
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Khoa huyễn
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80 Chs


The countries stability was slowly turning towards chaos with some news on students death inside the school without any reason. The news for some reason were leaked outside to the people. There were people gathering in front of school to protest on the safety of the students. The dictator knew that if he tried to fight back against those people, it would only get worse and the dictator would need to spent more money just to took care of those people. So the dictator thought of a way to made sure those pest be dealt with by just making sure the students were safe and secure. He forced the students to be in the class during work hours listening to classes while the dictator came to the class to took some pictures and trick the pest.

Those pest then went back to their own respective homes. This was the dictator idea of solving this issues. When those pest were at their own homes relaxing or sleeping, the dictator would sent hitman to murder them in their sleep. This would not only saves the dictator a lot of money, but also was a really efficient way to made sure those pest wouldn't be disturbing the country social stability.

During those time, the dictator thought of an idea to keep the people in check. He thought of an idea that each person would had a social point. And if the points were to be going in the negative, those people would be either thrown into a labor camp or be executed publicly. This would emit fear towards the people which would made sure the dictator would never be thrown out of the office. So he thought of a way to monitor the people easily when he found an idea to use a watch that could calculate the people social points.

The dictator would be investing a lot of money just to made sure the watch would worked. He bought some children through dark web and then used them for experiments. Those children would try to use the watch and if it explode, the dictator could just use another children. And if it worked, it would cost the dictator less money than if he would use the slow and safe way to test the watch.