
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

black mountain

As Liang got closer, he realized that they were all fellow disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect from, he could tell their clothes.

"Thank you, but we are fine we returned from black mountain,", One of them, a young woman with a determined look on her face, spoke up. "Are you heading to Black Mountain too?"

Liang Wei nodded. "Yes, I am. I've taken on a few missions there."

The woman smiled. "Good luck to you then. We just returned from the mountain ourselves. It was quite the experience."

Another disciple, a young man with a confident air, chimed in. "Indeed. We found some great treasures and even managed to capture a rare beast."

Liang Wei's eyes widened. "Really? What kind of treasures did you find?"

The woman shook her head. "Sorry, we can't reveal too much. It's against the rules of the sect. But I will say that there are many surprises to be found on Black Mountain."

The group continued to chat for a few more minutes, exchanging tips and advice on how to best tackle the challenges of the mountain. Liang Wei was grateful for the conversation and the chance to connect with his fellow disciples.

As they parted ways, Liang Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

"They are just like me, left behind by their pairs," Liang Wei thought. heavenly sword Sect accepts new disciples every year, and talented dispels go to the inner sect within one year by reaching the foundation-building realm.

If dispels don't reach the foundation-building realm in a year, it becomes extremely difficult for other disciples in the outer sect, They need to clear a difficult mission to get into the inner sect after reaching the foundation-building realm.

Heavenly sword Sect is not strict with their new disciple recruitment, which is why Liang Wei's family was able to get him into the sect by bribing an elder with sprite stones. but the inner sect is different this is where the sect's real cultivation recourse lies.

"I won't become like them with the Problem Creating System, I will reach the foundation-building realm within a year and defeat Zhang Hong", Liang Wei promised himself.

As he walked further up the path, he noticed that the terrain was becoming more rugged. The trees were thinner and the ground was rocky. He could see the outline of Black Mountain looming in the distance.

He picked up his pace and soon reached the base of the mountain. The air was cooler here, and he could feel a sense of energy emanating from the mountain. He knew that he had to be careful as he ventured to the mountain.

Liang Wei walked to the town near Black Mountain and showed his missions to an elder of the sect. The elder carefully examined his missions and nodded, giving him a special token that would allow him to enter Black Mountain.

"Be careful, young disciple," the elder warned. "Black Mountain can be dangerous for those who are not prepared."

Liang Wei thanked the elder and made his way to the base of Black Mountain, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As he began to ascend the mountain, he saw many other sect disciples also making their way up, some alone and others in groups.

Black Mountain is controlled by the Heavenly sword sect without the sect's permission no one is allowed to enter the mountain. around the black mountain, sect disciples are always guarding for regularity.

Liang Wei searched the lower slopes of the mountain for sprite grass, but his efforts were in vain. He searched for several hours, but all he found were a few wild beasts that he dispatched quickly with his sword.

Frustrated and tired, he decided to take a break and rest for a while. He sat down on a nearby rock and looked out at the beautiful view of the surrounding scenery. As he rested, he noticed a group of cultivators walking towards him. They were all wearing different colors of clothing, indicating that they were disciples of different sects.

Rough cultivators and other sect disciples are allowed to enter as they sprite stones and a certain percentage of their gains.

Curious, Liang Wei stood up and walked towards them. As they approached, he could see that they were a friendly group and they greeted him warmly.

"Hello there! Are you also here to search for the Spirit Flowers?" asked one of the disciples.

"Yes, I am," replied Liang Wei. "But I have not been able to find any sprite grass so far."

"Don't worry," said another disciple. "It can be difficult to find at times. But keep searching, and you will eventually find what you are looking for, but saying that, lower slabs have been cleaned up long ago you should go higher"

They continued to chat for a while, sharing their experiences and techniques for cultivation. Liang Wei found it refreshing to talk to other cultivators and learn from their experiences.

Liang Wei thanked them for their advice and continued on his way. He soon reached other lower slopes of the mountain, where he was met by another group of disciples.

"Looking for Sprite Grass?" one of them asked, eyeing the empty sack that Liang Wei was carrying.

"Yes, I am," Liang Wei replied.

"Well, good luck with that," another disciple laughed. "The lower slopes have been cleaned out long ago."

Undeterred, Liang Wei continued to climb the mountain. He encountered several beasts on the way, but he managed to avoid them and continue on his journey.

Finally, he reached higher slopes of the mountain. The scenery was breathtaking, but Liang Wei was focused on his mission. He scanned the area for Sprite Grass, and after several hours of searching, he finally found some.

As he was about to collect it, a group of outer Sect disciples appeared out of nowhere. They too were looking for Sprite Grass, and they didn't take kindly to Liang Wei's presence.

"Back off, trash," one of them growled.

Liang Wei stood his ground. "I'm just here to collect some Sprite Grass for a mission. I mean no harm."

"Those are mine, get lost", the disciple from the sect had also been eyeing the same patch of sprite grass and demanded that Liang Wei leave.

"I found them first, those are yours if your mom planted them,", Liang Wei refused and told him that he had found them first. ' this disciple is at the fifth stage of Qi refinement realm and has such cocky expression on his face'. Liang Wei though.

fifth stage disciple stepped forward, holding his sword in anger. "you! I think it's time to teach you a lesson ,kid."

Liang Wei readied himself, his body tense and ready to fight. The fifth stage disciple charged forward, his sword aimed at Liang Wei's face. Liang Wei quickly dodged, and the two began to exchange blows. The sound of their sword colliding echoed through the mountain.

As they fought, Liang Wei began to notice a pattern in the fifth stage disciple's movements. He realized that the disciple relied too much on his physical strength and was neglecting his defense. Liang Wei took advantage of this and landed a swift strike to the disciple's stomach, sending him flying back several feet.

The fifth-stage disciple struggled to get up, but Liang Wei was already on top of him, pinning him down with his sword, "You can get up now. Do you still want to fight?"

"How? You are only at the third stage how can you be so strong", fifth-stage disciple was surprised.

Liang Wei pressed his sword on the fifth-stage disciple's stomach.

fifth stage disciple shook his head, gasping for air. "I give up. Take the sprite grass."

Liang Wei got up and brushed off his clothes. He looked at the fifth stage disciple with a hint of pity. "You should focus on improving your cultivation instead of picking on new disciples"

fifth stage disciple "yes! yes!"

"Now give me your sack of herbs",said Liang Wei pointing at his sack which seems pretty full.

"WHAT?", the fifth stage disciple SHOUTED. the sack had all the sprite grass he collected for days.

"you just tried to take my sprite grass, did you think I would let you go so easily?", Liang Wei asked. He stepped forward. fifth stage disciple panicked and quickly throw the sack at Liang Wei.

"Good boy", Liang Wei smiled. he was really pissed at this fifth-stage disciple for showing such arrogance without the strength to back it up.

"Can I go now?", the fifth stage disciple asked, this is the rule of the cultivation world, if you lose you lose everything. "sigh!"

"Do you have anything, else of value?", Liang Wei looked at his sword and other things he had.

"You are going too far, I didn't lose to you in an official dual, you can't take my sword.", the fifth stage disciple shouted holding his sword hard, afraid Liang Wei will take it.

"Relax, I just asking if have anything else, besides, who would need to take your basic sword?", Liang Wei said but he really wanted to take the sword, he could get 20+sprite stones for it. He is a broke man with 40 sprite stones in debt.

"Okay, You can go.", Liang Wei said reluctantly. fifth stage disciple runs off in embarrassment.

Liang Wei opens the sack and became shocked.

. . . . . .

Heavenly Sword Sect uniform:

Outer Sect Disciples:

Male: Light blue robe with a white sash

Female: Light green robe with a white sash

Inner Sect Disciples:

Male: Dark blue robe with a gold sash

Female: Dark green robe with a gold sash

Core Sect Disciples:

Male: Black robe with a red sash

Female: Red robe with a black sash

Outer Sect Elders:

Male: White robe with a light blue sash

Female: White robe with a light green sash

Inner Sect Elders:

Male: Gold robe with a dark blue sash

Female: Gold robe with a dark green sash

Core Sect Elders:

Male: Red robe with a black sash

Female: Black robe with a red sash