
Princess of Magic, Where Love and Magic Collide

Rielen, a gifted mage chosen by the Autra Kingdom, is torn away from her family, childhood friend Eon, and the comfort of her hometown to serve her kingdom. Just as despair threatens to consume her, a glimmer of hope emerges when she discovers that Eon has also made his way to the kingdom's service. However, their reunion is short-lived, as the oppressive rules of the Academy and the limitations placed on female mages stifle their dreams. Determined to break free from societal constraints and fight for her independence, Rielen embarks on a quest that leads her to uncover the startling truth about her world and the imminent peril it faces. The spirit realm is on the brink of extinction, and it is Rielen who has been chosen as its savior. Forming a sacred contract with the spirits, she assumes the responsibility of preserving their realm. But the challenges that await Rielen are immense. A mysterious organization poses a threat, testing her resilience and pushing her to her limits. As the new leader of her Kingdom, she must navigate numerous trials while simultaneously grappling with her complex relationship with Eon. Their connection is put to the ultimate test as they face danger, political intrigue, and personal sacrifices in their shared journey. In this captivating tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery, Rielen's destiny unfolds before her as she rises to the role thrust upon her. With the spirit world's fate hanging in the balance, she must navigate the treacherous path of leadership, confront the enigmatic organization, and come to terms with the complexities of her own heart. Along the way, she uncovers the true power within her and discovers that the fate of her Kingdom and her love for Eon are deeply intertwined. [Special Thanks to KatStrat93 & RedPandaChick for editing and proofreading this work!] Discord Link: https://discord.gg/3AgVEvvrbK

DarkElven6 · Kỳ huyễn
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147 Chs

Chapter Eight

Dinner seemed even more animated than the day before. It seemed the boys were excited about something. 

They were so excited, it seemed, the small table of girls was ignored. Even the girls looked curious, wondering what event they had missed.

Grend stood at the top of the Dining Hall as usual, and food appeared once again. Rielen decided that it would just be best to continue with her meal. 

Thankfully, no more food mishaps happened; they left quietly from the dining hall as if they were never really there to start with. 

Rielen glanced over the tables, and her eyes came across a very familiar set of eyes. Eon. 

She was pulled from the room before she could get his attention. He was surrounded by boys who were excitedly talking to him. 

She had to remember to breathe again. 

"Are you ok, Rielen?" Trina asked as the girls walked to the East Wing. 

Rielen just nodded. 

'How was he here?' 

There was not supposed to be another selection until Winter. The promise he made warmed Rielen's heart. 

She wondered, was it safe to daydream about a future with him again? The separation between the boys and the girls was tremendous here. 

How was she to see him again? How is her heart supposed to cope with this development?

Rielen's bookshelf was piled with books now. She noticed some new additions from this afternoon. 

Math, Grammar, etc... It seemed there were other subjects to be learned other than magic. 

'What is Magic Geometry?' she sighed. It seemed she had her work cut out for her. 

'I cannot think of Eon now. The fastest way to see him must be finishing my studies. I am sure to have some free time then.' 

She spent the rest of her night pouring through the books that had been assigned to her.

Eon's POV

"I have been selected." Her eyes filled with tears as she ran away from him. 

His heart was broken. He couldn't even run after her. There was nothing he could say to that. 

Nothing he could do to bring her back to him. It was like the breath was knocked out of him. 

She was the only girl in the entirety of Vale who he got along with. 

The way she ran away from him. The sunlight hitting her beautiful blonde-brown curls as her laughter filled the air like music. 

His favorite activity was searching the river for stones to give to her as gifts. 

She would always smile perfectly with each small gift he gave. The rest of the boys couldn't understand why he would rather spend his time with her than playing leg ball with them. 

He just couldn't explain the effect she had on him. Even the teases from his own Mother didn't deter him.

He had made a decision that night, and came to her as her family was gathered to celebrate the occasion. 

"I will find you again, I promise." 

He didn't know how he was going to keep that promise, but he must. 

The thought of losing her was too much. It was like the world didn't make sense without her in it. 

His Father had an old book about magic in the attic. He climbed up the ladder and dusted it off. 

Rielen's father had taught them both how to read and write when they were younger. His father would work all day in the fields, so there was no time to teach Eon. 

He wasn't even sure if his father could read. It was a skill that he never mentioned to his parents before. 

Every night, he would go up to read this book in secret. His father said that the stuff in the attic was best left forgotten. 

Something pulled him to read it, though. He had never thought to put into practice what the book said to produce magic. 

He more than likely thought it was like a children's book full of made up stories. If it was so easy to produce magic, why didn't everyone have it?

Eon began to meditate, like the book taught him. It took most of the night, but he began to feel what the book described as Mana in his stomach. 

It was a flashing light blue feeling. He pulled the Mana to his hand as the book described.

His hand started glowing with the color he felt within himself. Amazement filled his thoughts. 

'I can follow her,'

The exhaustion hit him hard. When he woke, he was in his bed, and the doctor was examining him. 

"Is she already gone?" His Mother's face was grim. 

"She left at the first bell." He tried to push himself up, but was too weak. 

"I don't see anything physically wrong with him. Tell me, boy, what were you doing in the attic?" The doctor looked him in the eyes. 

"I was practicing magic." Eon replied weakly. 

His mother gasped and immediately called for the magistrate. One from his household immediately descended upon Eon's home, and he was tested. 

The stones that had seemed regular before had finally shone for him. He smiled as they began making arrangements to escort him to the capital. He was going to be with her again. Any pain was worth seeing her smiling face again.


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Eon is finally making a comeback!

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