
prince of dreams

This story about an normaly young man who, unlike other heroes, had no tragedy, sorrow, love failure or any other great misfortune. He just wasn't happy, he didn't know when it started, but one day he wouldn't be satisfied with anything or anyone... . Days passed and the young man's life became more and more colorless. The young man grew more isolated every day. He was searching for the light of hope but found himself engulfed in the deep darkness of despair. However, one day, the young man came across a strange thing that forever altered his life. Is this change a blessing or a curse?. . One day, an ordinary otaku named Ethan comes across something strange: a poll where people create a character for a game or a novel by dividing points and penalties Ethan participated in the survey out of boredom; he participated, but the survey was not just a simple survey; Ethan really entered another world. Of course, this is not a problem; it is even a good thing. The problem is Ethan's choice of penalty. The unwanted son of the world's enemy!! (-__-) . . . (English is not my native language; please excuse the small writer with your greatness.)

serenitywarrior · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs

without pain

 In the realm of the dark and rainy forest, the raindrops gently lift the leaves of the trees and the soft sound of the feet walking on the soil brings restlessness and secrets to the humid air of the forest. The sound of howling wolves in this dark and rainy atmosphere is scary, but it still carries a sense of unknown sadness. This contrast between fear and sadness in the forest creates a strange and unexpected harmony.

 The forest, with its rough and wild nature, may seem to only inspire fear and menace. But this sense of sadness that is winding through the air of the forest shows another depth. That sadness can be caused by the bitterness that exists in this harsh environment for animals, or maybe by a dark and unfortunate event that the forest is forced to see and feel as a witness and a secret.

Ethan was again in an unfamiliar place. When he raised his head again like a repeated cliché, the feeling of fear, threat, and also a hidden sadness behind the weight of the forest filled his existence, Ethan had no idea about how to induce emotions. He was not familiar with the new environment, he was confused and scared.

 Etan was slowly examining the new environment he was transferred to. Nothing was visible except the tree. In addition to the howling of the wolf, Etan could also hear the sound of a number of people walking not far away. had learned only theoretically, he moved towards the sounds.


 While Ethan cautiously approached the sound of the human gathering, he had not forgotten to check the surroundings; in fact, apart from the sound of wolves coming from far away, there shouldn't be anything dangerous around here, but anyway, this is the forest. And after the recent events of the coordinates, Ethan does not even know what world he is in.

 The more Ethan thinks, the more things don't seem right, the rain is pouring down, the howling of the wind is heard, the rustling of the leaves, and even the wind hitting Etan's old, torn, and wet clothes, why are the old and wet clothes wet? So why am I... is it raining on me? So why do I...


Abtan trembled, and his mind was pulled out of the truth that he had touched.

 The voice of a tired middle-aged man, with a sense of hidden terror in it, and panting while rolling in the dirt, was heard saying:

"I swear... I'm gasping for breath... I didn't tell anyone"

The voice of another middle-aged man who was accompanied by violence:

"Kill him Ronald"

A middle-aged man rolled over with a wet face and a pleading tone:

"No!...Please, Deputy, please tell the boss I didn't say it, Gasp."

The other man or Ronald:

"I have known my leader since childhood...

"Shut up, kill him or I'll burn your pair"

A muffled voice, but obviously from anger

As soon as Ethan heard the first word kill, he sat behind a big girl with a little bush around and held his breath.

He also thought that:

This voice sounds familiar

What was that?

Hmmmmm... Oh!

It is true that the violent man must be in the first transfer.

wait !!





The object fell to the ground.

Blood flowed to the ground.



As it should be...

Cut off his head and bring it as an example to others.

A gruff voice with a hint of satisfaction:


A middle-aged man with a strangely dry stubble said

The violent man snorted and left.

The middle-aged man was leaving and putting the last nail in the coffin of his long-time friendship; all his attention was on the lips of this old friend, who whispered at the last time.

"Be careful...big brother. He's crazy...

... ...



Ethan thought.

Hmmm, who would have thought that slave owners would have feelings in a parallel world, indeed, anything is possible in a parallel world.


parallel world ?! Why are these two presidents and vice presidents in a parallel world? Is it a joke from fate?


Something is wrong here!

Not getting wet with water, inducing the feelings of the environment, getting hit without pain, feeling logic despite the lack of logic...

Parallel world... poll... score... penalty and skill...


pir... pirn


"Die here with my old friend, little mouse."

The middle-aged man with a stubble said with empty eyes and then

He whispered: He was afraid of being alone since he was a child.

Looking at the large hole in the middle of his stomach but feeling no pain and still the cancellation of sadness around him, Ethan muttered before sinking back into the darkness.

Prince of...dreams



An old wooden room with a number of beds in rows next to each other and the sounds of snoring


was hit

Seeing his face turn red and only having a burning feeling and not inducing feelings from the environment, Etan noticed and whispered:

Ha... Prince of Dreams



Ethan was lost in thought, Ethan's thoughts were full of confusion, but two repeated words with the names

Dreams and profits are constantly repeated.


