the world.
A smirk crept up my face, with all the white teeth, stained with vermillion blood on exhibition.
[WickedSpectra]- Magicules converted to a particular wavelength that disrupts the devices I am familiar with like CCTVs escape from my body.
I can't do the same to Police as I never get a chance to examine their equipment and the same goes for various other technological appliances all over the world.
But CCTVs are my specialty.
Zap! Zap!
All the CCTVs in and around the building go offline for a few seconds. I can't keep it up for more than a few seconds and I have to make it count as I also have a limited amount of magicules in my body until they recover naturally.
I look at the door of the apartment in front of me.
I chuckle.
This is also my specialty.
The automatic door of the apartment slid open as I walked out with confident steps.
Taking the elevator is no good, so I choose the staircase.
While walking downstairs, I cleaned my clothes with a quick thought.
As I approached the lobby of the building, a frown formed on my face.
My brows creased a little as several police officers pointed rifles at me.
The rifles are magically enchanted and I would die for sure if I get hit in the vitals.
Yes, I have speed and stealth, but I could still get hit by the rain of bullets and each particle of my body that gets destroyed will become a cut or wound upon reverting if I choose to go into my phantom transformation. If multiple particles of my body get destroyed then I might be seriously injured or even dead.
And on top of that, these officers are not normal mob-level characters that I disciplined a while ago.
Raising my arms, I walk forward with 'anxiousness' written all over my face.